ACN Chapter 3 - Part 2 Notes
ACN Chapter 3 - Part 2 Notes
ACN Chapter 3 - Part 2 Notes
The "Advanced Computer Network" subject in a diploma or engineering program typically covers in-
depth topics related to computer networking. The curriculum aims to provide students with a
comprehensive understanding of advanced networking concepts, protocols, and technologies.
Chapters / Syllabus
2. Next Generation IP
( Part 2 )
The Distance Vector Routing Algorithm is a method used by routers (devices that direct network
traffic) to figure out the best path to send data across a network.
1. Routing Table:
o Each router maintains a routing table. The table lists all the destinations it
knows, the cost to reach each destination, and the next hop (the neighboring
router to which it should forward the packet).
• If the newly calculated distance is shorter than the current distance in the routing
table, the router updates its table.
• Over time, routers will exchange enough information that every router knows the best
route to every destination. This is known as the network converging.
• A <-> B (cost = 1)
• A <-> C (cost = 3)
At the start, each router only knows the cost to its directly connected neighbors:
After the exchange of routing tables, the final routing tables would look like this:
Router B:
Router C:
Router D:
1. Slow Convergence:
o It takes time for the routers to exchange enough information to ensure all
routes are updated, especially in larger networks.
2. Count-to-Infinity Problem:
• Split Horizon: A technique to prevent a router from sending information back to the
router from which it learned it, helping to prevent loops.
• Route Poisoning: A router marks a route as unreachable by setting the distance to
infinity if a link goes down, which helps other routers quickly learn that the route is
no longer available.
• Link State Routing: An alternative approach where each router has a complete map
of the network and calculates the shortest path using algorithms like Dijkstra’s.