While attuned to Grand Chariot, your Dexterity score Attacks done with this longsword have a +3 bonus to attack
increases by 4, to a maximum of 30 and your AC becomes 16 and damage. It has the versatile property, dealing 1d8 (1d10)
+ your Dexterity modifier. Additionally, you gain advantage on slashing damage.
Dexterity checks and Dexterity savings throws. You can also If a creature is hit with this blade while below half of its hit
use the following features. point maximum, it must make a Constitution Saving Throw
Grand Fall: As one of your attacks, you can attempt to leap with a DC of 12. On a failed save, the target takes 1d8 poison
and fall on a target. Make a melee attack using your Dexterity damage. If a creature fails two of these Saving Throws within
modifier (you are proficient on this attack). On a hit, you deal 24 hours, it dies.
3d6 + your dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage. If you roll
a 1 on your attack roll, you take that damage instead. Trump card:
Wingless Flight: As an action, you can cast the fly spell Murasame's trump card strengthens its user with the power of
without any components, but targeting only yourself. You can its poisonous curse, allowing it to exceed its own limits, but
use this feature up to three times per long rest. putting incredible strain on its body. Such effect is known as
Little War Horn.
As a bonus action, Murasame's user can activate this trump
card by cutting itself with it, taking 1 point of slashing
damage. While Little War Horn is active, the user's
movement speed is doubled and does not provoke opportunity
attacks. Additionally, each time the user takes an Attack
action, or attacks using its Reaction, it can make one
additional attack.
This effect lasts for one minute, and ends early if the user
becomes unconscious. When the effect of Little War Horn
ends, the wielder of the blade is stunned for 1d4 rounds.
Once this effect has been used, it cannot be used again for
seven days.
Attunning to a Teigu
Because of their legendary origin, attuning to a
Teigu is not the same as attuning to a regular magic
item, requiring a special condition to be met or a
specific ritual to be followed. Because of their
immense power, a person may only be attuned to
one Teigu at a time.
See the end of this document for all attunement
requirements and rituals.
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March of the Dead: Yatsufusa Demon God Manifestation: Demon’s
Weapon (+3 longsword), legendary (requires attunement by Extract:
completing the Ritual of Undeath). Potion, legendary (requires completing the Ritual of the
Demon God).
Imbued with ancient necromantic magic, this powerful
Katana links itself to the bodies and souls of its victims, giving One of the first Teigu ever created, this vial of a dark bluish
its wielder control over its enemies. liquid was extracted from one of the most dangerous mortal
entities that roamed the earth in ancient times. Once it is
Attacks done with this longsword have a +3 bonus to attack
consumed, it bonds with the creature that ingested it, turning
and damage. It has the versatile property, dealing 1d8 (1d10)
them into its vessel until death.
slashing damage. When a large or smaller creature is slain
using this weapon, you can use your bonus action to link that While being Demon's Extract's vessel, a strange symbol
creature to the sword. You can link up to 8 creatures. While appears on the creature’s chest, which can’t be removed. Your
there are creatures linked to the sword, you can raise them Wisdom score increases by four, to a maximum of 30.
following these rules: If its current vessel dies, Demon’s Extract can be obtained
Raising Undead. As an action, you may raise the corpses of again by filling a vial of the vessel’s blood. When done, the
all creatures linked to the sword. They must be within 120ft to blood turns the same dark blue tint.
do so. They maintain all physical and mental statistics and Being the vessel also provides the following feature:
their personality but are loyal to you. Also, the first time they Winter Sorcery. You gain the spellcasting feature and can
are raised, they have all their hit points. These creatures are
cast spells from the winter sorcery list a number of times as
considered undead. If dismissed and raised again, they raise indicated on the list. Your spellcasting ability is Wisdom. If
with the remaining hit points and current conditions they had
you can already cast spells, you use your current spellcasting
when dismissed. All undead remain raised until they drop to 0 ability instead.
hit points, are dismissed, or are farther than 120ft from
For spellcaster classes: You have the following spells
Yatsufusa. Once raised, the same undead cannot be raised
always prepared and they don’t count against the number of
again for 24 hours.
spells you can prepare each day. If you have a spell that does
Commanding Undead. As a bonus action, you can give a not appear on your class’ spell list, that spell can be cast using
command to each undead raised by Yatsufusa's effect this feature, but not using your class granted spell slots.
independently. The raised creature follows your commands
Cantrip (level 0) spells cast using this feature are cast at
until completed, given a different command, dismissed or
your current character level. All other spells cast using this
dropped to 0 hit points. If no command is given, they will only
feature are cast at its lowest level.
defend themselves from hostile creatures.
Dismissing Undead. As a bonus action, you can dismiss At will: frostbite*, ray of frost
any number of undead raised by Yatsufusa's effect. Dismissed 3/day: armor of agathys, ice knife*
undead will either drop to the floor, unmoving, or return to a 2/day: cone of cold, hunger of hadar, ice storm
specified location within 120ft (your choice). If your specified 1/day: investiture of ice*, wall of ice
location is farther than 120ft, the undead will attempt to get
as close a possible before dropping to the floor. If dismissed *Source: Elemental Evil Player's Companion
and raised again, they will raise with the remaining hit points
and current conditions they had when dismissed.
Trump Card:
Using energy coming from the coldest sections of the Hells,
Maintaining your puppets is mentally taxing and requires for Demon’s Extract allows its vessel temporarily stop time to
you to keep a level of sanity. Each time you take damage while escape danger or gain advantage in a battle, this effect is
Undead are Raised, make a Wisdom Saving Throw, on a fail, known as Mahapadma.
all raised undead are dismissed. Use the following table to As an action, you can invoke the cold of Mahapadma and
determine this Wisdom saving throw's DC, based on how temporarily stop the flow of time for everyone but yourself, as
many undead are raised at the moment. if you have used the time stop spell.
No time passes for other creatures, while you take 1d6+1
Raised Undead Savings Throw DC
turns in a row, during which you can use Actions and move as
1 10 normal. Unlike the time stop spell, the actions you use and
effects you create during this period can affect other creatures
2-4 15
and objects worn or carried by other creatures, but
5-7 20 Mahapadma ends early if you move to a place more than
8 25 1,000 feet from the location where you invoked it.
Additionally, creatures for which the flow of time has
stopped automatically fail Dexterity saving throws. Once you
have used this feature, it cannot be used again for 7 days.
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A dome made of thread is created with a radius of 30ft
Infinite Uses: Cross Tail
centered on yourself. This dome behaves as if it was created
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by
by the wall of force spell. When invoked, creatures that you
completing the Trial of the Threads of Ancient)
choose within the radius of the dome are pushed outside of it.
Versatile as they are dangerous, Cross Tail's threads were If a creature is pushed to the outside of the dome, it must
created from the body hair of powerful dragon-like beasts that make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC of 20, taking 4d8
lived in the Eastern region's mountains, high among the force damage on a fail and half as much on a success. If the
clouds. Cross Tail is attached to a pair of gauntlets, with a saving throw is failed, the creature is knocked prone.
feeder on each of them. Spells with an area of effect cannot pass through the dome.
If a creature inside the dome is targeted by a magic missile
While attuned to Cross Tail, your Intelligence score increases spell, a line spell, or a spell that requires a ranged Attack roll
by four, to a maximum of 30. You can also use the following cast from outside the dome, roll a d6. On a 1 to 5, the target is
features: unaffected. On a 6, the target is unaffected, and the effect is
String of Many Weapons. As a bonus action, you can have reflected back at the caster as though it originated from the
the threads of Cross Tail rearrange themselves and transform target, turning the caster into the target.
into one two-handed melee weapon or two one-handed melee This effect lasts for one minute. Once you have used this
weapons. Weapons created with this feature grant a +3 bonus feature, it cannot be used again for 7 days.
to attacks and damage and are considered magical. Weapon
proficiency rules apply as normal. If the created Weapon
The King Of Beasts Transformation:
leaves your grasp, it returns to your hand at the end of your Lionelle
turn. Wondrous Item (belt), legendary (requires attunement by
Once per attack, if you hit a creature with a weapon created completing the Trial of the Savage).
using this feature, you can choose to attempt to grapple them
Crafted in the depths of the most dangerous jungles known to
with the string, after dealing damage. Make a contested
man, this belt has been infused with the strength and
grapple check using your Intelligence. (For Grapple rules, see
resiliense of the most powerful savage beasts, instantly
PHB page 195: Combat).
increasing one's physical strength and abilities.
If a creature is grappled in this manner, the weapon is
dismissed. While attuned to Lionelle, your Strength and Constitution
Guided projectile. As a bonus action, you can attach the scores increase by two each, to a maximum of 30. You also
strings to one weapon you are wielding that has the thrown gain the following features:
property to help you guide your attack. When you make an Feral Senses. Your senses are heightened, granting you
attack using a weapon attached to Cross Tail using this uncanny reaction times. If you are surprised at the beginning
feature, you can use your Intelligence modifier for the attack of combat and aren’t incapacitated, you can act normally on
roll instead of the usual Ability. Additionally, at the end of your your first turn. Additionally, you gain advantage on Wisdom
turn, the weapon returns to your hand. (perception) checks.
Life-saving thread. As a bonus action, you can use Cross Predator Brawler. Your increased strength makes you far
Tails to protect you against attacks by wrapping it around your more dangerous when using your fists. When you attack using
torso and limbs. When this feature is active, you gain a +3 an unarmed strike, you deal 1d8 + your strength modifier
bonus to your AC. damage. If you already use a damage die for your unarmed
Additionally, if you are hit with a melee attack while this strike, you instead add 1d4 to your damage roll.
feature is active, you can use your reaction to attempt to
disarm your attacker. Make an Intelligence check contested by Trump card:
the attacker's Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity Lionelle's trump card gives its user the resilience of the most
(Acrobatics) check. If you win the contest, the attacker drops powerful beasts known to man. This skill is known as
its weapon. Regenerator.
As a bonus action, Lionelle's user can activate this trump
Any of these features can be dismissed as a free action. Using
card. While Regenerator is active, the user gains resistance to
one of these features while another feature is active
bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage (this includes
immediately ends the previous feature's effect or effects.
from magical weapons and magical effects) and becomes
immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
Trump Card: Additionally, at the beginning of each of their turns, if not
Cross Tail possesses a set of specially crafted and enchanted unconscious, the user recovers a number of hit points equal to
thread known as Realm-Cutting Thread. 1 hit die + Constitution modifier. During this time, lost body
As an action, you can activate Realm-Cutting Thread and parts can be reattached or even regenerated, if small enough.
cause the following effects: If the user falls unconscious, they are immediately stable. This
effects lasts for one minute.
Once this effect has been used, it cannot be used again for
seven days.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Attuning to a Teigu
ue to their legendary origin and powerful effects, This ritual must be performed at night on an open field or
using a Teigu requires the user to bond with the on a graveyard. The wielder must plant the blade at a spot of
item. Although not sentient, each Teigu has a soft dirt. Immediately after that, a group of undead creatures
distinct personality and values it cherishes. In will rise from the ground, 60ft away from the blade, and will
order to attune to a Teigu, the potential wielder attempt to collect the sword. The sword must be defended for
must appeal to it, otherwise it will not allow it to 1d8 + 2 rounds, without being touched by the wielder. Each
fuse with it. round an undead creature touches the sword, the wielder
The following are not rules set in stone, but mere guidelines must make a Charisma Saving Throw with a DC of 12.
and examples that you can use to allow players to attune to If the Saving Throw is failed, the DC increases by two, to a
each of these items. Feel free to change or waive them maximum of 20 and the number of rounds to defend
completely. increases by one. After three failed Saving Throws, the Ritual
Usually, one creature may only be attuned to one Teigu at a is failed and cannot be attempted for 24 hours.
time, and may only attune to that Teigu. However, feel free to For each new attempt, the DC is reset to its original value. A
change or ignore this rule. creature that has died and has been brought back to life in the
past month has advantage on these Savings Throws.
Ritual of the Cursed Blade: If the sword is successfully defended, it is automatically
This ritual must be completed before being able to wield the
One-Cut Killer Blade Murasame. In order to control the
deadliness granted by its Poison Curse, one must first prove Controlling the Undead
powerful enough to withstand it. While the ritual is not supposed to be deadly, it is
The creature that intends to wield it will have to resist the supposed to be challenging. The undead of this
blade's curse. The way to do so is by being wounded by it. The challenge are aware of their goal, as they are
creature must cut each of its palms, taking 1 point of slashing summoned and controlled by the sword. Keep this
damage and 1d8 poison damage each time. This damage is in mind when controlling them during the ritual.
not reduce nor negated by damage resistance or immunity.
For each time this damage is taken, they must make a
constitution saving throw with a DC of 12. If both saving Running the Ritual
throws are successful, the blade is immediately attuned. If at
When running this ritual for a Player Character, use their
least one saving throw is failed, the ritual fails and cannot be
current level to set an appropriate challenge. It is suggested to
attempted again for 24 hours by any creature.
use low CR creatures such as Zombies, Skeletons or Ghouls,
Each time the ritual is failed, the DC for the constitution in increasing number as per the character's level. If any of
saving throw increases by two, to a maximum of 20. This
them is slain, a new creature will rise to take its spot until the
increase happens regardless of who attempts the ritual.
required rounds are completed.
Although the spawned creatures' main goal is to reach and
Ritual of the Demon’s God. steal the sword, they will retaliate if attacked and will attempt
This ritual must be completed to become the current vessel of to defend the creature closest to the blade.
Demon’s Extract. In order to gain its unrivaled control over The following table shows suggested amounts of creatures
Ice, one must first prove capable of resisting its temptation. to use based on a character's level:
The creature that ingests the liquid immediately takes 7d8
cold damage. This damage is not reduced nor negated by
Character Level # of Creatures
damage resistance or immunity. If this damage does not 1-5 1 - 2 CR 1/2
reduce its hit points to 0, it must then succeed on a Wisdom
6 - 10 2 CR 1 or 4 CR 1/2
saving throw with a DC of 20. On a fail, the creature becomes
controlled by the Demon whose blood was used to create this 11 - 15 4 CR 1 and 2 CR 1/2
extract. Its alignment becomes Chaotic Evil and becomes
16 - 20 4 CR 1 and 8 CR 1/2
obsessed with the destruction of anyone who ever caused it
Keep in mind that this is a solo ritual and a creature's
If the creature succeeds on the saving throw, it immediately
challenge increase the more creatures there are present.
becomes the Demon’s Extract vessel.
Ritual of Undeath:
Wielding the March of the Dead: Yatsufusa means walking a
thin line between life and death. Such boundaries are more
than what good people are willing to risk.
Yatsufusa cannot be attuned to by a creature of good
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Trial of the Savage: Trial of the Threads of Ancient
This trial must be completed before being able to wear The This trial must be completed before being able to attune to
King Of Beasts Transformation: Lionelle. To possess the Infinite Uses: Cross Tail. In order to make full use of these
strength of the Legendary Belt, one must first demonstrate threads, one must demonstrate one's ingenuity and
one's dominance over every and all beasts. intelligence.
Before being able to attune to the belt, the wearer must The trial can be initiated by wearing the gauntlets and
meditate for eight hours while wearing it. Every two hours, invoking it verbally. Immediately, the wearer is mentally
they must make a Wisdom Saving Throw with a DC of 12. If at transported to a 60 ft radius dome made of an indestructible,
least two are succeeded, a vision shows a beast that must be clear, glass-like material and stone floor, its body remains in
defeated by the wearer alone. If three or more are failed, the the same place, incapacitated. While in the dome, the wearer
ritual fails and cannot be attempted again for 24 hours. acts as if they were in it physically.
Each time the ritual is failed, the DC for the Wisdom Saving The dome has no exit or entrances except for a 10 ft wide,
Throw increases by two, to a maximum of 20. This increase 1000 ft deep well in the middle of the dome's floor. The inside
happens regardless of who attempts the ritual. Use the of the dome has four stone pillars, 30 ft away from each other
following table as a guide to determine the appropriate and the center. Each pillar is 20 ft high and has a glyph
challenge rating of the beast they must face. representing a damage type.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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using GM Binder.