Charruauetal 2021 CJS
Charruauetal 2021 CJS
Charruauetal 2021 CJS
The Yucatan Yellow Bat (Vespertilionidae, Rhogeessa aeneus): a New Record for
Banco Chinchorro Atoll, Mexico
2 176
4 authors, including:
Rodrigo García-Morales
Centro del Cambio Global y la Sustentabilidad A.C.
All content following this page was uploaded by Pierre Charruau on 14 June 2021.
The Yucatan Yellow Bat (Vespertilionidae, Rhogeessa aeneus): a New Record for Banco
Chinchorro Atoll, Mexico
Pierre Charruau1,*, David Macías Díaz2,3, Axel Rissac4, and Rodrigo García-Morales1
Centro del Cambio Global y la Sustentabilidad A.C., Villahermosa, Tabasco, México
Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas, Reserva de la Biosfera Banco Chinchorro, Quintana Roo, México
Grupo de Ecología y Conservación de Islas, A.C., Ensenada, Baja California, México
Université de la Réunion, La Réunion, France
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
Abstract—The Yucatan yellow bat (Rhogeessa aeneus) is a poorly known species endemic to the Yu-
catan Peninsula, mainly distributed in tropical forests of the three Mexican states of Campeche, Quintana
Roo, and Yucatan. Here, we report the first record of this species in Cayo Centro, the main cay of Banco
Chinchorro atoll, located in southern Quintana Roo, Mexico, 47 km from the mainland in the Caribbean
Sea. On May 2021, we captured three individuals of R. aeneus on Cayo Centro in a low coastal forest con-
sisting mostly of Bursera simaruba. This is the second species of bat reported for the atoll, and more studies
are needed to further the investigation on the species diversity and status of the populations there.
Banco Chinchorro atoll is located in the Caribbe- al. (2011) and Subconsejo de Bioseguridad Insular de la
an Sea in the south of Quintana Roo state, Mexico, at Reserva de la Biosfera Banco Chinchorro (2018). The
approximately 30 km from the mainland (Instituto Na- objective of this study was then to make a first bat pro-
cional de Ecología 2000). It is a Biosphere Reserve and spective sampling on Cayo Centro to obtain informa-
a RAMSAR site that represents an important center of tion on the species present at Banco Chinchorro.
biodiversity as well as relevance for migratory birds Banco Chinchorro Biosphere Reserve covers
(Instituto Nacional de Ecología 2000; Mackinnon H. 144,360 ha including extensive coral reefs, reef la-
and Acosta Aburto 2003). Scientific research and eco- goons, adjacent oceanic waters, and four islands or cays
nomic activities (e.g. fishing, tourism) are mainly con- (Instituto Nacional de Ecología 2000). Cayo Centro, by
ducted in the reef lagoon and adjacent ocean water of far the largest cay (541 ha), is located at the center of
the atoll, mostly focused on the aquatic ecosystems and the reef lagoon, 47 km from the nearest point on the
their diversity and resources. In contrast, the different mainland. This cay presents four types of halophyte
small islands present in the reserve receive much less or coastal dune vegetation (pioneer vegetation, coast-
attention. Bats in particular have not been studied yet al bush with Pihtecellobium keyense Britton ex Coker
in the area, although they are occasionally observed in (Fabaceae), low coastal forest with Bursera simaruba
the larger cay (Cayo Centro) of the atoll. Although one (L.) Sarg. (Burseraceae), and secondary vegetation),
species has previously been reported for the reserve, no and four types of mangrove including Rhizophora
information about the context of this register is avail- mangle L. (Rhizophoraceae), Avicennia germinans (L.)
able (Cepeda-González et al. 2009). The first mention L. (Acanthaceae), Conocarpus erectus L. (Combreta-
of bats on the atoll is found in the management pro- ceae), and Laguncularia racemosa (L.) C.F. Gaertn.
gram of the reserve, where it is mentioned that an in- (Combretaceae) (Instituto Nacional de Ecología 2000).
dividual was observed on Cayo Centro, but no species The climate of the atoll is warm subhumid, with rains
name is given (Instituto Nacional de Ecología 2000). during summer and winter (Instituto Nacional de
Then, a publication from 2009 mentions the presence Ecología 2000).
of the hairy-legged myotis bat (Vespertilionidae, Myo- We sampled for bats on four nights during May,
tis keaysi J. A. Allen, 1914) on Banco Chinchorro, but 2021; one at the field station of the Comissión Nacion-
without giving a reference to a specific work to obtain al de Areas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP; WGS84,
more information about this record (Cepeda-González 4º12’50.18’’N, 89º39’13.07’’W); one near the station
et al. 2009). Subsequent publications that mention bats on the shore of the largest interior lagoon (Chandes La-
on Banco Chinchorro refer to the Cepeda-González et goon) at the edge of vegetation (Conocarpus erectus;
al. (2009) publication, namely Rodriguez Malagón et WGS84, 4º12’49’’N, 89º39’13.14’’W); and two at the
102 Caribbean Journal of Science [Volume 51
Table 1. Characteristics of three individuals of Rhogeessa aeneus captured in 2021 at Cayo Centro, Banco
Chinchorro atoll. Dash means lack of data.
Date Hour Sex Forearm length (mm) Weight (g) Body length (mm)
May 16 8:00 pm Female 28.0 - 27.0
May 16 8:19 pm Male 28.6 - 36.0
May 20 9:18 pm Female 28.5 5 38.4
2021] Charruau et al.: Rhogeesa aeneus on Banco Chinchorro Atoll 103
Fig. 1. Photographs of the three individuals of Rhogeessa aeneus captured at Cayo Centro, Banco Chinchorro
atoll. Photos by David Macías Díaz and Pierre Charruau.