Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
• Job Tracker– Just like the storage (HDFS), the computation (MapReduce) also
works in a master-slave / master-worker fashion. A Job Tracker node acts as the
Master and is responsible for scheduling / executing Tasks on appropriate nodes,
coordinating the execution of tasks, sending the information for the execution of
tasks, getting the results back after the execution of each task, re-executing the failed
Tasks, and monitors / maintains the overall progress of the Job. Since a Job consists
of multiple Tasks, a Job’s progress depends on the status / progress of Tasks
associated with it. There is only one Job Tracker node per Hadoop Cluster.
• Map() – Map Task in MapReduce is performed using the Map() function. This part
of the MapReduce is responsible for processing one or more chunks of data and
producing the output results.
• Reduce() – The next part / component / stage of the MapReduce programming
model is the Reduce() function. This part of the MapReduce is responsible for
consolidating the results produced by each of the Map() functions/tasks.
• Data Locality – MapReduce tries to place the data and the compute as close as
possible. First, it tries to put the compute on the same node where data resides, if that
cannot be done (due to reasons like compute on that node is down, compute on that
node is performing some other computation, etc.), then it tries to put the compute on
the node nearest to the respective data node(s) which contains the data to be
processed. This feature of MapReduce is “Data Locality”.
The following diagram shows the logical flow of a MapReduce programming model.
Game Example
Say you are processing a large amount of data and trying to find out what percentage of
your user base where talking about games. First, we will identify the keywords which we
are going to map from the data to conclude that it’s something related to games. Next, we
will write a mapping function to identify such patterns in our data. For example, the
keywords can be Gold medals, Bronze medals, Silver medals, Olympic football, basketball,
cricket, etc.
Let us take the following chunks in a big data set and see how to process it.
“Merry Christmas”
In the same way, we can define n number of mapping functions for mapping various words:
“Olympics”, “Gold Medals”, “cricket”, etc.
Reducing Phase – The reducing function will accept the input from all these mappers in
form of key value pair and then processing it. So, input to the reduce function will look like
the following:
reduce (“football”=>2)
reduce (“Olympics”=>3)
Now, getting into a big picture we can write n number of mapper functions here. Let us say
that you want to know who all where wishing each other. In this case you will write a
mapping function to map the words like “Wishing”, “Wish”, “Happy”, “Merry” and then
will write a corresponding reducer function.
Here you will need one function for shuffling which will distinguish between the “games”
and “wishing” keys returned by mappers and will send it to the respective reducer function.
Similarly you may need a function for splitting initially to give inputs to the mapper
functions in form of chunks. The following diagram summarizes the flow of Map reduce
In the above map reduce flow
• The input data can be divided into n number of chunks depending upon the
amount of data and processing capacity of individual unit.
• Next, it is passed to the mapper functions. Please note that all the chunks are
processed simultaneously at the same time, which embraces the parallel
processing of data.
• After that, shuffling happens which leads to aggregation of similar patterns.
• Finally, reducers combine them all to get a consolidated output as per the logic.
• This algorithm embraces scalability as depending on the size of the input data, we
can keep increasing the number of the parallel processing units.
MRUnit allows you to do TDD(Test Driven Development) and write lightweight unit tests
which accommodate Hadoop’s specific architecture and constructs.
Example: We’re processing road surface data used to create maps. The input contains both
linear surfaces and intersections. The mapper takes a collection of these mixed surfaces as
input, discards anything that isn’t a linear road surface, i.e., intersections, and then processes
each road surface and writes it out to HDFS. We can keep count and eventually print out
how many non-road surfaces are inputs. For debugging purposes, we can additionally print
out how many road surfaces were processed.
• The MapReduce application master, which coordinates the tasks running the
MapReduce job. The application master and the MapReduce tasks run in containers
That are scheduled by the resource manager and managed by the node managers.
• The distributed filesystem, which is used for sharing job files between the other entities.
• He distributed filesystem ,which is used for sharing job files between the other entities.
Classic MapReduce
A job run in classic MapReduce is illustrated in Figure 6-1. At the highest level, there are
four independent entities:
• The client, which submits the MapReduce job.
• The jobtracker, which coordinates the job run. The jobtracker is a Java application whose
main class is JobTracker.
• The tasktrackers, which run the tasks that the job has been split into. Tasktrackers are
Java applications whose main class is TaskTracker.
• The distributed filesystem, which is used for sharing job files between the other entities.
Job Initialization:
When the JobTracker receives a call to its submitJob() method, it puts it into an internal
queue from where the job scheduler will pick it up and initialize it. Initialization involves
creating an object to represent the job being run.
To create the list of tasks to run, the job scheduler first retrieves the input splits computed
by the client from the shared filesystem. It then creates one map task for each split.
Task Assignment:
Tasktrackers run a simple loop that periodically sends heartbeat method calls to the
jobtracker. Heartbeats tell the jobtracker that a tasktracker is alive As a part of the heartbeat,
a tasktracker will indicate whether it is ready to run a new task, and if it is, the jobtracker
will llocate it a task, which it communicates to the tasktracker using the heartbeat return
Task Execution:
Now that the tasktracker has been assigned a task, the next step is for it to run the task. First,
it localizes the job JAR by copying it from the shared filesystem to the tasktracker’s
filesystem. It also copies any files needed from the distributed cache by the application to
the local disk. TaskRunner launches a new Java Virtual Machine to run each task in.
Job Completion:
When the jobtracker receives a notification that the last task for a job is complete (this will
be the special job cleanup task), it changes the status for the job to “successful.”
Yet Another Resource Manager takes programming to the next level beyond Java , and
makes it interactive to let another application Hbase, Spark etc. to work on it.Different Yarn
applications can co-exist on the same cluster so MapReduce, Hbase, Spark all can run at the
same time bringing great benefits for manageability and cluster utilization.
Components Of YARN
o Client: For submitting MapReduce jobs.
o Map Reduce Application Master: Checks tasks running the MapReduce job. The
application master and the MapReduce tasks run in containers that are scheduled by
the resource manager, and managed by the node managers.
Benefits of YARN
o Scalability: Map Reduce 1 hits ascalability bottleneck at 4000 nodes and 40000
task, but Yarn is designed for 10,000 nodes and 1 lakh tasks.
o Utiliazation: Node Manager manages a pool of resources, rather than a fixed
number of the designated slots thus increasing the utilization.
o Multitenancy: Different version of MapReduce can run on YARN, which makes the
process of upgrading MapReduce more manageable.
Sort and Shuffle
The sort and shuffle occur on the output of Mapper and before the reducer. When the
Mapper task is complete, the results are sorted by key, partitioned if there are multiple
reducers, and then written to disk. Using the input from each Mapper <k2,v2>, we collect
all the values for each unique key k2. This output from the shuffle phase in the form of <k2,
list(v2)> is sent as input to reducer phase.
MapReduce Types
Mapping is the core technique of processing a list of data elements that come in pairs of
keys and values. The map function applies to individual elements defined as key-value pairs
of a list and produces a new list. The general idea of map and reduce function of Hadoop
can be illustrated as follows:
map: (K1, V1) -> list (K2, V2)
reduce: (K2, list(V2)) -> list (K3, V3)
The input parameters of the key and value pair, represented by K1 and V1 respectively, are
different from the output pair type: K2 and V2. The reduce function accepts the same format
output by the map, but the type of output again of the reduce operation is different: K3 and
V3. The Java API for this is as follows:
void map(K1 key, V1 value, OutputCollector<K2, V2> output, Reporter reporter) throws
public interface Reducer<K2, V2, K3, V3> extends JobConfigurable,Closeable
void reduce(K2 key, Iterator<V2> values,
OutputCollector<K3, V3> output, Reporter reporter)throws
The OutputCollector is the generalized interface of the Map-Reduce framework to facilitate
collection of data output either by the Mapper or the Reducer. These outputs are nothing but
intermediate output of the job. Therefore, they must be parameterized with their types.
The Reporter facilitates the Map-Reduce application to report progress
andupdatecountrsand status information. If, however, the combine function is used, it has
the same form as the reduce function and the output is fed to the reduce function. This may
be illustrated as follows
Note that the combine and reduce functions use the same type, except in the variable names
where K3 is K2 and V3 is V2.
The partition function operates on the intermediate key-value types. It controls the
partitioning of the keys of the intermediate map outputs. The key derives the partition using
a typical hash function. The total number of partitions is the same as the number of reduce
tasks for the job. The partition is determined only by the key ignoring the value.