Drainage Engineering
Drainage Engineering
Drainage Engineering
A large portion of the land that is currently not being cultivated has
problems of waterlogging/ponding and salinity. Drainage is the only way to
reclaim such land.
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Surface Drainage : The removal of excess water from the surface of the
land by diverting it into improved natural or constructed drains.
Within the adhesion of water to the soil during irrigation or otherwise, the
water content of the soil is raised to a state of saturation.
At this point the soil pores are completely filled with water and the soil
contains the maximum possible water content, which thus constitutes the
upper limit of the gravitational water.
It is free water moving through soil by the force of gravity.
Largely found in macropores of soil and very little gravitational water is
available to the plants as it drains rapidly down the water table in all except
the most compact of soils.
It is that water which is not held by the soil but drains out freely
under the influence of gravity.
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Figure 1.2: Diagram representation of soil
water types
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Moisture extraction curves,
also called moisture
characteristic curves, which
are plots of moisture content
Vs moisture tension.
Soil moisture tension depends
on the texture, structure and
other characteristics of the
Figure 1.3 : Typical moisture characteristics curves of clay, silt loam and sand soils
(From USDA, SCS).
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Table 1: Generalized influence of soil separates on other soil properties and
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Field capacity (FC):
Is the amount of water remaining in the soil after the large pores have
Plants continuously take this up until there is no more water available for
crop growth and wilting occurs
Permanent welting point (PWP)
Is the moisture content level at which the plants are water stressed and
irreversibly wilt.
The soil is said to be at the permanent wilting point when plants can no
AW and RAW
pressure potential(𝝋𝒑,+ve/-ve)
The pressure potential is a measure of the positive pressure
potential and is measured in saturated soil conditions.
These forces bind the water to the soil matrix and lower the
The matric potential is a negative pressure and is
measured in unsaturated soil.
Matric potential (𝝋𝒎,-ve)
It was determined by the strength of the attraction of water to the soil
It is the most important part for the unsaturated flow(dry soil)
Water flows from zone of wet soil to zone of dry soil (less negative to more
It is zero for saturated cause ( at and below water table).
The matric potential is a negative pressure and measured in unsaturated
Solute or osmotic pressure (𝝋𝒐,-ve)
Presence of solutes in soil water decreases the potential energy of water in
the soil.
The potential energy of water in the solution is lower than that of pure
It was determined by the concentration of solutes in the soil water.
It is more negative for high solute concentration.
Water moves from zone of low solute to high solute concentration.
Components of Soil Water Potential
Factor affecting
Component name Reference State Sign
Potential Energy
Adsorption of water to soil Matric Potential Free Water neg "-"
Osmotic or Solute
Dissolved solutes Pure Water neg "-"
pos "+"
Elevation in gravitational Gravitational Reference (above ref. elev.) or
field Potential Elevation neg "-"
(below ref. elev.)
pos "+"
Atmospheric (applied pressure) or
Applied pressure Pressure Potential
Pressure neg "-"
(applied suction)
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Darcy‟s Law and Richard‟s Equation
Darcy‟s Law and Richard‟s Equation
A. Darcy‟s Law
Darcy’s law can be Validated for Saturated ,unsaturated and laminar flow
Darcy's law says that the discharge rate q is proportional to the gradient in
hydraulic head and the hydraulic conductivity or
(q = Q/A =-K*⧊h/ ⧊L )
The above equation can also be recast in terms of:
The water volume flux per unit area, Q/A (also called
"Darcy flux" or "Darcy velocity" with units of length
per time):
Richard‟s Equation
Consider a volume element of soil in the shape of cubic parallelepiped
inside a space defined by a set of the rectangular coordinates x, y, z as
shown in the figure below; profe the equation given below using the figure.
dh dh dh dh
K (h) K (h) K (h)( 1) C( h)
dx dx dy dy dz dz dt
This expression is known as Richard’s
Soil Water Movement Above Water Table
The Water Table is the upper surface of the zone of saturation.
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In the field, irrigation water, together with any rainfall ,will be partly stored
on the soil surface and will partly infiltrate into the soil .
If rain or irrigation continues for long periods, pools may form on the soil
This excess water on the soil surface is called ponded water.
and hence, It needs to be removed or drained.
A large portion of the land that is currently not being cultivated has
problems of :
waterlogging and salinity.
Drainage is the only way to reclaim such land.
Land drainage, as a tool to manage groundwater levels, plays an important
role in maintaining and improving crop yields.
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The main objectives of Land drainage includes:
To bring soil moisture down from saturation to field capacity.
At field capacity, air is available to the soil.
Drainage helps to improve soil hydraulic conductivity
Soil structure can collapse under very wet conditions and so
also engineering structures.
In some areas with salt disposition, especially in arid regions,
drainage is used to leach excess salt.
In irrigated areas, drainage is needed due to poor application
efficiency which means that a lot of water is applied.
Drainage can shorten the number of occasions when
cultivation is held up waiting for soil to dry out.
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Drainage to control water ponding
Water ponding:
When rain or irrigation continues, pools may form on the soil
surface, and this excess water needs to be removed.
This standing water on the soil surface is called ponding water.
(Ponding is the accumulation of excess water on the soil surface)
To remove excess (ponding) water from the surface of the land, we
use surface drainage system.
This is normally accomplished by shallow open field drains.
In order to facilitate the flow of excess water towards these open
drains, the field is usually given an artificial slope by means of land
shaping or grading
Surface drainage is the diversion or orderly removal of excess
water from the surface of the land by means of improved
natural or constructed drains.
when necessary by the shaping and grading of land surfaces to
such drains.
Drainage to control waterlogging
When the percolating water reaches that part of the soil which
is saturated with water, the water table will rise.
If the water table reaches the root zone, the plants may suffer,
and The soil has become waterlogged.
Waterlogging: is the accumulation of excess water in the root
zone of the soil.
To remove excess water from the root zone we use subsurface
so that the water table and root zone salinity are controlled.
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Drainage to control salinization
Drainage is needed to remove the excess water and to control
the rise of the Water table.
Even in irrigation water of very good quality there are salts,
thus bringing irrigation water to a field means also bringing
salts to the same field.
The irrigation water is used by the crop or evaporates directly
from the soil. The salts, however, are left behind. This process
is called salinization.
Salinization is the accumulation of soluble salts at the
surface, or at some point below the surface of the soil profile,
to levels at which they have negative effects on plant growth
and/or soils.
To remove salts from the soil, water is used as a vehicle: more
This process, in which the water washes the salts out of the
Otherwise the water table will rise and this will bring the salts
back into the root zone.
Subsurface Drainage
Removal of excess water and dissolved salts from the soil
The excess water from the root zone flows into the open drains.
Buried pipes with openings through which the soil water can enter
The choice between open drains or pipe drains has to be made
at two levels:
For field drains and
For collector drains.
If the field drains are to be pipes, there are still two options for
the collectors:
open drains, so that there is a singular pipe drainage
Pipe drains, so that there is a composite pipe drainage
In a singular pipe drainage system, each field pipe drain
discharges into an open collector drain
a composite system
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Components of a Drainage System
A drainage system has three components:
Field drainage system
An outlet
The drainage water can flow out when the outside water levels
are low.
A pumping station is needed in areas where the water levels in
the drainage system are lower than the water level of the river,
lake or sea.
Surface storage
Agricultural Environmental
Engineering Factors
objectives parameters
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1. Agricultural factors of Drainage
1. Objectives And Effects
Main Objectives of Agricultural Drainage Are:
Prevention or reduction of ponded or waterlogged condition,
Salinity control and
Making new land available for agriculture
Effects of Agricultural Drainage Are:
Reduction of amount of water stored on or in the soil
Discharge of water through the system
2. Field Drainage Systems and Crop Production
Land drainage directly increases yield of crops due to more favorable soil
profile created as a result of drainage.
3. Water Table and Crop Production
Optimum water table depth is required for best soil-water-air
Field crops and vegetables --- Depth between 1.0 & 1.2 m
A good soil structure favours both the soil aeration & storage of
soil water.
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2. Environmental Factors of Drainage
When we introduce drainage system into an area, we are
manipulating the environment
4. Drainable Porosity
Called as effective porosity
It is the volume of water drained (or taken up) by unit volume of
soil when water table drops ( or rises ) over a unit distance
It is related to rate of fall of water table
The quantity of water released by an incremental fall of water table
is equal to the volume of voids are emptied
In general two types of pores exist
capillary or small pores: induce greater holding capacity
(poor drainage in clay soils ) .
No-capillary or large pores-induce drainage and
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Concept of Impermeable Layer
It is a layer of material (such as clay) in an aquifer through which
water does not pass or passes extremely slowly.
The rate at which the open drains should remove water from a
drainage area depends on:
Rainfall and Size of the drainage area
MAR (mm) < 750 750 - 1000 1000-1250 1250-1500 > 1500
In flat land and nearly flat lands that have soils with a low or
medium infiltration capacity, or
As surface drainage is aimed at the orderly removal of excess water from the
land surface, it has its nature and effect on environment of the area.
The design of Surface drainage system has two components
1. Shaping the surface by land forming :defines as “ Changing the micro-
topography of land to meet the requirements of surface drainage or irrigation
The land is ploughed into beds, separated by dead furrows which run
in the direction of prevailing slope.
The water drains from the beds into the dead furrows.
The field drains discharge into field laterals and ultimately to the main
In areas where high ground water level occurs (in rice growing
bedding system is applied to grow vegetables, tree crops & maize
The bed width depends upon the land use (like crop type), slope of the field,
soil permeability, and farming operations.
The length of the bed depends on field conditions and may vary from 100 to
The maximum bed height is 20-40cm.
Table : Recommended bed width
5 to 10 (low) 15-17
10 to 20 (good) 20-30
Limitation of bedding system:
Top soil is moved from the sides of the bed to the middle
Land crowning:
o It is an improved bedding system in which earth moving machinery is
used to make the wider beds of 20 to 30 m.
o Crowning is the process of forming the surface of land into series of broad
low beds separated by parallel field ditches.
2. Land grading:
Land grading for surface drainage consists of forming the land surface by
cutting, filling and smoothing it to predetermined grades, so that each
row or surface slopes to a field drain.
Land grading
3. Land planning:
It is often done after land grading, because irregular micro-topography in a flat
landscape, in combination with heavy soils, can cause severe crop losses.
Land planning is the process of smoothing the land surface to eliminate minor
depressions and irregularities, but without changing the general topography .
In the field, surface drainage systems can have two different layouts:
The random field drainage system, and the parallel field drainage system
1.Crops will be planted in rows & the field surface is shaped into
small furrows.
side slopes be selected such a way that neither cave-in nor slide.
Example 1:
slope of less than 5% has a main drain of 2.5km long with a difference
Once the design discharge has been calculated, the dimensions of the
drains can be determined using the Manning’s Formula.
Higher order canal design should not only depend on the design
discharge, but also on the need to collect water from all lower order
drains. Therefore, the outlets of the minor drains should preferably be
above the design water level of the collecting channel.
Subsurface drainage: aims to control the water table
that can be achieved or controlled by:
Tube well drainage,
Open drains, or
Subsurface drains (pipe drains ….).
There are three main phases in implementation of pipe drainage
Operation & maintenance
Subsurface drainage is used to control the level of groundwater.
As a result air remains in the root zone.
It is accomplished by deep open drains or buried pipe drains
(Horizontal drainage) or by using tube wells (vertical drainage).
Open Drains Pipe Drains
Can receive surface runoff Cause no loss of cultivable land
concrete pipes
plastic pipes
The important criteria for pipe quality and for selection of the most
suitable type of pipe is:
The attraction of the method lies in its low installation costs as compared
with those of pipe drainage.
Mole drainage may be effective in case where pipe drains are physically
not feasible.
Its primary aim is not to control the ground water table, which may be very
deep, but to remove excess water from the field surface or from the top soil,
where it may constitute “Perched Water Table”.
Mole channels are susceptible to deterioration/errosion.
If impervious layer does not coincide with the bottom of the drain,
the flow in the vicinity of drain will be radial & D-F assumption can
not be applied.
Under this condition, Hooghoudt solved the problem by
introducing an imaginary impervious layer to take into account the
extra head loss caused by the radial flow.
Hooghoudt’ Equation:
For determining the spacing of drains is based on the above
Hooghoudt Equation:
Consider a steady state flow to vertically walled open drains
reaching an impervious layer.
According to D-F theory, Darcy equation can be applied to describe the flow of
the ground water (qx):
Through a vertical plane (y)
At a distance (x ) from the ditch:
qx = K y dy/dx……………………….(1)
Where, qx = unit flow rate in the x – direction (m^2 / day)
K = Hydraulic conductivity of the soil (m / day)
y = height of the water table at x (m), Dy/dx = Hydraulic gradient at x
The continuity principle stats that all the water entering the soil in the surface area
midway between the drains, must pass through the vertical plane (y) at distance
( x ) on its way to the drain.
If R is the rate of recharge per unit area, then the flow per unit time through plane
( y ) is:
qx = R(½ L–x)………………..(2)
Where, R = Rate of recharge per unit surface area, m/day
L = Drain spacing, m
Since flow in the above two cases must be equal. Equate the right side of the
equations, then:
K y dy/dx = R (½ L – x)
K y dy = R (½ L – x) dx
The limit of integration of this differential equation is
When x = 0, y = D and when x = ½ L, y = H
Where, D = Elevation of water level in the drain (m)
H = Elevation water table midway between the drains (m)
Integrating the differential equation & substituting the limits
L2 = 4 K (H2 – D2) / R OR
q = R = 4 K (H2– D2) / L2
Where, q = drain discharge (m /day)
(Assume, the Recharge per unit area is equal to drain discharge per unit area.
therefore, q is equated to R).
The above equation is derived by Hooghoudt in 1936, is also known as Donnan
equation (Donnan 1946).
The above equation can be re-written as:
( Since from fig. H – D = h & H + D = 2d + h)
q = 4 K (H + D) (H – D) / L2 = 4 K (2 D + h) ( h ) / L2
q = ( 8 K D h + 4 K h2 ) / L2 …………………(3)
If the soil profile consists of two layers with different hydraulic conductivities
If the drain level is at interface between the soil layers, eq. (3) can be written as:
q = (8 Kb D h + 4 Kt h2) / L2 …………(4)
It has the advantage over the Hooghoudt equation that the interface
between the two layers can be either above or below the drain level.
Where: S2
4k z 8k
2 dh
S = Drain spacing (m)
k1 = Hydraulic conductivity of soil above drain level (m/day)
k2 = Hydraulic conductivity of soil below drain level (m/day)
h = Hydraulic head of maximum groundwater table elevation
above drainage level (m)
q = Discharge requirement expressed in depth of water removal
d = Equivalent depth of substratum below drainage level (m)
2 4 k1 8k 2 dh
z 2
d for 0 D / S 0.3
1 D / S 8 / lnD / ro 3.4
d for D / L 0.3
8 / lnS / ro 1.15
Since d is a function of the unknown drain spacing, S, the
calculation requires several trials to come to the solution.
Sometimes, the spacing of tile drains for homogenous soil may
be found by an approximate equation as follows.
According to Darcy’s law, Q = kiA
Discharge per unit length of the drain passing the section at y,will be:
qy = k(dy/dx)y ………………(x)
But when x =S/2 , qy = 0 and when x= 0, qy = q/2
1 x q
1 1
q q
q1 S 2 x .......... ..... xx
2 2 S / 2 2 S / 2 2S
q 2x2 y2
Sx C
2Sk 2 2
q 2x2 y2
Sx C
2Sk 2 2
When x= 0, y = a. Therefore, C = -a2/2
Substituting for C,
q 2x 2
y a
2 2
2Sk 2 2
Also, when x=S/2, y=b. Thus, finally,
4k 2 2
b a
The layout of pipe drainage system is determined by the drain spacing
along with the consideration of the capacity and length of the drain pipes
for various diameters and slopes.
The amount of water to be conveyed by a pipe drain is from a design
drainage coefficient and the area covered by the pipe. i.e.
Q = Dc.A = Dc.WB
Where, Q = pipe discharge(m3 /d) ; Dc= drainage coefficient (m /d)
A = drainage area (m2); W = width of area to be drained (or
pipe spacing) (m)
B = length of pipe line (m)
But from Manning’s equation, Q = (1/n) R2/3S1/2
For full flow pipe, R = (0.25d2)/(d) = d/4
Therefore, Q = 0.312(1/n)d2.67s1/2)
For selected diameter and slope, Q can be known from eqn.(2) and
Then, the length of the pipe can be known, for pipe spacing obtained
from Hooghoudt equation, using equation (1).
The hydraulic design of drainpipes is based on formulae that relate to:
The discharge of water to the pipe diameter,
The hydraulic roughness of the pipe wall and
The hydraulic gradient.
Different formulae are used for smooth and corrugated pipes.
concrete and pipes are considered hydraulically smooth pipes.
smooth plastic
Their discharge capacities can be calculated from the Darcy-Weisbach
The discharge capacity of corrugated pipes can be calculated from the
Chézy-Manning equation.
In the Chézy-Manning equation, the hydraulic roughness (or ‘friction
resistance’) of the pipe wall is expressed as
Manning’s coefficient, n, or
its reciprocal parameter, kM.
For drainpipes with diameters ranging from 50 to 200mm and small
roughness coefficient n = 0.0143 s m -1/3 or the reciprocal value kM =70 m1/3 s-1
kM-value of larger diameter pipes with large corrugations can be expressed as:
kM = 18.7d 0.21S -0.38
where; d =internal pipe diameter (m) and
S =ditch length(m)
For most pipes with large corrugations, a roughness coefficient
n = 0.02 s m-1/3 (or km = 50 m1/3 s-1) can be accepted.
Transport Vs drainage principle in drainage pipe design
The type of pipe and the hydraulic gradient determine the discharge
capacity of drainpipes (as shown in the next slide, table).
The relation b/n the quantity of soluble salts brought into an
area by the irrigation water and
The quantity removed from the area by the drainage water has
been called “ the Salt Balance “ of the area.
The salt balance in the soil is influenced by the quantity
and quality of irrigation water and the effectiveness of
leaching and drainage.
The salt balance of soil is expressed by the following
ViCi+Sm– VdCd +Sp- Sc=0
Vi = Volume of irrigation Water
Ci =Salt content of irrigation water
Sm = amount of salt dissolved from soil minerals
Vd = Volume of drainage water
Cd = Salt content of drainage water
Sp = Amount of salt precipitated over the soil surface
Sc = The amount salt removed by the crop
If Dd &Di are volumes per unit area of equivalent depths
of drainage and irrigation waters respectively, the above
equation may be written as
Dd/Di=Ci /Cd Where;
Dd=volume per unit area of equivalent depth of drainage
Di= volume per unit area of irrigation waters
Cd = Salt content of drainage water
Ci =Salt content of irrigation water
Leaching Requirement
Leaching is the process of: dissolving and
transporting soluble salts by downward movement of water
through the soil.
1.The depth of irrigation water per unit depth of soil,
required to produce any specified increase in soil salinity for
any given conductivity of irrigation water, can be calculated
using the equation
Di/Ds=ds/dw* SP/100 *Δ ECe/Eci