11 Waveandoscillationdppqp
11 Waveandoscillationdppqp
11 Waveandoscillationdppqp
Foundation’sHousabai Career
NEET/JEE Practice Test (Objective)
1. The phase (at a time t) of a particle in simple harmonic (a) Periodic and simple harmonic
motion tells (b) Periodic but not simple harmonic
(a) Only the position of the particle at time t (c) A periodic
(b) Only the direction of motion of the particle at time t (d) None of the above
(c) Both the position and direction of motion of the
particle at time t
7. Two particles are executing S.H.M. The equation of their
( )
(d) Neither the position of the particle nor its direction
πT y =25sin ω t+ √ 3πT
of motion at time t
motion are
y 1 =10 sin ω t+
4 ), 2
4 .
What is the ratio of their amplitude
2. A particle is moving with constant angular velocity along (a) 1 : 1 (b) 2 : 5
the circumference of a circle. Which of the following
(c) 1 : 2 (d) None of these
statements is true
(a) The particle so moving executes S.H.M.
8. A system exhibiting S.H.M. must possess
(b) The projection of the particle on any one of the
diameters executes S.H.M. (a) Inertia only
(c) The projection of the particle on any of the (b) Elasticity as well as inertia
diameters executes S.H.M. (c) Elasticity, inertia and an external force
(d) None of the above (d) Elasticity only
3. A simple harmonic motion is represented by 9. A particle executes S.H.M. with a period of 6 second and
F (t )=10sin (20 t +0.5) . The amplitude of the S.H.M. is amplitude of 3 cm. Its maximum speed in cm/sec is
(a) π / 2 (b) π
(a) a = 30 (b) a = 20
(c) 2 π (d) 3 π
(c) a = 10 (d) a = 5
4. A particle executing simple harmonic motion along y-axis 10. A particle is executing S.H.M. If its amplitude is 2 m and
y= A sin (ω t )+B . periodic time 2 seconds, then the maximum velocity of the
has its motion described by the equation
particle will be
The amplitude of the simple harmonic motion is
(a) A (b) B
π m/s (b) √ 2π m/ s
(c) A + B (d) √ A +B 2 π m/s 4 π m/s
(c) (d)
its motion is
x=5 sin 4 t−
6 )
, where x is its
displacement. If the displacement of the particle is 3 units, 19. The velocity of a particle performing simple harmonic
then it velocity is motion, when it passes through its mean position is
2π 5π (a) Infinity (b) Zero
(c) Minimum (d) Maximum
(a) 3 (b) 6
(c) 20 (d) 16
20. The velocity of a particle in simple harmonic motion at
displacement y from mean position is
13. If a simple pendulum oscillates with an amplitude of 50 √
(a) ω a 2+ y 2 √
(b) ω a 2− y 2
mm and time period of 2 sec, then its maximum velocity is
(c) ωy (d) ω √ a2 − y 2
(a) 0.10 m / s (b) 0.15 m / s
(c) 0.8 m / s (d) 0.26 m / s
21. A particle is executing the motion
x= A cos(ω t−θ ) . The
14. The maximum velocity and the maximum acceleration of maximum velocity of the particle is
2 m/s (a) Aω cos θ (b) Aω
a body moving in a simple harmonic oscillator are
2 (c) Aω sinθ (d) None of these
and 4 m/s . Then angular velocity will be
(a) 3 rad/sec (b) 0.5 rad/sec
22. A particle executing simple harmonic motion with amplitude
(c) 1 rad/sec (d) 2 rad/sec
of 0.1 m. At a certain instant when its displacement is 0.02 m,
its acceleration is 0.5 m/s2. The maximum velocity of the
15. If a particle under S.H.M. has time period 0.1 sec and particle is (in m/s)
tan− 1
amplitude g
. It has maximum velocity (a) 0.01 (b) 0.05
π π (c) 0.5 (d) 0.25
m/ s m/s
(a) 25 (b) 26
a 23. The maximum velocity of a simple harmonic motion
(c) g (d) None of these
represented by
y=3 sin 100 t+
6 ) is given by
16. Two particles P and Q start from origin and execute
Simple Harmonic Motion along X-axis with same (a) 300 (b) 6
amplitude but with periods 3 seconds and 6 seconds π
respectively. The ratio of the velocities of P and Q when
they meet is (c) 100 (d) 6
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 : 1
(c) 2 : 3 (d) 3 : 2 24. Which of the following is a necessary and sufficient
condition for S.H.M.
(a) Constant period
17. A particle is performing simple harmonic motion with
amplitude A and angular velocity . The ratio of (b) Constant acceleration
maximum velocity to maximum acceleration is (c) Proportionality between acceleration and
(a) (b) 1/ displacement from equilibrium position
(c) 2 (d) A (d) Proportionality between restoring force and
displacement from equilibrium position
28. For a particle executing simple harmonic motion, which of 34. A particle is vibrating in a simple harmonic motion with
the following statements is not correct an amplitude of 4 cm. At what displacement from the
(a) The total energy of the particle always remains the equilibrium position, is its energy half potential and half
same kinetic
(b) The restoring force of always directed towards a
(a) 1 cm (b) √ 2 cm
fixed point
(c) The restoring force is maximum at the extreme (c) 3 cm (d) 2 √ 2 cm
(d) The acceleration of the particle is maximum at the
35. For a particle executing simple harmonic motion, the
equilibrium position
K=K o cos 2 ωt
kinetic energy K is given by . The
29. The displacement of an oscillating particle varies with maximum value of potential energy is
time (in seconds) according to the equation y (cm) = sin K0
(a) (b) Zero
( )
π t 1
+ . The maximum acceleration of the particle is
2 2 3
2 (d) Not obtainable
(a) 5.21 cm/s 2 (b) 3.62 cm/s 2
36. When the potential energy of a particle executing simple
(c) 1.81 cm/s (d) 0.62 cm/s 2 harmonic motion is one-fourth of its maximum value
during the oscillation, the displacement of the particle
30. A particle executing simple harmonic motion has an from the equilibrium position in terms of its amplitude a is
amplitude of 6 cm. Its acceleration at a distance of 2 cm
2 (a) a / 4 (b) a / 3
from the mean position is 8 cm/ s . The maximum speed of
the particle is (c) a / 2 (d) 2 a/3
(a) 8 cm/s (b) 12 cm/s
(c) 16 cm/s (d) 24 cm/s 37. The P.E. of a particle executing SHM at a distance x from
its equilibrium position is
31. A particle executes simple harmonic motion with an 1 2 2 1 2 2
(a) mω x (b) mω a
amplitude of 4 cm. At the mean position the velocity of 2 2
the particle is 10 cm/s. The distance of the particle from 1 2 2 2
the mean position when its speed becomes 5 cm/s is (c) m ω (a −x ) (d) Zero
(a) √ 3 cm (b) √ 5 cm
2( √ 3) cm (d)
2( √ 5) cm 38. A vertical mass-spring system executes simple harmonic
oscillations with a period of 2 s. A quantity of this system
which exhibits simple harmonic variation with a period of
1 s is 45. A body executes simple harmonic motion. The potential
(a) Velocity energy (P.E.), the kinetic energy (K.E.) and total energy
(T.E.) are measured as a function of displacement x.
(b) Potential energy
Which of the following statements is true
(c) Phase difference between acceleration and
(a) P.E. is maximum when x = 0
(b) K.E. is maximum when x = 0
(d) Difference between kinetic energy and potential (c) T.E. is zero when x = 0
(d) K.E. is maximum when x is maximum
40. A particle is executing simple harmonic motion with 47. The total energy of a particle, executing simple harmonic
frequency f. The frequency at which its kinetic energy motion is
change into potential energy is (a) ∝ x (b) ∝ x 2
(a) f/2 (b) f
(c) Independent of x (d) ∝ x 1 /2
(c) 2 f (d) 4 f
54. Ultrasonic, Infrasonic and audible waves travel through a 62. The relation between phase difference () and path
Vu, Vi Va difference (x) is
medium with speeds and respectively, then
Vu, Vi Va Δφ= Δx
(a) and are nearly equal (a) λ (b) Δφ=2 πλ Δx
V u ≥V a ≥V i 2 πλ 2 Δx
(b) Δφ= Δφ=
(c) Δx (d) λ
V u ≤V a ≤V i
V a ≤V u V u ≈V i
(d) and 63. A hospital uses an ultrasonic scanner to locate tumors in a
tissue. The operating frequency of the scanner is 4.2 MHz.
The speed of sound in a tissue is 1.7 km-s–1. The
55. The distance between two consecutive crests in a wave wavelength of sound in the tissue is close to
train produced in a string is 5 cm. If 2 complete waves
(a) 4 ×1 0− 4 m (b) 8 ×1 0−3 m
pass through any point per second, the velocity of the
wave is (c) 4 ×1 0−3 m (d) 8 ×1 0−4 m
(a) 10 cm/sec (b) 2.5 cm/sec
(c) 5 cm/sec (d) 15 cm/sec
64. The minimum audible wavelength at room
temperature is about
56. A tuning fork makes 256 vibrations per second in air. (a) 0.2 Å (b) 5 Å
When the velocity of sound is 330 m/s, then wavelength of
(c) 5 cm to 2 metre (d) 20 mm
the tone emitted is
(a) 0.56 m (b) 0.89 m
(c) 1.11 m (d) 1.29 m 65. The ratio of the speed of sound in nitrogen gas to that in
helium gas, at 300 K is
57. A man sets his watch by a whistle that is 2 km away. How (a) √ 2/7 (b) √ 1/7
much will his watch be in error. (speed of sound in air 330
m/sec) (c) √ 3/5 (d) √ 6/5
(a) 3 seconds fast (b) 3 seconds slow
(c) 6 seconds fast (d) 6 seconds slow 66. In a sinusoidal wave, the time required for a particular
point to move from maximum displacement to zero
displacement is 0.170 second. The frequency of the wave
58. When a sound wave of frequency 300 Hz passes through
a medium the maximum displacement of a particle of the
(a) 1.47 Hz (b) 0.36 Hz
medium is 0.1 cm. The maximum velocity of the particle
is equal to (c) 0.73 Hz (d) 2.94 Hz
(a) 60 cm/sec (b) 30 cm/sec
(c) 30 cm/sec (d) 60 cm/sec 67. The number of waves contained in unit length of the
medium is called
(a) Elastic wave (b) Wave number
(c) Wave pulse (d) Electromagnetic wave (a) Velocity (b) Wavelength
(c) Frequency (d) Amplitude
68. The frequency of a rod is 200 Hz. If the velocity of sound
in air is 340 ms , the wavelength of the sound produced 78. The phase difference between two points separated by 1m
is in a wave of frequency 120 Hz is 90 . The wave velocity
(a) 1.7 cm (b) 6.8 cm is
(c) 1.7 m (d) 6.8 m (a) 180 m/s (b) 240 m/s
(c) 480 m/s (d) 720 m/s
69. Frequency range of the audible sounds is
(a) 0 Hz – 30 Hz (b) 20 Hz – 20 kHz 79. The echo of a gun shot is heard 8 sec. after the gun is
(c) 20 kHz – 20,000 kHz (d) 20 kHz – 20 MHz fired. How far from him is the surface that reflects the
sound (velocity of sound in air = 350 m/s)
(a) 1400 m (b) 2800 m
70. In a medium sound travels 2 km in 3 sec and in air, it
(c) 700 m (d) 350 m
travels 3 km in 10 sec. The ratio of the wavelengths of
sound in the two media is
(a) 1 : 8 (b) 1 : 18 80. A man sets his watch by the sound of a siren placed at a
distance 1 km away. If the velocity of sound is 330 m/s
(c) 8 : 1 (d) 20 : 9
(a) His watch is set 3 sec. faster
(b) His watch is set 3 sec. slower
71. When sound waves travel from air to water, which of the
following remains constant (c) His watch is set correctly
72. At what temperature velocity of sound is double than that the frequency is increased to 4 n , the velocity of the wave
of at 0°C will be
(a) 819 K (b) 819°C (a) v (b) 2 v
(c) 600°C (d) 600 K (c) 4 v (d)
v /4
73. Velocity of sound is maximum in 82. The speed of a wave in a certain medium is 960 m/s. If
(a) Air (b) Water 3600 waves pass over a certain point of the medium in 1
(c) Vacuum (d) Steel minute, the wavelength is
(a) 2 metres (b) 4 metres
74. If velocity of sound in a gas is 360 m/s and the distance (c) 8 metres (d) 16 metres
between a compression and the nearest rarefaction is 1m,
then the frequency of sound is 83. Speed of sound at constant temperature depends on
(a) 90 Hz (b) 180 Hz (a) Pressure (b) Density of gas
(c) 360 Hz (d) 720 Hz (c) Above both (d) None of the above
75. A tuning fork produces waves in a medium. If the 84. A man standing on a cliff claps his hand hears its echo
temperature of the medium changes, then which of the after 1 sec. If sound is reflected from another mountain
following will change and velocity of sound in air is 340 m/sec. Then the
distance between the man and reflection point is
(a) Amplitude (b) Frequency
(a) 680 m (b) 340 m
(c) Wavelength (d) Time-period
(c) 85 m (d) 170 m
77. Which of the following is different from others 86. The type of waves that can be propagated through solid is
(a) Transverse (b) Longitudinal 94. It takes 2.0 seconds for a sound wave to travel between
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these two fixed points when the day temperature is 10 C. If the
temperature rise to 30 C the sound wave travels between
87. A man stands in front of a hillock and fires a gun. He the same fixed parts in
hears an echo after 1.5 sec. The distance of the hillock
(a) 1.9 sec (b) 2.0 sec
from the man is (velocity of sound in air is 330 m/s)
(c) 2.1 sec (d) 2.2 sec
(a) 220 m (b) 247.5 m
(c) 268.5 m (d) 292.5 m
95. If vm is the velocity of sound in moist air, vd is the velocity
of sound in dry air, under identical conditions of pressure
88. Velocity of sound in air and temperature
I. Increases with temperature (a) vm>vd (b) vm<vd
II. Decreases with temperature (c) vm = vd (d) vmvd = 1
III. Increase with pressure
IV. Is independent of pressure 96. A source of sound of frequency 600 Hz is placed inside
V. Is independent of temperature water. The speed of sound in water is 1500 m/s and in air
Choose the correct answer. is 300 m/s. The frequency of sound recorded by an
(a) Only I and II are true (b) Only I and III are observer who is standing in air is
true (a) 200 Hz (b) 3000 Hz
(c) Only II and III are true (d) Only I and IV are true (c) 120 Hz (d) 600 Hz
89. The speed of a wave in a medium is 760 m/s. If 3600 97. If the temperature of the atmosphere is increased the
following character of the sound wave is effected
waves are passing through a point, in the medium in 2
minutes, then its wavelength is (a) Amplitude (b) Frequency
(c) Velocity (d) Wavelength
(a) 13.8 m (b) 25.3 m
(c) 41.5 m (d) 57.2 m
98. An underwater sonar source operating at a frequency of 60
KHz directs its beam towards the surface. If the velocity
90. If wavelength of a wave is λ=6000 Å . Then wave of sound in air is 330 m/s, the wavelength and frequency
number will be of waves in air are:
(a) 166 ×1 03 m–1 (b) 16.6 ×1 0−1m–1 (a) 5.5 mm, 60 KHz (b) 330 m, 60 KHz
(c) 1.66 ×1 06 m–1 (d) 1.66 ×1 07 m–1 (c) 5.5 mm, 20 KHz (d) 5.5 mm, 80 KHz
92. Find the frequency of minimum distance between 100.It is possible to distinguish between the transverse and
compression & rarefaction of a wire. If the length of the longitudinal waves by studying the property of
wire is 1m& velocity of sound in air is 360 m/s (a) Interference (b) Diffraction
(a) 90 sec–1 (b) 180s–1 (c) Reflection (d) Polarisation
(c) 120 sec–1 (d) 360 sec–1
101.Water waves are
93. The velocity of sound is vs in air. If the density of air is (a) Longitudinal
increased to 4 times, then the new velocity of sound will (b) Transverse
(c) Both longitudinal and transverse
vs vs (d) Neither longitudinal nor transverse
(a) (b)
2 12
3 2
(c) 12 v s (d) v s