Knowledge of Unseen
Knowledge of Unseen
Knowledge of Unseen
()علم الغيب
Written By
Copyright © SAHIH IMAN 2020
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Table of Contents
1. PREFACE ............................................................................................................................... 1
َّ سمَّللاَّالرحمن
ِ ِب
Allah ( )ع ََّز َو َج َّلknows about Himself and knows everything about His creation. In this
category, there is nothing 'Unseen' for Allah (َّعز َّ َو َجل
َ ). Therefore, whenever we talk
about 'Unseen', it will be with reference to creatures and not with reference to Allah (ََّّعز
َّ)و َجل.
Allah provides knowledge of Unseen to some of His servants from His mercy. In this
category, the Knowledge of Unseen of Prophet Mohammad ( )صلى َّللا َّعليه َّو َّآله َّوسلمis
highest among the servants.
We have discussed this issue in detail in this book. It is an important read for all
2. ALLAH'S (َّعزََّّ َو َجل
The following Quranic verses confirm the fact that Allah (ََّّو َجل
َ عزَ ) knows about Himself
and knows the minutest details about His creatures. He also knows about the creatures
who will be created in future or the creatures that will remain hidden from the people
(forever). Thus we cannot refer knowledge of Unseen towards Allah (ََّّو َجل َ ). For Him,
َ عز
everything is "seen".
ير أ
َِّ َّال ُمتَعَا
(ii) It is in Quran - ل َّوالش َها َدةِ أ
ُ َِّال َكب َ ب عا ِل ُم أ
ِ َّالغَ أي َ [ He is knower of the 'seen'
and 'unseen' the Mighty and Most High.] (Ar-Ra'd - 9)
ً ش أيءٍ َّمُّحِ ي
(iii) It is in Quran - طا َ َّ [ َو َكانَ ََّّللاُ َّبِ ُك ِِّلAnd all that is in the heavens and
the earth belongs to Allah and Allah encompasses all the things..] (An-
Nisa - 126)
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accumulated a lot of good; and no misfortune would touch me; I am
purely a Herald of Warning and Glad Tidings to the people who
believe.'] (Al-A’raaf- 188).
When Allah (ََّّو َجل َ ) says He has the knowledge of unseen, it means that He has
َ عز
knowledge about everything that is unseen by human beings. Therefore, the reference
of 'unseen' is related to Human beings, not with Allah (ََّّو َجل
َ عزَ ).
There are different categories of Knowledge of Unseen given by Allah (ََّّو َجل
َ عزَ ) to his
chosen servants.
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It is in Quran – َّار أكنَا َ صىَّالذِيَّ َب َ َِّاْل َ أق َِّال َح َر ِامَّ ِإلَ أ
ىَّال َمس ِأجد أ َّمنَ َّ أال َمس ِأجد أ
ِّ ِ س أب َحانَ َّالذِيَّأَس َأر ٰىَّ ِب َع أب ِدهَِّلَي ًأال
َُّ ص
ير [ َح أولَهَُّ ِلنُ ِريَهَُّمِ أن َّآيَاتِنَاََّّۚإِنهَُّه َُو َّالسمِ ي ُع أThe Unity ( )ذات الہیis pure who took His
ِ ََّالب
Servant during the night time from the honored mosque (the mosque of
Makka al-Mukarrama which houses Ka’ba) to the far away mosque (Al-
Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem) around which We have abundant virtue
(around all four sides of Al-Aqsa mosque, there is abundance of virtue) so
that We show him our signs and traces of Omnipotence. Indeed He
(Allah) is the (only) one who sees and listens.] (Al-Isra – 1).
It is in Quran - ََّّإِ ۡنَّه َُو َّإَِل-َّ َّٱل َه َو ٰ ٰٓى ۡ ع ِن َ صاحِ بُ ُك ۡم
َ َّ َّ َو َماَّيَنطِ ُق-َّ َّو َماَّغ ََو ٰى َ َّضل َ ََّّ َما-َّ َوٱلنجۡ ِم َّإِذَاَّه ََو ٰى
َّس ۡي ِن َ اب َّقَ ۡو ۡ
َ ََّفَ َكانَ َّق-َّ َّثُم َّ َدنَاَّفَت َ َدل ٰى-َّ ق َّٱْل َ ۡعلَ ٰى ُ ۡ
ِ ََُّّوه َُو َّبِٱْلفَ َّذُوَّمِ ر ٌ۬ ٍة َّفَٱسۡ ت ََو ٰى-َّ َُّٱلقُ َو ٰىۡ
َّ شدِيد َ َّعل َمهَُّۥ َ َّ َو ۡح ٌ۬ى َّيُو َح ٰى
ًََّّر َءاهَُّن َۡزلَة َ َّ َولَقَ ۡد-َّعلَ ٰىَّ َماَّيَ َر ٰىَ ََّّأَفَت ُ َم ٰـ ُرونَهَُّۥ-َّاَّرأ َ ٰ ٰٓى ۡ
َ بَّٱلفُ َؤادَُّ َم َ َّ َماَّ َك َذ-َّع ۡب ِدهِۦَّ َمآَّٰأَ ۡو َح ٰى
َ ََّّفَأ َ ۡو َح ٰ ٰٓىَّ ِإلَ ٰى-َّأ َ ۡوَّأَ ۡدن َٰى
َّ-َّطغ َٰى َ ََّّو َما ۡ َ َّ َماَّزَ ا-َّس ِۡد َرة ََّ َماَّيَ ۡغش َٰى ۡ ۡ ۡ
ِّ َّ ِإذَّيَ ۡغشَىَّٱل-ََّّعِن َدهَاَّ َجنةَُّٱل َمأ َو ٰ ٰٓى-ََّّٱل ُمنت َ َه ٰى ۡ َِّعِن َدَّس ِۡد َرة-َّأ ُ ۡخ َر ٰى
َ ص ُر َ َغَّٱلب
ۡ َّربِِّ ِه
َّٰٰٓ َّٱل ُك ۡب َر
ى َ ت ِ َّرأ َ ٰى َّمِ ۡن َّ َءايَ ٰـ
َ [ لَقَ ۡدBy the star when it sets, Your companion (Apostle
Muhammad )ﷺneither erred intentionally nor unintentionally, And he
does not speak of (his own) desire. It is the revelation revealed (to him).
The Mighty in power (Allah) has taught him (Prophet Mohammad – صلى
)هللا عليه و آله وسلمthe knowledge. So (equipped), he stood well poised. (With
the perfect vision attained) at the highest horizon. Then he (the Prophet )ﷺ
approached closer and hung (by Allah). Then (both) closed up like two
bows, and indeed more closely. And He revealed to His servant (Prophet
Mohammad )ﷺwhat He wanted to reveal. The heart of Prophet
Mohammad (هللا عليه و آله وسلم )صلى هdid not distrust what he saw. Will you
people wrangle over what he beheld (saw). For indeed he beheld Him
(Allah) yet again. Near the 'Lote' tree lying farthest beyond which, no one
can go. ying close to the Heaven of Rest. When the 'Lote' tree was being
enveloped by what it was to be enveloped with, (a mystery not disclosed).
His (Prophet Mohammad’s )ﷺsight did not blink or did it miss
anything. Indeed he (the Prophet )ﷺsaw clearly the greatest of the signs
of his Lord.] (An-Najm – 1-18).
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knew whatever there is, in the skies and the earth. (Bukhari, Tirmidhi,
It is in Hadith - Narrated Umar ( )رضئ َّللا َّتعالی َّعنہ: One day the Prophet
( )صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمstood up among us for a long period and informed us
about the beginning of creation (and talked about everything in detail) till
he mentioned how the people of Paradise will enter their places and the
people of Hell will enter their places. Some remembered what he had said,
and some forgot it. (Bukhari)
1. Direct Knowledge
The above Ahadith and verses refer to the direct knowledge bestowed
upon him.
2. Indirect knowledge
3. Prophetic Vision
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There are many Ahadith that describe the events unfolded in the past or that will
happen in future till the Day of Resurrection and beyond. This knowledge was
bestowed to Prophet Mohammad ( )صلى َّللا َّعليه َّو َّآله َّوسلمdirectly from "Ilm-e-Elahi".
Under this category he witnessed how things unfolded in the past or will happen in
It is in Hadith - Prophet Mohammad ( )صلى َّللا َّعليه َّو َّآله َّوسلمsaid that
“Uthman ( )رضئَّللاَّتعالیَّعنہwill be martyred whilst reciting Quran. Perhaps
Allah (ََّّو َجل
َ عزَ ) will have him wearing a shirt. They will want to remove it
and his blood will fall on the words of Allah (ََّّو َجل َ )” (Bukhari, Muslim).
َ عز
It is for the simple reason that people should see from their eyes how official documents
are sent to Prophet Mohammad ( )صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمfrom Allah (ََّّو َجل
َ عزَ ).
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The second category of the knowledge of Unseen is related with Sahabah, and Awliya
In this category, certain things are disclosed to the select people by Prophet Mohammad
()صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلم. It is in Ahadith (Bukhari and others), Prophet ()صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلم
disclosed the names of the hypocrites (Munafiqun) to one of his companions, Hadhrat
Hudhaifa al-Yaman ()رضئَّللاَّتعالیَّعنہ.
Similarly, certain things are disclosed to Awliya Allah by way of 'unveiling' (Kashf /
vision), dreams, etc. On Some favorites of Allah, Aalam-e-Mithaal /Aalam-e-Barzaq are
opened. They can see everything and can communicate with the people there.
It is in Quran - َّ َّلَ ُه ُم-َّ َواَّوكَانُواَّيَتقُون َ ُ َّالذِينَ َّآ َمن-َّ ََّو ََل َّهُ أم َّيَ أحزَ نُون َ علَ أي ِه أم َ أ َ ََل َّ ِإن َّأ َ أو ِليَا َء ََّّللا
َ َّ ََِّل َّخ أَوف
َّالف أَو ُز أ
َّال َعظِ ي َُّم ت ََّّللاََِّّۚ ٰذََّلِكَ َّه َُو أ َ َّخ َر ِة
ِ ََّۚل َّت َ أبدِي َل َّ ِل َك ِل َما اَّوف أ
َِّ ِيَّاْل [ أالبُ أش َر ٰى َّف أKnow well that
َ ِيَّال َح َيا ِة َّال ُّد أن َي
the friends of Allah will have no fear (in both the worlds), nor will they
grieve. They are those who believe and are pious. There are good tidings
for them in the life of this world and in the Hereafter; the Words of Allah
cannot change; this is the supreme success.] (Younus - 62-64).
There are certain big categories of Awliya Allah who are known as al-Aqtaab and al-
Abdaal. The biggest among them is known as Ghouse.
Muslims consider Imam Abu Hanifa ( )رضئ َّللا َّتعالی َّعنہas Imam-e-Azam. Similarly,
among Sufi Shuyookh, Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani ( )رضئ َّللا َّتعالی َّعنہis known as
Ghousul Azam.
Some Muslims do not know or understand about the above categorization of Awliya
Allah. They are not aware of special beneficence of Allah (ََّّو َجل َ ) upon them. Some
َ عز
Muslim sects, particularly Salafis and likeminded groups, deny the above status of
Awliya Allah and make fun of these titles. What can we say about these people except
that they would like to remain ignorant from Quran and Sunnah? They do not realize
that these titles were given to them by Allah (ََّّو َجل
َ عزَ ) and Prophet Mohammad (َّصلىَّللا
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It is in Hadith - The people of Syria were mentioned in front of Hadhrat
Ali ibn Abi Talib ( )رضئ َّللا َّتعالی َّعنہwhen he was in Iraq, and they said:
"Curse them, O' Commander of the Believers." He replied: "No, I heard the
Apostle of Allah ( )صلى َّللا َّعليه َّو َّآله َّوسلمsay: The "al-Abdaal" (the big
spiritual rank of Awliya Allah - translated in English as 'Substitutes') are
in Syria and they are forty men, every time one of them dies, Allah (َّ عز َ
َ substitutes another in his place. By means of them Allah (ََّّو َجل
َّ)و َجل َ )
َ عز
sends down the rain, gives (Muslims) victory over their enemies, and
averts punishment from the people of Syria." (Ahmad 1-112)
This Hadith confirms the titles of Awliya Allah, their status among Muslims and
reiterates that because of them Allah (ََّّو َجل
َ عزَ ) sends down the rain, gives Muslims
victory over their enemies". This shows that Allah (ََّّو َجل
َ عزَ ) loves his Awliya Allah and
because of them many things are given to people.
Commenting on the above Hadith, Qatada said: "We do not doubt that
Al-Hasan al-Basri is one of them (Abdaal)."
Ibn Hibban also narrates this Hadith in al-Tarikh through Abu Huraira
( )رضئ َّللا َّتعالی َّعنہas : "The Earth will never lack forty men similar to
Ibrahim ( )عليهَّالسالمthe Friend of the Merciful, and through whom you are
helped, receive your sustenance, and receive rain."
Tirmidhi cites the above Hadith in Nawadir al-Usul and Imam Ahmad's
student, Al-Khallal, has mentioned this Hadith in his book Karamat al-
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It is in Hadith - Abu Da’wud has mentioned the following Hadith
through three different authentic chains in his book "Sunan" Chapter -
"Book of the Mahdi" (English #4273), and Imam Ahmad has mentioned
this Hadith in his Musnad (6:316), and Ibn Abi Shayba has mentioned
this Hadith in his Musannaf.
Abu Ya'la, al-Hakim, and Baihaqi narrated that Ummul Momineen Umm
Salama ( )رضئَّللاَّتعالیَّعنہاrelated that the Prophet (َّ )صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمsaid:
"Disagreement will occur at the death of a Caliph and a person from the
people of Madina will come forth flying to Makka. Some of the people of
Makka will come to him, bring him out against his will, and swear
allegiance to him between the Corner and the Maqam (of Khana-e-Ka’ba).
An expeditionary force will then be sent against him from Syria but it will
be swallowed up in the desert between Makka and Madina; and when the
people see that, the Substitutes (Abdaal) of Syria and the best people of
Iraq will come to him and swear allegiance (bay ‘a on his hands) to him
between the rukn and the maqam..." (of Khana-e-Kaaba).
Who is the person (came flying from Madinah to Makka) the Prophet (ََّّصلى
)للاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمis referring in the Hadith? (He may be) Imam Mahdi (َّعليه
Nawawi in his book Bustan al-'Arifin (1985 ed. p. 31) has mentioned that Muhaddith
Hammad ibn Salama ibn Dinar (d. 167) was considered to be one of the abdaal.
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Sakhawi in his narrations of the abdaal in his Maqasid (p. 33 #8) has stated as follows.
QUOTE - What makes this Hadith (narrated by Hadhrat Ali Ibn Abi Talib
- رضئ َّللا َّتعالی َّعنہmentioned above) stronger and indicates its currency
among the Imams is the statement of our Imam, al-Shafii, concerning a
certain person: "We considered him one of the abdaal".
And other than these two (among the highly acclaimed Imams), Qatada
and Wahb also used to refer to certain people - stating that they were
from the abdaal. UNQUOTE
Muslims should learn to respect Awliya Allah because they are not only favorites of
Allah (ََّّو َجل
َ عزَ ) but have been given special assignments in the world as is evident from
the above Ahadith and Quranic verses.
The third category of the knowledge of Unseen is related to professional people of this
world. Like a doctor knows how a human body functions or a physicist/scientist knows
how rocket soars into the sky, or a computer software engineer knows how to write a
program. The other people are not aware of these details.
Similarly, with the assistance of some people or with the help of some machines anyone
can know certain things. Like a scanning machine shows the status of a baby and its
gender in mother's womb. Similarly, with the help of an instrument, doctors know the
blood pressure or fever of a person.
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MOHAMMAD ( )صلىَّهللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمIN THE LIGHT OF
QUOTE - It follows from this verse that Prophets can see some of the
Unseen, and so do the Awliya Allah that follow each particular Prophet
also, as each takes from his Prophet and is gifted (yukram) with his
knowledge. The difference between the two is that the Prophet looks at
this knowledge through all kinds of revelation, while the Wali does not
look upon it except in dreams or through inspiration, and Allah knows
(Fath al-bari (1989 ed. 8:660) Tafsir Surat Luqman, "Allah has knowledge
of the Hour" (31:34)
The gist of the above explanations by Ibn Hajr and Qurtubi is that, those who do not
believe in the Knowledge of Unseen of Prophets and Awliya Allah are Kafir, Fasiq and
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Controversial Troublemakers in the guise of Muslims, (Salafis and their likeminded
It is in Quran - ِيرا
ً اَّونَذ َ س ألنَاكَ َّشَا ِهد
ِّ ِ ًاَّو ُم َب
َ ش ًر َ ي َّ ِإناَّأَ أر
ُّ [ َياَّأَيُّ َهاَّالن ِبCertainly We have sent
to you (Prophet )ﷺas witness, deponent and the one who gives good
tiding and as a fore warner (Ahzaab - 45).
He is the one who sees things from his eyes. Statement of a Deponent who has only
heard about a thing is not acceptable in the Court of law.
The above Quranic verse establishes that Prophet Mohammad ( )صلىَّللا َّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمsees
our conditions, individually and collectively.
It is in Quran - َّ َّر ُءوف َ َعلَ أي ُكمَّبِ أال ُمؤأ مِ نِين َ َّعلَ أيهَِّ َما
َ َّ عنِت ُّ أم َّ َح ِريص َ َّ َّم أن َّأَنفُ ِس ُك أم
َ َّ ع ِزيز ِّ ِ سول َ لَقَدأَّ َجا َء ُك أم
ُ َّر
َّ [ رحِ يمApostle ( )صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمhas been raised for you from yourselves,
your living wrongly with its consequent suffering presses heavily upon
him; he is ardently desirous of your welfare; and for those (of you) who
are believers, he is full of pity, merciful. (At-Tawba-128).
It is in Hadith - Narrated Umar ( )رضئ َّللا َّتعالی َّعنہ: One day the Prophet
( )صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمstood up among us for a long period and informed us
about the beginning of creation (and talked about everything in detail) till
he mentioned how the people of Paradise will enter their places and the
people of Hell will enter their places. Some remembered what he had said,
and some forgot it. (Bukhari)
The above Quranic verses and Hadith establishes the comprehensive knowledge of
Prophet Mohammad ( )صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمcollectively and individually in the Cosmos.
Prophet Mohammad ( )صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمis the last Prophet sent for the entire humanity
(Kaaffatunnaas). There will be no Prophet after him. Therefore whatever is said about
him in Quran with reference to his Ummah is applicable for all Muslims till the day of
resurrection. We cannot say that the Quranic verses with reference to Prophet
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Mohammad ( )صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمviz-a-viz Ummatul Muslimeen are only for the people
who lived during his life time. Therefore, the above verses establish that Prophet
Mohammad ( )صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمsees the actions of every Muslim till resurrection and
The above Quranic verse is in present tense. It is not that the Durood was sent on
Prophet Mohammad ( )صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمduring his life time only. This is a continuous
process. This establishes the fact that the life span of Prophet Mohammad (َّصلىَّللاَّعليهَّو
)آله َّوسلمis continuous within the framework of existence in different formats in this
It is very unfortunate for some people who equate Prophet Mohammad (َّصلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآله
)وسلمwith normal sinful human beings and claim that association of knowledge of
Unseen with Prophet Mohammad ( )صلى َّللا َّعليه َّو َّآله َّوسلمis sin. The problem is that the
things which are visible to the normal physical eyes are also ignored by them.
They do not pay attention to the fact that there is a commonality which is common in
two things, but it is the distinction which is the deciding factor of excellence. They
should know that between human beings and animals there are many commonalities.
The animals are living beings, they eat and they reproduce their species. These are
commonalities between animals and human beings. But the distinction between the two
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is the human beings are crowned with common sense, intelligence, therefore, they have
become masters of the world.
They should know that there are many commonalities between believers and non-
believers as well. The distinction between the two is the Islamic faith. Because of this
distinction, one will go the Jannah and the other will be burned in Hell fire
permanently. Makkan apostates like Abu Jahl and others used to say, what is the
difference between him (Prophet Mohammad – ) َّصلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمand other people of
Makkah, as he lives a life of a normal human being.
But Sahabah never used to think on these lines and they never compared Prophet
Mohammad ( )صلى َّللا َّعليه َّو َّآله َّوسلمwith ordinary sinful human beings. They looked at
Prophet Mohammad’s ( )صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمlife as an absolute miracle of Allah (ََّّو َجل
َ عزَ ).
To them Prophet Mohammad ( )صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمhas been an unusual phenomenon of
Allah’s (ََّّو َجل
َ عزَ ) omnipotence.
Prophet Mohammad’s ( )صلى َّللا َّعليه َّو َّآله َّوسلمlife is a perpetual miracle. How come an
apparently unlettered human being could change the course of the world? How could
he culminate the teachings of all Prophets and becomes a stamp on the Divine law?
Whatever he does, whatever he says is the Divine law.
He brings the news of unseen which was unknown to anyone in this world before him.
These and many more things which are known to every one of us are ignored by these
unfortunate people.
Prophet Mohammad ( )صلى َّللا َّعليه َّو َّآله َّوسلمrepresents humanity in all its formats. He
shows happiness on certain things and displeasure on certain things. He shows fore
knowledge of certain things and shows his unawareness of certain things. He pleads
with Almighty for His forgiveness. He walks in streets like normal human beings. He
fights with infidels along with his companions and sometimes the results of the battles
are inconclusive and sometimes he wins. He becomes concerned when something goes
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wrong with his family members and his companions and shares happiness with them
on happy occasions.
It is in Quran - َّسنَة َ سو ِل ََّّللاَِّأُس َأوة َّ َح َ [ لقَ أد َّ َكانَ َّلَ ُك أم َّفProphet Mohammad (َّصلىَّللا
ُ ِيَّر
)عليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمis an exemplary model (for all of you) (Al-Ahzaab – 21).
He is the origin as well as an icon of humanity and of all creations. In other words, he is
a perfect human being. Like him there is none. He represents various facets of humanity
at various stages of his life. Sometimes, he shows utmost humility of a desperate human
being and on other occasions, pointing his finger towards the moon splits it into two,
which was witnessed by all Quraish.
One of the most important aspect of our Iman is utmost respect of Prophet Mohammad
( )صلىَّللاَّعليهَّوَّآلهَّوسلمand deep-rooted love for him in our hearts.
We should be careful while describing about prophets, Sahabah, prominent Imams and
Sufi Shuyookh of Ihsan and Awliya Allah. They are all virtuous and stand tall in Islamic
Ummah. We should not rebel against their authorities in religion. If we do not keep
these things in mind, we are sure to be doomed on the Day of Judgment.
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