25th September 2024 Market Report.

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25th September, 2024.

DSE recorded a total turnover of TZS 284.51 million from 179,941 shares traded in 311 deals; and TZS 19.43 billion
from bond traded in 8 deals.

On the Normal Board, AFRIPRISE counter had 1,450 shares traded at a weighted average price of TZS 230 per share
in 5 deals. CRDB counter had 104.256 shares traded at a weighted average price of TZS 650 per share in 214 deals.
DCB counter had 1,260 shares traded at a weighted average price of TZS 155 per share in 3 deals. DSE counter had
3,370 shares traded at a weighted average price of TZS 2,460 per share in 1 deal. MBP counter had 842 shares
traded at a weighted average price of TZS 350 per share in 4 deals. MKCB counter had 90 shares traded at a
weighted average price of TZS 560 per share in 1 deal. NICO counter had 5,320 shares traded at a weighted average
price of TZS 740 per share in 27 deals. NMB counter had 27,942 shares traded at a weighted average price of TZS
5,300 per share in 32 deals. PAL counter had 30 shares traded at a weighted average price of TZS 360 per share in 2
deals. TBL counter had 10 shares traded at a weighted average price of TZS 10,400 per share in 1 deal. TCC counter
had 20 shares traded at a weighted average price of TZS 16,200 per share in 1 deal. TCCL counter had 32,880
shares traded at a weighted average price of TZS 1,600 per share in 5 deals. TOL counter had 2,200 shares traded at
a weighted average price of TZS 650 per share in 7 deals. TPCC counter had 251 shares traded at a weighted
average price of TZS 3,740 per share in 7 deals. VODA counter had 20 shares traded at a weighted average price of
TZS 740 per share in 1 deal.

On the Government Bonds Board, a 15-year bond with a coupon rate of 13.50% and a face value of TZS 13.00 billion
was traded at 105.7463% in 1 deal, while a 25-year bond with a coupon rate of 12.56% and a face value of TZS 0.20
billion was traded at 99.8868% in 2 deals. Also, a 25-year bond with a coupon rate of 15.95% and a face value of TZS
4.62 billion was traded at prices of 106.0636%, 110.0785%, and 120.1249% in 5 deals.
There was no activity in the Corporate Bonds segment.
Market Cap
Outstanding Outstanding Closing
Company High price Low price Deals Share Traded Turnover (Tzs
Bids(Tzs) Offers(Tzs) price(Tzs)
AFRIPRISE 30,010 44,605 230 225 225 5 1,450 333,000 32.86
CRDB 75,082 646,787 660 650 650 214 104,256 67,831,750 1,697.70
DCB 797 7,870 155 155 160 3 1,260 195,300 15.62
DSE 4,359 0 2,460 2,460 2,460 1 3,370 8,290,200 58.61
EABL 0 0 0 0 3,300 0 0 0 2,609.56
JATU 0 0 0 0 265 0 0 0 5.28
JHL 0 0 0 0 3,590 0 0 0 260.18
KA** 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 454.51
KCB 0 0 0 0 740 0 0 0 2,198.05
MBP 679 0 350 340 350 4 842 293600 9.25
MCB 0 220 0 0 310 0 0 0 19.17
MKCB 1206 0 560 560 560 1 90 50,400 13.19
MUCOBA 0 9,490 0 0 400 0 0 0 13.07
NICO 36,254 40,240 760 740 740 27 5,320 3,946,010 45.62
NMB 9,225 4,656 5,400 5,300 5,300 32 27,942 148,130,800 2,650.00
NMG 0 0 0 0 335 0 0 0 63.16
PAL 0 15,920 360 360 400 2 30 10,800 64.19
SWALA 0 0 0 0 450 0 0 0 47.79
SWIS 29,696 2 0 0 1,100 0 0 0 39.60
TBL 0 7,553 10,400 10,400 10,900 1 10 104,000 3,216.11
TCC 0 9,838 16,200 16,200 17,000 1 20 324,000 1,700.00
TCCL 0 0 1,620 1,600 1,600 5 32,880 52,612,000 101.87
TOL 0 12,799 650 650 650 7 2,200 1,430,000 37.38
TPCC 9,485 7,555 3,800 3,700 3,840 7 251 938,700 690.90
TTP 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 10.46
USL** 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 1.82
VODA 0 71,216 740 740 770 1 20 14,800 1,724.80
YETU** 0 0 0 0 510 0 0 0 6.18
Market Summary Exchange rates
TSI 4,605.75 -0.63 Currency Buying Selling
DSEI 2,131.10 7.22 EUR 2,982.30 3,012.66
BBI 5,705.19 1.52 USD 2,677.11 2,703.88
IAI 5,069.74 -2.53 KES 20.83 20.88
Trading Statistics GBP 3,584.11 3,621.04
Market Cap(bln) 17,786.93
Equity Turnover 284,505,360 Gainers and Losers
Total Volum e 179,941 Company Price Change
Total Deals 311 DSE 2460 1.65%
Top Movers MBP 350 2.94%
Company Price Volume TOL 650 -7.14%
CRDB 650 104,256
TCCL 1,600 32,880
NMB 5,300 27,942


Bond Coupon Maturity Amount

Years Issue Date Deals Price Yield (%)
Number (%) Date (Bln TZS)
561 25 15.95 22/4/2021 22/4/2046 0.05000 1 106.0636 15.9531
568 25 15.95 5/8/2021 5/8/2046 0.11800 1 110.0785 14.7243
568 25 15.95 5/8/2021 5/8/2046 0.25000 1 110.0785 14.7243
568 25 15.95 5/8/2021 5/8/2046 0.20000 1 110.0785 14.7243
573 25 15.95 15/10/2021 15/10/2046 4.00000 1 120.1249 14.0221
622 25 12.56 21/12/2022 22/12/2047 0.10000 1 99.8868 13.0194
522 15 13.50 5/12/2019 5/12/2034 13.00000 1 105.7463 13.1911
653 25 12.56 28/12/2023 28/12/2048 0.10000 1 99.8868 12.9822


Outstanding Number of Nav Per Sale Price Repurchase

Scheme Name Net Asset Value Units Unit per Unit Price/Unit
Umoja Fund 372, 661, 113, 983.9480 346, 949, 236.2684 1,074.11 1074.11 1063.37

Wekeza Maisha 17, 121, 217, 835.4009 18, 124, 755.1846 944.6317 944.63 925.74

Watoto Fund 21, 170, 236, 908.6561 30, 542, 340.3270 693.1439 693.14 686.21

Jikimu Fund 29, 278, 294, 746.2136 161, 200, 258.5778 181.6268 181.63 177.99

Liquid Fund 1, 223, 654, 990, 938.2200 2, 918, 479, 367.8207 419.2783 419.28 419.28

Bond Fund 714, 965, 766, 603.0880 6, 047, 756, 500.6137 118.22 118.22 118.22

Faida Fund 28,808,913,260.48 241,934,483.71 119.0773 119.0773 119.0773

Timiza Fund 10,983,408,700.16 107,375,195.04 102.29 102.29 102.29

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