p.6 Revision Work

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Questions 1 to 40 carry one mark each.

1. Name the process in our body that leads to the production of energy.


2. How are baits important when stocking bees?


3. State one effect of too much alcohol to the human body.


4. Give one way by which houseflies spread germs.


The diagram below shows a method of purifying water. Use it to answer

questions 5 and 6.

5. Which method of purifying water is shown in the diagram?


6. Give one use of the clean water obtained from the above method at home.

7. In which way are perches useful in a poultry house?


8. Name the natural resource used for winnowing.


9. Why are handles of fraying pans made of insulators such as wood?


10. Apart from tubal ligation, give one other permanent method of family planning.


11. Give one importance of root nodules to leguminous crops.


12. In which way are kidneys important in a human body?


13. Why does the radical of a seed develop first during germination?


14. State one sign of a child suffering from marasmus.


15. State any one law governing the production, sale and consumption of alcohol in



16. State one effect of frequent births to mothers.

Use the garden tool below to answer questions 17 and 18.

17. Name the garden tool in the diagram.


18. State the importance of the above garden tool.


19. How is a child health card important to the child’s parents?


20. How are enzymes important during digestion?


21. State one advantage of wringing clothes after washing.


22. Give one effect of pests on crops.


23. How does soil erosion affect water bodies?


24. State one way of managing a sick goat at home


25. Give one reason why school children are advised to abstain from sex.

26. In which way is heat transfer by conduction important to at home?


27. Give one danger of keeping chemicals such as petrol in the house we live in.


The diagram below shows a common practice in poultry. Use it to answer

questions 28 and 29.

28. Name the practice shown above.


29. Why is the practice above important in poultry keeping?


30. Write one activity done to manage body changes in adolescents.


31. Why is soil referred to as a renewable resource?


32. Which first aid would you give to a person with a foreign body in the eye?


33. Give one physical sex change that takes place in both boys and girls.

34. Write down one way of controlling echoes in cinema halls.


35. Give the importance of a pouch found on the body of a kangaroo.


36. Mention one way of managing body changes during adolescence.


37. Give any one way a VIP latrine control the spread of diarrheal diseases


38. What is the importance of anthers to a flower?


39. Give one way of increasing the volume of blood in the body?


40. How is yeast important in the fermentation of alcohol?


Questions 41 to 55 carry four marks each.

41. a) What type of germination do bean seed undergo?


b) Give one reason why cotyledons turn green after germination.


c) Mention two conditions needed for germination.

i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

42. The flow chart below shows the classification of vertebrates. Use it to answer

questions below.

a) Identify the class of vertebrates at X.


b) Apart from a frog, name one other animal that belongs to group Z.


c) Give one way birds are similar to animals marked Y in the way they reproduce.


d) How are poikilotherms different from homeotherms?


43. a) Write two factors which affect the rate of transpiration.

i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….……

ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) Give one way plants reduce the rate of transpiration.


c) State one importance of transpiration in the environment.


44. The diagram below shows a method of growing crops in a garden. Use it to

answer questions below.

a) Name the method of growing crops in the diagram above.


b) State two advantages of spacing crops as shown above.

i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..…

ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………..……

c) Name one other method of planting crops in the garden.

45. a) State one reason why the sick should be fed on foods rich in;

i) Proteins.


ii) Vitamins


b) Mention any two other requirements of the sick besides having a balanced


i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………

ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

46. In the table below are body organs of different animals. Match organs in list A to

with a similar function to those in list B.

a) Gills ………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) Ears. …………………………………………………………………………………………………

c) Antenna …………………………………………………………………………………..

d) Tongue …………………………………………………………………………………………………
47. The diagram below shows a musical instrument. Use it to answer questions that


a) Name the group of musical instruments to which the above instrument belongs.


b) Why are the strings made of different length?


c) State one way of changing the pitch produced by the above strings.


d) Using an arrow and letter P, show tshoestring that produces the lowest pitch.

48. The table below shows immunization diseases, vaccines administered and the

body site. Study carefully and complete it correctly.

Disease Vaccine Body site

Poliomyelitis Polio Vaccine …………………………………..

……………………………….. BCG Vaccine Right upper arm

Whooping cough ………………………………. Left upper thigh

Measles Measles Vaccine …………………………………….

49. a) Give one function of the following components of blood.

i) Red blood cells:


ii) Blood platelets:


b) Give any one difference between the structure of an artery and a vein.



c) State any one activity done to keep the respiratory system in a good working



50. a) Apart from sanitation, mention other two elements of Primary Health Care.

i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) Give any two activities a family can do to promote Primary Health Care.

i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

51. a) Give the function of the following parts of the female reproductive system.

i) Ovary


ii) Fallopian tubes

b) Name one disorder of the female reproductive system.


c) State one way of caring for the reproductive organs.


52. a) List two adaptations of seeds dispersed by animals.

i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) Give two advantages of seed dispersal.

i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


53. a) Mention any two ecto-parasites in cattle.

i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) State one effect of ecto-parasites to livestock.


c) Give one way of controlling ecto-parasites without using chemicals.

54. a) State the function of each of the following parts of a Ventilated Improved Pit


i) Screen:


ii) Vent pipe:


b) How is smoking a pit latrine important?


a) Why are flush toilets not common in rural areas?


55. a) Give one duty of each of the following bees in a hive.

i) Worker bees


ii) Queen bee


b) Why does a drone bee die shortly after mating?


c) Give a reason why worker bees are sterile.



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