NACD Cover Article - Animal Kingdom - Lam Jan Feb 2019
NACD Cover Article - Animal Kingdom - Lam Jan Feb 2019
NACD Cover Article - Animal Kingdom - Lam Jan Feb 2019
An Animal Kingdom
Of Disruptive Risks
Where was the board? As a corporate director, imagine you find your-
self in one of these difficult situations:
■■ Unexpected financial losses mount as your bank faces a sudden
collapse during a 1-in-100-year economic crisis.
■■ Customers leave and profits drop year after year as a new tech-
nology start-up takes over your No. 1 market position.
■■ Negative headlines and regulatory actions besiege your compa-
ny following undesirable tweets and other belligerent behavior from
the CEO.
These scenarios are not hard to imagine when you consider what
unfolded before the boards of Lehman Brothers, Blockbuster, Tesla,
and others. In the context of disruptive risks, these events
can be referred to as black swans, gray rhinos, and white
How boards can elephants, respectively. While each has unique character-
oversee black istics, the commonality is that all of these risks can have a
major impact on a company’s profitability, competitive posi-
swans, gray
tion, and reputation.
rhinos, and white As presented in the 2018 NACD Blue Ribbon Com-
elephants. mission Report on Adaptive Governance: Board Oversight
of Disruptive Risks, most companies are unprepared for
By James C. Lam a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA)
business environment. In a recent NACD poll, 62 percent
of directors viewed disruptive risks as “much more impor-
tant” than five years ago. Only 19 percent of directors, however, ex-
pressed confidence in management’s ability to address such risks.
This gap between awareness and confidence is well founded. Ac-
cording to a separate study, the average time companies exist within
the S&P 500 index has declined from 33 years in 1964 to 24 years
in 2016, and is forecasted to drop to 12 years by 2027. Indeed, value
creation and destruction is occurring at an unprecedented and ac-
celerating speed.
In a VUCA world, boards need to expand their risk governance
and oversight to include disruptive risks. This article addresses three
fundamental questions:
■■ What are black swans, gray rhinos, and white elephants?
■■ Why are they so complex and difficult to deal with?
in 2010; today Netflix is worth over $100 billion. Gray rhinos could nies felt when they witnessed their CEOs testifying under oath and
also be considered “known unknowns”: we know these emerging before the US Congress that nicotine was not addictive.
trends could have massive impact, but we don’t know how to react
appropriately. Examples of current gray rhinos include artificial in- Complexities and Biases
telligence, blockchain, cybersecurity, and climate change. These Why are companies so ill prepared for disruptive risks? There are
enterprise risks, the audit committee’s review of risk disclosures, the ■■ Market intelligence data that provides directors with useful
compensation committee’s determination of executive incentive “outside-in” information, including key business and industry de-
plans, and the governance committee’s processes for addressing velopments, consumer and technology trends, competitive actions,
undesirable executive behavior. The key is to explicitly incorporate and regulatory updates.
disruptive risks into the board’s oversight and scope of work. ■■ Enterprise performance and risk analysis including key per-
2. Ensure that fundamental ERM practices are effective. formance and risk indicators that quantify the organization’s sensi-
Fundamental ERM practices—risk policy and analytics, manage- tivities to disruptive risks.
ment strategies, and metrics and reporting—provide the baseline ■■ Geo-mapping that highlights global “hot spots” for economic,
from which disruptive risks can be considered. As an example, the political, regulatory, and social instability. This can also show com-
definition of risk appetite can inform discussions of loss tolerance pany-specific risks such as third-party vendor, supply chain, and
relative to disruptive risks. As an early step, the board should ensure cybersecurity issues.
■■ Early-warning indicators that provide general or scenario-
specific signals with respect to risk levels, effectiveness of controls,
To overcome inertia and deal with gray and external drivers.
rhinos, the company needs to establish ■■ Action triggers and plans to facilitate timely discussions and
decisions in response to disruptive risks.
organizational processes and incentives 5. Strengthen board culture and governance. To effectively
to increase agility. oversee disruptive risks, the board must be fit for purpose. This re-
quires creating a board culture that considers nontraditional views,
questions key assumptions, and supports continuous improvement.
that the overall ERM framework is robust and effective. Otherwise, Good governance practices should be in place in the event a white
the organization may fall victim to “managing risk by silo” and miss elephant appears. For example, what is the board protocol and
critical interdependencies between disruptive risks and other enter- playbook if the CEO acts inappropriately? In the United States, the
prise risks. 25th Amendment and impeachment clauses are in place osten-
3. Consider scenario planning and analysis. Directors should sibly to remove a reprehensible president. Does the organization
recognize that basic ERM tools may not fully capture disruptive have procedures to remove a reprehensible CEO?
risks. They should consider advocating for, and participating in, The chart on the opposite page summarizes the key characteris-
scenario planning and analysis. This is akin to tabletop exercises for tics, examples, indicators, and strategies for identifying and address-
cyber-risk events, except much broader in scope. Scenario analysis ing black swans, gray rhinos, and white elephants. The end goal
can be a valuable tool to help companies put a spotlight on hidden should be to enhance oversight of disruptive risks and counter the
risks, generate strategic insights on performance drivers, and iden- specific challenges that are presented. To mitigate the unpredict-
tify appropriate actions for disruptive trends. The objective is not to ability of black swans, the company should develop contingency
predict the future, but to identify the key assumptions and sensitivi- plans with a focus on preparedness. To overcome inertia and deal
ties in the company’s business model and strategy. In addition to with gray rhinos, the company needs to establish organizational
scenario planning, dynamic simulation models and stress-testing processes and incentives to increase agility. To balance subjectivity
exercises should be considered. and confront white elephants, directors should invest in good gov-
4. Ensure board-level risk metrics and reports are effective. ernance and objective input that will support decisiveness.
The quality of risk reports is key to the effectiveness of board risk
oversight. Standard board risk reports often are comprised of insuf- The Opportunity for Boards
ficient information: historical loss and event data, qualitative risk In a VUCA world, corporate directors must expand their traditional
assessments, and static heat maps. An effective board risk report risk oversight beyond well-defined strategic, operational, and finan-
should include quantitative analyses of risk impacts to earnings and cial risks. They must consider atypical risks that are hard to predict,
value, key risk metrics measured against risk appetite, and forward- easy to ignore, and difficult to address. While black swans, gray
looking information on emerging risks. By leveraging scenario rhinos, and white elephants may sound like exotic events, directors
planning, the following reporting components can enhance dis- could enhance their recognization of them by reflecting on their
ruptive risk monitoring: own experiences serving on boards.