StructureExpert Weld
StructureExpert Weld
StructureExpert Weld
Secure, reliable welding control
every time
2 Struers StructureExpert Weld equipment
The quality control of welds is an important
part of a production process. Each inspection
needs to be accurate and meet the right
quality standard. Weld bead inspections
can be tedious, time-consuming and
costly, with manual calibrations
and equipment adjustments.
StructureExpert Weld helps minimize mistakes and StructureExpert Weld helps you boost welding quality.
errors caused by manual adjustments. The built-in Dedicated weld inspection software with specific
digital camera and software-controlled magnification measurement tools ensures that weld bead measurement
adjustment make it easy to find the best field of view. and analysis processes are performed accurately.
The calibration is automatically loaded with the set
magnification – ensuring maximum accuracy and Through easy-to-customize report templates and data
reproducibility. tracking possibilities, you can speed up processes,
as well as ensure they are fully traceable.
The new internal light system consists of 4 ramps of LED.
These can be controlled simultaneously or individually
to achieve a higher contrast, which provides precise
“Verification is a vital
part of quality control.
As materialographic
specialists, we know
how to help our customers
set up their equipment
correctly, so that they
obtain accurate results.”
- Roman Gerund,
Struers Application Specialist, Germany
4 Struers StructureExpert Weld equipment
Save time Maximum weld bead control
StructureExpert Weld is designed to enable an easy, StructureExpert Weld helps boost welding quality.
precise placement of the prepared sample. The unique, Dedicated weld control software with specific
inverted optical system ensures the sample surface measurement tools ensures that weld bead measurement
is always the same distance to the camera, rendering and analysis processes are performed accurately.
continuous height adjustments and calibrations Through easy-to-customize report templates and data
unnecessary. One click provides the information tracking possibilities, you can speed up processes,
required to perform the necessary checks. as well as ensure they are fully traceable.
The built-in digital camera and software-controlled To minimize the impact of human errors, the system
magnification adjustment mean it is fast and easy has an automatic built-in calibration.
to locate the best view, thereby ensuring accuracy.
The calibration is automatically loaded with the set
magnification – ensuring maximum accuracy and
reproducibility. The new internal light system consisting
of 4 ramps of LED provides bright, uniform illumination
for crisp, high image contrast and precise measurements.
Struers StructureExpert Weld equipment 5
Efficient, accurate weld bead control results
StructureExpert Weld-11
StructureExpert Weld is the only dedicated stand-alone
imaging system designed for efficient and accurate Optimal repeatability and easy operation.
weld bead control. The unique, inverted optical system, Dedicated imaging system for weld bead measurement.
automatic illumination, auto-focus and built-in calibration Consists of compact housing, LED lighting system, digital
help eliminate time-consuming manual processes camera with motorized zoom and dedicated software
and measurement errors. for measurement and reporting.
Now, the weld inspection processes can be improved, • Field of view from ~ 9.3 to ~ 0.8 mm (~ 0.36" to ~ 0.03")
thus saving time, money, and resources. • Equivalent to ~ 20x - ~ 240x magnification
StructureExpert Weld-6
Metrology System Administration Software
Reports Statistics
Struers provides all the accessories you will need in order to test weld
bead controls. The accessories ensure better test performance with
a high degree of accuracy, and provide easier usage and documentary
proof for audits.
Available as a hardened glass window or as an 85 mm All certificates are accredited certificates (UKAS) and
sapphire window mounted into a 100 mm*100 mm offer 10 points calibration. As an option, UKAS accredited
mounting bracket that elimates the likelihood certificates are available and offer 10 points calibration.
of scratches.
The certificates are certified in accordance with the
For improved contrast, an optional hood can be supplied requirements of national and international standards
to prevent scattered light. and regulations.
To ensure accurate measurements, all StructureExpert To ensure the best possible documentation and
Weld systems are equipped with a calibration plate. performance, the StructureExpert Weld is supported by
The calibration plate can also be used at any given different software modules. The software modules are:
time to verify the accuracy of the measurements. - Process Tracking for process tracking.
- Data View software for an extended display
If needed for documentation, we are also able to supply of old measurement data and for editing old
calibration plates with a UKAS-certified certificate. measurement results.
- Q-DAS allows the import of DXF files into SEW software.
- DXF to display complex drawings on SEW images.
Optimize your process – minimize your waste Take a systematic approach for accurate,
reproducible results
Are you looking for perfect results from your true structure?
Or perhaps a few artifacts are acceptable, as long as they Trial and error is neither accurate nor efficient as an
do not disturb your analysis? Whatever your preparation approach. Based on extensive academic training and
goal, we will help you optimize your grinding and polishing hands-on experience, our materialographic experts have
process – without over-processing. This means increasing developed optimized methods for any material. Simply
the quality of your specimen up to your goal by eliminating tell us your preparation goal and we will customize our
artifacts such as deformation, edge rounding, scratches standard method to your equipment, requirements and
or pull-outs, while minimizing process waste with fewer, operator capabilities, whether your focus is on quality,
shorter steps. safety, speed or efficiency.
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Maximize your uptime with consumables on delivery Get total support – whatever, whenever
Reduce your risk and keep inventory costs down with Verification is just one part of the story. Our materialographic
our robust global supply chain. For fast, reliable delivery, experts can help you optimize your end-to-end process
we have distribution centers across the U.S., Japan, through Value Stream Mapping. There are also Struers
China, Germany and Denmark. consumables and equipment for any stage in the process.
These are designed to work together so you get the most
Our ISO 9001-certified LEAN production and strict quality out of your investment.
control ensure all consumables perform as promised and
contribute to a safer workplace. You can also minimize In fact, we are here to help you with every aspect of
your environmental impact thanks to our ISO 14001 materialography. Whether you need to boost your skills
certification for environmental management and with on-site and online training or maximize your uptime
commitment to low-carbon shipping. with service and support, we offer a complete solution
for ensuring certainty.
Struers StructureExpert Weld equipment 11
98% of consumables
48 hrs
are shipped within
02.08.2022 / 62010561
Ensuring certainty