Character Recognition
Character Recognition
Character Recognition
Character Recognition
BE-SEM VII Prepared At Department Of Information Technology Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University College Road, Nadiad-387001 Prepared By Patel Nilaxkumar R. (IT-61) I.T. department, DDU, Nadiad Patel Nisithkumar J. (IT-64) I.T. department, DDU, Nadiad Guided By Asst. Prof. Y. L. Patel Department of Information Technology Faculty of Technology Dharmsinh Desai University
Department of Information Technology Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University College Road, Nadiad-387001
We declare that pre-final semester report entitled Character Recognition Application is our own work conducted under the supervision of the guide Asst. Prof. Y. L. Patel from Faculty of Technology, DDU, Nadiad.
We further declare that to the best of our knowledge the report for B.E SEM-VII does not contain part of the work which has been submitted either in this or any other university without proper citation.
Submitted To: Asst. Prof. Y.L.Patel, Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad State: Gujarat
This is to certify that the project carried out in the subject of Software Design Project entitled Character Recognition and provided in this report is a bonafied report of the work carried out by 1) Mr. Nilax Patel, Student ID No: 086067 2) Mr. Nisith Patel, Student ID No: 086370
Of Department of Information Technology, semester VII, under the guidance and supervision at Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad (Gujarat). They were involved in the project during academic year 2011-2012.
Asst. Prof. Y. L. Patel Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad Date:
Prof. R.S.Chhajed Head, Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad Date:
It is a great sense of satisfaction and a matter of privilege to us to work at DDIT, Nadiad. We wish to express our heartiest thanks to I.T. Department for providing us the opportunity to undergo the training in the esteemed organization. Under such a nice environment, systematic work approach and target oriented task management of this division provided us with the much-desired training experience needed for future software professional.
Our heartfelt thanks to our Sir Asst. Prof. Y. L. Patel, who has helped us in the project with words of encouragement, and has shown full confidence in our abilities.
Here the application is about Character Recognition.A character recognition system which works with the mechanism of the neural network, a neural network model for deformation-invariant visual charcater recognition. The system has been trained to recognize 26 handwritten capital alphanumeric characters. The ability to recognize deformed characters correctly depends strongly on the choice of the training pattern set. Some techniques for selecting training patterns useful for deformation-invariant recognition of a large number of characters are suggested. The system match the pattern of the drawn character into the database and if pattern is match then display appropriate character for that. We can also train the system for our character.
2.0 Project Management 2.1 Feasibility Study 2.1.1 Technical feasibility 2.1.2 Operational feasibility 2.1.3 Economic Feasibility 2.1.4 Time Scheduling Feasibility 2.1.5 Implementation Feasibility 2.2 Project Planning 2.2.1 Project Development Approach and Justification 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 Project Plan Milestones and Deliverables Roles and Responsibilities
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6 7 7 8
System Requirements Study 3.1 3.2 3.3 Problems and Weaknesses of Current System Hardware and Software Requirements Constraints
10 11 11 12
4.0 System Analysis 4.1 Software Requirement Specification (SRS) 4.1.1 Functional Requirements
13 13 13
UML Diagrams 5.1 Use case Diagram 5.2 Activity Diagram 5.3 Statechart Diagram 5.4 Class Diagram 5.5 Sequence Diagram 5.5.1 Admin sequence diagram(Training) 5.5.2 User sequence diagram(Testing)
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6.0 Implementation Planning 6.1 Implementation Environment 6.2 Implementation 6.2.1 Patterns 6.2.2 Training Set 6.2.3 User Interface User Frame Train Frame 6.2.4 Input to the network 6.2.5 Output to the network 7.0 Testing 7.1 Testing Plan 7.2 Testing Strategy 7.3 Testing Methods 7.4 Test Cases
33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 36 36 38
Conclusion and Discussion 10.1 10.2 Conclusions and Discussion Summary of the Project
40 40 40 41
Fig Class Diagram Fig Sequence Diagram Fig 7.1.1 Fig 8.1 Fig 8.2 Fig 8.3 Fig 8.4 Fig 8.5 Fig 8.6 Fig 8.7 Fig 8.8 Testing Plan Home Page Select Option User authentication Training Frame Add charcter into the database Testing Frame Recognize character Add character into the database
y y y y y
Current system are not much user friendly. Current system doesnt provide good user interface. Current system take considerable amount of time in giving response to user. Current system recognize only capital letters. Current System recognize only character which are draw in well manner.
3.2.1 Hardware Requirement y y y Pentium III or IV 256 MB of RAM System must be jar support
3.2.2 Software Requirement y y Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/Windows 7 Net Beans IDE 6.9
The organization have enough license to meet the software requirement of Net Beans and other tools required to develop the application. So no additional hardware or software is required.
3.4.1 Hardware Limitations y Here users who want to process should have system with JAR files support.
For safety user each time need to be authenticated if they are not paired.