Bill 32002788
Bill 32002788
Bill 32002788
Please Pay $187.48
Due By 09/04/2024
Billing Date AUG 10, 2024
Service From 07/10/2024 - 08/08/2024 Average Average Daily Temperature
Daily Cost
Past Due $92.29 81° Current Month | Compared to 79° prior year
Current Charges $93.81 $3.24
Usage Over Last Year
Adjustments $1.38 Current Month
80 Ccf* Monthly Average | 963 Ccf Total
Compared to 1 CCF = approx. 1 hour of heat
$0.00 prior year
*See terms on pg. 2
Save Money, Save Energy. Let PGW help you conserve more
of your energy and money! Check out rebates, incentives and
more at
Natural gas smells like rotten eggs. IF YOU THINK YOU 910 LOUISIANA ST, STE B200
SMELL GAS: Call 215-235-1212 immediately. HOUSTON TX 77002
(855) 500-8703 |
Pay Online Pay By Phone (215) 235-1000 (English & Español) Pay With Cash (See Back For Details)
*a convenience fee of $2.65 will be applied
Please return this portion with your payment. Please Pay Due By
Write your account number on your check or
money order made payable to Philadelphia Gas Works. $187.48 09/04/2024
Account Number: 0032002788
$ , , .
Thank you!
Philadelphia Gas Works
2808 MAGEE AVE Newark, NJ 07101-4700
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/MyPGW MyPGW @MyPGW /MyPGW PhillyGasWorks
Gas Leaks & Emergencies (24/7) (215) 235-1212
Residential Customer Service (8am to 6pm, M-F) (215) 235-1000
Commercial Customer Service (8am to 4:30pm, M-F) (215) 235-7077
Credit & Collections (8am to 4:30pm, M-F) (215) 235-1777
Report Theft of Gas (24/7) (215) 684-6383
How’s my gas measured? What are my charges?
CCF - 100 cubic feet of gas. This is a measure of gas usage. One *See the PGW Gas Service tariff on for full details.
CCF is about the amount of gas used to run an average-sized house Commodity Charges – The charge for basic gas supply service
heater nonstop for one hour. which is sold either by volume (CCF or MCF) or heating value (DTH).
These charges are passed along to customers at the price PGW
Dekatherms (DTH) - A measure of the heat content value of gas. pays, with no markup.
Gas usage is determined by multiplying the MCF used by the heat
content value of the gas. Customer Charges – A monthly charge to cover NGDC costs such
as maintaining the lines, meter reading and billing.
MCF - 1,000 cubic feet of gas. This is a measure of gas usage.
Distribution Charges – The charge for delivery of natural gas from
the point of receipt by the NGDC to the customer.
Other Helpful Terms
Distribution System Improvement Charge (DSIC) - A charge
Budget Bill – An optional billing method which averages estimated approved by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) for
service costs over a 12-month period. recovery of the reasonable and prudent costs incurred to repair,
improve, or replace eligible distribution property. A DSIC provides
Customer Responsibility Program (CRP) – PGW’s low income PGW with the resources to accelerate the replacement of aging
customer assistance program which provides a lower monthly bill and infrastructure.
forgiveness of pre-program debt.
Gas Cost Adjustments – Amount billed or credited each month to
Meter Reading Information – PGW uses its best effort to obtain an account for differences between projected and actual gas supply
actual meter reading regularly, and at least every six months for costs of the NGDC.
customers without automatic meter reading devices. When the meter
is not read, PGW estimates your gas use. To avoid estimates, you Weather Normalization Adjustment – An adjustment approved by
may read your own meter and call us with the reading. We also offer the PUC as a way to help PGW stabilize its income and operate more
stamped, preaddressed postcards, which you can use to send us your efficiently within its budget during the heating season.
meter reading by the specified date. To request a supply of these
cards, call (215) 235-1000, or write us at P.O. Box 3500, Philadelphia,
PA 19122.
If you have selected a Natural Gas Supplier other than
PGW, the natural gas supplier is responsible for
determining the rates billed for supplier charges. PGW will
bill for gas delivery according to the tariff for your rate
class. Commodity prices and charges are set by the
Natural Gas Supplier you have chosen. The Public
Utility Commission regulates the distribution prices and
Page 3 of 3
HOUSTON TX 77002 Meter Number: 01736992
(855) 500-8703 | Read Cycle: 08
Read Dates: 07/10/2024 - 08/08/2024
Starting Read: 5095 Actual
Ending Read: 5133 Actual
2808 MAGEE AVE | SA ID: 0869848245 Usage in CCF: 38.00
Residential Heat & Domestic Conversion Factor: 1.0307 Therm = 1 Ccf
Usage in Therms: 39.16
BREAK DOWN OF CHARGES Next Meter Read: 09/10/2024
NRG HOME Commodity Charge 38 Ccf @ $0.99 $37.62
When shopping for Natural Gas with a Natural
Total Supply Charges $37.62 Gas Supplier, please provide the following:
Delivery Charges PGW Account: 0032002788
Customer Charge @ $16.25 $16.25 Service Point ID: 9972209839
Distribution Charge 38 Ccf @ $0.94782 $36.02 Rate Class: General Service Residential CB
Rate Schedule: GSRCB
Distribution System Improvement Charge 7.5% $3.92
If you are already shopping know your contract
Total Delivery Charges $56.19 expiration date.
Total Billing Charges $93.81
Adjustments for SA ID # 869848245
Late Payment Charge $1.38
Total Adjustments $1.38
PGW Messages
Your estimated gas price to Compare (PTC) is $0.35667 per CCF. This estimated PTC was calculated by averaging
PGW's quarterly PTC over 12 months and is subject to change every quarter. For a more accurate PTC please visit