Strategic Plan

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The purpose of the Crenshaw/LAX Community Leadership Council Strategic Plan is to outline a long-term community-based plan that identifies how the construction and implementation of the Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail Line can enhance the mobility, economic vitality and quality of life for residents of the project area. The plan is designed to reflect the needs and desires of the residents and businesses in the project area, and to ensure broad participation from all elements of the community. The Community Leadership Council will monitor and review project activities to ensure that they are in coordination with the vision of the community and the direction of the strategic plan.

To reflect the communitys transportation needs. To address the communitys transit project fears. To present the communitys goals for a rail transit system that will connect millions of people. To understand the communitys desire to preserve what is best about the present while laying a new foundation for its transportation future. The mission of the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Community Leadership Council (CLC) is to, foster, advance and promote community-based dialogue and information sharing regarding the specific needs and preferences of residents and businesspeople in the specific neighborhoods and communities where the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor light rail line transit project will be constructed and operated in the cities of Los Angeles, Inglewood and El Segundo. The further mission of the CLC is to facilitate focused community discussion on community impacts of the planned light rail transit project for the purpose of providing community-based input to the Metropolitan Transit Authority (Metro). The purpose and role of the CLC is to make a diligent attempt to achieve a broad community consensus on the transit projects design, construction and safe operation. The CLC will analyze and assess the light rail projects capacity to leverage the public resources for neighborhood benefit, improved quality of life and community enhancements through economic development efforts that could produce new community assets for neighborhoods in the transit corridor, and create new job opportunities for corridor residents and contract procurement opportunities for corridor businesses.

Goal #1 - Encourage economic and housing development along the Crenshaw/LAX rail alignment on Metro-owned land parcels.
The establishment of the Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail Line provides an opportunity to promote transit-oriented development that creates a synergy between commercial activity, housing and transit usage.

IDENTIFY locations for joint development along the rail

corridor. The CLC will coordinate with Metro to identify land parcels available for joint development, and to develop plans that improve the economic viability of the community.

ASSESS community needs in the vicinity of planned rail

stations. The CLC provides a means for the community to provide input in the development of the light rail line.

PRESERVE the character of the communities in the

project area. The communities of the Crenshaw/LAX project area have a rich and diverse history, and the light rail line should reflect the character of the community.

Key Milestones July 2011 June 2012 y Identify Metro-owned parcels near stations y Identify current and potential land uses near parcels y Review existing and planned Transit Oriented Developments in Los Angeles area y Receive report on best practices regarding Transit Oriented Development and its application to project area

Goal #2 - Establish opportunities for job creation and commercial development throughout the project area.
The construction and operation of the Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail Line can be a catalyst for economic activity in the project area by encouraging the establishment of new businesses, providing construction and transportation jobs and stimulating efforts to train residents for these new employment opportunities.

PROMOTE the creation of jobs for residents of the

project area. The light rail line can provide jobs during construction and spur new business development that adds jobs in the future.

ENCOURAGE commercial development in the

rail corridor. The establishment of rail stations at key locations combined with increased access to the community can attract new commerce and increase activity for existing businesses.

ESTABLISH job training opportunities for local

residents. Job training programs can be used to develop key skill sets that will be valuable for residents far beyond construction of the rail line.

Key Milestones July 2011 June 2012 y Review Project Labor Agreement y Evaluate DBE participation goals y Assess communications plan for hiring and procurement y Review local worker hiring plan y Develop coordination plan between Metro Procurement and area businesses y Develop framework for local job training program

Goal #3 - Create an environment along the rail alignment that is visually appealing, conveniently allows residents to travel for work, school, shopping and recreation, and enhances the pedestrian experience.
Effective transportation systems provide their communities with the ability to travel conveniently in carrying out their everyday activities. The transportation system should also support the development of neighborhoods that are inviting to visit and provide needed services for residents, promoting economic growth and improved quality of life for residents.

CREATE a vision for a visually attractive community.

Development of the light rail line should support efforts by residents to stimulate community development and inspire neighborhood pride.

IMPROVE access to major activity centers and

employment areas. Light rail service should increase the communitys access to places where residents can find employment opportunities and enjoy leisure activities.

ENHANCE the pedestrian experience.

The light rail line should be developed in coordination with streetscape and landscape improvements that create attractive areas for walking, shopping and recreational activities.

Key Milestones July 2011 June 2012 y Review current general plan information for project area communities y Develop recommendations for changes to general plans consistent with community vision y Evaluate preliminary station area plans


Goal #4 - Develop rail stations that are easily accessible by all modes of travel, provide a safe and comfortable waiting area, and encourage commercial development in the surrounding area.
Light rail stations should be an integral part of the communities they serve by providing convenient access to regional transportation, adding visual benefits to the community and attracting investment in commercial development.

PROVIDE convenient station access for transit users.

Stations should be easily accessible for pedestrians, park-n-ride passengers and connecting transit services.

ENHANCE personal safety for passengers.

Rail station

infrastructure should include measures such as lighting, mounted cameras and other security features to enhance the safety of passengers.

ENCOURAGE economic activity around stations.


establishment of rail stations at key locations combined with increased access to the community can attract new commerce and increase activity for existing businesses.

Key Milestones July 2011 June 2012 y Review current general plan information for project area communities y Develop recommendations for changes to general plans consistent with community vision y Evaluate preliminary station area plans

Goal #5 - Minimize effects of noise and air pollution during construction and create an environment that reduces automobile travel in the rail corridor.
The construction and operation of the light rail line should positively impact the health and well-being of residents by reducing noise and air pollution in the project area and in considering effects on the environment.

DEVELOP methods to reduce noise and air pollution.

Construction activities should include well defined plans to minimize the impacts of noise, dust and other environmental hazards.

REDUCE the level of automobile travel in the project

area. The Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail line and its connection to the regional bus and rail network provides travel alternatives to the automobile and can help reduce automobile emissions.


use of Green products during and after construction. The light rail project should develop strategies that promote the use of environmentally friendly products and local firms that provide those products.

Key Milestones July 2011 June 2012 y Review current Metro plans for mitigation of noise and air pollution y Review Metro requirements in construction bids for contractors to mitigate noise and air pollution y Receive report on current and projected automobile travel in project area y Develop plan for the use of environmentally friendly products during construction

Goal #6 - Develop an environment where light rail service is incorporated into the community in a manner that fosters the highest level of safety between pedestrians, automobiles and transit services.
The light rail line must be operated with the highest regard for personal safety. The rail line should be a familiar component of the community.

IDENTIFY potential safety hazards.

Prior to construction engineering plans should be reviewed with the community and the public should have opportunities to provide input on safety issues.

EDUCATE residents on the operation of rail service.

Providing information to the community regarding rail operation and safety will reduce the potential for accidents and injury.

ESTABLISH processes to coordinate with local

government agencies to address safety issues after construction. Ensuring the safety of the community from construction through implementation and operation is an on-going process.

Key Milestones July 2011 June 2012 y y y y y Review of preliminary engineering plans and designs Establish process to identify potential safety issues Review Safety & Security Management Plan Review Transit Safety Education Plan Review Construction Safety Plan

Goal #7 - Establish a partnership with local business in the project area to minimize the impacts of construction that could jeopardize the viability of existing business.
Light rail construction must consider the needs of local businesses by maintaining access for customers and promoting the benefits of the services they provide to the community.

IDENTIFY construction activities that could negatively

impact local business. It is essential to establish early and on-going communication with the business community to address potential issues.

COORDINATE directly with the business community

on methods to reduce negative impacts. A key element of the project is to establish direct communication between Metro and the business community to develop strategies that assist businesses in maintaining services to the community.

Key Milestones July 2011 June 2012 y Identify Metro liaison for construction mitigation issues y Review Traffic Management Plan y Development of Look-Ahead process for early notification and review of construction activities impacting businesses y Evaluate Best Practices report on programs designed to assist businesses during construction y Assess Construction Mitigation Plan

Goal #8 - Provide residents with efficient and convenient connections with the bus and rail network that maximize travel opportunities throughout the Greater Los Angeles region.
A primary function of the Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail line is to provide a transportation link for project area residents to economic and recreational opportunities within the community and across the Los Angeles area.

ASSESS present and future travel movements in the

project area. Primary travel movements should be identified to ensure that the transit system provides the most direct and timely linkages between key activity centers.

LINK the areas bus and rail network in a manner that

encourages transit use. Bus and rail services must work in a coordinated manner to efficiently move travelers across the Los Angeles region.

PROMOTE mobility opportunities provided by the

transit network. The Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail line is part of a growing network of transit services that can access all communities of the Los Angeles area.

Key Milestones July 2011 June 2012 y Review information on current travel patterns in project area y Review information on projected travel patterns in project area over next 10-30 years

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