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Purpose of fuel system
 To store fuel
 To transfer fuel
 To filter fuel
 To atomise fuel


Combustion of petrol
Petrol is a fuel that is particularly suitable for use in internal-combustion engines,
especially light motor vehicles. It is a clean liquid, which is easily stored and flows
Petrol gives off a flammable vapour at quite low temperatures and when burnt
produces a large amount of heat. A disadvantage of petrol is its highly flammable
qualities and reasonable precautions against fire are needed.
Before petrol can be burnt it must be vaporized and mixed with a suitable quantity
of air. Combustion is a process involving the chemical combination of a fuel with
Crude petroleum, from which petrol is produced, is a mixture of various
compounds of hydrogen and carbon (called hydrocarbons). Petrol consists of these
constituents of crude petroleum which have boiling points between the
temperatures of, roughly, 30°C and 200°C.

Calorific value
The amount of heat generated by the complete combustion of a unit mass of fuel is
called the calorific value of the fuel. Note that for an average sample of petrol, the
calorific value is about 44 MJ kg–1.

Mixture strength
The mixture strength is the proportion of air that is mixed with the fuel required to
produce the engine’s power. It should be noted that the mixture strength is always
quoted by the weight of the air and fuel, not their volume.

Example: an air/fuel ratio of 14:1 indicates 14 g of air mixed with 1 g of fuel.

It has already been noted that for perfect and therefore complete combustion to
occur during the power stroke, the air/fuel ratio supplied to the engine is 14.66:1
(called the chemically correct mixture or stoichmetric mixture). This is usually
referred to as 14.7:1.
A mixture having a greater proportion of fuel to that of air, is referred to as a ‘rich
mixture’ (e.g. 10:1).
A mixture having a greater proportion of air to that of fuel, is referred to as a weak
or ‘lean mixture’ (e.g. 20:1).
Both rich and lean mixtures will burn, but will produce different results and levels
of power.

It should be noted that it is the petrol vapour, and not the liquid, which burns. It is
therefore important that the petrol supplied to the cylinder is vaporized before
combustion occurs.

Generally the time is too short to vaporize the liquid fuel completely before
combustion, so additional means must be provided to break up the fuel
mechanically into small particles by a process called atomization.
The liquid fuel is broken up by either subjecting it to a turbulent airflow, or by
pumping the fuel into the air stream through small holes in an injector. This action
not only aids the production of a fast burning mixture but also helps to mix the air
and fuel evenly, i.e. it aims to produce a homogeneous mixture.


The fuel supply system consists of the fuel tank (storage tank) and a pump, which
is used to deliver the fuel to the fuel metering system (carburettor).

The fuel tank

Most fuel tanks are constructed by soldering or welding pressed metal, although
many modern vehicles now use plastic moulded tanks.

Soldered tanks
The walls of the tank are made from tinned steel sheets cut and bent to shape. The
seams are either rolled or riveted before soldering, and the tank walls are internally
supported at intervals by stiffeners. These consist of sheets which divide the tank
into compartments (anti-surge baffles) but are pierced with large holes, so that
although they allow fuel to pass from one compartment to another they prevent the
fuel ‘surging’ from side to side of the tank.
Welded tanks
This construction uses steel pressings for walls and stiffeners, with joints and
seams welded. The tank is often coated inside, and sometimes outside also, with tin
or lead.

Plastic tanks
Most fuel tanks today are constructed from a plastic material. Materials such as
high-density polyethylene can be easily moulded into irregular shaped tanks to fit
into spaces situated away from accident impact zones. Extra protection against
impact and exhaust heat can be given by using steel plates.

Location of the fuel tank

It was at one time common practice on small and some medium-sized cars to fit the
tank as high as possible in the scuttle (between the engine bulkhead and the base of
the windscreen). With the carburettor mounted fairly low at the side of the engine,
the fuel could be allowed to flow to the carburettor by gravity, providing a simple
and reliable system (see Figure below).

In large cars and commercial vehicles, a tank of sufficient size could not be
conveniently accommodated in the scuttle. Furthermore, any leakage would allow
fuel to enter into the interior of the driving compartment, with consequent risk of
fire. If an accident were to occur, a split tank would allow petrol to leak on to the
exhaust pipe at a point where the pipe might be hot enough to ignite the fuel.
Various alternative positions for the tank were tried, the most popular for cars
being at the rear of the vehicle.
The pump
With a fuel tank situated at the rear of the vehicle, the tank is below the level of the
carburettor and it is necessary to provide some means of lifting the fuel from the
tank. This usually takes the form of a pump in which the pumping element is a
flexible diaphragm. The pump may be operated either mechanically or electrically

When mechanically operated, it is mounted on the engine and worked by a special

cam on the engine camshaft. As the engine is carried on flexible mountings, it is
necessary to include a length of flexible piping in the pipeline connecting the pump
to the tank, as shown in Figure below.

When electrically operated, the pump may be mounted in one of two positions. The
first of these is on the engine bulkhead: the pump is connected to the tank by a
rigid pipeline, but a flexible pipe connects the pump to the carburettor to allow for
engine movement on its flexible mountings. With the pump in this position, one
difficulty which is sometimes encountered, is the formation of bubbles of fuel
vapour in the pipe between tank and pump.

There are two main causes for this – heat and reduced pressure. If the fuel pipe is
heated by passing near the exhaust pipe it should be relocated, but if the heating is
merely due to hot weather little can be done. The trouble is aggravated by the fact
that the pipeline between tank and pump, being on the suction side of the pump, is
operating under a pressure less than atmospheric, a condition that encourages the
formation of vapour. Thus the alternative position for an electric fuel pump is close
to the tank so that the main length of the pipeline is under pressure and the
formation of vapour is discouraged. Both these positions are shown in Figure
Mechanical fuel pump

The upper part of the body (16) contains the inlet connection (1), the inlet valve
(2), the outlet valve (3) and the outlet connection (4). The circular diaphragm (5)
(made of fabric impregnated with synthetic rubber) is clamped around its edge
between the upper (16) and lower (15) parts of the body. It is also clamped at its
centre between two dished circular plates attached to the upper end of the
diaphragm pull rod (6). A spring (7) fitted between the lower diaphragm and the
lower body pushes the diaphragm upwards. The pump is bolted to the wall of the
crankcase. The lever (8) passes through an aperture to bear against an eccentric (9)
on the engine camshaft, the end of the lever being pressed lightly against the
eccentric by the spring (12). The lever pivots on a pin (10) on which is also pivoted
a section link (13), the other end of which engages the lower end of the diaphragm
pull rod

Principle of operation of the mechanical pump

Suction stroke
When the engine is running, the lever (8) is rocked on its pivot. Movement of the
lever towards the pump causes the step (11) on the lever to engage the link (13),
which it moves about the pivot (10), so pulling the diaphragm and compressing the
diaphragm spring (7). Movement of the lever (8) away from the pump allows the
diaphragm to be moved upwards by the spring (7).
Downward movement of the diaphragm increases the volume of the pumping
chamber above the diaphragm, holding the outlet valve (3) on its seat, opening the
inlet valve (2) and drawing fuel from the tank through the inlet connection into the
pumping chamber.

Delivery stroke
On the upward stroke of the diaphragm, pressure is applied to the fuel in the
pumping chamber by the spring (7), closing the inlet valve but forcing the outlet
valve off its seat and delivering fuel through the outlet connection (4) and a pipe to
the carburettor.

Idling stroke
When the carburettor is full of fuel a valve in the carburettor closes, preventing the
entry of any more fuel, and consequently fuel is now unable to leave the pump.
The diaphragm will thus be held in its lowest position by the fuel in the pumping
chamber under the loading of the spring (7), although the lever (8) will maintain
contact with the eccentric (9) through the influence of the spring (12).

The pressure at which fuel is delivered to the carburettor is determined by the force
exerted by the spring (7). This force in turn depends upon the dimensions of the
spring and the extent to which it is compressed when the diaphragm is in its lowest
position. Within limits, this may be varied by selecting a suitable thickness of
packing to place between the pump mounting-flange and the engine crankcase; a
greater thickness reducing the pressure slightly and a lesser thickness increasing it.

Should the diaphragm develop a leak, fuel can escape through a number of drain
holes (14) drilled through the wall of the pump body.
Electric fuel pump

Although electric fuel pumps have been extensively used in the past, the
mechanical pump was preferred with carburettor fuel systems because of its low
cost. Also the mechanical pump operates only when the engine is running, so fire
risk is reduced when the vehicle is involved in a crash.

The electric pump (Figure above) consists of two parts: the pumping section,
which is similar to the corresponding section of a mechanical pump, and the
electrical unit, which operates the diaphragm.

Movement of the diaphragm (9) is effected by energizing an electromagnet and

attracting an iron armature (8). At the end of the stroke during which the fuel is
entering the pump, the pushrod (7) moves the toggle-spring assembly and clicks
open the tungsten contacts (1). This interrupts the electrical supply to the magnet
coil (2), allows the spring (3) to return the diaphragm and forces the fuel through
the outlet valve to the carburettor. When the diaphragm reaches the end of its
travel, the contacts close and the cycle is repeated.
This action will continue until the carburettor is full of fuel, when the diaphragm
will be unable to make its return stroke, holding the contacts open until the
carburettor requires more fuel. The pressure at which the fuel is delivered to the
carburettor is governed by the strength of the spring (3).

Reference was made to the fire risk following a crash. To minimize this hazard,
some vehicles have an ‘inertia-actuated cut-off switch’ connected in the electrical
supply to the fuel pump. A deceleration greater than 5 G (49 ms –2) causes the
switch contacts to open.

A coarse gauze suction filter is normally fitted to the ‘pick up’ pipe inside the fuel
tank. It is a sensible precaution to fit one or more filters in the fuel system to trap
dirt and water.

Filters used in conjunction with carburettor fuel systems may be fitted in one or
more of the following positions:
1. around the outlet from the fuel tank
2. at the fuel pump inlet
3. at the carburettor or injection system inlet
4. at any convenient point in the pipeline connecting the tank to the fuel
delivery system.

Fuel filters for carburettor purposes may consist of brass wire gauze of a mesh
sufficiently fine to trap those particles of dirt that are large enough to cause trouble
in fuel pumps and carburettors, and of an area large enough to pass more than the
maximum fuel flow. If previously damped with petrol such filters will also trap

Fuel pipe connections

Where pipes are connected to tanks, pumps, filters and carburettors, some form of
secure but easily detachable connection is required.

A very simple connection is used with carburettor fuel systems, in which the end of
the plastic pipe is simply pushed on to a tightly fitting tubular extension on the
component (Figure below). The hose is usually secured to the component with a
retaining clip. Occasionally a petrol-proof adhesive is used to secure the hose to
the extension tube.

The term ‘simple carburettor’ refers to the basic type of carburettor. While it might
be suitable for certain types of engine, it will not provide the correct fuelling for an
engine fitted to a motor vehicle. Modifications to this simple type of carburettor
are necessary to allow it to provide the correct fuelling for an engine over the entire
operating range.

A carburettor consists essentially of two parts:

1. A component that provides a small reservoir of fuel and also regulates the
volume of fuel delivered to the carburettor by the fuel pump. The volume of
fuel delivered is dependent upon the rate at which the fuel is used by the
engine. The part is usually referred to as the ‘float chamber’.
2. A component that atomizes the fuel, mixing it with the correct amount of air
for the engine operating conditions. This part is known as the ‘mixing

Although these two parts are identified separately, they are not necessarily
separated from one another.
The principle of the simple U-tube

Diagram (a) shows a U-tube partly filled with liquid. Providing the pressure acting
at A and B are equal, the levels of liquid in the two limbs of the tube will be at the
same height.

However, if the pressure at A exceeds that at B, the level of liquid in limb A will
be forced down the tube and that in limb B raised. Thus there will be a difference
in the height h, between the two levels, proportional to the difference in the two
pressures, as illustrated in diagram (b).

Note that it is not the actual pressure that affects the level of the liquid in the tubes,
but the difference in pressure. The same effect will be produced by either an
increase of pressure at A or a decrease at B, or by a combination of both.

Figure below shows the U-tube modified for use in the carburettor, the
modifications consisting of an enlargement of the size of limb A, and a shortening
of limb B. (It can easily be demonstrated that this does not affect the principle in
any way whatsoever.)
Modified U-tube as used in a carburettor

Under normal conditions the limb (or chamber) A is open to the pressure of the
atmosphere. The chamber remains full of fuel, to the level of the top of limb B or
slightly below. If this level can be kept constant and limb B subjected to a pressure
lower than that of the atmosphere, fuel will be drawn out from B at a rate which
depends upon the difference in pressures and the opposition (restriction) which the
liquid encounters in flowing from A to B.

It is a simple matter to provide the necessary restriction to fuel flow by fitting, at

any convenient point in the tube B, a plug with a small hole. Different sizes of hole
will regulate the rate at which the fuel flows for any given pressure difference.

These small hole plugs are known as ‘jets’, and they are carefully calibrated by
carburettor manufacturers to determine the rate at which fuel flows through them
under standardized conditions.

A float mechanism
Figure below illustrates the manner in which the level in the chamber A is kept
constant. The top of the float chamber is encased except for a small hole or air
vent. Atmospheric pressure is therefore applied to the liquid (petrol) in the
chamber. The top of the chamber has a connection for the fuel pipe from the fuel
pump. This connection leads to a hole entering the top of the chamber. Inside the
chamber is a ‘float’, which is usually of a suitable plastic material or a hollow
brass pressing. Attached to the top of the float is a needle, the pointed (valve) end
enters the hole through which the fuel comes into the chamber.
When the chamber is empty the float lies on the bottom of the chamber and the
fuel inlet is fully open. The fuel pump, when in operation, delivers fuel to the
chamber, and as the chamber fills the float rises on the fuel level. When the
chamber is full, the action of the float brings the end of the needle valve into
contact with a seating at the end of the fuel inlet hole.

Contact of the needle with the seat prevents any further entry of fuel. When some
fuel is used from the chamber and the fuel level falls, the needle valve reopens to
allow more fuel to enter the chamber. The maximum height of fuel in the chamber
is arranged to be slightly below the top of the discharge nozzle.

The venturi
This device consists simply of a tube of which the bore diminishes gradually to a
‘throat’ and then gradually enlarges to its original size, as illustrated in Figure

Air flowing along this tube will increase in speed, just as it passes through the throat.
The result of this is that the pressure of the fluid is reduced as its velocity increases,
and will rise again as the velocity falls once the fluid has passed the narrow portion
of the tube.

Demonstration of air pressure variation in a carburettor

The increase in the air flow through the venturi can be demonstrated by the apparatus
shown in Figure below. This consists of a series of glass tubes, whose ends are
dipped into a trough of coloured water. A blower (like a vacuum cleaner) is used to
pass air through the venturi, the level of water in the tubes is noted when the blower
is switched on.

The mixing chamber of a carburettor is the region centred around the venturi. It is
situated in the induction pipe that supplies the engine with air. Fitted at the throat
of the venturi, which is also known as the choke tube, is an outlet from a pipe or
drilling that conveys petrol from the float chamber.

The combination of the depression created by the air passing through the venturi
and the petrol supply from the float chamber allows the petrol to mix with the air.
Since the depression intensifies as the volume of air passing through the induction
pipe increases, the amount of petrol supplied to mix with this air will also increase.
Figure below shows a simple carburettor. The only component not mentioned so
far is the throttle valve (or butterfly). The purpose of the throttle valve is to
regulate the engine power by controlling the flow of air entering the engine.

The action of the carburettor is as follows:

When fuel is supplied to the carburettor by the fuel pump, fuel enters the float
chamber through the inlet connection, and rises in both the float chamber and also
the fuel discharge nozzle. As the level rises, the float also rises, and lifts the needle
into the needle seating which cuts off the entry of fuel when the level is just below
the top of the discharge nozzle.

When the engine is rotated, air is drawn in through the air intake and choke tube
(venturi), producing a pressure drop or depression inside the choke tube. The
depression created in the venturi draws fuel from the float chamber via the passage
and jet into the mixing chamber. The rush of air through the choke tube will, if its
velocity is great enough, atomize the fuel as it passes through the discharge nozzle.
The mixture of air and atomized fuel is drawn into the engine at a rate which
depends upon engine speed and the extent of opening of the throttle valve. The
driver controls the position of the throttle valve by the position of the accelerator

As the rate of airflow increases, because of either an increase in engine speed, a

wider throttle opening or both, the depression in the choke tube also increases, thus
drawing more fuel through the jet.

The size of the choke tube is selected so that the air velocity through it is sufficient
to atomize the fuel at the lowest speed at which the engine is required to run. The
desired mixture can be obtained by using a jet of a predetermined size, which
allows the correct amount of fuel to flow and join the air stream.
Attitude of choke tube
The angle of the choke tube does not affect its function, so long as the float
chamber remains vertical. Carburettors are made with the choke tube horizontal,
vertical, or at some intermediate angle, as shown in Figure below.

However, the most common arrangement used is the ‘downdraught’, for two main
1. The flow of mixture into the manifold is assisted by gravity.
2. It enables the carburettor to be fitted in a very accessible position on top of
the engine.

Variation of air/fuel ratio

The simple carburettor would be suitable for a fixed-speed engine that operated
against a constant load. Such constant conditions are quite different from those
encountered by an engine fitted to a motor vehicle.

The increase in mixture strength is overcome either by incorporating a

‘compensation system’ into the carburettor design or by using a carburettor design
which employs the ‘constant depression’ principle.

The difference in construction that is used to overcome the mixture variation

problem enables carburettors to be classified as either:
 Constant – choke carburettors
 Constant – depression carburettors
Constant-choke carburettors are also known as ‘fixed choke’, or ‘variable-
depression’ carburettors because the depression in the fixed-size venturi varies
when the engine speed changes. This variation in engine speed must be balanced
by the fuel flow if weakness or richness of the mixture is to be avoided.

Need for mixture compensation

The change of mixture strength supplied by a simple carburettor is due to the fact
that the carburettor is attempting to meter two different components, air and petrol.
Air is a gas, which flows very easily, whereas petrol is a liquid that opposes flow.
In addition, petrol has a tendency for its particles to stick together as well as to the
walls of the passage through which it flows.

By selecting suitable sizes for the choke tube and jet, it is possible to obtain the
correct air/fuel mixture to suit a specific engine speed, but when the speed is
increased, the subsequent increase in the depression would promote an excessive
flow of petrol. This enrichment with an increase in speed and/or load is prevented
by incorporating a compensation system in the carburettor.

Compensation systems
A compensation or correction system is necessary to maintain a near-constant
air/fuel ratio. Accurate matching of the jets to the system is necessary to avoid
under- or over-correction; the former implies that the mixture becomes richer, and
the latter weaker as the speed or load increases.

Air-bleed compensation
This method of correction is the most commonly used. The constructional details
of the system vary between different makes of carburettor, but the principle
remains the same.
The arrangement shown in Figure below consists of an air jet that bleeds air into an
emulsion, or diffuser tube, in the side of which are drilled a number of small holes.
Petrol is supplied to the well via a main jet and the outlet from the well is situated
in the venturi.
When the main jet is not in use, the petrol levels in the well and float chamber are
similar, but when the venturi depression is sufficient to cause fuel to discharge
from the outlet, the level in the well falls. This drop in level increases as the
throttle is opened and when full throttle is reached the fuel level in the well is very
This opening of the throttle would cause a simple carburettor to supply a mixture
that becomes richer as the speed increases. A correction system overcomes this
problem by using the drop in fuel level in the well to expose air holes in the
emulsion tube. When the mixture strength shows a sign of becoming rich, a hole is
uncovered and air is bled into the system. This reduces the depression, which is felt
on the main jet and, as a result, restores the correct mixture strength.

A slow-running (idle) circuit

The airflow through the choke tube is then not only too slow to atomize the fuel,
but there is insufficient depression in the choke tube to draw fuel from the jets.
To pass the amount of mixture needed to keep the engine running at idling speed,
the throttle is barely open, and the air velocity is greatest where it passes through
the very small gap around the edge of the throttle butterfly. A vacuum gauge will
show that the depression in the manifold is at its highest, about 380–450 mm (15–
18 inches of mercury) below atmospheric pressure.

Acceleration from idle

Opening the throttle from the idling position causes more air to pass the throttle.
This lowers the depression (raises the pressure) and reduces the fuel discharge
from the slow-running outlet. At the same time, the airflow through the choke tube
causes the main jet system to come gradually into operation. The changeover does
not always occur smoothly, with the result that any deficiency in the fuel supply is
accompanied by a sudden drop in engine power.

To avoid this ‘transfer flat spot’ the arrangement shown in Figure below is used. At
a throttle position where the flat-spot would normally occur, one or more holes are
drilled adjacent to the edge of the throttle valve to provide additional fuel discharge
outlets. Fuel discharge from the upper hole is controlled by an interchangeable jet
called a progression jet.
Running on
When the ignition is switched off the driver expects the engine to stop
immediately. Sometimes an engine continues to run very erratically for a period of
time or until it is stalled by the driver. During this running-on period combustion is
initiated by a hot-spot within the combustion chamber, such as a valve or sparking
plug electrode. The extraordinary high temperature of a component is often
produced when the engine is operated on the weak mixture required to meet the
emission regulations.
Various arrangements are used to overcome this problem. The method shown in
Figure below is an electric solenoid which cuts off the slow-running mixture when
the ignition is switched off. The system is often referred to as an ‘anti-run-on
valve’ or ‘anti- dieseling valve’.
Acceleration circuit
Whenever the throttle is plunged open, there is a sudden weakening of the mixture.
One of the reasons for this is the delay caused by the reluctance of the fuel to
respond compared with the fast action of the air. If the carburettor is already
delivering a slightly weakened mixture to provide maximum economy, the further
weakening that occurs when the throttle is opened causes a delay before the engine
responds (in some cases it will cause the engine to misfire) resulting in a flat spot.

Cold starting
Provisions in the fuel system are necessary to start a cold engine, as the low
cranking speed of the engine is insufficient to allow the venturi to create an
adequate depression. In addition, the slow-moving air entering the engine causes a
large amount of fuel to be deposited on the walls of the inlet manifold. Since the
manifold and cylinders are cold, very little vaporization of the fuel takes place, so
ignition of the charge under these conditions is very difficult.
The provision of extra fuel during cold starting ensures there is an adequate supply
of light-fraction fuels that are able to vaporize in the cold engine. If the quantity of
gas formed by this vaporization is sufficient, it is possible to ignite the gas and
produce enough heat to drive the engine over, even though the cold oil is causing a
large drag.

Cold-starting systems used with fixed choke carburettors are normally of the
‘strangler’ type.

Automatic strangler
Incorrect use of the choke by the driver, especially the delay in returning it to the
‘off’ position during driving, causes emission problems as well as those drawbacks
previously outlined. To overcome these problems, the automatic choke was


Constant-choke limitations
The varying depression which acts on the jet of a constant-choke carburettor makes
it necessary to fit some form of compensating device to prevent mixture
enrichment with increase in engine speed. Also, the size of the venturi (choke) is a
compromise that gives neither maximum economy nor maximum power.
Carburettors which operate using a ‘variable choke’ or ‘constant-depression’
principle do not suffer these drawbacks because the size of the choke alters to keep
the air speed through the choke constant.

The air speed can therefore be set to that required for good atomization of fuel over
the full engine speed range. Also, the constant depression over the jet overcomes
the need for a compensating system.

Figure below indicates the basic construction of a constant-depression carburettor

(which is also known as variable-choke and variable-venturi carburettor).
Principle of operation of the constant depression carburettor
The venturi (choke) is formed by a movable piston which alters the size of the
venturi to suit the quantity of air being drawn in by the engine. An air vent
maintains atmospheric pressure in the space below the piston and a communicating
passage transfers the depression from the mixing chamber (the space between the
choke and throttle) to the space above the piston.
When air is flowing through the carburettor, there is a difference in pressure
between the air intake and the mixing chamber. This difference in pressure acts on
the piston and gives an upward force to oppose the downward force caused by the
piston weight and the light spring.

When the upward force due to air pressure difference is increased by opening the
throttle, the piston rises and the choke area enlarges. Similarly, when the throttle
closes, the mixing chamber depression reduces, the piston falls and the choke area

Whatever the airflow, the piston assembly always takes up a position that
maintains a constant air speed through the choke to ensure that the petrol jet is
acted upon by a constant depression – hence the name given to this type of

A tapered needle is attached to the piston, the rise or fall of the piston will
therefore vary the effective area of the petrol jet. By altering the taper of the
needle, it is possible for the carburettor manufacturer to vary the fuel flow to suit
the quantity of air being supplied at any speed.

The piston will be lifted very slightly from the lowered position and the depression
caused by the air rushing over the petrol jet will give a small fuel supply to suit the
conditions. A separate slow-running jet system is usually unnecessary unless
emission restrictions are strict.
Throttle opening
When the throttle is opened, the mixing chamber depression is increased. The
increase in depression causes the piston to rise to a point where the mixing
chamber depression is just sufficient to support the piston. The higher the piston
moves, the larger the area of the jet and the greater the flow of petrol.

Cold starting
A lever, operated by a cable control, lowers the fuel jet in relation to the needle.
This enlarges the jet opening and increases the amount of fuel which is mixed with
the air. The initial movement of the control cable also slightly opens the throttle to
give ‘fast idle’ action.

Mixture adjustment
An adjusting nut acts as a stop to limit the upward movement of the jet.
Unscrewing the nut lowers the jet and richens the mixture throughout the entire
speed and load range of the engine. Note that later SU carburettors were fitted with
a mixture-adjusting screw located on the side of the body of the carburettor. This
adjusting screw acted on the jet.
Hydraulic damper
The damper restricts the rate of upward movement of the piston during
acceleration. This provides a slight enrichment of the mixture. The damper also
reduces piston flutter caused by the irregular flow of air through the induction

Over-run limiting valve

The valve (poppet valve) which is spring-loaded, is situated in the throttle
butterfly. When the vehicle is decelerating (i.e. road wheels drive the engine) with
the throttle closed, the valve opens to supply a fuel mixture, which helps to reduce
exhaust pollution.

A. Excessive fuel consumption

1. Carburettor flooding resulting from
 Defective needle valve, or dirty or damaged needle valve seat
 Punctured float
 High fuel-pump pressure
 Leaking jets or gaskets inside the carburettor

2. Other causes
 Fuel level set too high
 Worn or damaged jets
 Cold-start device sticking on
 Dirty air filter

Do not overlook external causes, such as

 Engine running too hot
 Spirited, high-speed or low-gear driving
 Excessive load, or loaded roof rack
 Brakes binding

B. Popping back (Back firing)

This is a term given to the phenomenon of a flame spitting back through the
carburettor. It is caused by too weak a mixture, but may result from a number of
 Trying to start a cold engine without the choke
 A leaking gasket in the system
 Retarded ignition timing
 Defective inlet valve seat, or valve not closing properly

C. Hunting
This term is used when the engine runs in a series of surges at idle.
 It is caused by too rich a mixture.

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