Techno 4
Techno 4
Techno 4
Easy to understand
Customer Focused
Shows Connection
Easy to communicate
The customer pays in cash for the product and the customer is
then free to do whatever she wants with it.
2. Usage Fee
The customer pays a user fee for a particular service, the amount
paid depends on the usage .
3. Subscription fee
The customer pays, for example once a month , quarterly or
maybe yearly for a particular service.
4. Lending/Renting/Leasing
This revenue stream grants someone the right to use a particular
product for a fixed period of time in return for a fee.
Ways on how to generate Revenue Streams
5. Brokerage fees
Through this revenue stream, your company gets its revenue from
an intermediate service. This method is often used by real estate agents (
earning a commission every time the match the buyer and seller .
6. Advertising
Your business may charge fees for advertising a product, service or
brand. Some of the advertiser company are newspapers, media industry,
website advertising and flyers.
7. Volume and unit selling
Your company charges a fixed price for a product . However, if the
customer choses to buy your product in a higher quantities , they could
get a discount.
6. Key Activities
• What uniquely strategic
things does the business do
to deliver its proposition
1. Based on our value proposition,
what kinds of activities are key
to our business
2. What kinds of activities are key
to our distribution channels
3. 3. What kinds of activities are
important if we want to
maintain our customer
4. What kinds of activities are
fundamental to our revenue
Research and Development
- the research and development department are
required to liaise with all other functions of the company
whether it is in production, marketing or sales.
Market research
Product Development
Sales Support
Sales And Customer Services
Handling Problems
Assisting in sales
Clerical tasks
7. Key Resources
-The focus of value-driven cost structures is to create
more value in the product itself, not necessarily
producing the product at a lowest possible cost.
-cost-driven cost structures focus on minimizing the
cost of the product or services as much as possible.
-Skype is a
application that is used by
millions of people
worldwide to communicate
to their relatives, friends and
business partners through
video calls or a normal
telephone usage. As we
can see in the business
model canvas skype has 2
key value propositions: (1)
the ability to make calls
over the internet , including
video call, for free and (2)
ability to make call to
phones cheaply.
-Skype operates a freemium
business model that means
the majority of skype users (
the free users customer
segment ) use the service for
free to make calls over the
internet, with just 10% of users
signing up to the prepaid
services. It is also shows from
the costumer relationship
building block that customers
typically have a help
themselves relationship with
skype by using their support
-The channel skype uses to
reach its customers are its
website, and
partnership with headset
brands. On the other hand
the key partnership , key
activities and key resources
is able to support its
business model of offering
cheap and free calls
because it doesn’t have to
maintain its own telecoms
network and it doesn’t
need that much
infrastructure at all, just
backend software and the
servers hosting use
accounts. .