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Article · January 2018

DOI: 10.17205/SZIE.AWETH.2018.1.001

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6 authors, including:

Ákos Bodnár Istvan Egerszegi

Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences , Godollo


Ferenc Pajor
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Godollo


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Animal welfare, etológia és tartástechnológia

Animal welfare, ethology and housing systems

Volume 14 Issue 1

Bodnár et al. / AWETH Vol 14.1. (2018)



Ákos Bodnár1, Adél Hajzser1, István Egerszegi1, Péter Póti1, Jan Kuchtík2,
Ferenc Pajor1
Institute of Animal Husbandry Sciences, Szent Istvan University,
Páter Károly 1., 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary
Department of Animal Breeding, Mendel University in Brno,
Zemědělska 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
[email protected]

Received – Érkezett: 02. 05. 2018.

Accepted – Elfogadva: 02. 09. 2018.


Hot topic in the dairy industry today is the growing popularity of A2 beta-casein milk among consumers
and dairy farmers. Milk consists of water, lactose, fat, milk proteins, minerals and miscellaneous. The
main milk proteins are caseins. The main types of caseins are alpha-casein, beta-casein, kappa-casein
and moreover, the milk protein contains amino acids, peptides. The A1 and A2 beta casein variants are
differ only in one amino acid because of a mutation in the 67th position. In preliminary research, A1
and A2 milk proteins have been shown to behave differently during the digestive process due to an
amino acid variation. The A1 β-casein amino acid chain is susceptible to breakdown during normal
enzymatic digestion, the peptide it breaks down to is a bioactive opioids; beta-casomorphins (BCM),
one of peptides, BCM7 has been widely studied. A2 β-casein’s amino acid chain is not as likely to
experience this breakdown into BCM7 (Clarke, 2014). This study is a short summary about the
previous researches and basic information about A2 milk production. In Hungary, there is a farm with
200 dairy cattle and good genetic background. This dairy farm have started to select and test their
animals for A2 milk production.
Key words: A2 milk, BCM7, cattle breeds


Humans first started to consume milk of other mammals regularly following the domestication of
animals. Milk is composed of several solid components including minerals, lactose, fat and protein.
There are three notable casein milk proteins: alpha, kappa, and beta-casein (Zoetis, 2015). There are
several variants of the beta-casein protein with the most common ones being the recognizable A1 and
A2 variants, as well as a B variant and some other rare variants (Pal, 2015).
Altogether we have 15 variants for beta-casein. The most importants are shown at Figure 1.Research
suggests that all cattle carried the A2 variant historically, but the A1 variant arose due to a mutation in
European herds a few thousand years ago. Β-casein is 209 amino acids long. Because of the mutation
in the 67 position had changed the proline to histidine created A1 beta-casein. This difference allows

Bodnár et al. / AWETH Vol 14.1. (2018)

the formation of beta-casomorphin 7 (BCM7) via digestion. Beta-casomorphin 7 (BCM7) is a hepta-

peptide with opioid characteristics and a strong affinity for mu-opioid receptors (Givens et al., 2013).

Figure 1: Different types of beta-casein milk protein

(Cattel and Nelson, 2010)

The original beta-casein

The first discovered
Variation of A2
beta-casein gene

B, C
Subsequant variations
of A1

The A1 variant is most commonly found in breeds with European ancestry, however, it has
been introduced in some non-European cattle populations through crossbreeding (Pal, 2015). In
the Holstein population, the A1 and A2 variants are estimated to appear in approximately equal
amounts. In Jersey, the A2 allele is slightly more prevalent (Woodford, 2007). Human milk, goat
milk, sheep milk and other species are ‘A2-like’ with proline at the equivalent position. Milk in
which more than 99% of the beta-casein is the A2 variant is known as ‘A2 milk’. What we can buy
in a supermarket is known as A1 (regular or ordinary) milk (Cattel and Nelson, 2010).
Beta-casein protein production is controlled by the combination of any two of A1 and A2
variants as all cows carry two alleles. These alleles are co-dominant, meaning that cows that carry
two different variants (heterozygous) will produce equal amounts of each protein that they carry,
while cows that carry two copies of the same allele (homozygous) will produce only that protein
(Woodford, 2007). This makes achieving a homozygous A2 herd exclusively through genetic
selection a possibility for dairy producers (Versteeg, 2016).
Dairy animals possess a genotype expressed as either A1A1, A1A2 or A2A2, with each
copy of the beta casein allele leading to the production of the corresponding type of beta casein.
A2A2 cows are the only ones that can be considered producers of A2 milk while A1A2 cows will
produce milk with a mixture of A1 and A2 beta casein. Genotype of an animal can only be
determined via genetic testing. Possible offspring combinations when beta casein genotypes of both
parents are known are illustrated in Table 1 (Beavers and Van Doormaal, 2016).

Bodnár et al. / AWETH Vol 14.1. (2018)

Comparing each cattle species the highest A2 beta-casein rate is in the Guernsey, after that
in descending order: Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, Jersey, Milking Shorthorn and Holstein.

Table 1: Possible combinations when mating animals of various beta casein genotypes
(Beavers and Van Doormaal, 2016)

Historical background of A2 milk

The original evidence implicating A1 beta-casein came from Prof. Bob Elliott from
Auckland University. He noted that Samoan children brought up in Samoa had a minimal level of
Type 1 diabetes whereas children of Samoan ethnicity in New Zealand are vulnerable. He looked
for differences in lifestyle, and identified exposure to cow milk as a possibility. Subsequently
working with Dr. Murray Laugesen, he suggested that across the developed world more than 80%
of the between-country variations in Type 1 diabetes could be explained by per capita intake of A1
beta-casein (Laugesen and Elliott, 2003). Nevertheless, the background of Type 1 diabetes is not
unequivocal. Type 1 diabetes is caused by an autoimmune process, but some different factors,
including genetics and some viruses and less known environment factors influences the
development of Type 1 diabetes (Kawasaki, 2014). Corran McLachlan showed similar correlations
between intake of A1 beta-casein and heart disease.
Some ecological studies have suggested that BCM7 and related compounds may be
involved in the aetiology of a range of chronic diseases, including Type 1 diabetes, ischaemic heart
disease, autism and schizophrenia. At-risk children and adults are those who, for any of a range of
reasons, have a ‘leaky gut’. This may be associated with conditions such as stomach ulcers,
ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and Coeliac disease. Antibiotic treatment and viruses may also
affect this permeability (Woodford, 2011). Epidemiological evidence suggests the peptide BCM7
is a risk factor for development of human diseases, including increased risk of Type 1 diabetes and
cardiovascular diseases but this has not been thoroughly substantiated by research studies. In
addition, BCMs (includes BCM7) may be formed in all fermented dairy products, cheese, and
yoghurt, but may be degraded during processing so as not detectable in the product as consumed.
So, the different processing factors, such as heat treatment, fermentation, ripening, and cold storage
might affect the formation and/or degradation of BCMs (Nguyen et al., 2015).

Present situation of A2 milk on global market

Back in 2000, the a2 Milk Company™ was founded in New Zealand by Dr. Corran
McLachlan after the scientific discovery. The a2 Milk Company™ is the biggest Australian owned
milk brand. There are 28 certified a2 Milk™ dairy farms that produce pure and natural A2 Milk™

Bodnár et al. / AWETH Vol 14.1. (2018)

from specially selected cows right across Australia. Each cow on these farms has been selected to
produce only the A2 protein. The a2 Milk Company Limited had about 8% market share of the
milk products market in Australia in the year 2014 (Adams, 2014) (Figure 2.).

Figure 2: A2 milk products on the market


In August 2003, ‘The a2 Milk Company’ exclusively licensed patent and trademark rights
to US-based Ideasphere Incorporated (ISI) to market a2 Milk products in North America (A2
Corporation, 2004).
The a2 Milk Company’ formed a joint venture with a major British milk supplier, Müller
Wiseman Dairies, in November 2011 to process, market and sell its a2 Milk products in Britain
and Ireland (Ooi, 2011). In June 2014, ‘The a2 Milk Company’ reported it had 20 dedicated farms
supplying milk for processing in the UK (Our farmers, 2014). In its first year, the milk recorded
₤1 million in sales through 1000 stores.
The first consignments of ‚The a2 Milk Company‘ infant formula - a2 Platinum were sent to China
in 2013 (Adams, 2014).
The a2 Milk Company’ asked the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to undertake a
review that A1 milk might be harmful. EFSA report, released in 2009, found that "a cause and
effect relationship is not established between the dietary intake of BCM7 (beta-casomorphin-7),
related peptides or their possible protein precursors and non-communicable diseases” (EFSA,

Potential A2 milk producing breeds

Different cattle breeds have different rate of A2 beta-casein in the milk. Comparing some
important dairy cattle breeds based on genetic testing, the highest A2 beta-casein rate is in the milk
of Guernsey, after that in descending order: Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, Jersey, Milking Shorthorn and
Holstein (Woodford, 2011).
Holstein Friesian cattle is known as the wold’s highest-producing dairy breed. Holsteins
have distinctive markings, usually black and white or red and white in colour. In 2016 (Hungary)
the average milking production was 9-10 thousends kg during a lactation with 3.5 – 4 % fat and
2.8 – 3.5 % protein content (Holló et al, 2016). Because of its significant yield, Holstein Friesian

Bodnár et al. / AWETH Vol 14.1. (2018)

breed is getting more widespread in the World. Although, if you want to produce A2 milk, you
should reflect that this breed has the less A2 beta-casein genes but with the highest proceeds
(Woodford, 2011).
Jersey cattle is adaptable to a wide range of climatic and geographical condition. Jersey
produces more kilogram of milk per kilogram of body weight than any other breed. Jerseys
naturally produce the highest quality milk for human consumption. The reason is there is more
protein, Calcium and other non-fat solids in its milk compared to other breeds (Béri, 2013). Finally
yet importantly, it has a high range of possess A2 beta-casein genes (Kaminski et al, 2007).
We should mention a species that has a fair chance to produce A2 milk and it started to
come into general use. The zebu, sometimes known as humped cattle (Bos indicus) is a species or
subspecies of domestic cattle originating in South Asia. Zebu have humps on the withers, large
dewlaps, and droopy ears. They are adapted to the harsh environment of the tropics (Bodnár et al,
2012). Zebu is also used as dairy cattle in spite of Bos indicus cows commonly have lower
production level then modern cattle breeds.

Findings and conclusions

Farmers in many regions of the world are being incentivised to produce A2 milk to meet
the growing demand in what is considered to be a healthier alternative to conventional dairy (Zoetis,
2015). In Hungary, there is a local goal to establish an A2 milk dairy farm in Hajdúdorog. This
family farm have 200 producing dairy Holstein Friesian cattle with good genetic background. In
this year, they started to test and select their animals for A2 beta casein genes. Helping for the local
initiations, we can conclude the potentials and possibilities of producing A2 milk, analysing and
summarizing the regional and international market and consumption needs (Table 2.).

Table 2: SWOT analysis of A2 milk production possibilities

Strengths Weaknesses
- health protection - capital needs
- new research area - selection costs
- potential investment - special breeds
- no need of technological changes - long term profitability
- originality - no additional subventions
- low market risks
Opportunities Treats
- market possibilities - no marketing strategy
- higher price - lack of consumer knowledge
- new organizations (research institutes, - no local markets
farms, associations etc.) - no outlets
- spread of information - disinterested farmers
- foreign markets
- innovation

Bodnár et al. / AWETH Vol 14.1. (2018)

Based on the SWOT analysis one can tell that one of the most important question is the
marketing strategy and the consumers’ needs. Secondly, more information is necessary for the
consumers about A2 milk and milk products. Local consumption of A2 milk should be increased
by spreading of proper knowledge about the special effects of these products on human health.


This work is supported by the EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00008 project. The project is

co-financed by the European Union and the European Social Fund.


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Internet 1: https:/thea2milkcompany
Internet 2: Koncentrált Tejű Fajták Egyesülete:


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