Lesson 7 ITP
Lesson 7 ITP
Lesson 7 ITP
➢ For example, if you know your destination is west of your Representativeness heuristics
current location, you might try driving towards the setting ➢ A decision-making heuristic in which people make
sun. (You could also use Waze.) judgements about samples according to the populations
Analogies they appear to represent.
➢ We use the analogy heuristic whenever we try to solve a new Availability heuristics
problem by referring to a previous problem. ➢ A decision-making heuristic in which our estimates of
➢ For example, when you begin a new term with your instructor, frequency or probability of events are based on how easy it
you probably consider who the instructor that reminds you is to find examples.
of. Then, perhaps, you recall the things that helped you get ➢ For example, you were to ask about the number of arts and
along with the analogous instructor and try them on the new sociology majors in your university. Unless you are familiar
one. with the enrollment statistics, you will probably answer on
➢ We tend to look for things—analogies—that help us in similar the basis of the number of art and sociology majors that you
situations. know.
Factors that can make it easier or harder to solve problems reside Anchoring and adjustment heuristic
within you: ➢ A decision-making heuristics in which a presumption or first
➔ Your level of expertise estimate serves as a cognitive anchor; as we receive
➔ Wheter you fall prey to a mental set additional information, we make adjustments but tend to
➔ Wheter you develop insight into the problem remain in the proximity of the anchor.
Expertise Framing Effect
➢ Novick and Cote (1992) found that the solutions to anagram ➢ The influence of wording, or the context in which information
problems seemed to pop out in under two seconds among is presented, on decision making.
experts. ➢ For example, you were to ask who’s president you would vote
➢ Experts seemes use parallel processing; that is, they dealt for in the upcoming elections. There are two
simultaneously with two or more elements of the problem. candidates—Leni Robredo and Bonbong Marcos. The
On the other hand, novices were more likely to engage in context behind Leni Robredo is that she is a good leader and
serial processing—that is, to handle one element of the always looks forward to helping all people, while in Bong
problem at a time. bong Marcos has a record of corruption. With that context, it
Mental Set would affect your decision making on who whould you vote.
➢ The tendency to respond to a new problem with an approach Overconfident
that was successfully used with similar problems. ➢ Being confident that your assumption in a certain situation is
➢ It usually makes our work easier, but they can mislead us correct.
when the similarity between problems is illusory. Motivated Reasoning
Insight ➢ Making decisions and judgements on the basis of emotion
➢ In Gestalt psychology, a sudden perception of relationships rather than careful evaluation of all the available evidence.
among elements of the mentally represented elements of a ➢ Once we have formed opinions about things, motivated
problem that permits its solution. reasoning draws all things else to support and agree with it.
➢ Experiment of psychologist N. R. F. Maier’s rat
Incubation Language
➢ In problem solving, a process that may sometimes occur ➢ The communication of information by means of symbols
when we stand back from a frustrating problem for a while arranged according to rules of grammar.
and the solution suddenly appears. ➢ It makes it possible for one person to communicate
Functional fixedness knowledge to another and for one generation to
➢ The tendency to view an object in terms of its name or communicate to another.
familiar usage. ➢ It creates a vehicle for recording experiences.
Introduction to Psychology
Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
Bs Psychology | 1st Semester | A.Y 2024- 2025
➢ The degree to which the variations in a trait from one person
to another can be attributed to, or explained by, genetic