1. A system is said to be in thermal equilibrium if 10. If a gas is compressed adiabatically by doing work of 150 J,
(a) The macroscopic variables do not change in time the change in internal energy of the gas is
(b) The microscopic variables do not change in time (a) 100 J (b) 150 J (c) 200 J (d) 250 J
(c) The macroscopic variables change in time
(d) The maicrosocpic variables changes in time. 11. If R is universal gas constant, the amount of heat needed to
raise the temperature of 2 moles of an ideal monoatomic gas
2. “Two systems in thermal equilibrium with a third system from 273 K to 373 K when no work is done is
separately are in thermal equilibrium with each other.” (a) 100 R (b) 150 R (c) 300 R (d) 500 R
The above statement is
(a) First law of thermodynamics 12. In an adiabatic change the specific heat of gas is
(b) Second law of thermodynamics (a) Increase with increase in temperature
(c) Third law of thermodynamics (b) Decrease with increase in temperature
(d) Zeroth law of thermodynamics (c) Not depend upon change in temperature
(d) Always zero
3. Internal energy of an ideal gas depends upon
(a) Temperature only 13. Which one of the following graphs represents variation of
(b) Volume only specific heat capacity of water with temperature?
(c) Both volume and temperature
(d) Neither volume nor temperature
(c) (d)
(a) Is same in I and II but not in III and IV 14. An ideal gas having molar specific heat capacity at constant
(b) Is same in III and IV but not in I and II 3
(c) Is same in I, II and III but not in IV volume is R, the molar specific heat capacities at constant
(d) Same in all the four cases 2
pressure is
5. An electric heater supplies heat to a system at a rate of 120 1 5 7 9
(a) R (b) R (c) R (d) R
W. If system performs work at a rate of 80 J s –1, the rate of 2 2 2 2
increase in internal energy is
(a) 30 J s–1 (b) 40 J s–1 (c) 50 J s–1 (d) 60J s–1
15. Mayer’s formula for the relation between two principal
specific heats CP and CV of a gas is given by
6. Air is expanded from 50 litres to 150 litres at 2 atmospheric
pressure. The external work done is (Given, 1 atm = 10 5 N m– CP
(a) CV – CP = R (b) R
) CV
(a) 2 × 10–8 J (b) 2 × 104 J (c) 200 J (d) 2000 J
(c) CP – CV = R (d) R
7. The possibility of increase in the temperature of a gas without CP
adding heat to it happens in
(a) Adiabatic expansion (b) Isothermal expansion 16. For a gas of molecular weight M specific heat capacity at
(c) Adiabatic compression (d) Isothermal compression
constant pressure is P
8. Which of the following is not a path function? CV
(a) Q (b) Q + DW (c) W (d) Q – DW R R R RM
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1 1 M ( 1) ( 1)
9. Which one of the following is not possible in a cyclic
17. Two moles of oxygen is mixed with eight moles helium. The
effective specific heat of the mixture at constant volume is
(a) Work done by the system is positive
(a) 1.3 R (b) 1.4 R (c) 1.7 R (d) 1.9 R
(b) Heat added to the system is positive
(c) Work done on the system is positive
(d) Heat removed from the system is negative
18. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas at temperature T0 (a) dU = dQ (b) dU = –dW (c) dU = 0 (d) dU = dW
expands slowly according to the law constant. If the 26. The relation between the slope of isothermal curve and slope
V of adiabatic curve
final temperature is 2T0 heat supplied to the gas is (a) Slope of adiabatic curve = times slope of isothermal
3 1 curve
(a) 2RT0 (b) RT0 (c) RT0 (d) RT0 (b) Slope of isothermal curve = times slope of adiabatic
2 2 curve
(c) Slope of adiabatic curve = 2 times slope of isothermal
19. Which is an intensive property? curve
(a) Volume (b) Mass
(d) Slope of isothermal curve = 2 times slope of adiabatic
(c) Refractive index (d) Weight
20. Which of the following process is correct for given P-V
27. In a cyclic process, which of the following statement is not
(a) Change in internal energy is zero.
(b) The system returns to its initial state and it is reversible
(c) The total heat abosorbed by the system is equals to work
done by the system.
(a) Adiabatic process (b) Isothermal process
(d) Change in internal energy is not zero.
(c) Isobaric process (d) Isochoric process
29. One mole of an ideal gas goes from an initial state A to final
state B via two processes : It first undergoes isothermal
expansion from volume V to 3V and then its volume is
reduced from 3V to V at constant pressure. The correct P-V
diagram representing the two processes is
(a) T1 < T2 < T3 (b) T1 < T2 > T3
(c) T1 > T2 > T3 (d) T1 > T2 < T3
23. If an engine delivers 9.5 × 106 J of work per hour and absorbs
6.2 × 107 J of heat per hour, the amount of heat wasted per
(a) (b)
hour is
(a) 6.95 × 107 J (b) 5.25 × 107 J
(c) 8.55 × 107 J (d) 9.55 × 107 J
32. An ideal gas at pressure P is adiabatically compressed so that (a) 200Rln2 (b) 100Rln2 (c) 300Rln2 (d) 400Rln2
its density becomes n times the initial value. The final
pressure of the gas will be 39. Two moles of an ideal monoatomic gas occupy a volume
(b) (n – )P
(a) n P 2V at temperature 300 K, it expands to a volume 4V
(c) n( – 1)P
(d) n(1 – )P adiabatically, then the final temperature of gas is
(a) 179 K (b) 189 K (c) 199 K (d) 219 K
33. During an isothermal expansion, a confined ideal gas does –
150 J of work against its surroundings. This implies that 40. The given P-V diagram expansion of gas. Which one of the
(a) 150 J of heat has been removed from the gas following statement is true?
(b) 300 J of heat has been added to the gas
(c) No heat is transferred because the process is Isothermal
(d) 150 J of heat has been added to the gas
(c) (d)
43. The fall in temperature of helium gas initially at 20°C when it
is suddenly expanded to 8 times its original volume is
36. A gas expands with temperature according to the relation
V = KT2/3. Work done when the temperature changes by 60 K
is 3
(a) 0 R (b) 30 R (c) 40 R (d) 20 R (a) 70.25 K (b) 71.25 K (c) 72.25 K (d) 73.25 K
44. In the question number 72, the heat exchanged by the engine
37. Match the column I with column II with the surroundings for path D to A is (at constant pressure)
Type of processes Features 5 5
(a) P (V – V ) (b) P (V – V )
(A) Isothermal (p) Q = 0 2 A D A 2 A A D
(B) Isobaric (q) Volume constant
(C) Isochoric (r) Pressure constant
3 1
(c) P (V – V ) (d) P (V – V )
(D) Adiabatic (s) Temperature constant 2 A D A 2 A D A
(a)(A)-(s), (B)-(r), (C)-(q), (D)-(p)
(b)(A)-(p), (B)-(s), (C)-(r), (D)-(q)
(c)(A)-(q), (B)-(r), (C)-(p), (D)-(s)
(d) (A)-(r), (B)-(p), (C)-(q), (D)-(s) 45. A one mole of an ideal gas expands adiabatically at constant
pressure such that its temperature T The value of
38. Two moles of helium gas undergo a cyclic process as shown V
in figure. Assuming the gas to be ideal, the net work done by the adiabatic constant of gas is
the gas is (a) 1.3 (b) 1.5 (c) 1.67 (d) 2.0
46. A Carnot cycle has the reversible processes in which of the
following order.
(a)Isothermal expansion, adiabatic expansion, isothermal
compression and adiabatic compression
(b) Isothermal compression, adiabatic expansion, isothermal
expansion and adiabatic compression
(c) Isothermal expansion, adiabatic compression, isothermal
compression and adiabatic expansion
(d) Adiabatic expansion, isothermal expansion adiabatic
compression and isothermal compression. (i) Q1 > Q2 > 0 (ii) Q2 > Q1 > 0
(iii) Q2 < Q1 < 0 (iv) Q1 < 0, Q2 > 0
47. The conclusion of second law of thermodynamics is that (a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii)
(a) No heat engine can have efficiency equal to zero. (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iv)
(b) No heat engine can have efficiency equal to one.
(c) No heat engine can have efficiency greater than one. 56. A process is said to be reversible if
(d) No heat engine can have efficiency less than one. (a) The system return to their original states
(b)The surroundings return to their original states
(c) Both the system as well as the surroundings return to their
48. An engine has an efficiency of 0.25 when temperature of sink original states
is reduced by 58°C, if its efficiency is doubled, then the (d) Neither system nor surroundings return to their original
temperature of the source is states
(a) 150°C (b) 222°C (c) 242°C (d) 232°C
57. A Carnot’s cycle operating between T 1 = 600 K and T2 = 300
49. Consider a Carnot cycle operating between source
temperature 750 K and sink temperature 350 K producing K producing 1.5 kJ of mechanical work per cycle. The heat
1.25 kJ of mechanical work per cycle, the heat transferred to transferred to the engine by the reservoirs
the engine by the reservoirs (a) 2.5 kJ (b) 3 kJ (c) 3.5 kJ (d) 4 kJ
(a) 1.34 kJ (b) 2.34 kJ (c) 3.34 kJ (d) 4.34 kJ
58. If a carnot engine is working between steam point and ice
50. A heat engine has an efficiency . Temperatures of source point, then its efficiency will be
(a) 24.9 % (b) 25.7% (c) 26.8% (d) 28.8%
and sink are each decreased by 100 K. The efficiency of the
(a) Increases (b) Decreases 59. Carnot engine is
(c) Remains constant (d) Becomes 1 (a) Reversible engine
(b) Operating between two temperature T1 (source) and T2
51. A refrigerator is to maintain eatables kept inside at 7°C. The (sink) have maximum efficiency
coefficient of performance of refrigerator if room temperature (c) Consisting of two isothermal processes connected by two
is 38°C is adiabatic processes
(a) 15.5 (b) 16.3 (c) 20.1 (d) 9.03 (d) All of these
52. When the door of a refrigerator is kept open then the room 60. Air pressure in the tyers of a car during motion is
temperature starts (a) Increase (b) Decrease
(a) Cool down (c) Remain constant (d) First increase then decrease
(b) Hot up
(c) First cool down then hot up 61. A Carnot engine whose efficiency is 40%, takes in heat from
(d) Neither cool down nor hot up a source maintained at a temperature of 500 K. It is desired to
have an engine of efficiency 60%. Then, the intake
53. If the co-efficient of performance of a refrigerator is 5 and temperature for the same exhaust (sink) temperature must be
operates at the room temperature 27°C, the temperature inside (a) 1200 K (b) 750 K (c) 600 K (d) 800 K
the refrigerator is
(a)240 K (b) 250 K (c) 230 K 62. An ideal gas undergoes four different processes from the
(d) 260 K
same initial state as sown in P-V diagram. Four processes are
54. The coefficient of performance of refrigerator, whose adiabatic, isothermal, isobaric and isochoric.
efficiency is 25% is
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 7
Out of the following diagrams, which represents the T-P 69. The specific heat of air at constant volume is 0.172 Cal g –1
diagram? °C–1. The change in internal energy when 5 g of air is heated
from 0° C of 4°C at constant volume is
(a) 28.8 J (b) 14.4 J (c) 7.2 J (d) 3.51 J
1 1 1 3 3
79. A monoatomic gas is compressed adiabatically to of its (a) (b) (c) (d)
4 2 4 2 4
original volume, the final pressure of gas in terms of initial
pressure P is 84. The initial state of certain gas is (PiViTi). It undergoes
(a) 7.08 P (b) 8.08 P (c) 9.08 P (d) 10.08 P
expansion till its volume becomes Vf at constant temperature
80. If at 60°C and 80 cm of mercury pressure, a definite mass of a T. The correct plot of P-V diagram for it is
gas is compressed slowly, then the final pressure of the gas if
the final volume is half of the initial volume ( = 3/2) is
(a) 120 cm of Hg (b) 140 cm of Hg
(c) 160 cm of Hg (d) 180 cm of Hg
81. The P-V diagram of path followed by one mole of perfect gas (a) (b)
in a cylindrical container is shown in figure, the work done
when the gas is taken from state A to state B is
(c) (d)
Vc Vd Vd 1 Vd
V (a) (b) (c) (d)
(a) 0, RT1ln 1 , R(T1 – T2)
Vd Vc Vc Vc
V 92. If an ideal gas at 27°C is compressed suddenly to one fourth
(b) R, (T1 – T2)R, RT1ln 1 of its initial volume, then rise in its temperature is ( = 7/5)
V2 (a) 222.33 K (b) 233.33 K
(c) 244.33 K (d) 255.33 K
(c) 0, RT2ln , (V1 – V2)
V1 93. If a steam engine delivers 6.0 × 108 J of work per minute and
absorbs 5.4 × 109 J of heat per minute from its boiler then
(d) 0, RT2ln , R(T1 – T2) efficiency of the engine is
V2 (a) 11% (b) 12% (c) 13% (d)14%
88. The heat absorbed by the system in going through the cyclic 94. In a heat engine, the temperature of the source5 of sink are 500
process as sown in figure is K and 375 K. If the engine consumes 25 × 10 J per cycle, the
work done per cycle is
(a) 6.25 × 105 J (b) 3 × 105 J
(c) 2.19 × 105 J (d) 4 × 104 J
(a) translatioal kinetic energy 106. Cooking gas containers are kept in a lorry moving with
uniform speed. The temperature of the gas molecules inside
(b) rotational kinetic energy
will :
(c) vibrational kinetic energy
(d) total kinetic energy. (a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) remain same
100. Which of the following quantities is the same for all ideal (d) decrease for some, while increase for others
gases at the same temperature ?
107. According to law of equal distribution of energy the mean
(a) the kinetic energy of 1 mole
energy of a molecule per degree of freedom is :
(b) the kinetic energy of 1 g
(c) the number of molecules in 1 mole
(d) the number of molecules in 1 g 1
(a) KT (b) KT
3 5
(c) KT (d) KT
101. The internal energy of a mono-atomic gas is - 2 2
(a) (b)
2 2 108. Which of the following statements is correct for any
5RT 7RT thermodynamic system?
(c) (d) (a) The internal energy changes in all processes
3 3
(b) Internal energy and entropy are state functions
(c) The change in entropy can never be zero
(d) The work done in an adiabatic process is always
102. The change in internal energy, when a gas is cooled from
927ºC to 27ºC is zero
110. Two rigid boxes containing different ideal gases are placed on
a table. Box A contains one mole of nitrogen at temperature
To, while box B contains one mole of helium at temperature
(7/3)To. The boxes are then put into thermal contact with each
other, and heat flows between them until the gases reach a
common final temperature. (Ignore the heat capacity of
boxes). Then, the final temperature of the gases, T f in terms of (a) zero (b) positive
T0 is : (c) negative (d) infinite
3 7
(a) Tf T0 (b) Tf T0
7 3
3 5 114. The process U = 0, for an ideal gas can be best represented
(c) Tf T0 (d) Tf T0
2 2 in the form of a graph :
111. An insulated container of gas has two chambers separated by A
an insulating partition. One of the chambers has volume V1
and contains ideal gas at pressure p1 and temperature T1. The
other chamber has volume V2 and contains ideal gas at B
pressure p2 and temperature T2. If the partition is removed (a) (b) V
(a) P2 = P1
(a) (b)
(b) P2 > P1
(c) P2 < P1
(d) cannot be predicted 119. A fixed mass of gas undergoes the cycle of changes
represented by PQRSP as shown in Figure. In some of the
116. In the isothermal expansion of an ideal gas. Select wrong changes, work is done on the gas and in others, work is done
statement: by the gas. In which pair of the changes work is done on the
(a) there is no change in the temperature of the gas
(b) there is no change in the internal energy of the
(c) the work done by the gas is equal to the heat
supplied to the gas
(d) the work done by the gas is equal to the change
in its internal energy (a) PQ and RS (b) PQ and QR
(c) OR and RS (d) RS and SP.
117. In the cyclic process shown on the P – V diagram the 120. Consider two processes on a system as shown in fig. The
magnitude of the work done is : volumes in the initial states are the same in the two porcesses
and the volumes in the final states are also the same. Let W1
and W2 be the work done by the system in the processes A
and B respectively.
O V1 V2
2 2
P P V V1
(a) 2 1 (b) 2
2 2
(a) W1>W2
(c) (P2 – P1) (V2 – V1) (d) (P2V2 – P1V1)
4 (b) W1 = W2
(c) W1<W2
118. A fixed mass of ideal gas undergoes changes of pressure and (d) Nothing can be said about the relation between
volume starting at L, as shown in Figure. W1 and W2
122. Find work done by the gas in the process shown in figure :
(a) (b) volume
(c) (d)
5 5 (a) zero (b) 20 joule
(a) atm L (b) atm L
2 2 (c) –20 joule (d) 60 joule
3 5
(c) – atm L (d) – atm L
2 4
127. An ideal gas is taken through the cycle A B C A as
shown in the fig. If the net heat supplied to the gas in the
123. The work done in the following figure is - cycle is 5 J,the work done by the gas in the process C A is
5 A B
3 3
1m 3 2m
(a) 2 × 105 joule (b) 105 joule
(c) zero (d) 3 × 105 joule
(a) – 5 J (b) – 10 J
(c) – 15 J (d) – 20 J
124. The net amount of the work done in the following indicator
128. The work done by a gas taken through the closed process
diagram is -
ABCA, see figure is
P 1 2
(a) zero (b) positive
(c) negative (d) infinite
P 129. A system is given 400 calories of heat and 1000 joule of work
C is done by the system, then the change in internal energy of
the system will be -
126. In the indicator diagram shown, the work done along path AB A B
is - P
40 C
30 (a) B and C are same
(N/m ) 20 (b) A and C are same
(c) B and D are same
(d) Temperature of A is more than that of D
1.0 2.0 3.0
(m )
131. Ideal gas is taken through process shown in figure: 137. If Q, E and W denote respectively the heat added, change in
internal energy and the work done in a closed cycle process,
(a) W = 0 (b) Q = W = 0
(c) E = 0 (d) Q = 0
(a) In process AB, work done by system is positive 138. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the first law of
(b) In process AB, heat is rejected out of the system. thermodynamics?
(c) In process AB, internal energy increases (a) It is not applicable to any cycle process
(d) In process AB internal energy decreases and in (b) It is a restatement of the principle of
process BC internal energy increases. conservation of energy
(c) It introduces the concept of the internal energy
(d) It introduces the concept of the entropy
132. If heat is supplied to an ideal gas in an isothermal process,
139. When a system is taken from state i to state f along the path iaf, it is
(a) the internal energy of the gas will increase found that Q = 50 cal and W = 20 cal. Along the path ibf Q = 36 cal.
(b) the gas will do positive work W along the path ibf is :
(c) the gas will do negative work
133. A system can be taken from the initial state p1, V1 to the final
state p2, V2 by two different methods. Let Q and W
represent the heat given to the system and the work done by
(a) 6 cal (b) 16 cal
the system. Which of the following must be the same in both
(c) 66 cal (d) 14 cal
the methods ?
(a) Q (b) W
(c) Q + W (d) Q - W
140. A gas is contained in a metallic cylinder fitted with a piston.
The piston is suddenly moved in to compress the gas and is
134. In changing the state of a system from state A to state B maintained at this position. As time passes, after this pressure
adiabatically the work done on the system is 322 joule. If 100 of the gas in the cylinder
calories of heat are given to the system in bringing it from
(a) increases
state B to state A, then the work done on the system in this
process will be – (b) decreases
(a) 98 joule (b) 38.2 joule (c) remains constant
(c) 15.9 calorie (d) 15.9 joule (d) increases or decreases depending on the nature
of the gas.
135. An ideal gas heat engine operates in a Carnot cycle between
227ºC and 127ºC. It absorbs 6 kcal at the higher temperature.
The amount of heat (in kcal) converted into work is equal to : 141. Two sample A and B are initially kept in the same state. The
sample A is expanded through an adiabatic process and the
(a) 1.6 (b) 1.2 sample B through an isothermal process upto the same final
(c) 4.8 (d) 3.5 volume. The final pressures in A and B are p A and pB
136. In a closed container of 44.8 litre, volume monoatomic gas at
NTP is filled up. Heat required to raise temperature by 10°C (a) pA > pB
will be : (b) p = p A B
(c) pA < pB
(a) R (b) 10R
(c) 20R (d) 30R (d) The relation between pA and pB cannot be
(i) there is no heat gained or lost by the gas
(ii) the work done by the gas is equal to change in
142. Let Ta and Tb be the final temperature of the samples A and B internal energy
respectively in the previous question then: (iii) the change in internal energy per mole of the
gase is Cv T, where Cv is the molar heat capacity at
(a) Ta < Tb
constnat volume.
(b) Ta = Tb
(a) (i), (ii), (iii) correct (b) (i), (ii) correct
(c) Ta > Tb
(c) (i), (iii) correct (d) (i) correct
(d) The relation between Ta and Tb cannot be
147. The adiabatic bulk modulus of hydrogen gas ( = 1.4) at NTP
is :
143. Let Wa and Wb be the work done by the systems A and B
(a) 1 × 105 N/m2 (b) 1 × 10–5 N/m2
respectively in the previous question
then : (c) 1.4 N/m2 (d) 1.4 × 105 N/m2
157. The molar heat capacity for the process shown in fig. is
O Volume
(a) isothermal adiabatic (a) C = Cp (b) C = Cv
comperssion at (c) C > Cv (d) C = 0
165. The pressure and volume of a diatomic gas are P and V
158. Find the amount of work done to increase the temperature of respectively. It is compressed suddenly to 1/32 of its initial
one mole of ideal gas by 30ºC. if it is expanding under the volume then its final pressure will be –
condition V T (R = 8.31 J/mol - K) :
2/3 (a) 32 P (b) 128 P
(a) 16.62 J (b) 166.2 J (c) P/128 (d) P/32
(c) 1662 J (d) 1.662 J
P 167. The volume of a gas is reduced to 1/4 of its initial volume
160. V = k where k is constant. It is a,
T adiabatically at 27ºC. The final temperature of gas will be, if
= 1.4 -
(a) isothermal process (b) adiabatic process
(c) isochoric process (d) isobaric process (a) 300 × (d)0.4 K (b) 100 × (d)0.4 K
(c) 27 × (d)0.4 K (d) 300 × (1/4)0.4 K
161. For adiabatic process of an ideal gas the value of is equal
P 168. 1 m3 of a gas is compressed suddenly at atmospheric pressure
to – and temperature 27ºC such that its temperature becomes
dV V 627ºC. The final pressure of gas will be ( = 1.5)-
(a) (b)
V dV (a) 27 × 106 N/m2 (b) 7.2 × 105 N/m2
dV dV (c) 2.7 × 105 N/m2 (d) 27 × 105 N/m2
(c) (d) 2
169. If 1 kg air ( = 1.4) is heated adiabatically from 0ºC to 10ºC
162. Isobaric modulus of elasticity is – then increase in its internal energy will be
(Cv = 0.172 cal/gmºC) –
(a) (b) zero
Cp (a) 1720 joule (b) 7224 joule
(c) 1 (d) (c) 172 calorie (d) 7224 calorie
(a) 100 joule (b) –100 joule (a) 600 K (b) 500 K
(c) zero (d) 200 joule (c) 400 K (d) 100 K
176. Starting the same initial conditions, an ideal gas expands from 182. Even Carnot engine cannot give 100% efficiency because we
volume V1 to V2 in three different ways. The work done by cannot :
(a) prevent radiation
the gas is W1 if the process is purely isothermal, W 2 if purely
(b) find ideal sources
isobaric and W3 if purely adiabatic. Then: (c) reach absolute zero temperature
(a) W > W > W (b) W > W > W (d) eliminate friction
2 1 3 2 3 1
(c) W1 > W2 > W3 (d) W1 > W3 > W2
190. The temperature-entropy diagram of a reversible engine cycle 195. If the door of a refrigerator is kept open then which of the
is given in the figure. Its efficiency is : following is ture
202. A scientist says that the efficiency of his heat engine which
operates at source temperature 127°C and sink temperature
27° C is 26% then
(a) It is impossible
(b) It is possible but less probable
(c) It is quite probable (c) (d)
(d) Data are incomplete ]
213. An inverted bell, lying at the bottom of lake 47. 6 218. An ideal monatomic gas is confined in a cylinder
m deep, has 50 cm3 of air trapped in it. The bell is by a spring-loaded massless piston of cross-
brought to the surface of the lake, then the volume section 8 x 10-3 m2. The piston can slide on the
of the trapped air will become [atmospheric walls of the cylinder without any friction. Initially,
pressure = 70 cm of Hg and density of Hg = 13. 6 g the gas is at 300 K and occupies a volume of 2 .4 x
cm-3] 10-3m3 and the spring is in its relaxed position.
(a) 600 cm 3 (b) 300 cm 3 Now, gas is slowly heated by a small electric
(c)250 cm3 (d)200 cm3 heater and the piston moves out slowly by 0.1 m.
Calculate the final temperature of the gas and the
heat supplied by the heater. The force constant of
214. In an adiabatic expansion, the volume of air is the spring is 8000 N/rn and atmospheric pressure
increased by 5%, then the approximate percentage is 1 x 105N/m2.
decrease in its pressure will be
(a) 5% (b) 6%
(c) 7% (d) 8%
223. A Carnot engine efficiency is equal to . If the
temperature of the sink is reduced by 65 K, the
efficiency becomes . The temperature of the
(a)T2 = 600 K, Q = 680 J(b) T2= 800 K, Q = source and the sink in the first case are
600 J respectively
(c) T2- 600 K, Q = 720 J(d) T2- 800 K, Q = (a) 620 K, 520 K (b) 520 K, 606. 67 K
720 J (c)606. 67 K, 520 K (d) 520 K, 610 K
219. Temperature and volume curves are drawn for 224. A Carnot engine, having an efficiency of =
two thermodynamic processes. For the first 1/10 as a heat engine, is used as a refrigerator. If
process, it is a straight line and for the second, it the work done on the system is 10 J, the amount
is a rectangular hyperbola. The ratio of work done of energy absorbed from the reservoir at a lower
in the first process to the work done in the second temperature is
process is (a) 99 J (b) 90 J
(c) 1 J (d)100 J
(a)2:1 (b)3:l
(c)4:l (d)3:2
3 P0V0 9 P0V0
(a) (b) (a)-5J (b)-10J
2 nR 4 nR (c)-15J (d)-20J
9 P0V0 9P0V0
(c) (d)
2 nR nR 227. One mole of a diatomic gas undergoes a process
222. One mole of oxygen gas is made to undergo a P , where P0and V0are constants.
1 V / V0 3
process in which its molar heat capacity C
depends on its absolute temperature T as C = T, The translational kinetic energy of the gas when V
where is a positive constant. Work done by the = V0is given by
gas when heated from an initial temperature T0to 5 P0V0 3 P0V0
a final temperature 2T0will be (a) (b)
4 2
(a) 4T02 (b) T0 R 35 P0V0 5P V
2 (c) (d) 0 0
2 2
(c) 3 T0 5 R (d) none of these
228. A work of 146 kJ is performed on the gas, in 233. One mole of an ideal diatomic gas is taken
order to compress one kilomole of gas adiabatically through a process whose P - V diagram is shown
and in this process the temperature of the gas in the figure. The work done by the gas is
increases by 7 °C. The gas is (R = 8. 3 J mol-1K-1 )
(a)monoatomic (b) diatomic (c) triatomic
(d) a mixture of monoatomicand diatomic
230. In the given figure the area of the frictionless 234. The molar heat capacity of rock salt at low
piston is 1 m2 and it is being held in equilibrium temperatures varies with temperature according to
by an external force. Now the external force is T3
slowly removedand heat is supplied to the gas due Debye's law; C k where k = 1940 J mol-1K-
L 1and = 281 K. The heat required to raise the
to which the piston displaces by where L = 1m.
2 temperature of 2 moles of rock salt from 10 K to
The natural length of the ideal springs is L = 1 m. 50 K is
Spring constant is given as K = 100 N m-1. The (a) 800 J (b) 373 J
pressure of the gas in the final situation is (c) 273 J (d) 400 J
k k 1
(d) k1 k 2
o o
(a) 18.2 C (b) 22 C (c) 1 j
o o 2
(c) 20.2 C (d) 25.2 C
257. During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is
251. A Carnot engine, whose efficiency is 40%, takes in heat proportional to the cube of its absolute temperature. The
from a source maintained at a temperature of 500 K. It is
desired to have an engine of efficiency 60%. Then, the value of CP / Cv for that gas is
intake temperature, for the same exhaust (sink) temperature
3 4
must be (a) (b)
(a) Efficiency of Carnot engine cannot be made larger than 50% 5 3
(b) 1200 K 5 3
(c) p (d)
(c) 750 K 3 2
(d) 600 K
258. Assertion: Radiation involves transfer of heat by
252. Two spheres A and B having radius 2m and 3m, electromagnetic waves.
respectively, are coated with carbon black on their outer Reason: Electromagnetic waves do not require any
surface. The wavelength corresponding to maximum material medium for propagation.
intensity is 600 nm and 900 nm, respectively. The ratio of (a) If both Assertion and Reason are True & the Reason is a
power radiated by them is correct explanation of the Assertion.
(a) 2 (b) 2.25 (b) If both Assertion and Reason are True but Reason is not a
(c) 1 (d) 2/3 correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
o (d) If both Assertion and Reason are False.
253. The temperature of a piece of metal is raised from 27 C to
51.2 C . The rate at which the metal radiates energy
increases nearly 259. An ideal gas heat engine operates in a Carnot cycle between
227 C and 127 C . It absorbs 6 10 J at high
o o 4
(a) 2 times (b) 4 times
temperature. The amount of heat converted into work is
(c) 8 times (d) 1.36 times
(a) 4.8 10 (b) 3.5 10
4 4
(c) 1.6 10 (d) 1.5 10
o o 4 4
254. Two liquids are at temperatures 20 C and 40 C . When J J
same mass of both of them is mixed, the temperature of the
mixture is 32 C . What is the ratio of their specific heats?
(a) 1/3 (b) 2/5
(c) 3/2 (d) 2/3
260. A Canot engine is made to work between 200 C and 0 o C
o o
first and then between 0 C and ‐200 C . The ratio of
efficiencies of the engine in the two cases is
(a) 1.73: 1 (b) 1 : 1.73
(c) 1 : 1 (d) 1 : 2
261. The temperature of sink of Carnot engine is 27 C .
Efficiency of engine is 25%. Then temperature of source is
o o
(a) 227 C (b) 327 C
o o
(c) 127 C (d) 27 C