ICT ERP - Year 6 - Week 11

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The Next Generation School

Education Resource Pack - Year 6

Term- I Week 11 – Day 2 Year 6
Topic Unit 1
1. Follow and understand algorithms that are presented as flowcharts.
2. Symbols used in flowcharts, limited to start, stop, process, procedure (sub-routine),
decision, and the connector.
Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to analyses and understand
• How algorithms are presented as flowcharts?
• Which symbols are used in flowcharts, limited to start, stop, process, procedure
(subroutine), decision and the connector?
After watching visual aid and completing the task/activities.
Time Required 1 hour
Guidelines for Dear Parents,
Parents: The main objective of this activity is that a child is having fun learning while enjoying the
comfort of his/her home. In case of any queries, please contact theteacher from 8:30 am to
2:00 pm.
● Your child can do the activity by himself/herself.
● Students can bring in their own creativity in the flowchart.
✓ The best Algorithms are efficient. Recourses:
✓ This means they carry out a task Understanding what is flowchart:
using the least number of steps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlotZCvL9RU
✓ You should know that the order of how to create flowchart in word:
instructions is important when https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlAHtHlMCos
creating algorithms. Computing book page no: 8-15.
✓ Before you start make sure you :
- Can follow and understand
linear algorithms.
- Can predict the outcomes of
algorithms that contain
- Can predict the outcomes of
algorithms that contain
- Can identify the inputs to
Page no: 11 Practice activity.

The Next Generation School
Education Resource Pack - Year 6
Warm up :
Solves the practice exercise on page no
Concise program:

Task A Step 1: Refer to the figure 1 given in

the resource column.
Step 2: Examine flowchart closely and
understand what outcomes of it is.
Step 3: Write down the steps and
instructions just like mention in book
page no: 12 in MS word.
Figure 1 : Go with the flow

Creating a flowchart from instructions:

Draw a flowchart for each of the
Task B following algorithms define in Page no
Step 1: Algorithms for creating cereals
in MS word using shapes Figure 2.
Step 2: Algorithms for riding a tricycle
MS word using shapes Figure 2.

Page no: 15 Practice activity. Figure 2: MS word shapes.

The Next Generation School
Education Resource Pack - Year 6

Understanding difference types of

Draw a flowchart for each of the
following algorithms define in Page no
Task C 12, 13, and 14.
Step 1: Refers to the figure 3: given in :
resource column.
Step 2: Examine the all the flowcharts Figures 3: Types of flowchart.
closely and differentiate the
Step 3: Assign name to each one of
this types.

Extension Students will open the document in Microsoft Word and answer the following questions:
Task 1. How can a flowchart help you to understand the process and solve the problem?
2. What type of problem does the flowchart solve? Can you relate it with your real-life example?
Mode of After completion of this task, send it through MS Teams. Teacher will access thework and will
Assessment provide feedback.
Encourage your child to use the self-assessment table given below:
Fun Time Test yourself.

The Next Generation School
Education Resource Pack - Year 6

Year Statement My assessment

I can create Flowchart using MS Word.

I can complete the Activity sheet.

The Next Generation School
Education Resource Pack - Year 6
I can save my file as html file.

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