MartinOverton VBSeminar

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Malware Forensics:

Detecting The Unknown

– “There are known knowns; there are things we know that we
know. There are known unknowns; that is to say, there are
things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also
unknown unknowns; there are things we do not know we don’t

—United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld

Martin Overton – IBM Security Services

Malware/Anti-Malware SME, Forensics, Ethical Hacker, etc.

All my published papers and articles can be downloaded


• Disclaimer

• Solutions
– Steps 1-6
– Real World Examples
– Conclusions

• Questions

• Products named in this presentation are used as

examples only, and should not be taken as any
form of endorsement by IBM or ISS.

• All trademarks and copyrights are acknowledged.

Step 1: Identifying Suspect Systems

• The first thing to do is to understand that you have a

– the next thing to do is to try and identify possible systems that
may be infected.

• This information can come from:

– help-desk tickets [personal firewall or anti-malware alerts,
strange system behaviour, etc]
– Log files from your routers, proxies, firewalls, IDS/IPS
systems, DNS and so on, or maybe even just a passing
comment from a colleague or even a customer or other third
party [maybe to your [email protected] e-mail
Error Messages Are Your Friends
Step 1: Identifying Suspect Systems…cont.
• Once you have a potential suspect, gather all the data
you can from it and network traffic to and from it.
• Once the machine has been removed from the main
network, you can either investigate it in isolation or move
it to a test [secure] network used for analysing suspected
infected systems.
• To analyse suspected traffic on your test network you
could use tools such as SNORT, WireShark or
• You may also decide to carry out some vulnerability
assessment of the suspected system; this can be done
via tools such as Nmap, Superscan, Nessus or the
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer.
Wireshark - Win32/Sality.nar - DNS
Wireshark - Win32/Sality.nar - HTTP
Wireshark - Win32/Sality.nar - SMTP
HijackThis, WinPatrol
SuperScan, Nmap, Netstat
Step 2: Analyse The Data (Part 1)

• At this point you may already be able to state

with some level of confidence that the system
is infected by a malcode which phones-home.

– Examples of these include bot clients, or a Trojan

or multi-component malcode [such as a dropper]
that has contacted one or more websites to
download other malcode or adware to install. This
act, in many cases effectively starts a chain
reaction leading to a heavily infected system with
tens or hundreds of malcode files [or components]
Step 2: Analyse The Data (Part 1)…cont.

• In either case, you could, visit the websites, FTP sites

or IRC channels used to gather more information or
even a fresh sample [or samples, scripts, etc.] of
what you are fighting.
– This will help in your remediation, as well as allowing you to
supply your anti-malware vendor with something to analyse,
which in turn could end up making remediation [or at least
detection] easier.
Step 3a: Scan The System

• Scan with up-to-date anti-malware tools and see if

anything is identified, ensure that heuristics and generic
detection features are enabled. Preferably you should
use at least two different products from each category,
after all the anti-malware solution you have deployed
didn’t detect it, did it?
• Try clean-booting if performing a live system scan fails
[or if a Windows system try booting into Safe Mode first]
to find anything. Clean booting will ensure that any
active malware or related processes are not active.
• Any files identified as malcode or flagged as suspicious
should be copied to a USB flash drive or other
removable media and labelled as potential malcode.
Step 3a: Scan The System…cont.
• As with Step 2, if you now have some suspected files, send
them to your anti-malware vendor for analysis, however,
this does not stop you analysing the files yourself.
• Place suspect files into a password protected zip file [use
the password of infected] and send them to your preferred
anti-malware company.
• You could also send any samples to scanning services,
such as VirusTotal and Jotti, and also to sandboxes such as
the one run by Norman, or the CWSandbox.
• Some of these services will analyse the files in great depth
and supply you with copious amounts of useful data. This
can help you to understand what the files are doing, and
therefore how to remediate any affected systems, even
before your anti-malware vendor has detection.
Online Scanners & Sandboxes
Sample CWSandbox Output
– Real Malware
New Files
Opened Files
Chronological order
Copy File: c:\temp\ff37e574c7694879ff73777886a82dee.exe to C:\WINDOWS\System32\crsss.exe
Open File: \SystemRoot\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb (OPEN_EXISTING)
Open File: \SystemRoot\AppPatch\systest.sdb (OPEN_EXISTING)
Open File: \Device\NamedPipe\ShimViewer (OPEN_EXISTING)
Open File: C:\WINDOWS\System32\crsss.exe ()
Find File: crsss.exe
Process Management Creates Process - Filename () CommandLine: (C:\WINDOWS\System32\crsss.exe --install
c:\temp\ff37e574c7694879ff73777886a82dee.exe) As User: () Creation Flags: (DETACHED_PROCESS)
Kill Process - Filename () CommandLine: () Target PID: (588) As User: () Creation Flags: ()
System Info Get System Directory
The following process was started by process: 1
Analysis Number 2
Parent ID 1
Process ID 1020
Filename C:\WINDOWS\System32\crsss.exe --install c:\temp\ff37e574c7694879ff73777886a82dee.exe
Filesize 215040 bytes
MD5 ff37e574c7694879ff73777886a82dee
Start Reason CreateProcess
Termination Reason NormalTermination
Start Time 00:03.750
Stop Time 01:00.531
Step 3b: D-I-Y Sample Analysis
• Assuming you have the relevant
skills and tools and have been given
permission from your security
manager/director to do so, you
could analyse the files yourself.
• I would recommend that this is done
on a system that is not connected to
the network, and ideally this is a
system that you will either use
VMWare [or some other Virtual
Machine software] on, so that it can
be re-imaged, or reset back to a
clean image [snapshot] after running
the suspected files on the test
Step 3b: D-I-Y Sample Analysis…cont.
• Once this has been setup, you can use whatever tools you
prefer to carry out the analysis, such as, using static
analysis tools, like PEiD, Strings, File Alyzer and so on
Step 3b: D-I-Y Sample Analysis…cont
• You could also examine the file in a hex editor and/or a
debugger. This is only advised if you are able to understand
assembler code and you are sure that the file to be
debugged does not contain and anti-debugging code which
may be triggered during examination.
• This is also a good time to try out any remediation scripts or
tools you have created as a quick-n-dirty solution to the
problem [obviously only on a test system].
Step 4: Analyse The Data (Part 2)
• By now you should have a good idea what is going on, and
what any malcode is doing to the affected systems and
what network traffic is being generated by it [or them].
• If you haven’t then you should now take time to go over all
the data you have acquired during the first three steps. You
could use a flow diagram to plot the malcode’s features and
activities, or you may prefer to brainstorm on a whiteboard
with suitable colleagues.
• From here you should emerge with a clear [or fairly clear]
understanding of what needs to be done to protect the rest
of the network [it could be as simple as putting in a new, or
changing an existing router ACL, firewall rule, or IDS/IPS
signature/rule in place] which may also allow you to identify
other infected systems that need to be removed from the
network and remediated.
Step 5: Remediation

• Hopefully by now, you can either create or at least plan

out the steps that you need to take to remediate all the
infected systems identified. You may decide that you can
create your own clean-up scripts [paper and/or code]
rather than wait for your anti-malware vendors to get
detection and cleanup definitions [signatures] to you.
Otherwise you will have to be patient until your anti-
malware vendor delivers the goods.
• The other alternative, especially if a system is heavily
infected, or you can’t find any sign of malcode [even
when using all the tools/tricks and techniques listed in
the paper], is to restore the system from the last known
clean backup, or re-image it to your organisations
standard desktop/server build image.
• VB Scripting for quick and dirty cleanup,
– 'RemSdbot2.vbs - SDbot remover for specific variant.
– '© Martin Overton, 2007 ([email protected])
– 'Verson 0.99.2'
– 'Created to detect and remove an infection of the following
Sdbot variant
– '
– 'FileName: rundll.exe
– 'FileDateTime: 19/01/2007 14:05:00
– 'Filesize: 1364992
– 'MD5: 71fd1205f6d7550967bda6bf4491a50a
– 'CRC32: 36E8176E
– 'File Type: PE Executable

– … [For the rest see the paper]


• Clean Boot Disks

– Using live Linux or a PE boot disk, such as Bart_PE

can be very handy, not only in clean booting a
suspected system but also in scanning the same
system with little or no risk that any malcode will still
be active on it. It needs not be a CD or DVD [from an
ISO image], it could also be an external USB hard
disk or a USB flash drive instead.
Step 6: Post Mortem

• This is where you take stock of what has happened and

decide what [if any] changes are required to improve
protection of your infrastructure, your security policy and
procedures and, last but not least, user education.

• The whole point of this is to help minimise the risk of

another similar outbreak. The ideas that come out from
this session should be wide-ranging and generic as these
will generally offer the best improvements in your
organisations security posture; both from the aspects of
prevention and incident management.
Step 6: Post Mortem…cont.
• This is not the time for a witch-hunt to take place so that
blame can be attributed to individuals and/or teams, you
should focus on what went wrong [or failed] and put together
solutions to minimise the chances of a similar attack being
successful next time. It may also be useful to revisit your
overall approach to threats and infection vectors, as they
may have changed since the last time you looked.

• A final note: If it is a criminal case then you must follow

computer forensic principals, such as the chain of custody,
and follow the prevailing laws [including all guidance from
law enforcement agencies that might get involved] for your
country, state, or other geographical divide. If in doubt seek
legal guidance first, before proceeding.
Real World Examples
• Real World Example 1
– User noticed that their anti-virus was disabled, and so reported it
to the helpdesk of the company affected.
– The local support teams noticed that the system that had its anti-
virus software disabled was making lots of outbound DNS
lookups for odd websites that were not business related.
– Further investigation of the suspected system found a file that
looked to be involved, a sample was acquired and analysed in
several sandboxes as well as tested against 30+ anti-malware
tools; very few reported the file as either suspicious or infected.

See the paper for a full description and analysis of

each example.
Real World Examples…cont.
• Real World Example 2
– An unknown malware was causing clients running anti-virus on a
network to lose connection to the anti-virus management server.
So, with the help of local resources on site we managed to
obtain a sample which was suspected to be the culprit.
– The anti-virus deployed on the network and workstations did not
detect the malware as it was brand new.
– The data acquired from analysing the sample allowed me to
understand what the malware was doing and from this clean-up
scripts could be created as well as blocking the infection vector
used by the malware.

See the paper for a full description and analysis of

each example.
• Hopefully I have shown you that even if you are faced with
a new malware threat that isn’t detected by your anti-
malware defences you can still, in most cases, find the
infection, how it got in, how it communicates and with the
right tools and methodologies even remove it safely before
your anti-malware vendor comes up with a solution.
• As with other security threats, especially malware related
ones, you need to deploy a multi-layered approach
• This means not only do you need good technological
solutions, and overlapping technologies at that, but these
need to be backed up with good security policies,
procedures, education and constant vigilance.
• I must make clear that this is not a solution to be used by
those not already used to handling and combating malware
and other related security threats; home users need not
apply, however most academic campuses, large
businesses and other organisations should already have at
least one person [hopefully more than one] who has the
required skills and experience to be able to do this. They
almost certainly already work in the security team [or a
related function] and have a network of colleagues outside
of the main security team that they can call on; such as
programmers, network specialists, server and desktop
support staff.
Contact details…..
Martin Overton
Malware/Anti-Malware SME
IBM Security Services

• E-Mail: [email protected]
• Telephone: +44 (0)239 2563442

All my published papers and articles

can be downloaded from:

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