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Problem Set

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Paving the Way to Competitive Programming Nov 06, 2024

Problem A. Coins
Time limit 2000 ms
Mem limit 262144 kB

In Berland, there are two types of coins, having denominations of 2 and k burles.

Your task is to determine whether it is possible to represent n burles in coins, i. e. whether

there exist non-negative integers x and y such that 2 ⋅ x + k ⋅ y = n.


The first line contains a single integer t (1 ≤ t ≤ 104 ) — the number of test cases.

The only line of each test case contains two integers n and k (1 ≤ k ≤ n ≤ 1018 ; k =
 2).


For each test case, print YES if it is possible to represent n burles in coins; otherwise, print
NO. You may print each letter in any case (YES, yes, Yes will all be recognized as positive
answer, NO, no and nO will all be recognized as negative answer).

Input Output

5 3 YES
6 1 NO
7 4 YES
8 8


In the first test case, you can take one coin with denomination 2 and one coin with
denomination k = 3.

In the second test case, you can take three coins with denomination 2. Alternatively, you can
take six coins with denomination k = 1.

In the third test case, there is no way to represent 7 burles.

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Paving the Way to Competitive Programming Nov 06, 2024

In the fourth test case, you can take one coin with denomination k = 8.

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Paving the Way to Competitive Programming Nov 06, 2024

Problem B. Full Pyramid

Time limit 1000 ms
Mem limit 524288 kB

Given an integer N , print a full pyramid of asterisks.

A full pyramid of asterisks of size N has N lines of asterisks. The first line has 1 asterisk, the
second line has 2 asterisks, the third line has 3 asterisks and so on. Each asterisk has a space
between them. The asterisks in each line are centered to make it look like a pyramid.

Here is a full pyramid of asterisks of size 4:

1 *
2 * *
3 * * *
4 * * * *

The input will contain an integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 100).

Print the full pyramid of asterisks of the given size.

Do not print any space after the last asterisk in each line.


Input Output

3 *
* *
* * *

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Mr. Bean used to have a lot of problems packing
his suitcase for holiday. So he is very careful for
this coming holiday. He is more serious this time
because he is going to meet his fiance and he is
also keeping frequent communication with you
as a programmer friend to have suggestions. He
gets confused when he buys a gift box for his
fiance because he can’t decide whether it will fit
in his suitcase or not. Sometimes a box doesn’t
fit in his suitcase in one orientation and after
rotating the box to a different orientation it fits
in the suitcase. This type of behavior makes him
So to make things much simpler he bought another suitcase having same length, width and height,
which is 20 inches. This measurement is taken from inside of the box. So a box which has length,
width and height of 20 inches will just fit in this suitcase. He also decided to buy only rectangular
shaped boxes and keep a measuring tape in his pocket. Whenever he chooses one gift box, which must
be rectangular shaped, he quickly measures the length, width and height of the box. But still he can’t
decide whether it will fit in his suitcase or not. Now he needs your help. Please write a program for
him which calculates whether a rectangular box fits in his suitcase or not provided the length, width
and height of the box. Note that, sides of the box must be parallel to the sides of the suitcase.

Input starts with an integer T (T ≤ 100), which indicates the number of test cases.
Each of the next T line contains three integers L, W and H (1 ≤ L, W, H ≤ 50) denoting the length,
width and height of a rectangular shaped box.

For each test case, output a single line. If the box fits in the suitcase in any orientation having the
sides of the box is parallel to the sides of the suitcase, this line will be ‘Case #: good’, otherwise it
will be ‘Case #: bad’. In your output # will be replaced by the case number.
Please see the sample input and sample output for exact format.

Sample Input
20 20 20
1 2 21

Sample Output
Case 1: good
Case 2: bad
Paving the Way to Competitive Programming Nov 06, 2024

Problem D. Jump Year

Time limit 1000 ms
Mem limit 262144 kB


You live on a weird planet inside a weird galaxy. A year x on that planet is a jump year if and
only if at least one of the following conditions is satisfied:

x is divisible by A, but is not divisible by B .

x is divisible by C .

Given four integers N , A, B , and C . Determine whether year N on that planet is a jump
year or not!


1 ≤ N , A, B, C ≤ 200 000




One line containing YES if year N on that planet is a jump year, or NO otherwise.


Input Output

132 11 13 7 YES

Explanation of Sample 1

Year 132 is a jump year because it is divisible by 11 and is not divisible by 13.


Input Output

60 6 4 9 NO

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Paving the Way to Competitive Programming Nov 06, 2024

Input Output

2000 4 100 400 YES

Explanation of Sample 3

Year 2000 is a jump year because it is divisible by 400.


Input Output

30 3 4 5 YES

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Paving the Way to Competitive Programming Nov 06, 2024

Problem E. Taxi
Time limit 3000 ms
Mem limit 262144 kB
Input file stdin
Output file stdout

After the lessons n groups of schoolchildren went outside and decided to visit Polycarpus to
celebrate his birthday. We know that the i-th group consists of si friends (1 ≤ si ≤ 4), and
they want to go to Polycarpus together. They decided to get there by taxi. Each car can carry
at most four passengers. What minimum number of cars will the children need if all
members of each group should ride in the same taxi (but one taxi can take more than one


The first line contains integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 105) — the number of groups of schoolchildren.
The second line contains a sequence of integers s1, s2, ..., sn (1 ≤ si ≤ 4). The integers are

separated by a space, si is the number of children in the i-th group.


Print the single number — the minimum number of taxis necessary to drive all children to

Input Output

5 4
1 2 4 3 3

Input Output

8 5
2 3 4 4 2 1 3 1

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Paving the Way to Competitive Programming Nov 06, 2024

In the first test we can sort the children into four cars like this:

the third group (consisting of four children),

the fourth group (consisting of three children),
the fifth group (consisting of three children),
the first and the second group (consisting of one and two children, correspondingly).

There are other ways to sort the groups into four cars.

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Paving the Way to Competitive Programming Nov 06, 2024

Problem F. Strong Passwords

Time limit 1000 ms
Mem limit 262144 kB

Mitu had been using the

password mitu1997qt on all her online accounts. And sure enough, her accounts got
hacked. She has come crying to you. But you are merely a privacy enthusiast, not a hacker
yourself to hack her accounts back. All you can do is suggest her a strong password, so that
her new accounts do not get hacked.

By your definition, a strong password should be no lesser than 12 characters. And, for ease-
of-use, passwords should not be longer than 24 characters. In a strong password, there
should be at least 1 lowercase ASCII letter (a,b,..,z), at least 1 uppercase ASCII letter
(A,B,..,Z), at least 2 ASCII digits (0,1,..,9) and at least 2 special characters from these six
&!@._% ASCII special characters. There should be no other characters in the password,
other than lowercase and uppercase ASCII letters, ASCII digits and the six mentioned ASCII
special characters. There should definitely not be any spaces in the password.

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Paving the Way to Competitive Programming Nov 06, 2024

For example, Mitu@1997 is not a strong password because the length is only 9 and there is
only one special character. &strongpassword! is also not a strong password because there
is no uppercase letter in there, nor any digits.

Will you please suggest Mitu a strong password?

There is no input for this problem.

Output a single line containing the password.

The password should be no lesser than 12 characters and no more than 24 characters. And
the password must be strong as per the definition stated above.

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Some operators checks about the relationship between two values and these operators are called rela-
tional operators. Given two numerical values your job is just to find out the relationship between them
that is (i) First one is greater than the second (ii) First one is less than the second or (iii) First and
second one is equal.

First line of the input file is an integer t (t < 15) which denotes how many sets of inputs are there.
Each of the next t lines contain two integers a and b (|a|, |b| < 1000000001).

For each line of input produce one line of output. This line contains any one of the relational operators
‘>’, ‘<’ or ‘=’, which indicates the relation that is appropriate for the given two numbers.

Sample Input
10 20
20 10
10 10

Sample Output
Paving the Way to Competitive Programming Nov 06, 2024

Problem H. Distinct Numbers

Time limit 1000 ms
Mem limit 524288 kB

You are given a list of n integers, and your task is to calculate the number of distinct values
in the list.


The first input line has an integer n: the number of values.

The second line has n integers x1 , x2 , … , xn .

​ ​ ​


Print one integers: the number of distinct values.


1 ≤ n ≤ 2 ⋅ 105
1 ≤ xi ≤ 109


Input Output

5 2
2 3 2 2 3

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Paving the Way to Competitive Programming Nov 06, 2024

Problem I. Again Twenty Five!

Time limit 500 ms
Mem limit 65536 kB

The HR manager was disappointed again. The last applicant failed the interview the same
way as 24 previous ones. "Do I give such a hard task?" — the HR manager thought. "Just
raise number 5 to the power of n and get last two digits of the number. Yes, of course, n can
be rather big, and one cannot find the power using a calculator, but we need people who are
able to think, not just follow the instructions."

Could you pass the interview in the machine vision company in IT City?


The only line of the input contains a single integer n (2 ≤ n ≤ 2·10

18) — the power in which

you need to raise number 5.


Output the last two digits of 5n without spaces between them.

Input Output

2 25

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