Verbs + On

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Verbs + on

• Rely on

• Work on

• Count on

• Count on

• Agree on

• Focus on

• Depend on

• Reckon on

• Impose on

• Expand on

• Operate on

• Impress on

• Improve on

• Elaborate on

• Comment on

• Experiment on

• Concentrate on

• Compliment on

• Congratulate on
1. RESOLVE (NOUN): (दृढ़ निश्चय): determination

Synonyms: resolution, purpose

Antonyms: indecision

Example Sentence:

She received information which had strengthened her resolve.

2. PROTRACT (VERB): (बढ़ाना): prolong

Synonyms: extend, draw out

Antonyms: curtail

Example Sentence:

He had certainly taken his time, even protracting the process.

3. CAPACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (लंबा-चौड़ा): roomy

Synonyms: commodious, spacious

Antonyms: cramped

Example Sentence:

She looked for a hairpin in her capacious handbag.

4. POST (PREPOSITION): (के उपरांत): subsequent to

Synonyms: after

Antonyms: before

Example Sentence:

American poetry post the 1950s hasn't had the same impact.

5. IDENTICAL (ADJECTIVE): (समान): one and the same

Synonyms: aforementioned, aforesaid

Antonyms: different

Example Sentence:

She stole from the identical station at which she had been arrested before.
6. EXPEDITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): speedy

Synonyms: swift, quick

Antonyms: slow

Example Sentence:

The investigation was supposed to be expeditious.

7. PROMPT (VERB): (प्रेरित करना): induce

Synonyms: make, move

Antonyms: discourage

Example Sentence:

Curiosity prompted him to look inside.

8. REAP (NOUN): (प्राप्त करना): receive

Synonyms: obtain, get

Antonyms: lose

Example Sentence:

The company is reaping the benefits.

9. RATIFY (VERB): (पुष्टि करना): confirm

Synonyms: approve, sanction

Antonyms: reject

Example Sentence:

Both countries were due to ratify the treaty by the end of the year.

10. NATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (जन्मजात): innate

Synonyms: inherent, inborn

Antonyms: acquired

Example Sentence:
She has some last vestige of native wit.

Among Vs. Between

The words "among" and "between" are both prepositions used to indicate relationships or comparisons,
but they have different uses and contexts:

1. "Among": This preposition is used when referring to three or more items or people. It suggests a
sense of inclusiveness or dispersion within a group or a larger set. For example:

- "The book was placed among the other books on the shelf."

- "Sharing your ideas among colleagues can lead to collaboration."

2. "Between": This preposition is used when referring to two items, people, or groups. It suggests a
sense of separation or distinction between those entities. For example:

- "She was torn between two choices."

- "The agreement was reached between the two parties."

In summary, "among" is used for more than two entities, while "between" is used for two entities. It's
important to choose the correct preposition based on the number of items or individuals being referred
to in order to convey precise meaning and clarity in your communication.

1. INFIRM (ADJECTIVE): (कमजोर): frail

Synonyms: weak, feeble

Antonyms: strong

Example Sentence:

Those who are old or infirm aren't allowed to travel.

2. NULLIFY (VERB): (अमान्य ठहराना): annul

Synonyms: void, invalidate

Antonyms: ratify

Example Sentence:

Judges were unwilling to nullify government decisions.

3.ASSERTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (आत्म विश्वासी): confident

Synonyms: forceful, self-confident

Antonyms: retiring

Example Sentence:

The job of a salesman calls for assertive behaviour.

4.CHASM (NOUN): (गहरी खाई): gap

Synonyms: crater, rift

Antonyms: closure, juncture

Example Sentence:

The chasm between the rich and poor has grown wider over the last decade.

5.ADUMBRATE (VERB): (पूर्वाभास देना): foreshadow

Synonyms: outline, darken

Antonym: illuminate, light up

Example Sentence:

The setting sun adumbrates the bridge to create a scenic view.

6.TANGLE (VERB): (उलझाना): confuse

Synonyms: jumble, mix up

Antonyms: simple

Example Sentence:

His ideas tangled matters even further.

7. RAUCOUS (ADJECTIVE): (उग्र): noisy

Synonyms: discordant, loud

Antonyms: mild, quiet

Example Sentence:

Her birthday parties were raucous but fun.

8.ABATE (VERB): (न्यून होना): subside

Synonyms: lessen, let up

Antonyms: intensify

Example Sentence:

The storm had suddenly abated to a huge extent.

9. PREMIUM (NOUN): (वरिष्ठ): superior

Synonyms: premier, high-end

Antonyms: inferior

Example Sentence:

Premium vine and good music is all he needs for a good weekend.

10. EXQUISITE (ADJECTIVE): (अति सुंदर): beautiful

Synonyms: lovely, elegant

Antonyms: crude

Example Sentence:

The place was filled with exquisite, jewel-like portraits.

1. TUMULT (NOUN): (कोलाहल): chaos

Synonyms: commotion, agitation

Antonyms: harmony, peace

Example sentence:

The petrol prices are rising due to the political tumult in the gulf countries

2.OMINOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अमंगल): threatening

Synonyms: menacing, baleful

Antonyms: promising

Example Sentence:

There were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead.

3. SCANDALIZE (VERB): (अपमानित करना): shock

Synonyms: appall, outrage

Antonyms: impress

Example Sentence:

Their lack of manners scandalized their hosts.

4. GENEROSITY (VERB): (प्रचुरता): abundance

Synonyms: amplitude, richness

Antonyms: dearth

Example Sentence:

Diners certainly cannot complain about the generosity of portions.

5. INDIGENOUS (NOUN): (स्वदेशी): native

Synonyms: aboriginal, local

Antonyms: expatriate

Example Sentence:
The most indigenous inhabitants were the American Indians.

6. DEARTH (NOUN): (दुर्लभता): lack

Synonyms: scarcity, shortage

Antonyms: abundance

Example Sentence:

There was a dearth of evidence.

7. RESUMPTION (NOUN): (पुनरारंभ): restart

Synonyms: restarting, reopening

Antonyms: suspension

Example Sentence:

Resumption of peace talks is expected soon.

8. LATENT (ADJECTIVE): (निष्क्रिय): dormant

Synonyms: quiescent, inactive

Antonyms: manifest

Example Sentence:

They have a huge reserve of latent talent.

9. FORGO (VERB): (त्यागना): do without

Synonyms: go without, give up

Antonyms: keep

Example Sentence:

I'll forgo dessert tonight—I'm trying to lose weight.

10. AFFLUENT (ADJECTIVE): (धनी): wealthy

Synonyms: rich, prosperous

Antonyms: poor
Example Sentence:

I reside in an affluent neighbourhood.

1. Rancour (Noun) : द्वेष : Bitterness or resentment, especially long-lasting and deep-seated

Synonyms: Animosity, enmity, resentment, bitterness, hostility

Antonyms: Friendliness, goodwill, harmony, kindness

Example Sentence: Despite their past disagreements, they managed to let go of their rancour and work
together for a common cause.

2. Litigate (Verb) : मुक़दमा : To engage in a legal proceeding to resolve a dispute

Synonyms: Sue, prosecute, bring to court

Antonyms: Settle, resolve, arbitrate, negotiate

Example Sentence: The two parties decided to litigate their dispute in court instead of attempting
to settle it out of court.

3. Anthropogenic (Adjective): मानवजनित : Relating to or resulting from the influence of human beings
on nature or the environment

Synonyms: Human-caused, human-made, manmade, artificial, synthetic

Antonyms: Natural, organic, non-anthropogenic

Example Sentence: Climate change is largely caused by anthropogenic factors such as burning fossil
fuels and deforestation.
4. Wanton (Adjective): अकारण : Showing no care or concern for others; reckless

Synonyms: Reckless, malicious, cruel, irresponsible

Antonyms: Careful, responsible, conscientious, considerate

Example Sentence: The wanton destruction of the property angered the community.

5. Dismantle (Verb): अलग करना : To take apart or pull down; to strip furniture, equipment, or fittings; to

Synonyms: Deconstruct, demolish, take apart

Antonyms: Assemble, construct, build, put together

Example Sentence:The workers were instructed to dismantle the old machinery before installing the
new one.

6. Deleterious (Adjective): हानिकारक : Harmful or injurious to health, wellbeing, or morals; causing

damage or harm

Synonyms: injurious, pernicious, detrimental

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