BP B1 CB Audioscript For MEL
BP B1 CB Audioscript For MEL
BP B1 CB Audioscript For MEL
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Coursebook audioscript
J: Yes, I see what you mean. OK, well, let me R: Well, OK, that’s a good start.
ask you a few more questions. What … E: Can I take a brochure? I’d like to learn more
about what you do.
R: Sure. Here you are. And here’s my card.
[Audio 1.03] If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer
My first piece of advice is, be prepared. Find out
E: That’s great. Thanks for your help. Sorry,
which companies will be attending the careers
what was your name?
event, choose five or six that might be interested in
R: Ben Richardson. I’m the Assistant
your profile and research them online. Visit their
Recruitment Manager.
careers pages and find out which ones are hiring or
offering internship programmes.
R = recruiter J = Jamie
Update your CV and make several copies. Then,
R: Good morning. How are you enjoying the
prepare an ‘elevator pitch’, or brief introduction –
let’s say 30 seconds – to talk about yourself: who
J: I’ve only just arrived to be honest, but there
you are, what you do and your past experiences.
are a lot of very interesting companies present
Be prepared to explain how your skills can be
though. [a little hesitant] Sorry, could I just ask
useful to their company. Also, think of questions to
you a few questions about Travelogue?
ask such as: What is the training programme for
R: Yes, of course. Have a seat. What’s your
new recruits? What do you look for in a candidate?
name? I’m Ben Richardson and I’m the Assistant
On the day of the careers event, make sure you
Recruitment Manager.
dress as you would for an interview – look
J: My name’s Jamie, Jamie Mitchell.
professional. Choose your company, then network,
R: Good to meet you, Jamie. So, what can I do
don’t interview; your aim is not to get a job interview
for you?
immediately – in fact this rarely happens. Instead,
J: I’ve just graduated from the University of
introduce yourself, shake hands and make good
Manchester with a marketing degree, specialising
eye contact. First impressions are important, so
in tourism. I know you’re busy, but I’d like to talk to
speak clearly and confidently and demonstrate your
you about my skills. I think they might be useful to
ability to interact professionally. Recruiters are
your company.
looking for people who are adaptable and
R: Congratulations on getting your degree.
resourceful, but also ambitious and passionate.
J: Thank you. I understand you’re looking for
Be honest. If you don’t know something, say you
Junior Marketing Associates.
don’t know, but show the recruiter you can learn
R: We are, Jamie, that’s right. What kind of
and learn quickly. Most importantly, don’t forget to
practical experience do you have?
get the recruiter’s contact details so you can follow
J: Well, I did my internship with a team that
up afterwards.
developed a marketing plan to promote UK tourism
After the event, email the recruiters or company
for a small village in Spain.
reps you met and thank them for their time. Remind
BR: That sounds interesting. Can you tell me
them of the conversation you had and repeat your
more about that?
interest in their company. Send an updated CV if
J: It was for a small village in the south of the
necessary. Ideally, you should do this within five
country. As I said, we created this marketing plan
days after the event.
and then presented it to the local tourist board and
it was adopted.
[Audio 1.04] R: I see, wonderful. It sounds impressive. As
you probably know we do a lot of work in Italy.
1 J: Oh, really? I speak a little Italian.
E = Ella R = recruiter R: OK, that might be useful. Do you have a CV?
E: Hi, I’m Ella, I’d like to ask you a few J: Sorry, I just gave away my last one, but I’ve
questions, if possible. got a business card. There’s a link on there to the
R: Yes, of course. How can I help you today? village website that I helped create.
E: I heard you were taking on new recruits. R: Thank you very much. And here’s my card.
Can I give you my CV? J: I’d like to know more about the work you do
R: Yes, of course. Which department are you in Italy. Can you put me in touch with the person
interested in, Ella? in charge of your marketing projects? I’d like to ask
E: Oh, anything in marketing, I don’t really mind. them some questions if possible.
I’ve just always wanted to work in the tourism R: If you send me an email, I’ll do that.
industry. I have a degree in marketing and I enjoy J: Can I take a brochure?
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R: Here you are. It’s been nice talking to you. [Audio 2.04]
Enjoy the rest of the event.
J: Thank you for your time, Ben. I really A = Alice M = Matthew S = Stanley
appreciate it. A: Morning, Matthew. I’d like you to meet
Stanley Dongoran, our Indonesian business
partner, who’s helping us set up the factory in
[Audio 2.01] Indonesia.
M: Hi Stanley, nice to meet you.
Message 1
S: Nice to meet you too.
Hello, this is a message for Emma Newman in HR.
A: So, Stanley what do we need to do now?
My name’s Mark Thomas, T-H-O-M-A-S and I’m
S: Well, the first thing is to get the licence from
calling about the logistics position you interviewed
the Indonesian Investment Board. I’ve already
me for last Thursday. I’d like to discuss the financial
submitted everything for that and it’ll be ready
package in more detail if possible. Could you call
next week.
me back please on my mobile – that’s 0044-7623-
M: That’s great, so we’ll be able to visit
911-129. That’s 0044-7623-911-129. I’m available
Indonesia then?
until 4 p.m. today. If not, then you can send me an
S: Yes, I think next month would be a good time
email so we can we fix a time to speak. I look
to go.
forward to hearing from you. Thanks. Goodbye.
A: What will we have to do first when we get
Message 2
Hi, it’s Carla again. Erm, I hope I’ve got the right
S: We’ll need to open a bank account and then
number. Erm, my message got cut off last time so
we’ve got to think about the factory – those are the
I’m calling you back just in case. Er, erm, yeah,
I’ve got wall-to-wall meetings all afternoon and then
M: You mean we need to find one or the land
I have to leave early so I don’t erm really have time
for one?
to send an email, but the internet was down
S: The land. I’ve found a couple of suitable
yesterday, anyway, so, er. Anyway, erm, I’m super
locations and we’re going to visit them to make
busy as you can imagine. I wanted to speak to you
a final decision. Then we can arrange all the
about the candidates we interviewed last week for
documents we need to register the business
the logistics job. Er, what did you think? Not bad,
premises. All these things take time but we can
erm ...
get the process started.
Message 3
M: How long exactly?
Good morning. This is Zhanna Petrovna in
S: Here’s the time schedule for each element.
Logistics. Could you ask Emma to call me back?
A: Thanks.
We have a bit of a problem with the references for
S: Then we’ve got to organise all the other
one of the shortlisted candidates. If she can call me
permissions we need. That’s all on the schedule,
back on extension 4385. It’s pretty urgent now, so
I’ll expect her call by the end of the day.
M: Right. Are we going to interview some local
people for jobs while we’re there?
[Audio 2.03] S: I’ve found three great candidates to be the
Site Manager for you to interview. We’re going to
Message 4 meet them and have formal interviews so you can
Good morning. I want to leave a message for choose someone.
Emma Newman. This is Daniella Rossi, R-O-S-S-I, A: Thanks. Matthew, can you organise the
returning her call. Emma asked me to contact her flights and accommodation for the trip tomorrow?
to discuss the terms of my new consultant contract. M: Of course.
I’m available to talk until 2 p.m. today but then I’m
in meetings all afternoon. In case she doesn’t have
my mobile number, I’m on 07654 322 187. [Audio Ext2.01]
Otherwise, maybe she can leave a message with
N = Nikolay A = Aiko G = Genna P = Philip
my assistant, Elliot Barber. Elliot is on extension
S = Sam
5283, that’s 5-2-8-3. Sorry, can she also re-send
N: Good morning, everyone! We’re going to
a copy of my new contract? I can’t open the
discuss what we need to do about the problems we
document. I hope to hear from you soon. Many
had last week.
A: Well, I think we should look for new suppliers.
Our current supplier is always late and deliveries
have been incomplete.
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N: That’s true, but their materials are excellent K: Yes, I agree. We can do that after we’ve
quality. signed the contract on Wednesday 20th. How do
P: Yes, but we can’t afford to lose any more you think they’ll respond?
production time because we don’t have supplies. S: I think they’ll be concerned about quality.
N: OK, Aiko, can you look for alternative Bines are not known for their quality and customer
suppliers and give us the details at next week’s service, as we are.
meeting? K: They’ll still get the best customer service
A: Sure. I’ll get onto it straight after this meeting. we’ve always offered and we’ll make sure the
P: We also need to employ more factory staff. quality doesn’t suffer. Bines don’t want us to
We can’t produce the quantities on time even when lose that.
we have the supplies. Two people left last month S: Do you think it would be better to speak to
and we haven’t replaced them, have we, Genna? our biggest customers individually?
G: That’s true. Nobody asked me to replace K: I think that’d be a good idea, actually – before
them. You said you thought you could manage. we announce it to the world.
N: I think you’d better advertise for new staff this S: Exactly. So we won’t send out a press
week and ideally have some candidates ready to release until we’ve spoken to our biggest customers
interview sometime next week. What about then.
Wednesday? K: Exactly.
G: Certainly.
P: I’m sorry, but even if we have the staff and
the supplies, we’ve got problems with the [Audio 3.01]
equipment, which keeps breaking down. We really
China’s Grand Canal, which connects the cities of
need to buy some new equipment. Is that possible?
Beijing and Hangzhou is 1,700 kilometres long. It’s
N: It might be. Philip, can you let Aiko know by
the longest artificial waterway in the world, and an
tomorrow what you want?
important shipping route through the years. But
P: Absolutely. That’d be great.
what’s more amazing than the length of the canal
N: Now, I understand we’ve had a lot of
is its age. Work on the project began in the fifth
complaints from customers this month. We need to
century BC – more than 2,500 years ago. There
do something about that quickly or we’ll lose
was never a plan or budget for the whole project.
customers. Sam, can you write a report for me
A series of Chinese governments built and
about the problems and your strategy for dealing
extended the canal in sections over a period of
with it? I’d like it by Thursday this week if possible.
1,700 years, finally finishing it in the 1280s. When
S: Yes, of course. I’ll get onto it immediately.
they were working the hardest on the project, five
million men and women were involved in the
[Audio 2.05] construction – mostly labourers, but also engineers.
Today, only the section between the cities of
K = Kenzo S = Susan Hangzhou and Jining – about 500 kilometres –
K: We need to discuss how we’re going to keep is open for shipping. It is about 100 metres wide
everyone informed about the potential takeover of at its narrowest point. In some places, the canal
the company by Bines plc. Firstly, I think we should is less than a metre deep.
send a letter to all employees about the situation The Suez Canal in Egypt connects the
guaranteeing that no jobs will be lost if Bines takes Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Work started
over. in 1859. They thought the project would take six
S: Why don’t you meet the staff and explain it years, but they finished later than planned, in 1869
face to face first? I think they’d appreciate that. – four years behind schedule. At one point five
K: Yes, but not yet. Email all staff inviting them million people worked on the project – mostly
to a meeting on Friday 15th in the staff room. I’ll tell labourers, but also engineers, accountants and
them then. project managers. Some sources say that at least
S: I’ll email them straight after this meeting. 30,000 people were working on the canal at all
K: We can send them a letter with all the details times during its construction. The project ran
after we’ve told them face to face. 1,900 percent over budget. The total cost was
S: OK. Good idea. And what about our $100 million. But it is still one of the most important
customers? We don’t want them to hear about this shipping routes in the world. With a length of about
from the newspapers. Shouldn’t we let them know 190 kilometres, the canal makes the journey
that it’s business as usual? between the North Atlantic and the Indian Ocean
much shorter than going around Africa. It reduces
the trip by 7,000 kilometres, making the journey
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© 2018 Pearson
Coursebook audioscript
[Audio 3.05] TL: Tom’s working hard on that. He’s going round
the departments getting feedback, and he’s meeting
Part 2 with the designers. It’s all in hand.
J = Jack S = Sal T = Tom TL = team leader B: Can you bring me up to date on the
J: OK. Yesterday I worked on the new contract programme for today?
for the China project. Today I have a meeting with TL: Well, let’s see, Jack is doing the contract, Sal
the lawyers to clarify some of the questions I have. is writing up yesterday’s meeting and doing some
So the draft contract is in progress, and I expect to briefings, and Tom is working on the logos. I’ll be
complete it today. The only impediment I see is time focusing on the new schedule and the factory shut
– the lawyers say they can only give me one hour, down.
and it may not be enough. B: Ah, yes. What’s the latest on the new
S: Hi, everybody. So … I had a meeting with schedule? Let’s see … [sound of keyboard tapping
a sub-supplier in the morning, where we agreed or papers rustling] Can you give me an update on
some new deadlines. We followed up the meeting the plans?
with a nice lunch. And then in the afternoon I went TL: Yes, I can do that now, if you like.
to the dentist. Today my plan is to finish writing B: Fine. When will you be able to bring me up
a summary of yesterday’s meeting, and then I’ll to speed on the factory shut down?
be briefing the production team leader. I don’t see TL: I should be in a position to do that this
any impediments at the moment. afternoon. Can I come round your office, say
T: OK, I’m planning to work on the designs four-ish?
for the new logo for the rest of today. Oh sorry … B: Sounds good. Thanks.
Yesterday I spent most of the day discussing ideas
for the new logo … with different departments. That
was difficult because I didn’t have any fixed [Audio 4.01]
appointments with anybody so it was really a matter
Part 1
of luck. … So today, as I said, I’ll be working on the
OK, so what I want to do today is focus on ways
designs and then I’ll be discussing them with the
of building consensus.
people I missed yesterday. Hopefully. If they are
Building consensus is all about finding what the
available. Oh, I nearly forgot. Yesterday I also met
group wants to do, not what each individual wants
with one of the new designers who will be working
to do. It’s about group needs, not individual needs.
on this project until the end. Thank you.
Sometimes we need to meet halfway, to find the
TL: Thank you, everybody. That’s great. My turn
middle ground. And sometimes we will be
now. I’ve been working on the schedule for the
persuaded that one way is best.
factory shut down in November. Nothing to report.
We will do some practice activities later on, but first
I’ll be spending most of today working on the plans
I want to remind everybody of two basic principles
and I hope to finish them this afternoon. I’ll then be
we all need to follow. First, if we want to build
discussing them with the boss before they go
consensus, we must make sure that everybody is
public, so I won’t be answering any questions
involved in the conversation. Everybody must have
at this stage.
the chance to speak. And second, everybody’s
opinion is of equal weight and is to be respected.
[Audio 3.06] No one in the group is more important than anyone
else. OK? Got it? Good, so now here’s what we are
Part 3 going to do.
B = boss TL = team leader
B: How are we doing with the redrafting of the
China contract? [Audio 4.02]
TL: Jack is handling that. He’s meeting with the
Part 2
lawyers today, and is hoping to finish the draft today
M = manager J = Jose T = Tanya S = Sam
D = Dorothy
B: That’s good. What about Sal’s meeting with
M: So the first thing we are going to do is decide
the sub-suppliers yesterday? I saw her in the
as a group how we want to proceed. We have three
canteen. What’s happening with the deadlines?
options. We can stay as one large group, we can
TL: Well, they did agree some new deadlines,
break into smaller groups, or we can work in pairs.
but I haven’t seen them yet. I’m sure they’ll be OK.
Any thoughts? Remember, everybody must be
B: And where are we with the logo?
involved in the discussion, and everybody’s opinion
is to be respected. Yes, Jose? What do you think?
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J: So I think we should stay as one big group. an optional plastic container used for holding hot or
There are not so many of us, and it will be easy for cold drinks. Finally, the heavy-duty rubber handles
everyone to be heard. and padded straps are designed to make
T: I’m afraid I disagree. It will be much better in transportation easier …
smaller groups. That way everyone gets much more Paolo
talking time. So you’ve heard Kendra telling you about the
S: I agree with Tanya. Much better. With a big features of the ZX3 Hot-Seat. It’s a great product,
group one or two people always dominate. but what’s in it for your customers?
D: Yes, I agree, too. We can be much more How many football fans in the audience today?
efficient if we work in small groups. Quite a few. You must agree nothing beats
J: Well, I don’t think my idea is that bad. I agree watching your favourite team play at the stadium.
that in a big group one or two people could But when it’s cold and wet, wouldn’t you rather be
dominate, but that is easy to fix. We use talking in the warmth and comfort of your living room?
sticks. Well, the ZX3 Hot-Seat is the solution. For example,
S: What are talking sticks? its heated seat means you can combine the
J: Each person has two sticks. This gives them excitement of the stadium with the comfort of home.
the right to talk twice. Each time they say something For added comfort, there are optional arm-rests
they must give up a stick. When they have no more which allow you to sit back and relax as you watch
sticks they cannot talk. That way everyone has the the game, while the plastic cup-holder lets you
same chance. enjoy your favourite drink at the same time. The
S: Actually, that’s not a bad idea. But we will Hot-Seat has a washable cover so it’s easier to
need more than two sticks. clean, plus the lightweight seat with handles and
J: That was just an example. Of course we straps make it easier to carry.
need to decide how many sticks to use. Kendra mentioned the Hot-Seat has two USB ports,
D: So we need to find consensus about the so you can recharge your mobile devices if you
number of sticks before we can even start a real need to. In today’s instant world, we know how
discussion? important this will be, especially for younger
M: That’s a good point. Yes, we need to decide customers. This also lets you post pictures on
on the process before we can move to a discussion. social media of those all-important goals, as
So nobody is interested in working in pairs? they happen.
Good, OK. So we’re already narrowing down the
options and moving towards consensus. Not
everybody has spoken, so I would like to hear [Audio 6.01]
what the rest of us have to say. Sandrine?
Security is a big issue in the hospitality business
[Audio 5.01] although it can be very different depending on the
hotel category. I mean, some low-cost hotels these
Kendra days don’t even have an in-room safe for people
Good morning. Today, I want to introduce you to to keep their valuables in, and I think that’s crazy.
the new ZX3 Hot-Seat. The ZX3 Hot-Seat is a I work in a five-star hotel and guests need to use
portable, heated seat. It’s designed for sitting their room key card in the lifts to get to their floor.
outside, especially in cold weather, either in the You just touch your room key card to the pad and
park or at a music or sports event. the lift automatically selects your floor. You also
So first, let me talk you through the product need the room key card to get from your floor back
specifications. As you can see from the slide, down to the lobby. I think it’s becoming quite
the ZX3 seat is made of memory foam that standard in newer city hotels. Not everyone likes
automatically moulds to your body shape and is it. Some guests complain it’s annoying when they
designed to be extremely comfortable. It has want to visit another floor. Of course, you don’t
a removable, washable cover made of a water- have to take the lift. You can get access to other
resistant nylon mesh that comes in a choice of floors by the stairs, but it’s like setting your house
three colours – red, blue and green. alarm or locking your doors. It’s not going to make
The ZX3 Hot-Seat measures 940 by 480 mm, and it completely impossible for someone to commit
weighs just 1,050 g. As you can see, it comes with a crime, but it’s an extra barrier.
retractable arms to provide maximum comfort. Each Paul
arm measures 300 by 125 mm, weighs 45 g, is You know I’ve never thought about it before, but
made of lightweight plastic and comes in black or security is very relaxed in the university building
grey. As well as two USB ports, the ZX3 also has where I work. Students and staff are walking in and
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out all day long and anyone can just walk in off the T: It is a hazard. But I’m sorry, this is not my
street. There’s only ever one receptionist on duty responsibility. My apprentices don’t have the time
and she has to answer the phones, deal with to clean. And what happens if someone slips and
queries and work on the computer, so she can’t falls? We need a full-time cleaner. He only comes
possibly keep an eye on everyone who comes and in the evening and that’s often too late.
goes. And whenever she needs to go somewhere A: Tony, as you know we’re a small business.
or take a break, the reception area is completely We just can’t afford a full-time cleaner.
unattended. There are signs on the walls in all the T: I understand what you’re saying, Alex, but
classrooms warning students to keep their what’s the solution? We need to repair the ZX390.
valuables with them, and lecturers have to I reported the problem ten days ago.
remember to lock the staffroom door, but it’s not A: Yes, but to repair the 390 we will have to stop
ideal and we occasionally have had problems production. This is impossible – we need to meet
with theft and vandalism. There aren’t even CCTV our deadline for the Japanese order.
cameras in the corridors. T: I know that, but it’s also important that we fix
Aisha it as quickly as possible.
I’ve worked in a multinational IT company for almost A: I totally agree. I can see it from both sides.
ten years now. We need to leave our mobile
phones with the guard on reception and he puts
them into a locker and you mustn’t bring in any pen [Audio 6.04]
drives or any type of USB storage devices to the
Part 2
office. In the past you didn’t need to wear your
T = Tony A = Alex
photo ID, but now your badge must be visible on
T: So how do we proceed?
you at all times. If a manager or the security guard
A: I think we need to come to a compromise
catches you without it, they’ll say something. And
so that we can complete the Japanese order.
you need it for everything. You see, it has a chip
T: OK. So, what’s your solution?
with radio frequency identification which you have
A: Well, my suggestion is to supply your team
to use for checking into and out of the building, and
with slip-resistant footwear. That will help prevent
it opens doors based on your access to certain
areas. And you have to use it to print or scan
T: Uh-huh, sounds like a good idea. But what
anything as well.
about repairing the machine?
A: Well, as we both agreed, we will lose time
[Audio 6.02] if we stop production. So, let’s complete this order
first and I’ll request an engineer to fix the leak. Can
1 Guests need to use their room key card in the I just check you’re happy with this idea before
lifts. I speak to the management team?
2 You don’t have to take the lift. T: Yes, that’s fine with me.
3 She has to answer the phones. A: And then let’s review this situation at the end
4 You mustn’t bring in any pen drives. of the week.
5 In the past you didn’t need to wear your photo ID. T: Sure, why not?
6 Your badge must be visible on you at all times. A: Great. I’ll put that in an email, just to
summarise what we’ve agreed.
[Audio 6.03]
Part 1
[Audio 7.01]
A = Alex T = Tony 1
A: I’ve told you several times already about the R1 = recorder message D = David A = Angela
cleaning problem on the factory floor, Tony. K = Kabir
T: Yes, you have, and I’ve told you – several R1: Welcome to Noderphone. This call may be
times – that the ZX390 needs repairing. We had recorded and monitored for training purposes. All
another leak yesterday. As far as I’m concerned, our agents are busy right now, please hold.
I’ve followed procedure. I reported the fault on the All our agents are busy right now. You can also visit
machine. It’s over to you now. the Noderphone.com website for customer service
A: I appreciate it’s difficult for you, Tony, and information.
thank you for telling us about the leak. However, D: Good afternoon, my name is David. May
it’s important that your apprentices clean up as I have your name, please?
they work. The management team are worried this A: Yes, it’s Angela Parsons.
is a real hazard. D: How can I help you, Angela?
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A: My internet connection isn’t working. J: Good morning, this is Judith speaking. Can
D: Is the account in your name? I have your name, please?
A: Yes, it is. A: At last! Yes, it’s Angela Parsons. It’s taken
D: Can I just ask for some further identification? me fifteen minutes just to speak to a real person.
Can you give me the phone number for this J: I’m sorry for the long delay – we’re receiving
account, Angela? lots of calls today. How can I help you, Angela?
A: Yes, it’s 0208 892 2149. A: I want to query my mobile phone bill for last
D: Thank you, Angela. I’ll put you through to our month. It’s ninety-three euros thirty-eight cents.
customer service agents. Can I ask before you go, That’s more than three times what I normally pay.
do you have any mobile phone numbers you’d like J: Can I just ask your date of birth for
to add to your account? There is a special offer verification purposes?
right now. A: Yes, it’s 23rd June 1988.
A: No thank you, David. I only have one mobile J: Thank you, Angela. I’m just looking at your
and it’s already on this account. bill on the screen. Yes, I see you were in Andorra
D: OK, just transferring you now. and there was a roaming charge of forty-six eighty-
R1: All our agents are busy right now, please seven.
hold. A: What? A roaming charge? Why?
K Hello, Angela, my name is Kabir, how can J: Andorra isn't a European Union country.
I help you? It falls into our Rest of the World, Zone 2.
A: I just told your colleague, my internet isn’t A: But … I don’t remember using the phone’s
working. data, I used the hotel’s wifi connection and I only
K: I see. Have you tried switching off the router called my mum a couple of times. Look, could you
and turning it on again, Angela? possibly reduce the charge?
A: I’m sorry, I can’t hear you very well. Could J: I’m sorry, we can’t do that, Angela. We
you speak up, please? always recommend contacting customer services
K: Yes, of course. Have you tried switching off to check roaming charges abroad before you travel.
the wifi router and turning it on again? Next time don’t forget to do that. You can also find
A: Yes, I’ve done all that. The lights don’t come the information on our website.
on as usual though. A: Well, I’ll certainly remember to look for
K: OK, I’ll re-boot it from here. This will take a cheaper operator as soon as I can.
a few seconds. I’ll just put you on hold … J: Can I help you with anything else today?
Hello Angela, can you tell me if the lights start to A: Yes, could I speak to your supervisor,
come on on the router? please?
A: Yes, something’s happening. They’ve started J: I’m afraid she’ll give you the same
coming on. There’s a yellow light, and now two blue information.
on the left, oh, and another yellow one on the right. A: Well, I still want to speak to her anyway.
K: Are you in front of your computer? J: OK, I’m just transferring you now.
A: Yes, I’m just trying to get into my email.
(keyboard tapping sound) Yes, it’s working now.
K: Is there anything else I can assist you with [Audio 7.03]
this afternoon, Angela?
R2 = voice recording AP = Angela Parsons
A: No, that’s fine, thanks.
J = Judith
K: Have a nice afternoon.
R2: Welcome to Noderphone. This call may be
recorded and monitored for training purposes.
R2 = recorder message A = Angela J = Judith
Please say the phone number for which you want
R2: Welcome to Noderphone. This call may be
to make an inquiry. If it is the phone from which you
recorded and monitored for training purposes.
are calling, say ‘It’s this phone.’
Please say the phone number about which you
AP: It’s this phone.
have an issue. If it is the phone from which you
R2: How can I help you today?
are calling, say ‘It’s this phone.’
AP: I have a query about my mobile phone bill.
A: It’s this phone.
R2: I’m sorry, I don’t understand. For internet
R2: How can I help you today?
services, press one; for television services, press
A: I have a query about my mobile phone bill.
two; for … press seven; for technical support, press
R2: I’m sorry, I don’t understand. For internet
eight; or please hold to speak to an agent.
services, press one; for television services, press
J: Good morning, this is Judith speaking. Can
two; for … press seven; for technical support, press
I have your name, please?
eight; or please hold to speak to an agent.
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© 2018 Pearson
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be honest. Put it at the bottom of your list of things graphite. I think there could be some good
to do. Do it when you have time. Task six is investment opportunities with companies using
extremely urgent and important. Give it a high graphene.
priority, please. Task seven has no priority T: I read an article about it recently. Apparently,
whatsoever. It’s information only. You can put it it’s the new super material. But, what is graphite
off for a while. exactly? And where do you find it?
M: OK, here’s the science bit. It’s a metallic
mineral made of carbon but there’s so much more
[Audio 8.03] to it than just pencils, and, even better, there’s lots
of it all over the world!
Part 3
F: Really? Is there enough to meet demand?
One last tip. I have already said that part of the
M: It looks like it. I think it’s a great area to invest
secret of success is not to get distracted. But that’s
in. Graphene’s 200 times stronger than steel and
only part of the secret. The other part of the secret,
very lightweight and flexible. It’s definitely the
the real tip, is discipline. Don’t put things off. No
material of the future. And, because it conducts
excuses. Once you have identified your tasks, just
heat and electricity much faster than anything else,
get on with them.
we find it in the touchscreens on our phones and
[Audio BW1.01] T: What about sports equipment?
M: That too. It’s great for things like racing bikes
JN = JobNow representative M = Maria and tennis rackets. And of course it’s also fantastic
A = Agata T = Taro for electric car batteries because it’s much safer
1 Maria than anything else.
JN: Tell me a bit about yourself, Maria. F: It sounds like a miracle material.
M: I’m forty-two years old, and I’ve been M: Yeah, it does, doesn’t it? And I haven’t even
a doctor for about fifteen years, managing my told you about other potential uses.
own clinic. I feel very tired – exhausted – all the T: Really? Like what?
time. I think I want a completely new career. I’m M: It could upload data at one terabit per second
considering going back to university for another or charge your phone in just five minutes.
degree, but I don’t like the idea of being the oldest T: Wow, that would be useful!
person on the course. M: And you could even use it to clear up nuclear
2 Agata waste, so it’d be good for the environment, too.
JN: Hi, Agata. Could you give me a little That’s why I think we should invest in the graphite
background information about yourself? mining industry.
A: I’m twenty-two and in my final year of
studying economics at university. I’d like to find
a job in the finance sector, but I’ve never had any [Audio BW2.02]
kind of paid job. I play football and volunteer at
T = Toni M = Melanie F = Franco
a hospital, but those are not related to finance.
T: I looked at the tourism industry and the main
3 Taro
thing to report is that tourism’s very big business
JN: Thanks for coming in, Taro. Could you give
especially in some areas where it’s expanding fast.
me a quick summary of what you’re hoping for?
M: What, like package holidays?
T: I’m thirty-two. I’ve worked for ten years
T: That’s not the only growth area. I’ve looked
writing travel magazine articles as a freelance
at online travel providers, cruise companies, hotel
writer. I’ve seen the world, but I haven’t made
chains and mega-resorts, all of which could be
very much money. I want to continue writing, but
good investments.
in a secure job in a company.
M: What’s a mega-resort?
T: It’s where companies develop all the hotels,
[Audio BW2.01] villas, entertainment facilities, restaurants, et cetera
on one site so guests have everything they want in
M = Melanie F = Franco T = Toni one place. You know, things like swimming pools,
M: OK. Shall I start? I looked at the graphite villas, a spa, sports facilities, a golf course.
mining industry. F: I went to one in the Caribbean last year.
F: Why that one in particular, Melanie? It was amazing.
M: Well, although we’ve used graphite in things T: They are great. But I think we should invest
like pencils for years, there’s a very exciting new in the cruise industry. More people than ever are
material called graphene that can be made from going on cruises and profits are high. In fact several
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companies are building enormous new cruise ships, worth, the trend in sales and revenues and where
which are like mega-resorts on the ocean. That’s the strengths and weaknesses of the company are.
the industry we should be putting our money into. Although the financials are very important, don’t
forget to look at the management team running the
company as, ultimately, they’re key to a company’s
[Audio BW2.03] success. You want to find out as much as possible
about their experience and skills as well as those
M = Melanie F = Franco T = Toni
of the employees. Ask yourself, is the leadership of
M: OK, what about you, Franco? Where do you
the company effective and able to make the best
think our money should go?
use of the skills of employees?
F: Definitely the food industry. I know it’s an
So you’ve looked at what exists now, but what
industry with tight margins, but everyone has to eat,
about the future? You need to know what the
don’t they?
company’s future plans are. How are they going
T: That’s true.
to move the company forward and how risky do
F: And people are buying more snacks than
you think their plans are?
ever before because they don’t have time to sit
These days another important thing to consider is
down and eat proper meals, so companies are now
how environmentally friendly a company is, and
focusing on healthy snacks. That’s what we should
what their social responsibilities are. For example,
focus on because companies new to the industry
do they help local communities?
are doing extremely well and making big profits.
M: So you think the healthy snack market is
a good bet? [Audio BW3.01]
F: Yes. Everyone’s health-conscious these days
and looking for more free-from products, you know, L = Lily C = Carlos
snacks without sugar, salt, fat, gluten, milk, et L: OK, Carlos, sorry, but this has to be really
cetera. quick. I have to leave for the airport in five minutes,
M: It’s true. I’m always checking the packaging so let’s do this as quickly as possible.
to see what’s in a product. I love those healthy C: Sure, sure.
breakfast bars. They save me a lot of time in the L: Item one on the agenda is the ‘Save the date’
morning. invitations. Are they ready to go?
F: Exactly. They’re ideal for today’s busy C: Yes, they are. The email is ready, it’s
working person so it won’t surprise you to know approved by Casa Paradiso – we just need to
then that they’re flying off shelves around the world. send it.
Growth in the healthy snack market is the largest in L: OK, then let’s do that tomorrow.
the food industry. And it’s the smaller companies C: Great. No problem. Tomorrow is fine. I’ll take
that are beating the big multinationals in the care of that.
‘healthy’ fruit and vegetable-based snack market. L: Item two – the contract with Lana Gabler-
That’s the kind of thing we want to invest in. Jones. Has that been signed yet?
C: No, it hasn’t. Her agent – her name is
Constance – says she’s very busy.
[Audio BW2.04] L: We need to use her name to promote the
event. We wanted that contract signed a month
Welcome to this month’s investment club podcast
ago – July first.
which today is aimed at new members. I’m going to
C: I know. We’re working on it.
tell you about the things you should know about
L: Well, we need it today, so just get it done.
a company before you invest in it.
Can you do it today?
Investment always involves taking a risk. Therefore
C: Well, I can try. I can try. I’ll email her agent
you have to make sure the risk is as small as
possible and that means doing some research.
L: OK, great. Now, item three. What’s this about
For example what is the company history? Finding
an engineer?
out as much company information as possible is
C: We talked about having an engineer explain
vital for assessing risk. Find out who set the
how the wind turbines work. I’ve talked to a couple
company up and when.
of people …
Naturally, most investors want to look at the
L: Listen, I don’t think … I mean, an engineer?
financial performance first. You will need to study
Sorry, but I’m not convinced. I think we need to
the figures from the past three years at least. You
focus on the fabulous hotel, and not on the
do this by checking the financial reports. Looking
engineering of the wind turbines. Can we just forget
at these allows you to see what the company is
about that?
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© 2018 Pearson
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© 2018 Pearson
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F2: That’s completely true, but was I the only one M: Right, OK. So it would be practical – it lights
who … I thought it felt like – like plastic on my skin, up, so it’s safe – but also we could bring fashion to
but kind of rough … it, too, right?
M2: I think that’s the big disappointment. After W: Exactly. At the moment, there isn’t a safety
about two hours, I had to take it off. It was actually vest for cycling that’s also fashionable. In the
really uncomfortable. market, safe and fashionable are two very different
F1: You’re right. And it smells strange, too … ideas. So we could bring those together in a great
F1: But, … so … I’m a keen cyclist – I go new product.
everywhere by bike. My shirt had the lighting-up M: OK, great. So who wants to buy that?
option. A couple of times, I put it on over another W: Well, I think this one probably isn’t for serious
T-shirt, and I wore it cycling. So I think this could be racing cyclists, or sports cyclists – they don’t usually
a great piece of safety equipment, maybe – if it wear safety gear like that. But people who cycle to
were brighter? It’s good for being seen! work – commuters – who in fact are often very
M1: Right, right – good for safety, but just really serious about cycling, they’re out in traffic every day
uncomfortable – it feels kind of horrible to touch it – – they’re probably the target market.
and it smells really weird. M: OK, agreed – at least to begin with. So that
R: Right, OK. So what I hear is that nobody means we probably don’t want to promote it in
really wants to wear this next to their body. serious cycling magazines, but maybe we do want
F2: The other thing – what’s the washing like? to push it in … I don’t know, lifestyle magazines –
You told us not to wash the T-shirt. travel, women’s magazines, men’s magazines … ?
M2: I wondered the same thing. Are there special W: Yeah, OK. And probably online. Social
washing instructions? media …
R: Yes, it definitely can’t just go in the wash with M: Definitely, if we’re selling online – which of
other clothes. course we will. But what about bike shops?
F1: That’s a huge problem. A T-shirt, especially, W: Distribution is expensive – shipping is getting
needs to be easy to wash. more expensive all the time. That’s a big
M1: It’s so cool, the fabric, but you want to do consideration. But I think if people actually see
something with it where you don’t need to wash it. the product in a bike shop, they’ll want one.
F2: Right. I’m thinking … I don’t know, curtains? M: That’s true. So that’s an obvious placement,
M2: Curtains are a great idea. Or wallpaper? but also a big opportunity for promotion.
F1: Yeah – you could change the colour of your So what about price?
wallpaper without changing the wallpaper. That W: It won’t be easy. The smart fabric isn’t cheap
would be so cool. to produce, but a cycle safety vest isn’t really
M1: Or back to the idea of clothing – could this be a premium product.
a good material for road workers to wear – like on M: Well, the usual bright orange and bright
a safety jacket? It would make them easy to see. green ones aren’t, but we’re selling something
F2: And you could even have words, right? Like special here. The basic ones are about five euros,
‘slow down’ on the back of a safety jacket. and some of the nicer ones are about twenty euros.
R: OK, yes, those are some great ideas. I’d like Our cost, per vest, at least at first, will be about
to just go back to … twenty-two euros, so we’re looking at a retail price
of over forty euros.
W: Forty euros …
[Audio BW5.02] M: I know. It’s high. But then … if we price it
as a premium product – a fashion safety vest …
M = man W = woman
W: … we might place it in some of the more
M: It’s obvious that the smart fabric has great
expensive department stores, not just cycle shops.
potential – we just need to figure out the marketing
M: I like that idea! And who knows, if the vests
are popular, we might develop a whole range of
W: OK, so the products we have on the list so
cycling products.
far: cycling safety wear, road-worker safety wear,
curtains, wallpaper. So two basic categories –
safety clothing and home decoration. [Audio BW6.01]
M: Right. So let’s look at cycling safety wear
first. The product would be … M = man W = woman
W: To begin with, it would be a cycling safety M: Why do you have to do risk assessment for
vest. This would work because it wouldn’t be worn offices?
next to the skin, and because it makes great use of W: We do it to make sure that the work
the smart fabric. environment is safe for the employees and any
© 2018 Pearson
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visitors. In fact, in most countries you have to do job. That’s a good way to focus your mind. Then get
it – it’s the law. back to the customer with a solution as quickly as
M: So how does it work? you can. And if you can give a customer a little
W: Firstly, you have to identify any significant more than they expect, they are likely to become
hazards in the office and also who is at risk: your most loyal customer.
employees, visitors, cleaners, etc. Many employees in customer service are
M: What kind of things can be dangerous? dependent on the manager to give them permission
W: Well, things like wires and cords that trail to solve problems. All customer-facing staff should
across the floor, and carpet that doesn’t fit properly be able to solve as many complaints as possible
or is torn, both of which could trip people up. Erm, without referring back to someone who may not
dangerous machines that don’t have guards on be available at the time. This is where
them, for example. You don’t want to have any a comprehensive company policy and good training
accidents. can be invaluable. These can help to ensure that
M: Is that all you’re looking at? similar problems don’t occur again. A company
W: Oh, not at all. Then there are things like the must create a culture of good service and respect
heat or the noise in the workspace. Is it too hot or for the customer. It should keep accurate records of
too cold or noisy for people to work safely and every communication between the company and
comfortably? the customer for each complaint so that everyone
M: I hadn’t thought of that. But I suppose if knows what’s happened or is happening and can
you’re too hot or cold, you can’t work effectively use this information to either improve a service or
because it can make you feel ill. make sure something similar doesn’t happen again.
W: Exactly.
M: Would you also look at things like lighting?
W: Yes, you can’t expect people to work in [Audio BW8.01]
places where there’s inadequate lighting because
Speaker 1
it could damage their eyesight.
I’m based in Durban, in South Africa, but
M What about office furniture? Is it important
I sometimes visit our production facility in Vietnam,
to have good chairs for example?
near Hanoi. On my first visit there, I was introduced
W: Oh, absolutely. One of the most common
to the top management of our subsidiary soon after
causes of staff being off sick is backache, so it’s
I arrived. My visit wasn’t very long, and we had
a good idea to ensure that the seating is good for
some important business to discuss. I expected to
their posture.
meet people, have a short conversation, then get
M: So, once we’ve identified these risks, what
down to business. On the first day, we went to the
happens next?
factory in the afternoon, and I had a tour. That was
W: Then you need to evaluate the risks involved
interesting, but not very useful to me. Then we went
and put procedures in place to limit the risks and …
out for dinner. I expected this to be a business
dinner, but my hosts never mentioned work, and
[Audio BW7.01] whenever I tried to go onto that topic, they changed
the subject quickly. We finally discussed business
This morning I’m going to talk about dealing with on the second day. The whole experience really
unhappy customers and how to turn a bad situation confused me. It was only later that I learnt about
around. When things go wrong, many people’s first how important it is in Vietnamese business culture
reaction is to be very angry and demand that it be to get to know people first, before talking business.
dealt with immediately. So whether the complaint Also, apparently it’s OK to talk business at lunch,
is on social media, the phone or in an email, act but almost never at dinner. Now that I understand,
as quickly as you can to resolve the situation. it makes a lot of sense. I like it, actually. I guess
However, don’t go making offers without checking they think we South Africans are probably too
the facts as that can be almost as bad as not direct!
resolving it. Customers like to know that a company Speaker 2
cares about them. I completely understand that the management
With social media and emails, respond immediately needs to know what the sales team is up to –
by apologising and indicating that you are looking what we’re doing. The business depends on our
into the complaint and will contact the person as performance. But a few months ago, they asked
soon as you can. But then don’t fall into the trap us to write a weekly report of our sales activities.
of taking too long. It’s important to treat each Before that, it was a monthly report, which I liked.
complaint as a priority. If necessary, imagine that if But a weekly report – it’s too much, a real pain.
you do not solve the problem, you could lose your I really need to focus on selling. And do the
© 2018 Pearson
Coursebook audioscript
[Audio BW8.02]
I’ve scheduled a meeting with one of our biggest
clients in France next Monday. China is going to
supply the model for the meeting just in time, but
it’s stressful. If something goes wrong with the
shipping, I’ll have big problems. We don’t have to
work this way! Why didn’t Mr Lau send the design
model back to manufacturing as soon as he
realised there was a problem? Why did he have
to ask what I wanted? Why couldn’t he just do
something instead of waiting for orders from me?
It doesn’t make sense to me – not at all.
[Audio BW8.03]
When I received the design model of the HM-02,
I knew the problem was serious. However, Frederik
works in Head Office in Denmark, and he’s above
me in the company. It’s really important for
employees to respect their superiors and to include
them in making important decisions, so I could
never have returned the design model for the
correction without first asking Frederik. Teamwork
is extremely important in business. It’s why we are
successful as a company. Also, I knew we could
supply the model just in time, so there wasn’t going
to be a big problem.
[Audio P5.02]
1 the best rest’rant in town
2 while they’re deliv’ring the food
3 I’ve seen something sim’lar in Amsterdam
4 only because it’s necess’ry
[Audio P7.02]
A: Why don’t you take a few days off work?
B: I can’t afford to take a few days off work.
A: Why don’t you phone customer services?
B: I hate phoning customer services.
A: Maybe it’s better not to join the project?
B: I’ve already agreed to join the project.
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