Bahasa Inggris Kls 11

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Hari/Tanggal :………./……… Nama :…………………….

Mata pelajaran :Bahasa Inggris No. Peserta :………………….....
Kelas :XI (SEBELAS) Ruang :………………….....

A. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, d atau e di depan jawaban yang benar!

The following text is for number c. Wedding

1 – 5. d. Anniversary
e. Housewarming
1150 Sweetwood Drive 3. What kind of feeling had by
Denver, Colorado, 80202
August, 2021
a. Dejected
3068 Blair Court b. Sad
Memphis, Missouri, 63563 c. Proud
d. Disappointed
Dear Christopher, e. Happy
Please accept my heartiest 4. I wish you the best for your
congratulations on your
next endeavor.
graduation from Missouri
Academy of Sports. The underlined word above has
I just heard the news from the same meaning with...
Ralph Holder when he dropped a. Hardness
into my class today. He was b. Journey
very excited to relay this news c. Sheer
to me!
d. Attempt
I am so proud of you. We’re
been friends since Junior High e. Soft
School. You always motivate me 5. What kind of letter is it?
to do my best and be a better a. Bad letter
person. I’ll never forget your b. Non formal letter
advice in every aspect of life. c. Formal letter
Once again, Christopher, i d. Good letter
want express my sincere
e. Personal letter
congratulations on your
graduation. I wish the best for The following text is for number
your next endeavor. I wish we
can meet up soon! I’ll catch up
up with you to graduate soon.
Dear Yolanda,
Wish me luck!
Hi, how are you Yolanda? I’d
like to confirm my plan for the
Yours truly,
following holiday. My parents
George Killough
permit me to visit you this
holiday. According to my plan, i
1. What kind of expression will go to your city by train. It is
wanted to express at the letter estimated that i will arrive a 8
above? o’clock in the morning. Will you
a. Congratulation pick me up on the rallway
b. Compliment station?
I have a plan to visit Prambanan
c. Introduction
Temple and Parangritis beach.
d. Complaint What do you think of it? What
e. Sympathy are the other tourism objects i
2. What kind of occasion can visit? I think i should reply
mentioned in the text above? the matter on you.
a. Birthday Anyway, i think that is all from
b. Graduation me. I am going to go on Friday
evening. Don’t worry, i will c. She studied with her
bring you peyeum and also ubi partner
clilembu. Please write me about d. The competition was
your suggestion and opinion on canceled
my travel plan. Thanks.
e. Her friends supported her
Rosalia to be a diplomat
6. The text mainly tells us about? 12. Read the following effect and
a. Tourism objects in choose the cause!
Yogyakarta His wound is getting better.
b. Yolanda’s holiday a. He just fell from a tree
experience b. The doctor gave him a
c. Rosalia’s holiday plan medicine to cure his wound
d. Rosalia’s holiday experience c. He just got an accident
e. Yolanda’s holiday plan d. The doctor asked him to
7. Why does Rosalia send the stay at home
letter? e. The doctor wanted to meet
a. To tell her holiday activities him
b. To suggest a holiday plan 13. “I could not sleep well”. The
c. To invite her friend best cause for that effect is...
d. To share her opinion about a. I woke up late
Yolanda’s holiday plan b. It was downpour yesterday
e. To confirm about her visit afternoon
to Yolanda’s house c. There were a lot of
8. Where does Yolanda live? mosquito in my house
a. Semarang d. My mother told me to
b. Malang brush my teeth
c. Yogyakarta e. Our teacher gave us so
d. Jakarta many homework
e. Solo 14. What clue word or words
9. Rosalia has a plan to visit identify a cause and an effect
Prambanan Temple and ... realtionship and/or connection?
beach. a. The kids
a. Tirtomoyo b. Made
b. Parangtritis c. Could have
c. Parangkusumo d. So that
d. Pelabuhan Ratu e. Lemonade
e. Samas 15. “He won a math competition.”
10. Read the following cause and The best effect for that cause
effect! is ...
I worked so hard day and night. a. His parents always support
I rarely slept at night and my him
body was going weaker. b. Our teacher has worked so
a. I got sick so often hard
b. I stopped watching to the c. He got a scholarship
TV d. I have to learn from his
c. I become a manager hard work
d. I can achieve my dream e. He learnt so hard
e. I am able to make my 16. “The music was so loud.” The
parents proud of me best effect for that cause is ...
11. Read the following cause and a. My mom made a salad
choose the effect! b. I was mad at him
Risa wanted to win the English c. The class is fun
debate competition. She asked d. They wanted to make the
her teacher to give her a private party lively
course. She studied with a great e. Our teacher asked them to
enthusiasm. turned it off
a. She won the English debate 17. Raisa has the best score .... she
competition studies so hard everyday.
b. Her teacher taught her with a. As
passion b. Although
c. If b. Ocean
d. Because c. Lake
e. Where d. River
18. ..... school was canceled, we e. Pound
stayed at home. 23. Commonly, the stems and the
a. While leaves of the desserts’s plant
b. Unless are ...
c. Since a. Thin and waxlike
d. After b. Waxen and pliable
e. Beacuse c. Thick and waxy
19. .... he win first place, he will d. Bendable and thin
receive a prize. e. Waxy and thin
a. Wherever 24. In what place do the things get
b. If hotter?
c. Unless a. In the cave
d. So b. In the savannah
e. And c. In the valley
20. I could not attend the class .... d. In the desserts
of the traffic jam. e. In the ricefield
a. Because 25. “plants and animals must
b. Until conserve water.” The
c. While underlined word has opposite
d. Since meaning with ...
a. Assert
The following song lyric is for b. Keep
questions number 21 – 26. c. Preserve
Adaptation d. Maintain
Marine mammals like whales e. Waste
and others 26. “Have adapted to the cold
Have adapted to the cold ocean ocean waters.” The underlined
waters word can be replaced with ...
Real thick fur or a blubbery skin a. Snowy
Doesn’t let much cold ocean
b. Ardent
water in
Plants and animals have c. Warm
different needs d. Tender
Developing features what will e. Frigid
let them be
In their environment The following lyric is for
In their environment questions number 27 – 31
Inthe dessert things get hotter
Plants and animals must Aspenglow
conserve water By John Denver
Plant stems and leaves are waxy See the sunlight through the
and thick pine
While being nocturnal is an Taste the warm of winter wine
animal’s trick Drea of softly falling snow
Plants and animals have Winter snow aspenglow
different needs As the winter days unfold
Developing features that will Hearts grow warmer with the
let them be cold
In their environment Peace of mind is all you know
In their enviironment Winter snow aspenglow
21. What kind of fur do otters have Aspen is a life to live
to live in a cold ocean? They See how much there is to give
have ... See how strongly you believe
See how much you may receive
a. Thick fur
b. Dillute fur
c. Fragile fur 27. What season is depicted by the
d. Thin fur song?
e. Flimsy fur a. Rainy
22. Where do whales naturally live? b. Spring
a. Stream c. Cold
d. Winter e. Inform how to see
e. Fall something
28. How many stanzas does the 33. What is the main idea of the
song have? first paragraph?
a. Two a. The explanantion about
b. Five reflected light
c. One b. The main reason why we
d. Three can see things
e. Four c. The function of reflected
29. “As the winter days unfold” light
what does the underlined word d. The process of seeing
mean? e. The reason why the light is
a. Presents reflected
b. Reveals 34. One of the source of light
c. Receives mentioned in text is ...
d. Blows a. Sun
e. Changes b. Fire
30. What is aspen? c. Moon
a. Kind of tree d. Light
b. Winter wind e. Globe
c. Snow flakes 35. What is the main reason we can
d. Growing hearts see things?
e. Falling snow a. The sources of light
31. What phenomenon is the song b. The sun
about? c. Reflected light that enters
a. Aspenglow our eyes
b. Winter d. The globe
c. Falling snow e. Light globe that produces
d. Growing aspen the light
e. The sunlight through the 36. The underlined word in line
pine number four has similar
The following text is for number meaning with ...
32 – 36. a. Circle
b. Eyes
We can see things such as c. World
books and trees because of the
d. Bright
light that is reflected off them.
If light was not reflected off e. Sphere
them into our eyes, we could 37.
not see them. 38.
We see the object (ie our 39.
eyes can detect light) when the 40.
reflected light enters our eyes. 41.
For example, if light from a light
globe enters our eyes. We can
see the globe. If light from the 43.
Sun strikes an object such as a 44.
tree or a house, the light is 45.
usually reflected off that object. 46.
If light from a light globe hits an 47. F
onbect such as a book or a
48. F
clock, it is usually reflected off
that object. 49. F
50. F
32. What is the function of the text 51. F
above? 52. F
a. Entertaining people 53. F
b. Make people understand 54. F
about the reflected light 55. F
c. Explain the proess on how 56. S
we see things 57. S
d. Retell the past experience 58. S
in realtion with seeing 59. s

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