Law Corp. - Week 12
Law Corp. - Week 12
Law Corp. - Week 12
NATURE OF LIABILITY (Same kay Damages) GEN: A contract of the Corporation with 1 or
9. b. Solidary Liability for more of its directors, trustees, officers, or their
spouses and relatives within the 4th civil degree
11. Responsibility for Crimes of consanguinity or affinity is VOIDABLE, at the
- It clarified the obligations of corporate option of the corporation
directors and officers, and expressed in
statutory language established principles and XPN: The contract is held valid provided that the
doctrines. There are three duties of the following conditions are present:
directors, trustees and officers of a corporation:
the duty of obedience, the duty of diligence and 1. Presence of the director or trustee in the BOD
the duty of loyalty. Duty of obedience means meeting in which contract is approved was not
that they will direct the affairs of the necessary to constitute a quorum for such
corporation only in accordance with the meeting;
purposes for which it was organized. Duty of 2. Vote of such director or trustee was not
diligence and duty of loyalty are reflected in the necessary for the approval of the contract
Corporation Code wherein directors or trustees 3. The contract is fair and reasonable under the
who acquire any personal or pecuniary interest circumstances
in conflict with their duty as such directors or 4. In case of corporations vested with public
trustees shall be liable jointly and severally for interest, material contracts are approved by at
all damages resulting there from suffered by the least two- thirds (2/3) of the entire membership
corporation, its stockholders or members and of the board, with at least a majority of the
other persons. independent directors voting to approve the
material contract; an
12. Special fact doctrine - Special facts doctrine 5. In case of an officer, the contract has been
is a term used in corporate law to describe the previously authorized by the board of directors.
fiduciary duty of a corporate officer to
shareholders to disclose information during a Note: Only conditions 1-3 were mentioned
transaction involving a stock transfer. This duty during the recits
arises because of the superior knowledge the
officer holds by virtue of his or her position. RATIFICATION BY A VOTE OF 2/3
- Although the contract is VOIDABLE, the
This "special facts or special circumstances" rule contract may be ratified by the vote of the
meant that although directors generally had no stockholders representing at least 2/3 of the
duty to disclose material facts when trading outstanding capital stock. Provided that full
with shareholders, as the majority rule held, a disclosure of the director or trustee's adverse
duty might arise where there were special interest is made at such a meeting and the
circumstances, such as concealment of the contract is fair and reasonable.
defendant-purchaser's identity (the corporate
officer had used an agent go-between to avoid 15. Between corporations with interlocking
detection of his actions by the directors (Sec.32,) INTERLOCKING DIRECTOR
Interlocking director refers to a director of two
13. Inside information corporations having a transaction with each
can be difficult to convent the board
GEN: A contract between two (2) or more sometimes.
corporations having interlocking directors shall Matters which cannot be delegated to the
not be invalidated on that ground alone. Executive Committee (SVB - EC)
(1) Simple quorum - 50% + 1
(2) Qualified Quorum - any number greater than
the simple quorum