Application Number: 10543
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE ; IT ; Computer Application ; Software) APPLICATION FOR STUDENT PROJECT PROPOSAL (2023-2024)
Project Title : Meme musuem
Student Details:
S.No Name of the Student Mobile No. Email_id
1. Asik ahamed M 9514387152 asikahamedm.ug20.cs@
scadengineering.ac.in 2. Ashvanth sankar M 9791368503 ashvanthsankar.ug20.cs@sc adengineering.ac.in 3. Daniel T 6374015672 danielt.ug20.cs@scadengin eering.ac.in 4. Boomani M 9790676508 boomani.ug20.cs@scaden gineering.ac.in
Name of the Guide : Mr.N.Mohan
Designation : Assistant Professor/CSE Department (Full Form) : Computer Science and Engineering Mobile Number : 9488490730 Email : [email protected] Name of the Institution : Scad college of engineering and technology : Scad college of engineering and Institution Address with Pin code technology,cheranmahadevi,tirunelveli 627414 District : Tirunelveli Has a similar project been carried out in : Yes your Institution / elsewhere? Course Studying : UG Engineering Project Details : Attached
This is to certify that Mr./Ms.__________________________________ is a bonafide final
year student of P.G. Science / U.G. Engineering / P.G. Professional Courses of our Institution and it is also certified that two copies of utilization certificate and final report along with seminar paper will be sent to the Council after completion of the project by the end of May 2024.
Signature of the Guide Signature of HoD Signature of the Principal/Dean/Registrar