Prospectus 2020-21 Gurukulam Campus
Prospectus 2020-21 Gurukulam Campus
Prospectus 2020-21 Gurukulam Campus
Kalidas Sanskrit University
Ramtek, Dist. Nagpur - 441106 (MS)
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The University is making significant academic progress with the inclusion of new courses and MoU with
esteemed institutions. It primarily focuses on research in Sanskrit and Ancient Indian Knowledge
Traditions with interdisciplinary approach.
I am happy to share that the University accomplished 6th position in Universities in Maharashtra while
achieving topmost position among Sanskrit Universities in India. This survey has published in Education
World Magazine.
This University has been established to rejuvenate, cherish and disseminate the universal values,
knowledge, wisdom and vision presented in Sanskrit language and literature and to establish a
progressive synthesis between ancient Indian wisdom and modern scientific thought in harmony with the
need of today and tomorrow.
Prof. Shrinivas Varakhedi
About University
Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University (KKSU) was established on 18 September 1997. It is named to pay rich tribute to
Legendary Sanskrit Mahakavi Kalidasa. KKSU is an ins tu on dedicated to the advanced learning of Sanskrit. It is located at
Ramtek which falls under Nagpur District, the second capital of Maharashtra. It is the first Sanskrit University of Maharashtra.
History of Establishment: The former Prime Minister of India, P.V. Narasimha Rao, who is the great Scholar of Sanskrit, was keen on
se ng up an independent Sanskrit University in Maharashtra. With encouragement from Mr. Rao, the late CM of Maharashtra
Shri S. Naik took up the issue and appointed Dr. S. Jichkar as one member commi ee to give a study report for establishing the
Sanskrit University in Maharashtra. Dr. Jichkar prepared the study report and a non-formal University act for the establishment of
Sanskrit University in Maharashtra. One of the Prominent Scholar of Sanskrit and Eminent personality of Vidarbha region Dr.
Pankaj Chande was the Founder Vice-Chancellor of Kavikulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University.
The UGC recognized University with 12B & 2f status and accredited by NAAC with B++. It gives recogni on to the educa onal
ins tu on for specialized studies in the jurisdic on of Maharashtra & Goa. It is a prominent research centre for researchers.
The core values are a set of principles that are aligned with Ins tute's mission that guide the University.
Ethics –
Fostering a learning environment that promotes responsible, principled behavior which respects the dignity of all members of
the ins tute and its stakeholders.
Integrity –
Conduc ng all ac vi es in an ethical manner. Commitment to prac ces that are fair, honest, and objec ve in dealing with
students, faculty members, staff, and stakeholders at all levels of the society.
Quality –
Providing educa onal programs that lead to the acquisi on of knowledge and skills necessary to achieve informa on literacy,
career advancement, personal enrichment, leadership, and service to the society.
To ensure program quality, KKSU assesses prac ces, policies, and procedures on an ongoing basis to strengthen the overall
effec veness of curriculum, instruc onal delivery, and opera ons.
Strengthening Indic Knowledge Systems-
Commitment to encourage and strengthen the Indic Knowledge systems and wisdom through its various programs and
academic ac vi es.
Objec ves
(1) To rejuvenate, cherish and disseminate the universal values, knowledge, wisdom and vision presented in Sanskrit language
and literature and establish a progressive synthesis between ancient Indian wisdom and modern scien fic thought in
harmony with the needs of today and tomorrow.
(2) To develop and promote a system of educa on which aims at refining human 'sensi vi es and percep ons that contribute
to na onal cohesion, a scien fic temper and independence of mind and spirit with special emphasis on-
(a) Sublime rela onship between the teacher and the taught (Guru-ShishyaParampara- the noble Indian tradi on
indica ve of a sense of deep gra tude and reverence towards Acharyas who conferred the bliss of fulfillment on
their disciples in pursuit of learning, in quest of Truth);
(b) Innova ve methods of studies and experimenta on in which true spirit of curiosity search for knowledge
(Jignyasha) and selfdiscipline (Svayam-Shasana) are fundamental components; and
(c) Development of facul es, not only of empirical and ra onal views but also or higher levels of consciousness that
unifies the two;
(3) To encourage and promote innova on, research and discovery in all fields of Sanskrit learning which aims at linking the
past with the present and enables the na on to meet the challenges of the future.
(4) To develop as a Light House to imbibe the integrated (holis c) vision of life through inter- disciplinary approach; and impart
this vision to the teachers community and key-persons working in order fields for reawakening and regenera on of India.
(5) To prepare bands of Acharyas imbibed with wisdom and vision of Indic knowledge system.
(6) To prepare and conduct special courses to integrate the Ayurveda with modern medicine, the Vastu Shastra with modern
architecture, the Arthashastra with modern economic and poli cal science, the Vyakarana with modern philology and
linguis cs, and so on;
(7) To promote be er interac on and co-ordina on among Sanskrit Pathashalas to make the study of tradi onal type of
Sanskrit teaching learning more purposeful, and to effect a fusion between tradi onal and modern systems of Sanskrit
educa on;
(8) To prepare and publish learning-teaching materials (including audio-visual materials) relevant to the studies;
Salient feature
Tradi on for Innova on : Param Pujya Golwalkar Guruji Gurukulam at Ramtek
The university, however has always focused on the core study of area of the university i.e., Sanskrit Literature, Veda,
Vyakarana, VedangaJyo sham, Darshana, Yoga Shastra and Educa on in the campus. Tradi onal UG and PG programs are
offered in Ramtek residen al campus apart from modern Interdisciplinary and Mul disciplinary programs in its Nagpur
city campus. The university has succeeded in a rac ng good number of students in core study areas.
The university departments offer M.Phil. and Ph.D. research programs also in respec ve fields while giving prominence to
Interdisciplinary research in a regular mode.
The university encourages students by providing monthly scholarship in Ph.D. and M.Phil. programs.
The university also encourages students to pursue tradi onal Shastric studies by proving scholarship to all its Gurukual
Students monthly.
Prof. C.G. Vijaykumar
Dr. Harekrushna Agas , Associate Professor
Kar k Bhagwat
Assistant Professor
Amit Bhargav
Assistant Professor
Prof. Nanda Puri
Head Head
Prof. Kavita Holey, Campus Director, Ramtek Dr. Parag Joshi, Assistant Professor
Prof. Madhusudan Penna
Head Head
Dr. Kalapini Agas , Associate Professor Dr. Kalapini Agas , Associate Professor
Prof. Krishnakumar Pandey
Prof. Lalita Chandratre
Head Head
Dr. Kir Sadar, Assistant Professor Dr. Amol M Mandekar, Assistant Professor
Intermediate Course
11 Prak-Shastri Two Year Not more SSC/ 10th or Equivalent exam 30 Prospects,
12th +2 (I.A.) Intermediate than Admission
18 years form,
Tui on Fees
and Other
Fees (in Rs.)
Per year are
Note: 1. Admission form & details of admission will be available on university website from 15.6.2021
2. Last date of apply for admission on 31. 08. 2021,
3. Some courses fee & eligibility on Process it will be updated soon.
Academic Calendar
It is no fied for general informa on of the Post-Graduate Teaching Departments of the University that, the
Academic Calendar for the session 2020-21, as per UGC Guidelines received in Sept 2020 and Dept. of Higher
Educa on , Govt. of Maharashtra Guidelines given a er Covid-19 pandemic is as under: -
d) Last date of Submission of Exam Form with original fees plus late fees Rs. 600/ - 18 Jan 2021
e) Last date of Submission of Exam Form with original fees plus late fees Rs.1800/- (with the 22 Jan 2021
permission of Hon'ble Vice Chancellor)Last date of in warding for Examina on purpose is
22-01-2021 a er this date data in warding will be
6 Summer Examina on 15 Jul 2021 to
14 Aug 2021
7 Declara on of Results As per
Kalidas Sanskrit
D Last date of Submission of Exam Form with original fees plus late fees Rs. 600/ - 25 Jun 2021
E Last date of Submission of Exam Form with original fees plus late fees Rs.1800/ - (with the 01 July 2021
permission of Hon'ble Vice Chancellor)Last date of in warding for Examina on purpose is 01
July 2021 a er this date data in warding will be locked.
i) This academic calendar must be displayed on the no ce board and brought to the no ce of all students.
ii) For late submissions of forms & other documents to University (Exam Dept.), the authori es (Head of the
Department) shall be held responsible for the payment of late fees as s pulated in this calendar.
iii) All admission shall be provisional ll the University approves them a er due scru ny of all documents of admi ed
iv) All The Heads of the Department should send the list of students admi ed in their colleges/ins tu ons to the
university on or before 17th Nov, 2020
v) Students admi ed a er the last date of admission shall not be considered for enrolment in the University and
therefore, shall not be permi ed to appear at the university examina ons.
vi) Original Transfer cer ficates, Migra on cer ficates and Mark-sheets of the students and other essen al documents
should be brought by all affiliated colleges to the University for Verifica on before 23th Nov 2020 Or 03th Dec, 2020
with late fees along with duly filled in enrollment forms with requisite fees.
vii) All admi ed students must obtain eligibility from the University before admission on payment of prescribed fee.
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor will have the special power to permit an admission of eligible candidates on case to case
basis within thirty days from the last date of admission.
viii) For External Students- The students should submit their enrolment forms as per clause 2 "A" & "B". The
Examina on forms shall be submi ed as per the clause 5 (a) (b), (c),(d) and (e)
ix) Theory and Prac cal examina ons will also be held on Sundays and Public holidays.
A part from this, rou ne programs of NSS, DSW and departmental ac vi es will be scheduled on me to me.