HOS 1060-TS-Perkembangan Peralatan Medis

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Dr. Tunggul D.

Situmorang, SpPD, KGH

Riwayat Pendidikan:
• Dokter Umum, FK UKI, 1974 / NB CMS, 1975
• Dokter Spesialis Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, FK UI, 1987
• Short Course in Recent Advanced Nephrology,
Harvard University, Boston, Februari 1994
• Diploma / Master of Medical Science in Nephrology,
Sheffield Kidney Institute, Northern General Hospital,
Sheffield University, UK, 1998
• Konsultan Ginjal Hipertensi (KGH), PAPDI, Juli 2002

Pekerjaan Saat Ini:

[email protected] • Dosen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK UKI
[email protected]
• Koordinator Penyakit Dalam Ginjal Hipertensi,
RS PGI Cikini
• Direktur MRCCC - Siloam Hospital Semanggi
Dr. Tunggul D. Situmorang, SpPD, K-GH
 Background; What are we really talking about? And why are
they important?
 Illness and healing process
 Medical technology advancement in disease diagnostics
 Development of medical equipments
 Cost-effectiveness of currently available medical equipments
 Utilisation strategy of currently available medical technologies
Background – Facts
 Health expenditures continue to grow very rapidly
 US data
– Since 1970, health care spending has grown at an average annual rate
of 9.8%.
– Annual spending on health care increased from $75 billion in 1970 to
$2.0 trillion in 2005, estimated to reach $4 trillion in 2015.
– Health care spending per capita increased from $356 in 1970 to
$6,697 in 2005, and is projected to rise to $12,320 in 2015

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Office of the Actuary, National Health Statistics Group
http://www.cms.hhs.gov/NationalHealthExpendData. Accessed July 2011
 Most of these expenses are attributable to the utilisation of new
technology (i.e. equipments)
 Actually, many things in medicine remain the same for centuries
So What Makes It Different?
 Advancement in technology boosts the
progress in medicine
 We are now standing….
– In the junction of clinical and molecular biology
– In the turn from conventional to robotic world
– In the fades of handwriting to digital tools
Background – Factors that Stimulate
Improvements in Health Care
What is Medical Technology?
 The procedures, equipment, and processes by which
medical care is delivered. Examples of changes in
technology would include new medical and surgical
procedures (e.g., angioplasty, joint replacements),
drugs (e.g., biologic agents), medical devices (e.g., CT
scanners, implantable defibrillators), and new
support systems (e.g., electronic medical records and
transmission of information, telemedicine).
George B. Moseley III, Changing Conditions for Medical Technology in the Health Care Industry
(presented before the OGI School of Science and Engineering, Oregon Health and Science
University, October 18, 2005), http://cpd.ogi.edu/Seminars05/MoseleySeminarIndex.htm
How Medical Technology Affects Costs?
 Development of new treatments for previously untreatable terminal
conditions, long-term maintenance therapy for treatment diabetes, end-
stage renal disease, and AIDS;
 Major advances in clinical ability to treat previously untreatable acute
conditions, such as coronary artery bypass graft;
 Development of new procedures for discovering and treating secondary
diseases within a disease, such as erythropoietin to treat anemia in
dialysis patients;
 Expansion of the indications for a treatment over time, increasing the
patient population to which the treatment is applied;
 On-going, incremental improvements in existing capabilities, which may
improve quality;
 Clinical progress, through major advances or by the cumulative effect of
incremental improvements, that extends the scope of medicine to
conditions once regarded as beyond its boundaries, such as mental illness
and substance abuse.
Richard A. Rettig, “Medical Innovation Duels Cost Containment,” Health Affairs
Definition of Health
Health is a state of complete PHYSICAL,
merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
World Health Organization (WHO), 1946
Sehat meliputi kesehatan FISIK, MENTAL dan SOSIAL
hanya bebas dari penyakit atau kelemahan
Tidak SEHAT tapi tidak SAKIT
Hidup : SEHAT vs SAKIT
Duration (Lamanya)
Quality (Mutunya)


Dua Sisi Mata Uang


Human is not SICK
neither do Healthy
Semua Orang akan Sakit, Semua Orang akan Mati
Definition of DISEASE

A definite pathologic process with a

characteristic set of signs and symptoms. It may
affect the whole body or any of its parts, and its
etiology, pathology, and prognosis may be
known or unknown.
Dorland’s Medical Dictonary
Triangle of Disease
Prognosis of Diseases
Healing Process
Soft tissue infected by Sembuh
bacteria and their
toxins Immune system
chemicals attack
tissue than contain

the infection

Bacteria start the

More tissue damage
VICIOUS as collateral effect of
More inflamation
CYCLE immune system

MoreMore tissue
damage as collateral
effect of immune
system attack
How to Diagnose?
 Anamnesis
 Physical examination
 Additional exmination
– Laboratorium test
– Radiological test

Diagnosis made by "reading" illness on the surface of

the body ~ Centuries of humoral medicine
(Young, 1993)

Diagnosis was an art of observation and the physician

interpreted the patient's history ~ Eighteenth century
(Porter, 1997)
19th Century
 1800 – Humphry Davy announces the anaesthetic properties of nitrous oxide
 1816 – Rene Laennec invents the stethoscope
 1818 – James Blundell performs the first successful human blood transfusion.
 1842 – Crawford Long performs the first surgical operation using anaesthesia with ether
 1846 - First painless surgery with general anaesthetic.
 1847 – Ignaz Semmelweis discovers how to prevent puerperal fever
 1849 – Elizabeth Blackwell is the first woman to gain a medical degree
 1867 – Lister publishes Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery, based partly on Pasteur's work.
 1870 – Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch establish the germ theory of disease
 1879 – First vaccine for cholera
 1881 – Louis Pasteur develops an anthrax vaccine
 1882 – Louis Pasteur develops a rabies vaccine
 1890 – Emil von Behring discovers antitoxins and uses them to develop tetanus and diphtheria vaccines
 1895 – Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovers medical use of X-rays in medical imaging
 1897 - Asprin is invented in Germany.
19th Century
 1816 : Rene Laennec  Stethoscope
19th Century
 1895 : Wilhelm C Röntgen  X-Ray

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