Law and Development Complete Set of Notes
Law and Development Complete Set of Notes
Law and Development Complete Set of Notes
Western scholars have also long been interested in the role played
by law during the great period of colonization in the 18 th and 19th
Until the 1960s law has been mainly analyzed as simple rules without
relating it to the society in which it evolves or operates. As law is the
basis on which many aspects of social goals, institution and
development pursuits are based it would be indeed unrealistic to
Law and society or law and development studies have now become
important as forms of realistic legal education, scholarship and
advocacy in which the rational elaborational techniques of policy
formulation and implementation are central. For that matter in this
course we shall attempt to understand the character of law as
doctrine in light of the empirical social and political conditions within
which that doctrine is developed and invoked. But since the social,
the political and economic structures/formations mutually influence
each other and in the process embrace law, we shall have to study
the political economy of a number of matters e.g. the political
economy of capitalism, law, Africa/Uganda etc.
There are various theories concerning how law emerges. The most
convincing of them is the dialectical-materialist approach/view which
is also called the Marxist-Leninist approach or method. With this
approach the existing social, economic and political structure and
institutions in a given social-economic formation are understood to
be a result of a complex interaction of antagonistic social-economic
forces in the history of that formation.
the overriding but not the all determinant, these non economic
aspects of social life that are dependent on the economic system are
collectively called the super structure. This is in contrast with the
economic aspects called the sub structure.
The sub structure and the super structure all put to the same thing
the economic system and superstructure corresponding to it
together constitutes the socio-economic formation. Of essence to
the dialectical materialist method is that the state, law and ideology
are not given by a super natural power and are not dictated by
arbitrary desires of purely volitional determination of individuals
rather the ultimate determinant of the state, law and ideology is the
production, and reproduction of the individual society.
Prof. Ake Claude in his book “the political economy in Africa” says
that African backwardness and abject dependency today reflect a
stage in development of the productive process.
Most scholars have tried to define the concept of a “state” and have
come up with not so different definitions to elaborate what a state is.
Among them are; Prof.H.Laski who looked at a state as “a territorial
society provided into Government and subjects claiming with its
fixed physical area of supremacy over all other institutions,
Prof.J.W.Garner who defined the state as a concept of political
science public law, that is a community of persons, more or less
numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory,
independent, nearly so, of external control and processing an
organized government to which the great body of inhabitants render
habitual obedience, Holland looks at a State as a Politically organized
people of a definite territory and the prominent Prof Woodrow
Wilson, who defined a State is as People organized for law within a
definite territory.
Territory; in that a State can only exercise its authority over well
defined territory,
The state is seen as part of the society where it interacts with the
different parts of the society but at the same time the state stands
slightly above the society in a sense that it guides the other
organizations; activities.
The acts and policies of the individual in the state authority, whether
this state authority is constituted by an individual or group of
individuals – are objective acts and policies conditioned by the power
of the institution called the state.
(i.e. the state and its activities mutually influence each other). Law
and development of the social economic system are much a variable
of the state (political structure and processes) just as the state is in
turn a variable of them)
The concept and actuality of the nation state can be compared and
contrasted with that of the multinational state, city state, empire,
confederation, and other state forms with which It may overlap. The
key distinction from the other forms is the identification of a people
with a polity.
The origins and the early history of nation states are disputed. A
major theoretical issue is; “Which came first, the nation or the nation
state?” For nationalists, the answer is the nation that existed first,
nationalist movement arose to present legitimate demands for
sovereignty, and the nation state met that demand. Some
Joan B. Nairuba, Law and Development
Historians Hans Kohn, Liah Greenfield, Phillip White and other have
classified nations such as Germany or Italy, where culture unification
preceded state unifications, as ethnic nations or ethnic nationalities.
Whereas ‘state-driven’ national unifications, such as in France,
England or China, are more likely to flourish in multi-ethnic societies,
producing a traditional national heritage of civic nations, or territory-
based nationalities.(Kohn,Hans(1955). Nationalism: Its meaning &
history. Greenfield, Liah (1992). Nationalism: Five Roads to
Modernity. White Phillip L. (2006). Globalization and the mythology
of the nation state, In A.G Hopkins, ed. Global history: Interactions
between the Universal and the Local Palgrave Macmillian, pp. 257-
The state therefore may not necessarily mean a nation. The concept
of nation involves other factors such as common language, culture,
custom, religion a common consciousness that its people belong to a
specific community which sets them apart from other communities.
In many African nations there are multi-ethnic groups and the state
reflects this is a multi-nation state e.g. Uganda
The United Kingdom
The UK is a Unitary state formed initially by the merger of 2
independent kingdoms, the Kingdom of England and the
Joan B. Nairuba, Law and Development
Israel’s definition of a nation state differs from other
countries as its concept of a nation state is based on the
Ethnoreligious group (Judaism) rather than solely on
ethnicity. The ancient mother language of the Jews, Hebrew,
was received as a unifying bond between them as a national
and official language.
Israel was founded as a Jewish state in 1948, and the
Country’s basic laws describe it as both a Jewish and a
democratic state. According to the Israel Central Bureau of
Statistics, 75.7% of Israel’s population is Jewish. Large
Joan B. Nairuba, Law and Development
Pakistan, even being an ethnically diverse country, is
regarded as a nation state due to its ideology on basis of
which it got independence from British India as a separate
nation state rather than a unified India. Pakistanis are
strongly bonded by their Muslim identity, culture, heritage, a
single national language and values in the sub-continent.
The most obvious deviation from the ideal of ‘one nation, one
state’ is the presence of minorities, especially ethnic
minorities, which are clearly not members of the majority
nation. An ethnic nationalist definition of a nation is
necessary exclusive: Ethnic nations typically do not have open
membership. In most cases, there is a clear idea that
surrounding nations are different, and that includes members
of those nations who live on the ‘wrong’ side of the border.
Historical examples of groups, who have been significantly
singled out as outsiders, are the Roma and Jews in Europe.
Joan B. Nairuba, Law and Development
The state at its head had to remain inextricably linked to, and under
the aegis of the international financial oligarchy (form of government
in which a small group of people hold power)
The battle for control of the government and for hegemony is all the
more grim because, as we saw before, governmental and state
power has tended to become the means of production for the
African Bourgeoisie. Thus, in Africa those in office do all they can to
perpetuate their hold on it, there is hardly any restraint beyond
prudence as to permissible means for this struggle.
On the other hand, the ruling classes of Africa are highly fractious;
they are-beset with contradictions arising from the state of
development of productive forces, the juxtaposition of different
modes of production in the social-economic formation(i.e. in
Uganda, there is a predominant small-scale peasant mode; vestiges
of the semi-feudalistic mode in Buganda; the communist
mode(primitive community modes, and the miniature
capitalist/monetary sector), the disarticulation of the economy( a
disarticulated economy is one whose parts or sectors are not
complementary. In a coherent economy, there is regional and/or
sectorial complementarity and reciprocity. One region specializes in
agriculture while another supplies the agricultural sector with
manufactured goods. Along with this general type of regional or
sectarian reciprocity of exchanges will be a system of what
Joan B. Nairuba, Law and Development
The state at its head had to remain inextricably linked to, and under
the aegis of the international financial oligarchy (form of government
in which a small group of people hold power)
The battle for control of the government and for hegemony is all the
more grim because, as we saw before, governmental and state
Joan B. Nairuba, Law and Development
On the other hand, the ruling classes of Africa are highly fractious;
they are-beset with contradictions arising from the state of
development of productive forces, the juxtaposition of different
modes of production in the social-economic formation(i.e. in
Uganda, there is a predominant small-scale peasant mode; vestiges
of the semi-feudalistic mode in Buganda; the communist
mode(primitive community modes, and the miniature
capitalist/monetary sector), the disarticulation of the economy( a
disarticulated economy is one whose parts or sectors are not
complementary. In a coherent economy, there is regional and/or
sectorial complementarity and reciprocity. One region specializes in
agriculture while another supplies the agricultural sector with
manufactured goods. Along with this general type of regional or
sectarian reciprocity of exchanges will be a system of what
economists call forward and backward linkages in production),
dependence, and the exploitative role of foreign capital. As always,
contradiction to make political competition intense, for the less a
fraction of the ruling class feels it has in common with others the less
it is willing to allow that fraction to become politically dominant. The
effect of contradictions is to politicize the ruling class intensely. So
we have a situation in which the ruling class is far less passive (it is
very active) about who governs and becomes engaged in grim
factional battles for hegemony through the control of the formal
access to state power, namely the government. We are then left with
a state with limited potential for mediating the class struggle, and
contacts that citizens have with government are with first level
bureaucrats responsible for processing requests for services and
assistance. The recent Voices of the Poor study provide a
demonstration of the importance of this set of issues. The poor
highlighting that their experiences with bureaucrats are often
unpleasant, unfair and corrupt (D. Narayan, R. Patel, K. Schafft, A.
Rademacher, and S. Koch-Schulte, Voices of the Poor: Can Anyone
also: Evans and Rauch, 2000, op. cit,) Public servants should act in
the public interest. Weber argued that a key aspect was the
property of the official... ( Weber, 1947, 'op. cit.) Evidence from the
their own interests rather than that of the public (Hyden 1983,
but they do have other qualities that place them high on such a
scale. Comparing 35 countries largely from Asia and Latin America,
they concluded that Weberian characteristics of the 'bureaucracy are
positively correlatedwith economic growth. They also found that
the bureaucracies of Asia are more in an additional twenty countries
in Africa and compared with the original data set from Rauch and
Evans study. The original results were confirmed:-better
bureaucratic performance is' associated with-greater power, and
autonomy of agencies to formulate policies- : good career
opportunities in the public sector and good pay of public servants.
1. It has been widely observed that the state in Africa is not only
dominant but also prevalent over society. The notion is
different from one of an interventionist state. The latter
assumes a separation between the state civil societies which
may not be fully applicable to Africa.
2. Much of the law on the statute book is of the enabling kind i.e.
empowering in very wide and unrestrictive terms, the executive
organs of the state to effect a wide variety of "functions" i.e.
exercise arbitrary/discretionary power. In one form or another,
these 'functions' relate either to the governance of the
Joan B. Nairuba, Law and Development
1. Definitions / concepts of Development
Economic Development in the Third World)
The definitions;
are definitions.
What Is Development?
(Ideology in Development)
The state, that is, the African post - colonial state of the petty
bourgeoisie, and the state in industrial heartlands of the West,
as well as the multilateral, financial institutions (IMF & World
Bank) arid others have quite often turned .'Development' into
an ideological slogan to-keep to affected people just hoping for
the better conditions of life, which have, for the most part
remained elusive. Through the media banners etc. empty
promises of development through all out strategies have
always been made.
3. Law In Development
Law, simply put, is a set of principles and rules that govern the
conduct of affairs in a given community at a given time,
whereby machinery is provided for an aggrieved party to
enforce his rights in case any of these rules or principles is
The term most often used to refer to the whole range of actual
Joan B. Nairuba, Law and Development
But what is the relationship? How far can legal reasoning and
judicial decision be seen as different and distinct from policy
argument and political decisions? Are legal institutions to be
thought of as special or specialized, as regards their functions,
forms, character or controlling values, in comparison with
government, administration and the varied activities of the
state? These issues are important, as their addressing helps to
define Law's place in society and the degree of autonomy,
which Law can be considered to have in relation to other
aspects of society or political life.
However, it was later found out last year that they (NGOs)
were abused and some reforms in form of amendments were
advised. This was because of the level of involvement of NGOs
in Terrorist and other bad activities. The new requirements in
the Non-Governmental Organizations (Amendment) Act, 2006
include getting a certificate/ letter of good conduct from the
area R.D.C (Resident District Commissioner)
Here, the (institutional Court stated that S.4 of the Divorce Act
Cap. 249 was inconsistent and contrary to Articles 21, 33 etc. of
the constitution and therefore was null and void and could not
even be saved by Art. 273(1) of the (institution.
They are the ones at the helm of the current capitalist domination.
They dominate international economic activities through
multinational oligopolies, which control the institutions like World
Bank and IMF (International Monitory Fund). They own and control
state of the art technology, have developed highly sophisticated
military hardware that has allowed them to politically dominate the
world power i.e. a world power is a country that has the military
capacity to force other countries to do what it wants them to do.
Russia’s technology had been admitted as the best and it was Russia
that sent the first man to outer space. But today the American
recognized that even the soviets have better outer space than that
of theirs. Today, technology is imported from Korean technology;
therefore the socialists have integrated with the capitalist world,
however, a few countries have declined e.g. North Korea, Cuba etc.
and China which is producing many goods is seeking to be
integrated in the world market system which is a capitalist in
Decimating disease.
Pervasive illiteracy.
These oligarchies would select from their members, who are to rule
for example, The Bush family etc. and in this one world entity
population would be limited on the number of children per family
by use of disease e.g. HIV, wars famine to decimate the population
that they don't want and no middle class i.e. the working class but
Joan B. Nairuba, Law and Development
only rulers and servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal
system of the world courts practicing the same unified code of laws
backed up by one world police force and one world unified police
force. In all former countries and no national boundaries thus the
world be one. The system would be on a basis of a welfarestate. The
obedient and sub servient on the one world government will be
rewarded with the means to live and those who are rebellious will
be starved to death see The confessions of an Economic Hitman, by
John Perkins: The Shocking inside story of how America really took
over the world, Eburry press, 2006; false and exaggerated
economic projections are given in order to justify why poor
countries should be lent huge credit loans, which in turn are used to
award big jobs to companies from donor countries and
consequently enslavesthe borrowing countries and their people, to
the lender countries.
the world. We are faced with a group of people who are not ready
to negotiate with us but to control the World today. The world
Trade Organization is for effective exploitation of resources from
those who are inferior to them. They want to create a system that
will promote health, economic development with new rules,
institutions and funds because of what they want. They are arguing
that the current international economic system doesn't support the
global utilization of global natural resources e.g. oil in Iran water
resources etc. this resource crisis is being complicated by the global
warming driven by global extremes, growing inequality (poverty) in
the periphery and cultural homogenization that is, people with the
same cultures so as to respond uniformly hence economic
structures that they will control easily.
There are two major parts of the economic system, that is, finance
and' the economy, investment grants and loans are-to be used. This
finance will be directed for industries and agriculture which is
production, but they must have systems to control these finances
e.g. banking sector, insurance sector, stock market sectorand
currency trading sector. But this production is the body new world
order about business.
The new world order is not about balance of power but capitalist
domination. However even when the 3 rd world countries cried out
for change, it can't happen as the communist who formerly agitated
for the third world has collapsed. The new world order to rule the
world through the new world order government. These leaders
(group) are not meaningful in society, such leaders don’t like the
third world but are interested in dominance of the world. We
happen to be a biological substance to be used to their journey of
acquisition of wealth in the world. However, secrecy has been
crucial e.g. on May 12 th 1986 at Texas, University, Bush senior said,
“Ultimately our intention is to welcome the Soviet Union back to
the world order.” In 1991, Bush said “if we don’t follow the
potential of our inner moral capacity and stand up for human life,
then this emerging new world order we now see is an old hindered
vision we have all worked towards a long time" Henry Kissinger,
former Secretary of State said, “Our nation is uniquely endowed to
play a creative and decisive role in the-new world order which is
taking me from around us.” Later he says “In the end, they (The
people) will relate their freedom at our feet, the controller, and
they will stay as your slaves but feed us"
Fifty one percent 51%) of Uganda's 31.8 million people are women.
However, this numerical superiority does not extend to their status in
society. They suffer discrimination, subordination and oppression on
al! Fronts (i.e. Social, economic political and cultural), despite the fact
that Ugandan women constitute 60% of the labour force in the
agricultural sector and account for 8% in food production. This is clear
the country's economy, which hinges on agriculture, is supported
mainly by the rural women who are the major tillers of land-land they
neither own nor control.
Since the NRM assumed power in 1986, the issue of women's rights
has attained some prominence in Uganda and President Museveni
himself has pledged government support for the cause of women's
emancipation. In one address to the nation on international women’s
day Museveni said.
The NRM has taken a number of concrete initial steps to put this into
practice. In 1986, for example, the NRM accorded women mandatory
seats in all five hierarchies of the National Resistance Council (NRC)
"interim" legislature. A women's desk had also a mobilization body for
the movement. Furthermore, a ministry of women in development
was created for the first time in March 1998. Included in the ministry's
objectives was the task of formulating and coordinating policies on
women as well as sensitizing government organs and the public at
large to gender related issues.
The law reform process is riddled with huddles that make it difficult to
In the same spirit, the African Charter on Human and People's Rights
provide that every individual must be entitled to equal protection of
the law. Uganda is signatory to each of the above international
documents and the Uganda's Constitution echoes these same general
principles as the supreme law of Uganda. In Article 21(1) that all
persons are equal before and under the law in all spheres of political,
economicsocial and cultural life and in very other respect and shall
enjoy equal protection of the law.
It should be pointed out at the outset that Uganda as with most other
ex-colonies, operates a dual legal system. This means that formal law
which is found in statutory enactments and in the inherited common
law regime on the one hand coexists withcustomary law, which is "
not repugnant to natural justice, equity and goodconscience; .and
not incompatible with any written law" therefore, customary law,
although not codified, has the same force and effect as written law,
almost all statutory laws that were adopted during the colonial era.
A. The Constitution
The 1995 Constitution provides under Article 33(1) that women shall
be accorded full and equal dignity of the person with men. Clause (2)
of the same Article states that the state shall provide the facilities and
opportunities necessary to enhance the welfare of women to enable
them to realize their full potential and advancement. This is
exemplified in the political arena where women have been accorded
the chance to have representation in parliament; this is through
women representative per district. This has not helped women avoid
standing against men in the various constituencies albeit an example of
former Lira Municipality. M.P. Hon. Cecilia Ogwal who trounced on two
occasions a prominent businessman, Sam Engola.
Equally to note is clause (3) of the Article 33, which states that the
state shall protect women and their rights, taking into account their
unique status and natural functions in society. Women shall have the
right to equal treatment with men and that right shall improve equal
opportunities in political, economic and social activities (of Article
33(4)). This is exemplified in employment field where women have or
are supposed to be given maternity leave during pregnancy.
Article 31(1) state that men and women of the age of 18 years and
above have, tbj3 right to marry and found a family and are entitled to
equal rights in marriage, during marriage
B. Marriage
Bride wealth, which is fixed by the male members of the bride's family
or clan, constitute several heads of cattle, goats and foodstuff, or cash
in lieu depending in which part of the country the marriage is
conducted. Some families have reduced bride wealth to a mere token
gift to symbolize the custom, but the majority of Ugandans still
demand prohibitive bride wealth from prospective husbands, dowry
payment was regarded as an essential part of a valid marriage under
customary law, in the case of Uganda V John Eduku. (1975) HCB 359 in
Eduku's case, the accused was charged with adultery under the
Ugandan Penal Code Act. The issue was whether the complainant was
a married woman since criminal adultery can only be committed by a
married woman with a man who is not her husband. Justice Lubogo
held that since bride wealth had not been paid in full, no customary
marriage subsisted between the complainant and her "husband"
Therefore; the couple could not be regarded as husband and wife. The
accused was thus acquitted of the adultery charge.
Customary law further gives the husband the leeway to chastise his
wives whenever he sees fit. This leads to wife battering and the woman
often suffers silently as she deems it "proper" for her husband to
chastise her. Apart from the general law on assault and Article 24,
which states that, no person shall be subjected to any form of torture,
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. There is no
mechanism in Uganda, legal or otherwise to protect battered women.
A Muslim man pays mahr (bridal gifts, but not bride wealth) to his
prospective wife, and this becomes the property of the wife as a result
of the marriage contract. Without mahr, a Muslim marriage is null and
void abinitio. Moreover as in the case of civil marriages, Muslim
marriages are normally preceded with customary bride wealth along
with its negative implications for the wife.
Under Islamic law; it is not unusual for a girl of fourteen (or one who
has just attained the age of puberty) to be betrothed to a much older
man in exchange for money. The consent of the girl to such betrothal is
irrelevant. As a result of these forced marriages there is a high rate of
maternal mortality among teenage mothers, as their bodies are not
mature enough to handle child bearing.
C. Divorce
of our laws than the law governing divorce. Divorce law does not grant
equal rights and duties upon the dissolution: of marriage between
husband and wife.
2. Civil Divorce: Under the Divorce Act Cap 249, section 4, adultery is
the primitive ground for all civil divorce. The law requires only
that a husband proves adultery on the part of the wife as a
ground for divorce. However, a wife must couple adultery with
other grounds such as cruelty, incest, bigamy or desertion.
Furthermore, under the divorce law only the husband is entitled
to monetary damages from a correspondent in the event of
adultery with his wife. However the status quo has changed
thanks to judicial activism, in the case of Uganda Association of
Women Lawyers and 5 Others V AG. Constitutional Petition NO.
2/2003. Where section 4,21 and section 22 of the Divorce Act
were rendered inconsistent with Articles 21 and 31 of the
constitution hence null and void.
In 1977, the high court of Uganda belatedly recognized the fact that, a
woman regardless of her marital status, can own property in her own
right. In the case of. Uganda V JeninaKyanda (1977) HCB 111 the
English married woman's property' Act of 1862, which allowed woman
to own property in their own right, is also applicable in Uganda. This Act
also gave women full contractual capacity. Thus, women are free to
purchase and own property. However, such laws remain in the statute
books because the majority of Ugandan women simply are in a position
to take advantage of them. Take the example of land. Although under
the registration of Titles Act, any Ugandan citizens is free to purchase
and own land only. About 7% of the land is owned by women. Under
the 1995 Constitution, Article 26 provides hat every person has a right
to own property either individually or in association with others and
that no person shall be compulsorily deprived of property or any
interest in or right over a property of any description. It should be
equally notedunder section 39 of the Land Act cap 227 that a husband
cannot deal, sell, mortgage, transfer give as a gift land without the
written consent of his wife. This is however not very surprising when
you consider that women are still confined to income activities, limiting
their activities to the field, Kitchen and nursery. The realities of the
social and cultural; conditions in Uganda are such that woman cannot
even claim ownership or control of the land that they till dawn to dusk.
At best, they can only enjoy usufruct rights to this land.
In summation the legal regime together with the social and cultural
realities generally exclude women from the property owning class in
Uganda. Implementation of the inheritance law leaves much to be
desired. To compoundmatters, the procedure employed at the
administrator general office is extremely slow.
In conclusion, therefore, all said and written, the legal regime in post-
independence African states on women and the girl child is lacking in
policy, enforcement and relevance, and still, responsible bodies like
parliament, executive and the judiciary as arms of government have not
come out to do the necessary reforms, repeals, amendments,
modifications and adaptations required for a good and fair legal regime.