10 IJEBAS+Journal+-+Ismail
10 IJEBAS+Journal+-+Ismail
10 IJEBAS+Journal+-+Ismail
The Muslim population who has great potential in tithing is Indonesia. As the largest Muslim
country in Asia, one of the financial instruments that should be appreciated is productive
zakat. This program can not only help underprivileged people but also can make people who have
been lacking in the economy and have always been recipients of zakat can change their positions
into muzakki. This study describes the extent of research on productive zakat and its empowerment
in Indonesia by obtaining the results of 375 published articles that have been eliminated according
to search data from 2017 to 2021. Besides that, it also shows that productive zakat is very great in
playing its role as one of the Islamic financial instruments in Indonesia in empowering and
alleviating poverty through philanthropic institutions that shelter it.
The high number of poverty rates examines the evaluation material for government
monitoring in dealing with unfinished poverty problems. Various sectoral, monetary and fiscal
policies as well as other policies have not been effective in reducing the poverty rate significantly
for this nation. This is reflected in the current poverty rate which reaches 14% of the total
population in Indonesia, meaning that there are around 30 million poor people in Indonesia.
Indonesia with a majority Muslim population has a large potential for zakat. Consumptive
distribution of zakat will only make mustahiq a recipient of zakat. It is necessary to distribute zakat
productively to empower mustahiq so that they can improve their economy to become muzakki
(Mulyawisdawati & Nugrahani, 2019).
There are two models that are carried out in zakat, namely distribution and empowerment, in
the distribution of zakat it is only used for a temporary use but in empowering zakat it can be
allocated in productive programs and is one of the Islamic instruments used for distribution of
income and wealth. Zakat can be relied upon as a mechanism in overcoming poverty problems that
occur in Indonesia, through the productive zakat program (Huda, 2018).
According to (Dg. Mustafa, 2021) Zakat is given in the form of productive goods, where by
using these goods, mustahik can create a business, such as providing assistance for livestock, dairy
cows, carpentry tools, embroidery sewing machines and so on.
According to Hafidhuddin in (Pratama, 2015) explaining that scholars such as Imam Shafi'i,
an-Nasa'i, and others state that if the mustahik of zakat has the ability to trade, he should be given
business capital that allows him to earn profits that can meet his basic needs. . Likewise, if the
person concerned has certain skills, he can be given production equipment in accordance with his
work. If the mustahik does not work and does not have certain skills, according to Imam
Syamsuddin ar-Ramli, he is given life insurance from zakat, for example by participating in
investing (from the zakat money) in certain businesses so that the mustahik has income from the
zakat rotation.
International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration |IJEBAS
E-ISSN: 2808-4713 | https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJEBAS
Volume 2 No.3 (2022)
According to (Danuludin et al., 2021) when the Covid-19 pandemic had a significant impact
on the national economy, including the MSME sector. Productive zakat distributed to MSMEs has
the potential to develop and form MSMEs mustahik in the era of the covid 19 pandemic. Therefore,
the implementation of zakat is important to see the potential of zakat in an effort to help mustahik
to be more empowered to face the challenges of the times. This proves that productive zakat funds
really have a role in overcoming various economic problems.
According to (Apriliyani, Malik, and Surahman 2020) Zakat in terms of fiqh terms means "a
certain amount of property that is required by Allah to be handed over to those who are entitled" in
addition to meaning "issuing a certain amount itself". The amount that is issued is called zakat
because what is issued adds a lot, makes it more meaningful, and protects the wealth from
According to Law no. 23 of 23 of 2011 concerning the management of zakat, zakat is assets
that must be issued by a Muslim or business entity to be given to those who are entitled to receive it
in accordance with Islamic law. Mathews and Tlemsani in Dogarawa mentions zakat is a certain
part of wealth that is determined by Allah to be distributed to categories of people who are entitled
to receive it. This is obligatory on people who have excess wealth to people who lack
property. Zakat is one of the pillars (pillars) of the five pillars that make up Islam. Zakat is a
maaliah ijtima'iyyah worship which has a strategic and decisive position for the development of the
welfare of the people. Zakat does not only function as a vertical worship to Allah
(hablumminallah), but zakat also functions as a form of horizontal worship (hablumminannas)
(Thoharul Anwar 2018).
Productive zakat is a model of zakat distribution that can make mustahiq produce
something continuously, with zakat assets that have been received. Productive zakat is zakat assets
given to mustahiq not spent or consumed but developed and used to help their business, so that
with this effort mustahiq can meet the needs of life continuously (Toriquddin, 2015).
To achieve productivity, it is necessary to have management. Management comes from the
word manage which means to control or organize. Meanwhile, the management trend means the
process of carrying out certain activities by mobilizing the power of other people, or it can also be
interpreted as the process of providing supervision on all matters involved in implementing policies
and achieving goals. So, management involves the process of an activity. In relation to zakat, the
process includes socialization of productive zakat, collection of zakat, distribution and utilization
and supervision. Thus the management of productive zakat is the process and organization of
socialization, collection, distribution, and supervision in the implementation of zakat (Ali, Amalia,
and Ayyubi 2016). Therefore, four management functions are needed which include planning,
organizing, actuanting, and controlling.
From the above problems, it should be appreciated that productive zakat can be one of the
main indicators of financial instruments in Indonesia which can be used as an alternative to create
and solve poverty problems in particular. Therefore, the author will examine how the literature
study of the role of productive zakat in the economic empowerment of people in Indonesia will also
discuss how the role of productive zakat in the economic empowerment of people in Indonesia in
the last 5 years.
International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration |IJEBAS
368 E-ISSN: 2808-4713 | https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJEBAS
The data used in this article is secondary data from journals published on Google Schoolar
from 2017-2021. This research was conducted by analyzing 345 articles from selected literature
that discussed “Productive Zakat” in Community Economic Empowerment. The initial stage of this
research is to conduct a search using the keywords "Productive Zakat" and "Economic
Empowerment" collecting articles related to Productive Zakat that are included in Google Schoolar
data using the Publish or Perish Application . Second, sorting out the focus of the discussion in the
article, by only selecting articles that focus on the discussion of Productive Zakat and its Role as
Community Economic Empowerment. The third is classifying articles related to the author, article
title and year of publication. The results of this analysis provide information and literacy of Zakat
regarding the role of Productive Zakat in community economic empowerment.
Table 1 Number of Tables of Articles with the theme of Productive Zakat and
Empowerment Published
International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration |IJEBAS
E-ISSN: 2808-4713 | https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJEBAS
Volume 2 No.3 (2022)
diagram below illustrates how qualitative research dominates with a percentage of 90.4% compared
to research with 9.6% quantitative methods.
The results of the research findings above show that the number of research that uses
descriptions and in-depth discussions with qualitative methods on productive zakat and economic
empowerment is more with the number of 312 and 91%, respectively. For descriptive research in
the form of mathematical modeling with less quantitative methods with a total number of articles of
33 publications. It can be seen in the research approach table below.
2017 1 39
2018 3 50
2019 11 78
2020 11 85
2021 7 60
Total 33 312
3.3 Research on the Role of Productive Zakat during the Covid-19 Pandemic
This study shows that there are 10 journals published in 2020 and 2 journals in 2021 that
discuss productive zakat during the covid-19 pandemic, this shows that the covid-19 pandemic
does not hinder this zakat activity in empowering the community's economy and even helping the
community. affected by the Covid-19 period. Below are 12 journals among 345 journals in the last
5 years that discuss community economic empowerment through productive zakat.
Some of the studies above show and obtain results from the Covid-19 situation that it does
not reduce the role of LAZ and especially Zakat in community economic empowerment during the
COVID-19 pandemic and can even reduce and help the poor in particular and those affected by
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia as the country with the largest Muslim population
in the world, Muslims can provide their best role in various ways, this role is expected to overcome
the impact caused by Covid-19, namely economic shocks and increasing poverty rates. To
overcome this, it is necessary to handle all parties to recover from these shocks.
One of them is based on research (Iswandi et al., 2021) this study states that the role of the
government is very crucial in ensuring that the zakat amil institutions have fulfilled the Zakat Core
Principles and are implemented so that the objectives of economic distribution and income
distribution are achieved. Of course, during the Covid-19 pandemic, if the distribution of the
economy and income is even, then poverty can be minimized. The policy of economic distribution
through Islamic institutions founded on a non-profit basis must be supported and maintained by the
government and its supervisory system to ensure that all efforts and efforts of the institution can
run well. The government's role is crucial in ensuring that the Zakat Core Principles are
implemented so that the objectives of economic distribution and income distribution are achieved,
so that poverty can be minimized during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Research conducted by (Danuludin et al., 2021) at Baznas Bogor City shows distributing
productive zakat in the form of business capital. The productive zakat is distributed to individual
and group mustahik. The Bogor Berkah program is included in the productive zakat based on
taklim majlis. The maximum limit for assistance provided is Rp. 2,000,000. Recipients of
productive zakat are also required to give infaq every day from the results of their efforts. Besides
that, there are also obstacles faced by the Bogor City Baznas at the beginning of the pandemic,
namely the lack of muzakki who distribute their zakat, limited space for monitoring, and efforts to
develop MSMEs that are difficult to carry out.
There are several roles according to the results of research conducted (Amirudin & Sabiq,
2021), namely Ziswaf can be a solution and a role to restore the economy due to the COVID-19
pandemic as follows: (1) Making every village a UPZ to maximize zakat (2) maximizing cash
International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration |IJEBAS
E-ISSN: 2808-4713 | https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJEBAS
Volume 2 No.3 (2022)
zakat and productive zakat (3) maximizing zakat and infaq management (4) providing educational
assistance for students affected by covid-19, which is prioritized for students majoring in sharia
economics so that in the future they can educate the public about Islamic economics.
According to (Kadir et al., 2020) the Muslim community is reminded to always help others,
especially the weak (impact) through zakat. Moreover, the potential of zakat in Indonesia has so far
had a major influence on the economic empowerment of the community. Utilization of zakat funds
used for disaster purposes can be channeled to people who are in need or are affected by the current
pandemic. (Nurhidayat, 2020) also said that the impact of this pandemic made the community's
economy less stable, in addition to the increase in the number of poverty in Indonesia caused by the
covid-19 pandemic. And people affected by the pandemic can be said to be asnaf or people who are
entitled to receive zakat, making it easier for services by creating a zakat application. the
innovation platform strategy, baznas develops fundraising innovations that are in accordance with
the needs, demands, and adaptation of technology. Now, with some of these strategies, it can make
it easier for Mzakki in the process of promoting their business.
Zakat is an option to deal with people affected by this virus, even MUI allows the use of
zakat funds to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic. The fatwa was issued in 2020 number 23
regarding the use of the three ZIS funds to be used to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic. Zakat
funds from muzakki can be distributed as soon as possible to the community, the funds are
channeled through three sectors, namely the health emergency sector, used to purchase PPE,
establish isolation rooms, spray disinfectants, as well as provide education to the community, the
socio-economic emergency sector, to help restore conditions. economy caused by the covid-19
virus, providing assistance for family food, cash for work, zakat fitrah, BTM, as well as for
assistance for laid-off employees or workers and the sector for the sustainability of existing
programs. the total disbursement of funds to the three sectors reached Rp. 7,578,461,063. If these
programs can be implemented properly, and with proper handling, zakat will become a source of
funds that can be used for general welfare (Amanda et al., 2021).
mustahik. Where out of fifteen mustahik recipients of productive zakat funds, there are four people
whose condition has changed to become muzakki, while nine people become non-muzakki and
non-muzakki, while there are two people who are still in mustahik condition. This study shows the
role of Zakat is very important in carrying out its role as an instrument of Islamic financial
The results of the study (Syafaati & Rani, 2020) conducted in Gresik Regency showed that
the utilization of ZIS funds by BAZNAS in this case the Gresik Berdaya Program in Babaksari
Village, Dukun District was distributed in order to empower the community and provide assistance
to improve the economy and knowledge. Revolving cattle is a model of productive zakat utilization
by the Gresik Berdaya Program in increasing mustahiq income which according to researchers is
optimal. This is evidenced by the increasing income and welfare of the recipients of revolving
livestock assistance which has been successfully rolled out every year.
From the explanation above, there are many more productive activities that can be carried
out by amil zakat institutions to empower the community's economy, therefore both BAZNAS, Laz
and other philanthropic institutions have an important role to take care of, manage, collect,
distribute, and utilize productive zakat. So that later mestahik will be able to change their role into
Indonesia, with a majority Muslim population, has a fairly large zakat potential, consumptive
distribution of zakat will only make mustahiq a recipient of zakat. Research on productive zakat as
community economic empowerment in Indonesia has a very important role to improve human life,
especially in Indonesia to reduce poverty and improve welfare, this is proof that zakat productivity
is very influential and serves as a tool to make poor people who have been mustahik can change his
role as muzakki.
The results of this study found 345 journals discussing productive zakat which were
published and 12 of them discussed zakat during the covid-19 pandemic. From the research above,
it is found that the role of productive zakat is very important, including empowering mustahiq so
that they can improve their economy to become muzakki . Zakat funds are not only used for things
that smell consumptive and will run out after being used by mustahik. If the empowerment program
will certainly become a vehicle for independence for the empowered mustahik, zakat funds will be
rolled out so that the beneficiaries will be wider. Not only that, entrepreneurs and MSMEs who
have a lack of capital can also be helped by this productive zakat and make it easier and reduce the
burden of mustahik to buy and produce and even be able to continue the life of the mustahik.
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E-ISSN: 2808-4713 | https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJEBAS
Volume 2 No.3 (2022)
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376 E-ISSN: 2808-4713 | https://radjapublika.com/index.php/IJEBAS