Water 14 01201 v2
Water 14 01201 v2
Water 14 01201 v2
Principles and Technical Application of Mixing Zones for
Wastewater Discharges to Freshwater and Marine Environments
Carlos J. A. Campos *, Donald J. Morrisey and Paul Barter
Cawthron Institute, 98 Halifax Street East, Nelson 7010, New Zealand; [email protected] (D.J.M.);
[email protected] (P.B.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +64-21-2164459
Abstract: A discharge mixing zone (DMZ) is a defined geographical area or volume of water in
the receiving environment of a discharge where initial dilution of the effluent occurs and where
exceedance of water quality criteria may be permitted. DMZs are essential to inform determination
of discharge consent conditions and an important element of risk management frameworks to reduce
any effects of the discharges on the environment and human health. In this review, we describe the
principles and technical application of DMZs. We present an overview of the physical processes
that govern the dispersion and dilution of wastewater discharges and the fate of contaminants in
coastal environments and define key criteria for determining the size of DMZs. We summarize DMZ
requirements in international legislation and guidance and exemplify their application to different
types of discharges by means of case studies. The selected case studies illustrate different modelling
tools for defining DMZs and different monitoring approaches to assess their effectiveness in achieving
ecological and human health objectives.
Keywords: estuaries; zone of initial dilution; allocated impact zone; wastewater; modelling; water
quality standards; water pollution control
Citation: Campos, C.J.A.; Morrisey,
D.J.; Barter, P. Principles and
Technical Application of Mixing
Zones for Wastewater Discharges to 1. Background
Freshwater and Marine
Globally, large volumes of wastewater generated by domestic, industrial, and com-
Environments. Water 2022, 14, 1201.
mercial sources are discharged to rivers, lakes, and marine waters despite the availability of
other more sustainable forms of use and disposal [1,2]. In 2020, it was estimated that only
Academic Editors: Zhiliang Zhu and 56% of all wastewater flows generated by households were collected and treated safely to
Chi-Wang Li at least the secondary level in an appropriate facility [2,3]. Every year, ≈730 million tonnes
Received: 31 January 2022
of wastewater and 300–400 million tonnes of liquid waste are discharged into surface
Accepted: 5 April 2022
waters [3]. The quality of surface waters affected by wastewater discharges continues to
Published: 8 April 2022
decline in many parts of the world, compromising the biological diversity of discharge
receiving environments, the services they provide, and the role of the discharges in buffer-
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
ing the detrimental effects of climate change [4]. The United Nations reported that only
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
60% of surface waterbodies assessed in 89 countries for the Sustainable Development
published maps and institutional affil-
Goal had good quality status [5]. Many of these countries have made substantial capital
investments to upgrade wastewater treatment and reduce effluent disposal to rivers, lakes,
and coastal waters.
International best practice guidance on management of wastewater treatment and
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
disposal identifies options to improve treatment and effluent quality, reduce the effects of
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. the discharges on the environment and human health, and in some cases, promote re-use
This article is an open access article and recycling of treated effluents [6,7]. When identifying locally appropriate management
distributed under the terms and options, discharge consenting authorities consider many factors such as technological
conditions of the Creative Commons and engineering constraints, the characteristics of the effluent, the hydrographical and
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// hydrological characteristics of the receiving environment and its environmental protection
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ designations, and community values (social, cultural, and spiritual) on the potential and
4.0/). actual effects of the discharges.
and human health. For example, oxygen depletion associated with biochemical oxygen
demand can be a serious problem in lakes, rivers, and estuaries. Toxic substances can cause
adverse effects in aquatic organisms and humans. Many of these are synthetic chemicals
such as pesticides or solvents. Some are slow to degrade while others degrade relatively
rapidly [8].
The magnitude and extent of effects from these wastewater constituents is determined
by many factors, primarily:
• The characteristics of the effluent (flow, volume, and chemistry);
• The discharge regime (frequency and duration);
• The dispersion and dilution of the effluent after discharge;
• The physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the receiving environment.
These effects can be detected in two main areas of the receiving environment: the
bed or bottom (‘benthos’) and the water column. The physical, chemical, and biological
characteristics of the benthos may integrate transient changes of a wastewater discharge
from both dissolved contaminants in the water column and deposited organic-rich or
contaminated particulate material (e.g., sewage solids). While benthic characteristics
(e.g., sediment contaminants and ecological communities) can change over scales of months
(e.g., seasonally) and years, they remain relatively stable over smaller timescales and
provide a good medium for detecting discharge effects [9]. However, the benthos is
also sensitive to short-duration event-related changes such as storm events or sewerage
infrastructure breakdown [10].
In submarine outfalls (particularly those with multi-port diffusers), the enrichment
of the seabed from deposition of organic particulates reduces as the freshwater effluent
generally forms a buoyant surface plume which increases the initial mixing of effluent
and seawater [11]. Despite this, some degree of organic enrichment can still occur and
the range and magnitude of effects from wastewater and other organic-rich discharges
are particularly well documented [12]. These types of enrichment effects are commonly
assessed through visual observations, chemical analysis of the sediments themselves for
indicators of enrichment (i.e., grain size, organic carbon, and nutrients and products of
microbial decomposition), and analysis of sediment dwelling biota (including the ‘infauna’
living in the sediment and ‘epifauna’ living on it) [9,13].
Wastewater-impacted environments often show increased concentrations of total
organic carbon, total nitrogen, and phosphorus in the sediments and elevated macrophyte
and benthic invertebrate biomasses [13–15]. Visual observations of epibiota and sediment
characteristics, whilst cursory, provide a good general indication of the general state
of enrichment [16,17]. Often, these visual observations help to determine the need for
additional monitoring such as sediment chemistry and infaunal analyses. Analysis of
visual, physicochemical, and biological indicators of enrichment may be used to assess
the relative scale of effect(s). For a discharge to oceanic waters via an extended outfall, the
effluent parameters of major concern are toxicants, pathogens, floatables, oil and grease,
and suspended solids. For a discharge to a shallow bay or estuary, the parameters of
concern include all of these as well as nutrients, color, biochemical oxygen demand, and
surfactants [18,19].
The effects of organic enrichment on the seabed usually follow a gradient of type and
intensity with distance from the source, as summarized by Pearson and Rosenberg [20]. A
diagram of the range of possible effects from a wastewater outfall on soft bottom habitats
and the water column is provided in Figure 1. This diagram lists the type of response
that macrofaunal communities can exhibit depending on the level of organic enrichment
detected around the outfall. Regardless of their scale, intensity, duration, or frequency,
these biological effects may be influenced by other types of effects (physical, climatic, or
human-mediated) to produce cumulative environmental effects. These cumulative effects
may be manifested by the build-up of wastewater contaminants in sediments in the area
beyond the immediate area of influence of the discharge or changes in the abundance and
distribution of biological communities because of the occurrence of other diffuse- or point-
that macrofaunal communities can exhibit depending on the level of organic enrichment
detected around the outfall. Regardless of their scale, intensity, duration, or frequency,
these biological effects may be influenced by other types of effects (physical, climatic, or
human-mediated) to produce cumulative environmental effects. These cumulative effects
Water 2022, 14, 1201 may be manifested by the build-up of wastewater contaminants in sediments in 4the area
of 26
beyond the immediate area of influence of the discharge or changes in the abundance and
distribution of biological communities because of the occurrence of other diffuse- or point-
sourcedischarges thataffect
discharges that affectthe
same receiving
receiving environment
environment [21,22].
[21,22]. Benthic
Benthic monitoring
monitoring is
reliable and cost-effective way of assessing discharge-related effects. A one-off ‘snap-
and cost-effective way of assessing discharge-related effects. A one-off ‘snapshot’
oftenoften provides
provides sufficient
sufficient information
information to determine
to determine benthic
benthic effects effects associated
associated with a
with a single
single discharge.
Bouyant surface p lume Enhancement of
phytoplankton prod uction
Ma crofaunal Response
Mo derate species richness with a
Un enriched = mo derate abundance distributed
Increa sed soluble nutrients evenly among species
ports ca
Schematic of
of potential effectsof
potential effects ofaasubmarine
wastewater discharge
discharge onon
thethe water
water column
and a soft bottom habitat. NB. The near field can be considered the area of highest density of organic
and a soft bottom habitat. NB. The near field can be considered the area of highest density of organic
particulates and fish aggregation near the diffuser ports. The transition zone corresponds to the areaarea
and fish aggregation near the diffuser ports. The transition zone corresponds to the
of the discharge with the lowest concentration of particulates in the upper water column (labelled
of the discharge with the lowest concentration of particulates in the upper water column (labelled as
as ‘buoyant plume’). The boundary of the far field begins where ambient flow conditions determine
‘buoyant plume’). The boundary of the far field begins where ambient flow conditions determine
plume behavior, in this case where the plume is advected to the right (areas labelled as ‘increased
plume behavior, in this case where the plume is advected to the right (areas labelled as ‘increased
soluble nutrients’).
soluble nutrients’).
The water
water column
column is is aa more
environmentand and background
background water
water quality
diurnally, seasonally,
seasonally, andandinter-annually
response to to contaminant
contaminant inputs
inputs andand
climatic events (rain events, storms, and droughts). Such changes reflect
climatic events (rain events, storms, and droughts). Such changes reflect both extrinsic both extrinsic
intrinsic processes.
processes. For example,
example, external
changing states
states of the
of the tidetide
may bringabout
changesinina acoastal
Because thethe water
water column
column is aismore
more variable environment, multiple surveys may be required to characterize
variable environment, multiple surveys may be required to characterize effects of dis- effects of
charges. Another
Another important
important difference
difference betweenassessing
between assessingwater
water column
column and
and bed
effects is
the spatial scale over which impacts may occur. While it is typical to observe a gradient
is the spatial scale over which impacts may occur. While it is typical to observe a gradient of
of decreasing
decreasing effects
effects from
from thethe discharge
discharge point,
point, measurableeffects
measurable effectsononwater
qualitymaymay ex-
extend much further than benthic effects.
tend much further than benthic effects.
Given the large number of variables associated with the water column, it is almost
impossible to design a program that considers every possible set of circumstances. To
overcome this, a ‘worst-case’ approach is often employed where effects are assessed under
minimal mixing conditions such as low-slack water and low winds [23]. Under higher
currents and winds, both dilution and dispersion are increased.
In high-energy sites such as open marine environments with large flows, tides, currents,
and wave action, effluent disperses quickly and the mixing zone may be relatively small.
In contrast, in low-energy systems such as lakes and slow streams, mixing may be slower
Water 2022, 14, 1201 5 of 26
and the mixing zone may be larger [23]. Adverse effects can be mitigated by increased
treatment at the plant, an enhanced discharge regime (e.g., by using a multi-port diffuser to
increase initial dilution) (see multi-port diffuser illustrated in Figure 1), and discharge to a
higher energy environment where the effluent can quickly disperse. However, even when
some or all of these measures are adopted, there is still a possibility of adverse effects.
Table 1. Relative risk to human health associated with two types of wastewater discharges to the
coastal marine environment. Modified from WHO [27].
Water and contaminant fate and transport modelling studies are usually required
to demonstrate that the DMZ is sufficiently far away from the designated sites and the
substances released in the discharge are not likely to cause detrimental effects on water
users [28,29]. These modelling studies may consider the potential linkages between mea-
sured or estimated concentrations of wastewater contaminants at the sites, the physical,
chemical, and biological transformations of the contaminants from the source to the expo-
sure site(s), and the frequency and duration of human exposure to the contaminants [28].
As a rule, a DMZ should not overlap a designated recreational site (e.g., swimming beach,
fishing site, or boating area) and should not result in water quality conditions exceeding
relevant guidelines for contact recreation. Concerning aquaculture operations, the assess-
ment of health effects would need to consider the species farmed, the risk management
ured or estimated concentrations of wastewater contaminants at the sites, the phy
chemical, and biological transformations of the contaminants from the source to the
sure site(s), and the frequency and duration of human exposure to the contaminants
As a rule, a DMZ should not overlap a designated recreational site (e.g., swimming b
Water 2022, 14, 1201 fishing site, or boating area) and should not result in water quality conditions
6 of 26 excee
relevant guidelines for contact recreation. Concerning aquaculture operations, the as
ment of health effects would need to consider the species farmed, the risk manage
practices at thepractices at hygiene
site (good the site practices
(good hygiene practices
to ensure to ensure abetween
a safe separation safe separation between p
contaminated waters and produce), and any post-harvest treatments to ensure that farmedto ensur
tially contaminated waters and produce), and any post-harvest treatments
produce meet farmed produce
appropriate meet
safety andappropriate safety and quality standards.
quality standards.
3. Defining a 3. Defining
Mixing Zonea Mixing Zone
3.1. Effluent Mixing
3.1. Effluent Mixing
The dynamicsThe of adynamics
wastewater of adischarge
wastewater in any receiving
discharge waterbody
in any receiving is controlled
waterbodyby is controll
water depth, ambient current,
water depth, effluent
ambient density,
current, and the
effluent design
density, and of the design
outfall of
and can
the be and c
described as adescribed
mixing process occurring
as a mixing in two
process main regions:
occurring in two mainthe near fieldthe
regions: andnear
the far
field and th
field [30]. Thefield
is the region where mixing is dominated by the
near field is the region where mixing is dominated by the discharge exitdischarg
conditions such as the size
conditions suchand
the sizeofand
the design
outfall,of the flow
the rate relative
outfall, the flowtoratethat in the to that i
receiving water, and the water,
receiving densityandof the
density In of the
the far field, mixing
effluent. In the faris dominated
field, mixingby the
is dominate
ambient hydrographic
the ambient conditions, lateral conditions,
hydrographic and verticallateral
and of the discharge
vertical spreadingplume,
of the disch
and dilution through
plume, entrainment
and dilutionofthrough
the plume with the receiving
entrainment waters.with
of the plume The intermediate
the receiving waters
field is the transition between the near and far field regions. The temporal-spatial
intermediate field is the transition between the near and far field regions. scalesThe temp
associated with spatial scales associated with the near field are typically in the order ofwhile
the near field are typically in the order of minutes to tens of meters minutes to te
those in the farmeters
field are in the
while order
those of hours
in the to kilometers
far field (Figure
are in the order 2).
of hours to kilometers (Figure 2).
di usion
uoyant spreading
mbient di usion
arge-scale ushing
upwelling downwelling
patial scale
0 0 03 0 0 m]
Temporal scale
0 03 0 0 0 sec]
Figure 2. Reference spatial and temporal scales associated with transport and mixing processes of
Figure 2. Reference spatial and temporal scales associated with transport and mixing proces
wastewater discharges in the marine environment. Adapted from Bleninger et al. [31].
wastewater discharges in the marine environment. Adapted from Bleninger et al. [31].
In rivers, the rate of lateral mixing is affected by the flow rate of the receiving waters
and morphology of the stream channel. The marine environment is highly energetic
because of the large variations in bathymetry and wind and tidal conditions. All these
factors, together with freshwater inputs and waves, influence mixing and dilution in the
water column, especially in shallower areas. Therefore, the mixing processes occurring
in marine waters are more complex than those in rivers and lakes. This challenges the
identification of the worst-case scenario of ecological and human health effects discussed
above. In marine waters, the density and stratification conditions influence both the near
field and far field because they determine the vertical rise of the plume in the water column.
Water 2022, 14, 1201 7 of 26
The shear occurring between the discharge flow and the slower moving receiving waters is
the main factor affecting mixing in the near field.
The physical characteristics of outfalls for discharge of wastewater to marine and
freshwater environments vary widely. To increase dilution, the discharge can be subdivided
into several higher speed discharges by means of a multi-port diffuser placed towards
the end of the outfall pipe (Figure 1). The size and number of ports and their orientation
also vary widely. For positively buoyant discharges, the energy of the buoyancy further
contributes to accelerate the mixing and dilution of the rising plume; for negatively buoyant
discharges, the initial dilution is mainly driven by the kinetic energy of the exit jet. If the
diluted dense plume contacts the seabed, bottom friction delays the motion while the
density difference tends to restrain mixing over the upper surface of the plume [32]. In this
case, gravity plays a forcing role in plume advection, with the eventual fate of the diluted
mixture controlled by seabed topography.
In the far field where ambient conditions control plume trajectory and dilution, mixing
is dominated by background diffusion and advection by the time-dependent velocity field.
In discharge receiving environments with high mixing of freshwater with seawater, the
resulting stable density stratification can prevent the effluent from surfacing, in which case
the far field mixing is also affected by sub-surface currents [32]. It is important to note that
the near field and far field regions are hydrodynamic considerations and not necessarily
related to the size of a DMZ. In fact, a DMZ may include the whole continuum of near field
to far field [30]. The study of hydrodynamic processes occurring in these regions requires
the use of models and/or field dilution and dispersion studies.
testing. If an acute toxicity test fails due to ammonia, then the need for ammonia reduction
needs to be determined based on the assimilative capacity of the receiving environment.
This determination includes an evaluation of chronic toxicity, as required by the Canadian
Environmental Quality Guidelines, at the edge of the specified DMZ [58].
Most wastewater discharge consents are issued by provincial environmental regulators
and follow the provisions of provincial or territorial environmental protection laws [59].
In British Columbia, the key requirements are laid out in the Environmental Management
Act [60]. Discharges authorized by specific regulations may have specific requirements
relating to DMZs (e.g., municipal wastewater regulation). In these cases, discharge appli-
cants must comply with best management practices to reduce waste and prevent or limit
harmful effects of discharge activities on the environment. Best achievable technologies for
waste treatment must also be applied prior to considering a DMZ.
Discharge consenting must consider the physical mixing of the effluent to determine
the area of the receiving environment influenced by the discharge. In British Columbia,
the Technical Guidance on the Development and Use of Initial Dilution Zones in Effluent
Discharge Authorizations [54] defines DMZ or initial dilution zone as a “three-dimensional
zone around a point of discharge where mixing of the effluent and the receiving environ-
ment water occurs” which “allows for somewhat elevated concentrations of contaminants
of potential concern (COPCs) to occur within relatively small areas of a receiving water
body, without significantly affecting the integrity of the water body as a whole” [54]. The
Technical Guidance recommends authorization of DMZs for point source discharges to
surface waters that meet the following conditions:
• Best management practices for preventing or limiting harmful impacts to the environ-
ment should be applied;
• Best available technologies have been considered in the proposed discharge activity.
A DMZ should not be used as an alternative to reasonable and practical treatment of
effluent or effluent stream;
• Effluent discharge and water quality within the DMZ should not be acutely toxic to
aquatic life;
• Contaminants of potential concern should not bioaccumulate to levels harmful to
receptors as a result of conditions within a DMZ;
• Contaminants of potential concern should not accumulate to acutely toxic levels in the
water or sediments of the DMZ;
• Conditions within a DMZ should not attract aquatic life or wildlife, causing increased
exposure to contaminants of potential concern;
• Negative aesthetic qualities or other nuisance conditions in the receiving waters (e.g.,
odor, color, scum, oil, floating debris) should not occur as a result of the discharge
and/or DMZ;
• Dominance of a nuisance species should not occur as a result of conditions within the
DMZ that are due to the discharge;
• Use of a DMZ should not impair the integrity of the water body as a whole.
The guidance contains some additional requirements for reviewing proposed DMZs:
• A DMZ should be as small as possible to minimize the extent of the receiving environ-
ment potentially exposed to chronic toxicity levels;
• A DMZ should not adversely affect sensitive aquatic habitats (e.g., spawning, hatching,
rearing areas for fish, overwintering habitats for fish or migratory waterfowl, areas
used for aquaculture, etc.);
• A DMZ should maintain adequate zones of passage for migrating fish that do not
deter the fish from passing through, do not affect their sense of orientation, and do not
pose health risks to migrating species;
• A DMZ should not result in an adverse effect at the edge of the zone on designated wa-
ter uses in the area (livestock watering and irrigation, drinking water and recreation, etc.);
• A DMZ should not be sited near drinking water intakes or food harvesting areas (e.g.,
shellfish beds or Indigenous Peoples’ traditional harvesting locations);
Water 2022, 14, 1201 10 of 26
• Zone of Initial Dilution: regularly shaped area around the discharge structure that
encompasses the regions of pollutant concentrations exceeding the relevant standard(s)
under design conditions [65].
State regulations that deal with streams and rivers generally limit mixing zone widths
to cross-sectional areas and allow lengths to be determined on a case-by-case basis. In
relation to DMZs in lakes, estuaries, and coastal waters, some states specify the surface
area that is likely to be affected by the discharge. Special mixing zone definitions have
been developed for the discharge of municipal wastewater into coastal waters, as regulated
under Section 301(h) of the Clean Water Act [30]. In 1995, the USEPA recommended a
staged approach for defining DMZs [36]:
• Determine the need for zone;
• Establish the boundaries of the waterbody;
• Analyze current and future discharge data;
• Analyze ecosystem data;
• Develop environmental mapping;
• Assign relative values;
• Determine level of protection;
• Select mixing zone procedure;
• Allocate DMZ;
• Specify quality within DMZ.
4.3. Brazil
In Brazil, Resolution CONAMA No. 430 of 13 May 2011 defines mixing zone in marine
and freshwaters as an “area in the discharge receiving water, estimated based on theoretical
models accepted by the competent environment agency, which extends from the discharge
point, and delineated by the surface area where the mixing balance between the physical
and chemical parameters, as well as the biological balance of the effluent and that of the
receiving waterbody are reached, being the latter specific for each parameter” [66]. In
consenting a wastewater discharge, the competent authority may require a study on the
assimilative capacity of the discharge receiving environment. The study must consider,
as a minimum, the difference between the water quality standards prescribed by the
classification of the receiving environment and the concentrations measured from the
discharge point and those beyond the mixing zone [66]. In the event of a pollution source
that produces different effluents or multiple individual discharges, the limits contained
in the Resolution shall apply to each effluent or to the set of effluents after mixing, at the
discretion of the competent environment agency [66].
Initial •Is discharge significant (PC > relevant discharge limits)?
Detailed •Use more advanced modelling tools, if required
Figure 3. Tiered approach for determining the size and acceptability of discharge mixing zones
Figure 3. Tiered
recommended by the approach for determining
European Commission. Based onthe size and
information acceptability
reported of discharge
by the European
zones recommended
Commission by the European
[69]. ‘CoC’—contaminants of concern,Commission. Based
‘EQS’—environmental on information
quality standards, and report
‘PC’—process contribution or the contribution of the discharge to the EQS
the European Commission 9]. ‘CoC’—contaminants of concern, ‘EQ ’—environ after full mixing.
Tier 0standards, and
is a high-level ‘PC’—process
assessment contribution
to identify the presence ofordischarges
the contribution of the disch
with the poten-
the EQS after full mixing.
tial to cause EQS exceedance for CoC [69]. Any discharges that do not contain contaminant
concentrations above the EQS do not require the determination of a mixing zone because
the EQS would provide a sufficient level of environmental protection. In Tier 1, discharges
are screened to establish the level of assessment required for those identified in Tier 0 and
remove from further consideration those that can be assessed using simple tests [69]. In
Tier 2, an assessment of the extent of EQS exceedance is undertaken on a case-by-case basis
to determine their acceptability [69]. Tier 3 consists of a more detailed analysis of individual
discharges or groups of discharges by means of computer-based modelling [69]. Tier 4 is
a more detailed investigation to validate the model outputs and/or refine the modelling
Water 2022, 14, 1201 13 of 26
scenarios to better characterize the discharge impacts in relation to EQS exceedance. This
may involve field studies to determine if EQS exceedance can be accepted [69].
assess an application, then reasonable mixing should be allowed for if referred to in the
guidelines [72].
Figure 5.
Figure Cluster analysis and non-metric
5. Cluster non-metric multi-dimensional
multi-dimensional scaling
sampled from beach sites
from beach sites near
Samples linked
linked at lower
at lower levels
levels of similarity
of similarity in
in the
the cluster
cluster analysis
analysis oror closertogether
closer togetherininthe
transformed (2D
(2D stress
stress == 0.09)
0.09) and
and groups were formed
groups were formed based
were carried out on 27 occasions over 11 months under differing tidal states (ebb, flood,
and slack), sea conditions, wind direction, and season to understand possible wastewater
dispersion scenarios. On all occasions, the drogue was released inshore of the marker buoy
at the approximate mid-point along the diffuser. Drogue positions were recorded in 10 min
intervals for the entire length of the drogue track using a vessel-mounted GPS. The position
of each drogue was tracked for about 60 min. Positions were post-corrected to differential
GPS fixes (±1 m) following each survey. The wind speed, direction, sea state, and tidal
stage were also recorded on a logbook for the beginning and end of each drogue track.
Dye (Rhodamine WT) studies were conducted to determine both horizontal and
vertical dispersion of the effluent plume and to establish effluent mixing and dilution. The
approaches for dye release were similar to those mentioned in Section 3.1. The dye was
injected into the effluent stream at the discharge point of the oxidation pond at a constant
rate using a dosing pump. The injection rate was calculated such that the concentration
of dye within the effluent plume was approximately 1 g/m3 during the study. Given
the discharge rate on the day of sampling (8000 m3 /day), the dye injection rate was
≈5.5 mL/min. To verify that receiving water levels could be accurately assessed, grab
samples of the effluent downstream of the injection point were taken at 30 min intervals
during the study. The actual concentration of the dye in the effluent plume over time was
determined by analyzing the grab samples while dye was being injected into the effluent.
The dye concentration in the water column near the outfall was determined by taking
vertical fluorescence profiles from a boat using a flow-through fluorometer. The plume
was mapped by taking vertical profiles at discreet points along traverse transects from the
long axis of the plume, recording the fluorometric value, time, GPS position, and depth
of the reading. These data were used to develop a contour map of dilution within the
effluent plume.
To compare the results of the drogue and dye studies and predict the dispersion and
dilution of the effluent plume, a CORMIX2 model was developed using the effluent, diffuser,
and receiving water parameters summarized in Table 3. Because a close relationship
between actual and predicted dilution was observed, the model was also used to predict
effluent dilution at discharge scenarios up to the 15,000 m3 /day peak dry weather flow.
Table 3. Summary of input parameters for the CORMIX mixing zone model.
Ambient Data
Waterbody depth 11 m
Discharge depth 11 m
Ambient current (from drogue studies) 0.18 m/s
Effluent density 1000 kg/m3
Seafloor roughness 0.025 Manning’s n
Discharge data (alternating staged diffuser)
Total number of ports 10
Distance between ports (same side) 4m
Port diameter 0.25 m
Distance to start of diffuser 350 m
Distance to end of diffuser 368 m
Port height off bottom 0.5 m
Effluent flow rate 9000 m3 /day
Alignment angle 97◦
Receiving water density 1025 kg/m3
Distance to end of diffuser 368 m
Port height off bottom 0.5 m
Water 2022, 14, 1201 Effluent flow rate 9000 m3/day 18 of 26
Alignment angle 97°
Receiving water density 1025 kg/m3
samples of of seawater
seawater were collected on
were collected on four
four separate
occasionsfrom fromsixsixstations
located along the shoreline. Stations were located 200 m and 500 m north and south ofofthe
along the shoreline. Stations were located 200 m and 500 m north and south the
outfall, immediately inshore of the outfall, and at the designated recreational
outfall, immediately inshore of the outfall, and at the designated recreational water. Water water. Water
sampleswere wereanalyzed
analyzed forfor enterococci
enterococci and and fecal coliforms using
fecal coliforms using MPN MPN methods.
Drogue speeds over the course of the study averaged 0.17 m/s withwith
speeds over the course of the study averaged 0.17 m/s a maximum
a maximum rec-
recorded speed of 0.48 m/s and a minimum recorded speed
orded speed of 0.48 m/s and a minimum recorded speed of 0.03 m/s over the entire lengthof 0.03 m/s over the entire
length of the Thus,
of the track. track. itThus,
took itthe
took the drogues
drogues from 18from min18to min
60 min to 60
to min
travel to250
travel 250 mthe
m from from the
point of release at the diffuser. Drogues released on the ebb tide
of release at the diffuser. Drogues released on the ebb tide tended in the northeasterlytended in the northeasterly
alongthe theshoreline
droguesran ransouthwesterly
southwesterlyalong along the shoreline
the shore-
(Figure 6). The drogue releases showed that the effluent plume
line (Figure 6). The drogue releases showed that the effluent plume would move no fur-would move no further than
125 m inshore of the diffuser at the turn of the tide. At this point, it
ther than 125 m inshore of the diffuser at the turn of the tide. At this point, it would be would be approximately
175 m from the 175
approximately shoreline.
m fromAt the1100 m north
shoreline. of themsewage
At 1100 north ofoutfall next to
the sewage the recreational
outfall next to the
area surf break, the effluent dispersion path moved no closer
recreational area surf break, the effluent dispersion path moved no closer than 250 than 250 m to the shoreline
m to
theall but onefor
shoreline of the northerly
all but one of thedrogue tracks.drogue
northerly The most shoreward
tracks. The mostdrifting
shorewarddrogue track
drogue track passed the recreational area at approximately 175 m from the shoreline. Atit
the recreational area at approximately 175 m from the shoreline. At this point,
would be slightly
this point, it would offshore of the
be slightly main surf
offshore of thebreak.
mainInterestingly, the closest incursions
surf break. Interestingly, the closestto
the recreational area occurred during relatively calm conditions.
incursions to the recreational area occurred during relatively calm conditions. There There was no evidence
to suggest that an increasing swell size resulted in a more shoreward
no evidence to suggest that an increasing swell size resulted in a more shoreward move- movement of the
ment ofpath.
the drogue path.
0 Metres 500
5 2 Nelson Haven
Figure6.6. Summary
Figure Summary of
of the
the drogue
drogue tracks.
tracks. The
The recreational
symbol ≈8 0 m NE of the outfall.
symbol ≈850 m NE of the outfall.
Visual tracking of
of the
the dye
dye slug
slug indicated
indicated that
that the
the plume
plume tended
and showed only limited lateral dispersion. The drogue that was deployed
and showed only limited lateral dispersion. The drogue that was deployed at the at the head of
the plume stayed within the slug of dye for the entire track. Two separate continuous-
of the plume stayed within the slug of dye for the entire track. Two separate continuous-
release dyestudies
studies conducted
conducted on on aa neap
neap ebb
ebb tide
tide (tide
(tide range
range 1.9
flood tide (tide range 3.7 m) showed that the plume travelled parallel to the shore on both
occasions. The dilution estimates derived from the dye studies presented in Figure 7 show
that dilutions ≥500:1 occurred within 250 m down-current of the outfall on both tides.
Water 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of
Water 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 27
flood tide (tide range 3.7 m) showed that the plume travelled parallel to the shore on bo
Water 2022, 14, 1201 flood tide (tide range 3.7 m)The
occasions. showed that estimates
dilution the plumederived
the to thestudies
dye shore on both 19
presented inofFigure
26 7 sho
occasions. The dilution estimates derived from the dye studies presented in Figure 7 show
that dilutions ≥ 00: occurred within 250 m down-current of the outfall on both tides.
that dilutions ≥ 00: occurred within 250 m down-current of the outfall on both tides.
Figure 7.7.Summary of of
Figure SummaryFigure 7.dilutions
dye Summary determined
dilutions from from
ofdetermined the continuous
dye dilutions releases.releases.
the continuous
determined from the The recreational area
continuous recreational area
The recreational ar
surf break is represented by the black symbol ≈8 0 m NE of the outfall.
surf break is represented
surf breakby is the by the≈black
black symbol
represented 850 msymbol
NE of ≈8
m NE of the outfall.
Concentrations of of
enterococci ranged fromfrom<1 to 11<1CFU/100 mL and met the
Concentrations ofranged
enterococci to 11
ranged CFU/100
from <1 to 11mLCFU/100 met
met the recre
tional water quality
ational water quality guideline
(median≤3 00
≤35/100mL and no
mL ≤3 single
and no sample ≥ 0 00
tional water quality guideline (median 00 single
mL and sample
no single 104/100
≥ 0 00 mL
including samples taken at 25 m from the outfall diffuser. Concentrations of fecal coli-
including samples taken at
including 25 m from
samples taken theat outfall
25 m diffuser.
from the Concentrations
outfall diffuser. of fecal coliforms
Concentrations of fecal co
forms ranged from <2 to 170 MPN/100 mL. The measured dilution levels showed that
ranged from <2 to 170
forms MPN/100
ranged from mL.
<2 to The
170 measured
MPN/100 dilution
mL. The levels showed
measured thatlevels
dilution entero-
showed th
enterococcal dilutions were slightly lower than either the CORMIX estimate and the dye
coccal dilutions were slightly
enterococcal lower
dilutions than
were either
slightlythe CORMIX
lower than estimate
tracing results indicated (Figure 8). Based on these results, a DMZ was recommended ex- the and
CORMIXthe dye tracing
estimate and the dy
results indicated (Figure
tracing 8).
results Based
indicatedon these
(Figure results,
8). a
Based DMZ
on was
these recommended
tending 250 m to the north and south of the diffuser, parallel to the shoreline, and 100 m a DMZ extending
was recommended e
250 m to the north and
shoreward and seaward. south
250 m of
to the diffuser,
north and parallel
south to
of the
the shoreline,
diffuser, and
parallel 100
to m
shoreline, and 100
and seaward. shoreward and seaward.
1,100 1,200
1,000 1,100
900 1,000
Dilution Factor
Dilution Factor
600 Faecal Coliforms (MPN)
300 500 Enterococci (CFU)
indicator bacteria, total suspended solids, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, chlorophyll-a,
and dissolved oxygen.
Statistical analysis of the physicochemical monitoring data did not indicate any con-
sistent detectable effect of the discharge on surface water quality. Minor effects on water
temperature were observed within the DMZ. Temperature variation between the edge of
the mixing zone was generally within 1 ◦ C of ambient at the boundaries of the DMZ, and
on no sampling occasion was it different by more than 2 ◦ C.
Patchy or occasional effects of the outfall were evident for three nutrient classes: dis-
solved reactive phosphorus (Figure 9), ammoniacal-nitrogen, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen.
Nutrient peaks did not translate into detectable effects on measured biological activity (as
chlorophyll-a). However, changes in levels of biological activity would not be expected to
manifest at or near the outfall site because of the time lag between exposure to increased
concentrations of nutrients and phytoplankton growth and reproduction. Bacterial contam-
ination was high and extended beyond the 1500 m limit of the DMZ. Concentrations of fecal
coliforms and enterococci were regularly much higher down-current of the outfall. They
Water 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 21 of 27
were also higher at the down-current boundary of the mixing zone than at the up-current
boundary, suggesting that the effect of the outfall on these variables extended beyond
the DMZ.
Figure 9. Seawater-dissolved
Figure 9. Seawater-dissolved reactive phosphorus
reactive phosphorus (DRP) concentrations
(DRP) concentrations within thewithin
mixingthe mixing
zone of zone o
the meat processing plant discharge under north-flowing (left) and south-flowing (right) curren
the meat processing plant discharge under north-flowing (left) and south-flowing (right) current
flows. Box and whisker plots (top) indicate median values and upper and lower quartiles (grey box)
flows. Box and whisker plots (top) indicate median values and upper and lower quartiles (grey box).
Whiskers were set with a factor value of 1.5.
Whiskers were set with a factor value of 1.5.
NB. Current flows were northerly on both occasions when offshore samples were
collected, but offshore data are presented on both line graphs for the purposes of compar-
ison between offshore and near-shore data. Darker lines connecting symbols indicate tha
the same values were recorded on multiple sampling occasions.
Water 2022, 14, 1201 21 of 26
NB. Current flows were northerly on both occasions when offshore samples were col-
lected, but offshore data are presented on both line graphs for the purposes of comparison
between offshore and near-shore data. Darker lines connecting symbols indicate that the
same values were recorded on multiple sampling occasions.
Visual effects of the plume were frequently apparent in satellite and aerial images and
extended beyond the mixing zone on a number of occasions (Figure 10). While visual effects
were not detected through the processing plant’s own monitoring of Hazen color, a plume
was apparent on satellite and aerial images on at least 40% of occasions for which imagery
was available. The visible plume was highly variable and extended beyond the edge of the
Water 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 22 of 27
mixing zone on three of the 33 analyzable images. The images suggested that near-shore
monitoring may not effectively represent optical water quality within the discharge plume.
Figure 10.
Figure 10. Landsat
Landsat 88 satellite
satellite image
image (captured USA time:
(captured USA time: 19
19 February
February 2015) showing diffuse
2015) showing diffuse plume
extending to the south, slightly beyond the mixing zone boundary.
extending to the south, slightly beyond the mixing zone boundary.
sensing capabilities to support DMZ assessments, particularly for large volume discharges.
Remote sensing can provide spatially and temporally consistent information on a set of
water quality variables. Through data assimilation, the information can be used to inform
discharge plume modelling.
Based on the information reviewed, we suggest that further research is needed to:
• Determine the factors that determine incomplete mixing;
• Characterize the bio-transformations of persistent organic pollutants and bio-accumulative
chemicals in environments receiving discharges;
• Develop a framework for cumulative effect assessments to contextualize discharge
effects with those associated with other contaminant inputs;
• Determine the costs and benefits of DMZ versus alternative advanced treatment
options for a range of discharges.
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