VHD Surgery

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 Rheuma c AS Primary Valve Disease Primary Valve Disease

 Calcified AS  Congenital (BAV)  Rheuma c fever
 Bicuspid Aor c Valve (BAV)  Rheuma c fever  Degenera ve
 Endocardi s  Endocardi s
 Degenera ve  Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) &
Secondary Disease rheumatoid arthri s (RA)
E ology

 Aor c dilata on (Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-  Mitral annular calcifica on (MAC)

Danlos syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome) Secondary Disease
 Aor c dissec on  Cardiomyopathy
 Aor c inflamma on (Behçet's disease, aor s)  Ischemic heart disease (ischemic mitral
regurgita on [IMR])
 Atrial fibrilla on (AF)
 Conges ve heart failure (CHF)
Medical (Li le Role) Medical Medical
 Diure cs  Diure cs  Diure cs
 Control hypertension (HTN)  ACE inhibitors (ACEIs) & Angiotensin II  ACEIs & ARBs
 Sta ns for lipids receptor blockers (ARBs)  Beta-blockers
 Thromboprophylaxis
 IE prophylaxis
Surgical Surgical: Surgical aor c valve replacement (SAVR): Surgical
1.Surgical aor c valve replacement (SAVR): Mitral valve replacement (MVR): in non-repairable valves Mitral valve replacement (MVR)
in non-repairable valves -Open MVR (full sternotomy).  Open AVR (full sternotomy AVR). in non-repairable valve
Treatment op ons

- Open AVR (full sternotomy AVR). -Minimally invasive MVR:  Minimally invasive AVR (MIAVR):  Open MVR (full sternotomy).
- Minimally invasive AVR (MIAVR): -Mini-thoracotomy MVR.  Mini-thoracotomy AVR.  Minimally invasive MVR:
- Mini-sternotomy AVR. -Endoscopic MVR.  Mini-sternotomy AVR.  Mini-thoracotomy MVR
- Mini-thoracotomy AVR. Mitral valvotomy  Endoscopic AVR  Endoscopic MVR.
- Endoscopic AVR. (commissurotomy): Aor c valve repair Mitral valve repair:
2.Aor c valvotomy (valvuloplasty). -Closed mitral commissurotomy in repairable valves and repair is feasible in repairable valves and repair is feasible
3.Aor c valve repair (Tubbs valvutome).  Annuloplasty (ring, suture).  Ring annuloplasty.
(commissurotomy, leaflet shaving, leaflet -Open mitral commissurotomy.  Commissural plica on.  Resec on of prolapsed segment (triangular or
extension). - Interven onal  Leaflet plica on. quadrangular resec on).
Interven onal Percutaneous mitral balloon  Leaflet patching.  Chordal replacement (Neo-chordae
- Trans-catheter aor c valve replacement (TAVR). commissurotomy (PMBC). tendineae).
- Trans-catheter aor c balloon dilata on.  Leaflet patching.
Interven onal
Trans-catheter mitral edge-to-edge repair (TEER)
1.Symptoma c sever AS. 1. Symptoma c sever MS. 1.Symptoma c sever AR. 1. Symptoma c sever MR.
2.Asymptoma c severe AS with: 2. Asymptoma c sever MS with: 2.Asymptoma c sever AR with: 2. Asymptoma c sever AR with:
Indica ons for

 LV – Ejec on frac on (EF) ≤50%.  Pulmonary hypertension  LV – Ejec on frac on (EF) ≤55%.  LV – Ejec on frac on (EF) ≤60%.
 Pa ent undergoing cardiac surgery for [pulmonary artery systolic  LV dilata on [LV-end systolic dimension (ESD)  LV dilata on [LV-end systolic dimension (ESD)

other cause (e.g.: undergoing CABG). pressure (PASP) ≥50mmHg]. ≥50mm] ≥40mm]
 Very severe AS (aor c velocity of ≥5 m/s).  New onset atrial fibrilla on  Pa ent undergoing cardiac surgery for other cause  Pa ent undergoing cardiac surgery for other
 Posi ve exercise test. (AF). (e.g: undergoing CABG). cause (e.g: undergoing CABG).
3.Moderate AS in a pa ent undergoing other 3.Moderate AR in a pa ent undergoing other cardiac 3.Moderate MR in a pa ent undergoing other cardiac
cardiac surgery (e.g.: undergoing CABG). surgery (e.g: undergoing CABG). surgery (e.g: undergoing CABG).

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