Bioecology Conservation
Bioecology Conservation
Bioecology Conservation
• Bio means “life” and diversity means “variety”. Hence
biodiversity refers wide variety of life on the earth.
• The termbiological diversity was used first by wildlife scientist and
conservationist Raymond F. Dasmann in 1968,where he
advocatedconservation. It was widely adopted only in the 1980s.
•Diversification in the species is influenced by various physical and
chemical, climatic factors, resulting in the production of new
species, the new species which are unable to adjust with the new
environment gradually become extinct.
“Biodiversity is defined as the variety and variability among
all groups of living organisms and the ecosystem in which
they live”.
Significance Of Biodiversity
•Biodiversity protects the fresh air, clean water and
productive land.
•It is also important for forestry, fisheries and
agriculture which depend on rich water variety of
various biological resources available in nature.
•Loss of biodiversity has series economic and social
costs for any country.
•It is very important for human life, we depend on
plants, microorganisms, earth’s animals for our food,
medicine and industrial products.
Biodiversity is usually considered as 3
different levels
Genetic diversity:-Within individual species there are
number of varieties which are slightly different from one
another. These differences are due to difference in the
combination of genes.
Genes are the basic unit of hereditary information, transmitted
from one generation to the other.
Species diversity:-A discrete group of organisms of the
same kinds is known as species. Species diversity is the
diversity between different species. The sum of varieties of
all the living organisms at the species level is known as
species of diversity.
Ecosystem diversity:-It is set of biotic components [plants,
animals and micro organisms inter acting with one another
and with one a biotic components like soil, air, water etc.,]
Values Of Biodiversity
•The value of biodiversity provides a variety of environmental
services from its species and ecosystem that are essential at
the global, regional and locally maintaining the water cycle
and protecting soil are some of important services.
•Biodiversity is also essential for preserving ecological
processes, such as fixing and recycling of nutrients, soil
formation, maintaining the water balance with in ecosystem.
•Food, clothes, housing, energy, medicines are all resources
that are directly (or) indirectly linked to the biological variety
present in the biosphere. An agricultural community,
biodiversity is used to grow their crops to suit the
1-Environmental Value: The environmental value of
biodiversity can be found by examining each ecosystem process
and identifying the ecosystem services that result. For instance,
in wetlands the vegetation captures water-carried sediment and
the soil organisms break down a range of nutrients and pollutants
washed into the area.
Consumputive Productive
values and Aesthetic Environme
Values Values ntal Values
Biological Diversity to National
Biological diversity, or biodiversity, at the national
level encompasses the variety of life forms within a
• country. This includes: Species, Genetic, Ecosystem
National efforts to conserve biodiversity often
involve creating protected areas, implementing
regulations, conducting research, and promoting
sustainable practices. Countries might also
participate in international agreements like the
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to address
global challenges related to biodiversity loss
• Areas which exhibit high species richness as well as high
species endemism are termed as “ hot spots of bio diversity”.
The term was introduced by MYERS.
• Characteristic features of hot spots:-
a. They are of global importance and are the hosts of priceless
gift of nature.
b. Very rich in biodiversity, genetic diversity, species diversity
(or) combination of all.
c. Being the habitats of endemic and endangered species. They
are having a high level of endemic and are under threat of
habitual destruction that again leads to extinction of species.
•They are 25 such hot spots of biodiversity on a global level
1) Tropical Andes
2) Mesoamerican forest
3) Caribbean
4) Brazil’s Antarctic forests
5) Ensco Darien of panama
6) Western Ecuador
7) Brazil’s corrode
8) Central Chile
9) California floristic province
10) Madagascar
11) Eastern arc and coastal
12) Western African forest
13) Cape holistic province
14) Succulent kaloc
15) Mediterranean basin
16) Caucused
17) Sunderland
18) Wallace
19) Philippians
20) Indo Burma eastern Himalayas
21) South central china
22) South Western Australia
23) Western Ghats Sri Lanka
24) New Zealand
25) New Caledonia
Loss of Biodiversity
•Today’s threats to species and ecosystems are the greatest
recorded in recent history and virtually all of them are
caused by human mismanagement of biological resources
often stimulated by misguided economic policies and faulty
• Habitat alteration / destruction
Overharvesting / over-exploitation of biological resources
• Pollution
• Introduced species / biological invasions
• Climatic changes
• Population
Institutional / policy failure
Conservation refers to management of human activities in the
environment. So, that it does not lead to habitual destruction and loss
of biodiversity.
To preserve and protect the species of their habitat. To maintain essential
ecological process. So that there is no ecological
imbalance created.
To use the species and ecosystem sustainably without exploiting them.
The creation of natural parks, sanctuaries biosphere reverses etc., to
preserve flora and fauna. Conservation of genetic biodiversity by
establishing zoo’s botanical
gardens, nurseries etc.,
Proper planning of land use and other natural resources affecting the
By prohibiting of hunting, poaching of animals, fishing etc., beyond the
productive capacity of ecosystem.
By regulation through acts, laws, legislative controls such as India forests
act, endangered species act etc.
There are two approaches of Biodiversity
Biodiversity Conservation
In-situ Ex-situ
conservation conservation
1-Botanical garden
National park Sanctuary Biosphere reserves 2-Zoological parks
3- Aquaria
4- Arboreta
Terrestrial Marine
Conservation measures of biodiversity
1-Ex-situ conservation:
•Refers to conservation of components of
biodiversity outside their natural habitats, e.g. zoos,
museums, gene banks, botanic gardens/arboretums;
•Used for threatened and endangered species to avoid
their extinction; also known as captive conservation.
2-In-situ conservation:
•Refers to conservation of ecosystems and natural
habitats including maintenance and recovery of
viable populations of species in their natural habitats.
In-situ conservation:
• It is an area abdicated for the conservation of wild life along with
its environment.
• It is also meant for enjoyment through tourism but without
impairing the environment.
• Each national park usually aims at conservation specifically of
some particular species of wildlife along with others.
• Overgrazing of domestic animals all private rights and forestry
activities are prohibited with in national
Biosphere Reserves-
• It is a special category of protected areas where human population
also forms a part of the system. They are large protected area of
usually more than 5000 A biosphere reserves has 3 parts-
core, buffer and transition zone.
1-Core zone is the inner zone; this is undisturbed and legally
protected area.
2-Buffer zone lies between the core and transition zone. Some
research and educational activities are permitted here.
3-Transition zone is the outermost part of biosphere reserves.
Here cropping, forestry, recreation, fishery and other activities are
Ex-situ conservation:
1-Seed gene bank:
• These are cold storages where seeds are kept under controlled
temperature and humidity for storage and this is easiest way to store
the germ plasma of plants at low temperature. Seeds preserved
under controlled conditions (minus temperature) remain viable for
long durations of time.
2-Gene bank:
•Genetic variability also is preserved by gene bank under normal
growing conditions. These are cold storages where germ plamare
kept under controlled temperature and humidity for storage; this is
an important way of preserving the genetic resources.
3- Cryopreservation:
•This is the newest application of technology for preservation of
biotic parts. This type of conservation is done at very low
temperature (196°C) in liquid nitrogen. The metabolic activities of
the organisms are suspended under low temperature, which are later
used for research purposes.
4-Long term captive breeding:
• The method involves capture, maintenance and captive breeding on long
term basis of individuals of the endangered species which have lost their
habitat permanently or certain highly unfavorable conditions are present in
their habitat.
5-Botanical gardens:
•A botanical garden is a place where flowers, fruits and vegetables are
grown. The botanical gardens provide beauty and calm environment. Most
of them have started keeping exotic plants for educational and research
6-Zoological Gardens:
•In zoos wild animals are maintained in captivity and conservation of wild
animals (rare, endangered species).
Sustainable development
•This refers to development that meets the needs of the current
generation without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their needs; it simply refers to intra and
intergenerational equity. A balance between the environment,
development and society results to sustainable development
which ensures biodiversity conservation. This is only
possible in the presence of good enforced and implemented
policies/ conventions, environmental institutions