Lec 23

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ESc101 : Fundamental of Computing

I Semester 2008-09

Lecture 22

Object Oriented programming

• Building complex classes using simple classes

• Packages (library of related classes)
• Example with Object reference as parameters in Methods
• Access controls (public, default(package), private)
• Method Overloading in Java.

A common confusion : what is x in distance from origin ?
public class Point
{ double x;
double y;

public Point(double x1, double y1)

{ x = x1;
y = y1;

public double distance_from_origin()

{ double dist;
dist = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);
return dist;

Resolving the confusion using this reference
public class Point
{ double x;
double y;

public Point(double x1, double y1)

{ this.x = x1;
this.y = y1;

public double distance_from_origin()

{ double dist;
dist = Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y);
return dist;

this refers to the current object being accessed

Advantages of taking OOP

Programs for geometric problems

Circle Triangle LineSegment


Organizing a collection of related classes

• It would be very convenient if we keep Point.java, Triangle.java, Circle.java

together in one library.

• this library should be imported to any program which requires any class from
that library
In JAVA, it is achieved using Package

Package : library of related classes

Example :

• Keep Point.java, Triangle.java, and Circle.java in a directory.

• Give some name to the directory, say Geometry
• In the beginning of all the files/classes in Geometry,
write package Geometry; at the top.

• For all programs which require class a from Geometry,

write import Geometry.class a; at the top.

Home work :

• Include the methods Area() of triangle program1.java in the class Triangle

Rewrite program for problem 1 based on the modified Triangle class

• Include the method Intersect circles() of circle program1.java in the class

Circle itself. Rewrite program for problem 1 based on the modified Circle class

What will be the output of the following program ?
class test1
public static void Increment(int i)
i = i+1;

public static void main(String args[])

int j = 1;
Output : ?

What will be the output of the following program ?
class test1
public static void Increment(int i)
i = i+1;

public static void main(String args[])

int j = 1;
Output : 1

Consider the folowing class

public class myInt

int value;
myInt(int i)
{ value = i; }

What will be the output of the following program ?

class test2
{ public static void Increment(myInt i)
i.value = i.value+1;

public static void main(String args[])

myInt j = new myInt(1);
Output : ??

What will be the output of the following program ?

class test2
{ public static void Increment(myInt i)
i.value = i.value+1;

public static void main(String args[])

myInt j = new myInt(1);
Output : 2

An important rule in JAVA you should never miss

parameter passing in methods always follow “Call by value” rule

Members of a class

1. Attributes or Fields :
The data variables associated with a class and its object

2. Methods

Access Control of members of a class

• private :
members declared private are accessible only in the class itself.

• public :
members declared public are accessible anywhere the class is accessible.

• package :
members declared with no access modifier are accessible in the classes in
the same package.

• protected : perhaps not to be discussed in the course

General rules (but you may break them sometimes)

1. The attributes should NEVER be declared public.

Advantage : No attribute is modified accidentally by some programmer.

2. The constructors and other methods should be declared public.

How to read attributes which are declared private ?

Question : How to read x or y coordinates of a point object if these attributes in

Point class are declared private?

Answer : We may define public methods which return attributes.

Example :
public class Point
{ private double x; private double y;

public double getX()

{ return this.x; }

public double getY()

{ return this.y; }

public Point(double x1, double y1)

{ this.x = x1;
this.y = y1;

public double distance_from_origin()

{ double dist;
dist = Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y);
return dist; }}

Method overloading in JAVA

Question : In a class, can there be two methods with the same name?

Yes, but they should differ in Types of Number of parameters

Method overloading in JAVA

Question : In a class, can there be two methods with the same name?

Yes, but they should differ in the their signatures

Signature of method defined in lecture 22

return type method name (type1, type2, ...)

For example,

• public static int absolute(int i) has signature

int absolute(int)

• public static double absolute(int i, double d) has signature

double absolute (int, double)
Incorrect : return type is not part of the signature

Signature of method correctly defined is

method name (type1, type2, ...)

For example,

• public static int absolute(int i) has signature


• public static double absolute(int i, double d) has signature

absolute (int, double)

which method will be executed if the method is overloaded

Suppose there are five methods

1. public static double absolute(int i, int j)

2. public static double absolute(double d, int i)

3. public static double absolute(int i, double d)

4. public static double absolute(double i, double d)

5. public static double absolute(short i, double d)

If we invoke doble d = absolute(4, 3.5*2),

which method will execute ?

which method will be executed if the method is overloaded

Suppose there are five methods

1. public static double absolute(int i, int j)

2. public static double absolute(double d, int i)

3. public static double absolute(int i, double d)

4. public static double absolute(double i, double d)

5. public static double absolute(short i, double d)

If we invoke double d = absolute(4, 3.5*2),

3rd method will execute.

which method will be executed if the method is overloaded

Suppose there are five methods

1. public static double absolute(int i, int j)

2. public static double absolute(double d, int i)

3. public static double absolute(int i, double d)

4. public static double absolute(double i, double d)

5. public static double absolute(short i, double d)

If we invoke double d = absolute(short(4), 3.5*2),

which method will execute ?

which method will be executed if the method is overloaded

Suppose there are five methods

1. public static double absolute(int i, int j)

2. public static double absolute(double d, int i)

3. public static double absolute(int i, double d)

4. public static double absolute(double i, double d)

5. public static double absolute(short i, double d)

If we invoke double d = absolute(short(4), 3.5*2),

5th method will execute ?

which method will be executed if the method is overloaded

Suppose there are five methods

1. public static double absolute(int i, int j)

2. public static double absolute(double d, int i)

3. public static double absolute(int i, double d)

4. public static double absolute(double i, double d)

5. public static double absolute(short i, double d)

If we invoke double d = absolute(short(4), 3),

which method will execute ?

which method will be executed if the method is overloaded

Suppose there are five methods

1. public static double absolute(int i, int j)

2. public static double absolute(double d, int i)

3. public static double absolute(int i, double d)

4. public static double absolute(double i, double d)

5. public static double absolute(short i, double d)

If we invoke double d = absolute(short(4), 3),

Compiler error : reference to absolute is ambiguous since there are two
potential candidates for it : 1st and 5th.

which method will be executed if the method is overloaded

Suppose there are only Three methods

1. public static double absolute(int i, int j)

2. public static double absolute(int i, double d)

3. public static double absolute(double i, double d)

If we invoke double d = absolute(short(4), 3),

which method will execute ?

which method will be executed if the method is overloaded

Suppose there are only Three methods

1. public static double absolute(int i, int j)

2. public static double absolute(int i, double d)

3. public static double absolute(double i, double d)

If we invoke double d = absolute(short(4), 3),

1st method will be executed since it has at least one match in parameter type
whereas 2nd and 3rd have no match.

Useful progamming advice

Invoke methods with arguments which match exactly the signature of a method.
Do it by explicit type cast of arguments if needed.

What is expected from the students : they should be able to find out the method
which will be executed if the types of the arguments exactly match some method.


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