Bba Question Paper Solution
Bba Question Paper Solution
Bba Question Paper Solution
Ordinal and nominal data scales are two types of measurement scales
used in quantitative analysis:
3. Explain how to filter data in Excel to display only rows that meet
specific conditions.
To filter data in Excel and display only rows that meet specific conditions,
follow these steps:
1. Select Your Data: Highlight the range of cells that contains your
data, including headers.
2. Apply Filter: Go to the Data tab on the Ribbon and click on the
Filter button. This will add drop-down arrows to each header in
your selected range.
3. Set Filter Criteria: Click the drop-down arrow in the column header
you want to filter. You can choose specific values, check or
uncheck boxes to include/exclude items, or use Text Filters or
Number Filters to set conditions (e.g., greater than, less than).
4. View Filtered Results: After setting your criteria, Excel will
automatically hide the rows that do not meet the conditions,
displaying only the relevant data.
5. Clear Filters: To remove the filter and show all data again, click the
filter drop-down arrow and select Clear Filter From [Column Name]
or go back to the Data tab and click the Filter button again.
By using these steps, you can efficiently analyze specific subsets of your
data in Excel.
4. How would you use the AVERAGE and MAX functions to analyze
business performance in Excel?
Enter the formula: =MAX(range), replacing "range" with the relevant cells
(e.g., =MAX(B2:B10)). This function identifies the peak sales amount,
allowing you to see the best performance in your data set.
• In Marketing Decision-Making:
• In Finance Decision-Making:
Quantitative analysis is equally essential in finance, where it aids in risk
assessment, investment analysis, and financial forecasting.