Code: 5001
[KZ 0811] AUGUST 2011 Sub. Code: 5001
[LB 0212] AUGUST 2012 Sub. Code: 5001
Q.P. Code : 725001
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
(180 Mins) Answer ALL questions in the same order.
I. Elaborate on: Pages Time Marks
(Max.)(Max.) (Max.)
1. Composition of blood and its functions. 7 20 10
2. Describe the anatomy of the kidney and mechanism
of urine formation. 7 20 10
3. Describe the anatomy of the stomach and its functions. 7 20 10
[LC 0212] FEBRUARY 2013 Sub. Code: 5001
Q.P. Code: 725001
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
I. Elaborate on: (3x10 = 30)
1. Name the hormones which maintain calcium metabolism and their actions.
2. Write in detail the structure of ventricular system, the brain and formation
of cerebrospinal fluid.
3. Draw structure of nephron .Explain in detail the steps involved in formation
of urine.
[LD 0212] AUGUST 2013 Sub. Code: 5001
[LE 0212] FEBRUARY 2014 Sub. Code: 5001
[LF 0212] AUGUST 2014 Sub. Code: 5001
1. Cell division.
2. Define locus and gene.
3. Muscle and its types.
4. Name the parts of urinary system.
5. Structure of sperm.
6. Physiology of respiration.
7. HLA system and its applications.
8. Name the chambers of heart.
9. Excretion of bile.
10. List the number of chromosomes.
[LG 0215] FEBRUARY 2015 Sub. Code: 5001
1. Pituitary hormones.
2. Structure of ventricular system, the brain.
3. Leucopoiesis.
4. Structure and functions of skin.
5. Spermatogenesis.
6. Functions of various cell organelles.
7. HLA system and its applications.
8. Define Allele and gene.
1. Heart valves.
2. Diabetes mellitus.
3. Types of tissues.
4. Location of lymph nodes.
5. Structure of neuron.
6. Mendel’s theory of inheritance.
7. Role of bile in digestion.
8. Thymus gland.
9. Three steps in formation of urine.
10. Striated muscles.
[LH 0815] AUGUST 2015 Sub. Code: 5001
[LI 0216] FEBRUARY 2016 Sub. Code: 5001
1. Cartilage.
2. Location and functions of lymph glands.
3. Mechanism of ventilation of lungs.
4. Functions of liver.
5. Brain stem.
6. Regulation of body temperature.
7. Pancreatic hormones.
8. Structure and function of nephrons.
1. Glands.
2. Name the organs of female reproductive system.
3. Functions of urinary system.
4. Phases of gastric secretion.
5. Layers of epidermis.
6. Stages in mitosis.
7. Name parts of brain.
8. Classification of spinal nerves.
9. Anterior pituitary hormones.
10. Heart chambers.
[LJ 0816] AUGUST 2016 Sub. Code: 5001
1. What are blood groups? Describe any two types of bloods groups you know.
Add a note on transfusion reactions.
2. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the heart. Describe the blood supply to the
heart (Coronary circulation).
3. Name the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland. What are their functions?
1. Draw structure of skin. Explain detail about the layers and functions of skin.
2. Describe about biliary system.
3. Write in detail about adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla.
1. Blood groups.
2. Functions of gastric juice.
3. Movements of small intestine.
4. Dialysis.
5. ADH.
6. Insulin.
7. Cushing’s syndrome.
8. Draw a section of the heart and write about valves.
[LM 0218] FEBRUARY 2018 Sub. Code: 5001
1. HLA system.
2. Functions of liver.
3. Jaundice.
4. Micturition reflex.
5. Oxytocin.
6. Diabetes insipidus.
7. Draw male reproductive system and write detail about spermatogenesis.
8. Anatomy of skin with suitable diagram.
[LN 0818] AUGUST 2018 Sub. Code: 5001
1. Name the parts of brain, spinal cord and meninges. Explain the formation of
cerebro spinal fluid.
2. Write briefly about major and minor salivary glands. What are the functions
of saliva?
3. Write detail about thyroid gland and its functions.
1. Acromegaly.
2. Gastrointestinal hormones.
3. Structure of sperm.
4. Lung volumes.
5. What is neuromuscular junction?
6. Constituents of plasma.
7. Types of epithelia.
8. List the muscles of Inspiration.
9. Arterial blood pressure.
10. Cerebrospinal Fluid.
[LP 0819] AUGUST 2019 Sub. Code: 5001
1. What are the parts of the digestion system? Describe the digestion and
absorption of nutrients from the small intestine.
2. Write about menstrual cycle and hormones involved in regulation.
3. Describe the composition and functions of blood.
1. Ventricles of brain.
2. Parts of male genital system.
3. Write about synovial joint.
4. What is osmosis? Explain.
5. What is gigantism?
6. Role of bile in digestion.
7. Muscle and its types.
8. Mendel’s theory of inheritance.
9. Blood brain barrier.
10. Name the chambers and valves of heart.
[LQ 0220] FEBRUARY 2020 Sub. Code: 5001
1. Draw a neat diagram of Brain and spinal cord and label its parts. Add a
note on Meninges and its functions.
2. Define Haemopoiesis and explain in detail about Erythropoiesis.
3. Explain about the anatomy of Heart and physiology of systemic circulation
and Cardiac output.
1. Types of Joints.
2. Mitosis.
3. Pacemaker of the Heart and Functional Syncytium.
4. Anaemia and its types.
5. Micturition reflex.
6. Chromosome and its classification.
7. Types of Epithelium and its functions.
8. Thymus.
1. Heart sounds.
2. Thermogenesis.
3. Erythroblastosis Fetalis.
4. Hormones of Placenta.
5. Glomerular Filtration rate.
6. Tidal Volume.
7. Functions of cerebellum.
8. Parts of Male Genital system.
9. Types of bones.
10. Cretinism.
I. Elaborate on : (3 X 10 = 30)
1. Draw and label the Thyroid Gland, explain about the functions of Thyroid Hormones.
2. Explain the physiology of maintenance of Arterial Blood Pressure.
3. Anatomy and functions of Pancreas.
1. Cell membrane.
2. Squamous epithelium.
3. Name the different types of muscle and write one characteristic feature for each.
4. Different types of bone with example for each.
5. What are the layers seen in walls of arteries and veins?
6. Name the parts of the Respiratory tract.
7. Tests for pregnancy.
8. Draw a neat labelled diagram of Neuron.
9. List out any four properties of synapse.
10. Gene.