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Scheme – I

Sample Question Paper

Program Name : Diploma in Mechanical Engineering / Production Engineering /
Production Technology
Program Code : ME / PG/ PT
Semester : Fifth 22564
Course Title : Elements of Machine Design
Marks : 70 Time: 4 Hrs.
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data if necessary.
(5) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.

Q.1) Attempt any FIVE of the following. 10 Marks

a) Define term ‘ Stress Concentration’
b) State the significance of ‘ Wahl’s factor’
c) List the applications of Turn Buckle
d) Classify ‘Key’
e) Explain Term “Self-locking of Screws”
f) List the desirable properties of spring Material
g) Define Term “Dynamic Load Rating” of Bearing

Q.2) Attempt any THREE of the following. 12 Marks

a) Enlist the steps involved in general design procedure
b) Differentiate between Knuckle joint and Cotter joint. (any four points of difference)
c) State the effect of keyway on the strength of the shaft
d) State the strength equations of double parallel fillet weld and single transverse fillet weld
with neat sketches

Q.3) Attempt any THREE of the following. 12 Marks

a) Define term ‘factor of safety’. State its importance in design of machine elements
b) Compare welded joints with screwed joints.

c) Define following terms with respect to springs :
1) Free length 2) Solid height 3) Spring rate 4) spring index
d) List the factors to be considered while selecting the material for design of Machine
e) Write strength equations for Design of Screw spindle of toggle Jack

Q.4) Attempt any TWO of the following. 12 Marks

a) Explain with suitable example the importance of Aesthetics and Ergonomics while
designing Machine element.
b) Design a knuckle joint to transmit 150 kN. The design stresses may be taken as 75 MPa
in tension, 60 MPa in shear and 150 MPa in compression
c) A hollow shaft is to be designed to transmit 600 kW at 110 rpm. The maximum torque
being 20% greater than the mean. The shear stress is not to exceed 63 MPa and angle of
twist in a length of 3 met. not to exceed 1.4 degree. Find external diameter of the shaft if
the internal diameter to external diameter is 3/8. Take modulus of rigidity 84 GPa.

Q.5) Attempt any TWO of the following. 12 Marks

a) Design a bushed pin type flexible coupling for connecting a motor shaft to a pump shaft
for the following service conditions.
Power to be transmitted = 40 kW.
Speed of the motor shaft = 1000 RPM.
Diameter of the motor shaft = 50 mm
Diameter of the pump shaft = 45 mm
The bearing pressure in the rubber bush and allowable stress in the pins are to be
limited to 0.45 N/mm2 and 25 MPa respectively.
b) A power screw on a machine has single start square thread with a non rotating bronze
nut. Axial force on the screw is 15 kN. Allowable stresses for screw material in
compression and shear are 85 MPa and 37 MPa respectively. Allowable bearing
pressure for the screw nut pair is 5 MPa. Find
(i) Core diameter of screw
(ii) Length of the nut
(iii) Efficiency of power screw in coefficient of friction between screw and nut is 0.12.
c) Write down the procedure for selection of bearing from manufacturer’s catalogue with
suitable example

Q.6) Attempt any TWO of the following. 12 Marks
a) i) A plate 100 mm wide and 10 mm thick is to be welded by another weld by means of
double parallel fillet welds. The plates are subjected to a static load of 80 kN.
(Take permissible Shear stress = 55 N/mm2).
ii) Draw Symbolic Representation of
1. Double V butt joint 2. Double ‘U’ butt joint 3. Single level butt
b) A closed coil helical spring is used for front suspension of an automobile. The spring has
stiffness 90 N/mm with square and ground ends. The load on the spring causes a total
deflection of 8.5 mm. By taking permissible shear stress of material as 450 MPa. Find
i) Spring wire diameter
ii) Length of spring
Assume spring index = 6 and G = 80 × 103 N/mm2
c) A belt pulley is fastened to a 90 mm diameter shaft running at 300 r.p.m. by means of a
key 20 mm wide and 140 mm long. Allowable stress for the shaft and key material are 40
N/mm2 in shear and 100 N/mm2 in crushing. Find the power transmitted and the depth of
the key required

Scheme – I
Sample Test Paper - I
Program Name : Diploma in Mechanical Engineering / Production Engineering /
Production Technology
Program Code : ME / PG/ PT
Semester : Fifth 22564
Course Title : Elements of Machine Design
Marks : 20 Time: 1 Hour
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data if necessary.
(5) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.

Q.1 Attempt any FOUR. 08 Marks

a. Define “ Machine Design”
b. Name different Types of Lever
c. List the requirements of good Coupling
d. Define- Endurance Limit
e. State the purpose of Cotter in Cotter Joint
f. List different Shaft Materials

Q.2 Attempt any TWO 12 Marks

a. Design single cotter joint to transmit 200 kN. Allowable stresses for the material are 75
MPa in tension and 50 MPa in shear
b. State Six examples of ergonomic considerations in the design of a lathe machine
c. Hollow shaft is required to transmit 50 kW power at 600 rpm. Calculate its inside and
outside diameters if its ratio is 0.8. Consider yield strength of material as 380N/mm and
factor of safety as 4.

Scheme – I
Sample Test Paper - II
Program Name : Diploma in Mechanical Engineering / Production Engineering /
Production Technology
Program Code : ME / PG/ PT
Semester : Fifth 22564
Course Title : Elements of Machine Design
Marks : 20 Time: 1 Hour
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data if necessary.
(5) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.

Q.1 Attempt any FOUR. 08 Marks

a. Draw neat labelled sketches of Acme and square thread profile
b. Write the equation with Wahl’s factor, used for design of helical coil spring.
c. Differentiate between sliding contact and rolling contact type bearings
d. List the applications of Welded joints
e. Name any four manufacturers of Bearing
f. Explain the Design procedure for eccentrically loaded Bolted joint when load is
perpendicular to the axis of the bolt

Q.2 Attempt any TWO. 12 Marks

a. A taper roller bearing has a dynamic load capacity of 26 kN. The desired life for 90% of
the bearing is 8000 hr. and speed is 300 rpm. Calculate equivalent radial load that the
bearing can carry.
b) A helical spring is made from a wire of 8 mm diameter and has outside diameter 90 mm;
if the permissible shear stress is 350 N/mm2 and modulus of rigidity 84 kN/mm2, find the
axial load which the spring can carry and the deflection per active turn.
i) Neglecting the effect of curvature.
ii) Considering the effect of curvature

c) A power screw on a machine has single start square thread with a non rotating bronze nut.
Axial force on the screw is 15 kN. Allowable stresses for screw material in compression
and shear are 85 MPa and 37 MPa respectively. Allowable bearing pressure for the screw
nut pair is 5 MPa. Find
(i) Core diameter of screw
(ii) Length of the nut
(iii) Efficiency of power screw in coefficient of friction between screw and nut is 0.12.
(iv) Shear stresses in the threads of screw and nut.

4 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.

Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket
Calculator is permissible.
(7) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.


1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) Define factor of safety for ductile and brittle material.
b) List four properties desirable for spring material.
c) List four applications of knuckle joint.
d) Name four types of keys.
e) List any four applications of power screw.
f) Classify springs.
g) Give four applications of gear drive.

22564 [2]
2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Write the meaning of following material designation.
(i) 40C8
(ii) SG 700/2
(iii) Fe E200
(iv) X10Cr18Ni9
b) Explain failure of cotter in bending with suitable sketch and
strength equation.
c) Write Lewis equation for strength of gear tooth. Give meaning
of each term.
d) Draw freehand sketches of thread profiles (any four) with full

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Explain maximum principal stress theory and maximum shear
stress theory with their uses.
b) Write general design procedure of the bell crank lever. (any
four steps)
c) State any four applications of spring.
d) Define stress concentration. Explain any four methods to reduce
it with neat sketch.
e) Define the following terms with respect to spring:
(i) Free length
(ii) Solid length
(iii) Spring index
(iv) Spring rate
22564 [3]
4 Attempt any TWO of the following : 12
a) Explain importance of shape and size in aesthetic design.
b) The pull in the tie rod of a roof truss is 44  kN. Design a
suitable adjustable screw joint. The permissible tensile and shear
stresses are 75 MPa and 37.5 MPa respectively.
c) A lathe receives power from an overhung shaft situated exactly
above the lathe pulley by meance of the belt drive. A pulley
weighing 400 N and of diameter 270  mm is fixed on the shaft
at a distance of 300  mm to the right of the left hand bearing.
The centre to centre distance between the two shaft supporting
bearing is 900  mm. The maximum power required by machine
is 5 kW at 200 rpm. The belt tension ratio is 2.5. Determine
the diameter of shaft.
Allowable shear stress for shaft material is 40  N/mm2.

5. Attempt any TWO of the following : 12

a) A flanged protective type coupling is required to transmit
7.5  KW at 720  r.p.m. Assume the following stresses for the
coupling components.
Permissible shear stress for shaft, bolt and key material  =  33  N/mm2
Permissible crushing stress for bolt and key material  = 60 N/mm2
(i) Diameter of shaft
(ii) Dimensions of key
(iii) Diameter of bolt
b) The lead screw of lathe has Acme thread of 60  mm outside
diameter and 8  mm pitch. It supplies drive to a tool carriage
which need an axial force of 2000  N. A collar bearing with
inner and outer radius as 30  mm and 60  mm respectively is
provided. The coefficient of friction for the screw thread is
0.12 and for collar it is 0.10. Find the torque required to drive
the screw and the efficiency of the screw.
c) State the steps involved in selection of proper ball bearing from
manufacturer’s catalogue.

22564 [4]
6. Attempt any TWO of the following : 12
a) A plate 75  mm wide and 12.5  mm thick is to be joined with
another plate by single transverse and parallel fillet weld, Maximum
tensile and shear stresses are 70  N/mm2 and 56  N/mm2 respectively.
Find the length of each parallel fillet weld if joint is subjected
to 90  kN.
b) Design helical compression spring for - maximum load of 1000 N
for deflection of 25  mm using value of spring index as 5. The
maximum permissible shear stress for spring wire is 420  MPa
and modulus of rigidity is 84  kN/mm2
4c - 1 + 0.615
Take Wahl’s factor, K =
4c - 4 c
Where c = spring index.

c) A hollow transmission shaft having inside diameter 0.6 times the

outside diameter, is made of plain carbon steel 40C8 and having
permissible shear stress equal to 65  MPa. A belt pulley, 1000  mm
in diameter is mounted on the shaft, which overhangs the left
hand bearing by 250  mm. The belts are vertical transmit power
to the machine shaft below the pulley. The tension on tight and
slack side of the belt are 3 kN and 1  kN respectively, while the
weight of the pulley is 500  N. The angle of wrap of the belt
on pulley is 180°. Calculate outside and inside diameter of the
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: Elements of Machine Design Model Answer Subject Code: 22564
Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in themodel answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may tryto assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given moreImportance (Not applicable for
subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in thefigure. The figures
drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for anyequivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constantvalues may vary and
there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based on
candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.

Q. Sub Marking
No. Q. N Scheme

1. Attempt anyFIVE of the following 10 Marks

a) Define factor of safety for ductile and brittle material.

Ans Factor of safety for ductile material: It is defined as ratio of yield stress to the working stress or

01 M

Factor of safety for Brittle material : It is defined as ratio of ultimate stress to the working stress
/permissible /design stress or

01 M

b) List four properties desirable for spring material(Any Four)

Ans 1)High Resilience 2) High ductile 1/2 M each

3)High static strength 4) High fatigue strength 5) Non corrosive
c) List four applications of knuckle joints (Any Four)

Ans 1) Link of bicycle chain, 2) Tie bar of roof truss, 3) Link of suspension bridge 1/2 M each
4)Valve mechanism, 5) Fulcrum of lever, 6) Joint for rail shifting mechanism
d) Name four types of keys(Any Four)

1) Sunk keys 2) Gibb-head key 3)Feather key 4)Woodruff key 5)Saddle keys 1/2 M each
6)Tangent keys 7)Round keys 8) Splines Key
e) List any four application of power screw.

Ans 1) Machine Vice 2) power press 3) Universal testing machine 4) C clamps etc. OR 1/2 M each
1)To raise the load 2) To clamp the work-piece 3) to load specimen 4)to obtain accurate motion
f) Classify springs

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Ans 1) Helical springs: Compression helical spring, Tension helical spring 1/2 M each
2) Conical and volute springs
3) Torsion springs
4) Laminated or leaf springs
5)Disc or Belleville springs
6) Special purpose springs
g) Give four applications of gear drive. (Any Four)

Ans 1) Gear box of vehicle 2)Machine tool 3)Gear mechanism of wrist watch 1/2 M each
4) Dial Indicator 5) Cement mixing unit 4) Diff. Mechanism of automobiles
2. Attempt anyTHREE of the following 12 Marks

a) Write the meaning of following material designation.

Ans 1)40C8 : Plain carbon steel carbon 0.4% of average, manganese 0.8% 1 Mark each
2)SG 700/2 : spheroidal Graphite cast iron with Min UTS 700N/mm2 and elongation 0.2 %
3)Fe E200 : Steel with yield strength of 200N/mm2
4)X10Cr18Ni9 : high alloy steel carbon 0.10% of average, chromium 18%, Nickel 9%,
b) Explain the failure of cotter in bending with suitable sketch and strength equation

Ans Bending failure of cotter:

Theoretically .It is assumed that the load is uniformly distributed over the various cross-sections of
the joint. But in actual practice, this does not happen and the cotter is subjected to bending. In order
to find out the bending stress induced, it is assumed that the load on the cotter in the rod end is
uniformly distributed while in the socket end it varies from zero at the outer diameter (d4) and
maximum at the inner diameter (d2), as shown in Fig.

2 Marks fig.

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2 Marks

c) Write Lewis equation for strength of gear tooth give meaning of each term

Ans Lewis equation for strength of gear tooth : 2 Marks for

WT = 6w.b. Pc. Y = 6w.b.πm. y equation
WT = Tangential load acting at the term , &
6w = Beam strength of the tooth ,
b = Width of the gear face 2 Marks for
Pc = Circular pitch notations
m = Module
Y = Lewis form factor or tooth form factor.
d) Draw freehand sketches of thread profiles ( any four) with full details


1 Marks for
each type

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12marks

a) Explain maximum principal stress theory and maximum shear stress theory with their uses.

Ans 1. Maximum Principal (Normal) Stress Theory (Rankine’s Theory):

According to this theory, the failure or yielding occurs at a point in a member when the maximum
principal (Normal) stress in a bi-axial stress system reaches the limiting strength of the material in a
simple tension test.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Since, for ductile material the limiting strength is the stress at yield point & for brittle material the
limiting strength is the ultimate stress.

 According to the above theory, taking FOS into consideration,

The maximum principal (Normal) stress (t1) in a bi-axial stress system is given by,
2 marks

Designing of machine components of brittle material.
Spindle of screw jack, machine bed, C-frame, Overhang crank.
2. Maximum Shear Stress Theory (Guest’s or Tresca’s Theory):
According to this theory, the failure or yielding occurs at a point in a member when the maximum
Shear Stress in a bi-axial stress system reaches a value equal to shear stress at yield point in a simple
tension test.

 According to the above theory, taking FOS into consideration,

The maximum principal (Normal) stress (t1) in a bi-axial stress system is given by,

Since, the shear stress at yield point in a simple tension test is equal to one-half the yield stress in 2 marks

Designing of machine components of ductile material.
Spring, key, crank shaft, propeller shaft.
b) Write general design procedure of the bell crank lever. (any four steps)


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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
1. Find the effort (P) required to raise the load (W),
Taking moment about the fulcrum F, we have,

W X lw =(P) X lp

2. Find reaction at fulcrum pin at F,


3. Design of fulcrum pin:

1 marks for
i. Fulcrum pin is designed by considering under bearing pressure, any four
steps each

where, = length of fulcrum pin.

= diameter of fulcrum pin.

Find : , .

ii. Fulcrum pin is subjected to double shear,

Find: Check the shear stress induced in the fulcrum pin.

4. Diameter of boss of lever:

The boss of the lever is subjected to bending stress due to bending moment of lever.


di = inner diameter of the boss of the lever/ diameter of hole in lever.

do = outer diameter of the boss of the lever/ diameter of boss at fulcrum.

A brass bush of 3 mm thickness is pressed into the boss of the fulcrum as a bearing so that renewal
become simple when wear occurs.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

Check the induced in the lever arm at the fulcrum.

5. Design of lever to find dimensions:

The lever is subjected to B.M. ,
The maximum B.M. acts near the boss,

i. Consider rectangular cross-section of the lever,

b = depth of the lever.
t = thickness of the lever.

ii. For elliptical section,

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t = minor axis of ellipse.

b = major axis of ellipse.

c) State any four applications of spring.

Ans Applications of spring: (Any Four)

1 mark for
1. In automobile suspension.
one applica-
2. In railway suspension.
3. In shot blasting machine. tion any four
4. In clocks and toys to store energy. each
5. In spring balance and engine indicator to measure force.
6. In clutch, brakes, spring loaded valves, etc.
d) Define stress concentration. Explain any four methods to reduce it with neat sketch.

Stress Concentration:

Whenever the machine component changes the shape of its cross section the stress distribution
2 marks for
pattern no longer holds good and the neighborhood of the discontinuity is different.
The stresses induced in the neighborhood are much higher than the stress induced in the other part concen-
of the component. This abrupt change in cross section or the discontinuity form is called stress

It is for all kinds of stresses caused due to keyways, grooves, notches, roughness or scratches.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

The effect of stress concentration cannot be completely eliminated but its effect can be reduced by
altering the geometry of the component.

So the following methods are adopted to reduce the effect of stress concentration: 2 marks for
methods to
1. Providing additional holes and notches.
reduce them
a. Use of multiple notches.
b. Drilling additional holes.
c. Removing roughness.
2. By providing fillet radius to the corners of the members and under and notches for the
members in bending.
3. Reduction in stress concentration of the threaded component.
4. By drilling small holes near the large holes or providing additional holes in the shafts.
5. By providing taper cross sections to the members having sharp corners.

e) Define the following terms with respect to spring:

Ans i) Free length:

It is the length of the spring in free or unloaded condition.

It is denoted by ‘Lf’.

Free length = Solid Length + Maximum Compression + clearance between adjacent coils.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

Free length = Lf = n’d + max + 0.15 x max

= n’d + max + (n’-1) x 1mm.

The clearance between two adjacent coils is taken as 1mm sometimes it is taken as 15% of the
maximum deflection.

ii) Solid length:

When the compression spring is compressed until the coil comes in contact or touches each
other, then the spring is said to be in solid condition. This length of spring is known as solid 1 Mark for
length. each term
It is denoted by ‘Ls’.

Solid length = Ls = n’d

where n’ = total number of coils or turns.

d = diameter of wire in mm.

iii) Spring index:

It is defined as the ratio of mean diameter of coil to the diameter of wire.

It is denoted by ‘C’.

Spring index = C =

Where, Dm = Mean diameter of coil in mm.

d = wire diameter in mm.

iv) Spring rate:

The spring rate/ spring stiffness is defined the load required per unit deflection of the wire.

It is denoted by ‘K’.

Spring rate/ Spring Stiffness = K = (N/mm)

where W = axial load in N.

= maximum deflection in mm

Q.4 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12 marks

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
a) Explain importance of shape and size in aesthetic design.

Ans The aesthetic characteristics is a very important for all design elements.

The aesthetics is the property to have good performance along with the better appearance for the
satisfaction of the customer. In the buyer’s market, have a number of products with same identical
parameters, but the appearance of the of the product plays a major role in attracting the customers.

The aesthetic has a produce with the extent which contributes varies from product to product.

This is important for the designer to have develop the shape of a product so that customer get
attracted towards it and the appearance should be pleasing.

For example the cars are designed in the form of aerodynamic shape, this aesthetic forms helps in 6 marks
the performance by getting less resistance of air as well as the appearance which extent in

The shape is also the important aesthetic criteria that the products develops and designed should not
be bulky in size which will affect the performance as well as the appearance of the product. The
designer thus have the choice to minimize the shape and can form smaller size product designs
rather than bulky designs.

Thus, aesthetics helps to get the better appearance and performance which extent its contributions
from product to product.

b) The pull in the tie rod of a roof truss is 44 kN. Design a suitable adjustable screw joint. The
6 marks
permissible tensile and shear stresses are 75 MPa and 37.5 MPa respectively.

Ans Let,

dc = core diameter of tie rod.

d = do = nominal (maximum) diameter of tie rod

D = Outside diameter of coupler nut.

l = Length of coupler nut.

D1 = Inside diameter of coupler.

D2 = Outside diameter of coupler.

L = Total length of coupler = 0.6 d

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

c) A Lathe receives power from an overhung shaft situated exactly above the lathe pulley by means of
the belt drive. A pulley weighing 400 N and of diameter 270 mm is fixed on the shaft. The centre to
centre distance between the two shaft supporting bearing is 900 mm. the maximum power required 6 marks
by machine is 5 kW at 200 rpm. The belt tension ratio is 2.5. Determine the diameter of the shaft.
Allowable shear stress for shaft material is 40 N/mm2.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

5. Attempt anyTWO of the following 12 Marks

a) A flanged protective type coupling is required to transmit 7.5 KW at 720 rpm. Assume the
following stresses for the coupling components. Permissible shear stress for shaft, bolt & key
material = 33 N/mm2. Permissible crushing stress for bolt & key material = 60 N/mm2.
(i) Diameter of shaft
(ii) Diameter of key
(iii) Diameter of bolt
Ans P = 7.5 KW
N= 720rpm
= 33 N/mm2
= 60 N/mm2
Step 1)Find Torque


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T= 99.47N.m= 99.47 103N.mm

Step 2) We also know that


99.47 103N.mm=
= 15351.41d = 24.85 mm=25mm
Step 3)Design of hub
Outer diameter of hub
D= 2d = 2 25 = 50 mm

Length of hub, L= 1.5d =1.5 25= 37.5mm

Let, now check induced shear stress


99.47 103=

Since induced shear stress is less than permissible value 33N/mm2 the design is safe

Step 4)Design of key, here Rectangle key is used

from table W=10mm

t= 8mm
Length of key is taken as length of the hub = L = 37.5mm
Let us now check induced stresses


99.47 103= 37.5× 10 × Ʈ ×

Ʈ =21.22≤ 33N/mm2

99.47 103 = l× ×σ

99.47 103 = 37.5 × ×σ


ck = 53.05≤ 60N/mm

Design is safe.
Step 5) Design for flange

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
tf = 0.5 d = 0.5 ×25= 12.5mm

Now, check induced shear stress in flange


99.47 103 ==
= 8.10 N/mm2
Flange is safe.

Step 6) Design for bolts

Number of bolts is n = 3
D1= 3d= 3 25=75mm
Bolts are subjected to shear stress

99.47 103 =

d 12=
d 12= 34.11

Assume coarse thread nearest to standard diameter M6

step 7) Outer diameter of the flange,D2= 4d= 4×25 = 100mm

Step 8) Thickness of protective circumferential flange, tp= 0.25d = 0.25×25 = 6.25mm

b) The lead screw of lathe has ACME thread of 60 mm outside diameter & 8 mm pitch. It supplies
drive to a tool carriage which need an axial force of 2000 N. A collar bearing with inner & outer
radius as 30 mm & 60 mm respectively is provided. The coefficient of friction for the screw thread
is 0.12 & collar is 0.10. Find the torque required to drive the screw & the efficiency of the screw.
Ans d0= 60mm
W= 2000N
D2= 30mm
D1= 60mm
p = 8mm
µ =0.12
µ2 = 0.10
To Find
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

Step 1 ) Mean diameter of screw

d = d0- = 60 - = 56mm

tanα = =

tanα =0.045
angle for ACME thread 2β=290β=14.50
µ1=tan 1=

µ1=tan 1=

µ1 = tan 1=0.1239
Step 2) Torque required to overcome friction of screw
T1 = W ×d/2

T1 = 2000 × ×56/2
T1= 9576N.mm
Step 3) Assuming uniform wear to overcome collar friction
R= =

R= = 45mm
T2= µ×W×R = 0.10×2000×45 = 9000N.mm
T = T1 +T2 = 9576 + 9000 = 18576 N.mm
Step 4)

Ƞ= =

Ƞ= =
c) State the steps involved in selection of proper ball bearing from manufacturer’s catalogue.

Ans 1) Calculate radial and axial forces and determine dia. of shaft.
2) Select proper type of bearing.
3) Start with extra light series for given diagram go by trial of error method
4) Find value of basic static capacity (co) of selected bearing from catalogue.
5) Calculate ratios Fa/VFr and Fa/Co.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
6) Calculate values of radial and thrust factors.(X & Y) from catalogue.
7) For given application find value of load factor Ka from catalogue.
8) Calculate equivalent dynamic load using relation. Pe = (XVFr + YFA) Ka.
9) Decide expected life of bearing considering application. Express life in million revolutions L10
10) Calculate required basic dynamic capacity for bearing by relation.
11) Check whether selected bearing has req. dynamic capacity, IF it not select the bearing of next
series and repeat procedure from step-4

6. Attempt anyTWO of the following 12 Marks

a) A plate 75 mm wide & 12.5 mm thick is to be joined with another plate by single transverse &
parallel fillet weld. Maximum tensile & shear stresses are 70 N/mm2& 56 N/mm2 respectively. Find
the length of each parallel fillet weld if joint is subjected to 90 KN.

Ans Given data

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
W= 75KN
t = 12.5mm
Ʈ= 56 N/mm2
σ t =70 N/mm2
P= 90×103N/mm2

Step 1) Load carried by single transverse

P1= 0.707× s × l1× σ t
2 Marks
P1= 0.707 × 12.5 × 62.5×70 ……………………………( l1 =75-12.5 =62.5)
P1= 38664.06 N
Step 2) Double parallel fillet weld
P2= 1.414 × S × l2× Ʈ
2 Marks
P2= 1.414 × 12.5 × l2× 56
P2= 989.8 × l2
Step 3) P= P1 + P2
90 × 103 = 38664.06 + 989.8 × l2
l2= 51.86mm 2 Marks

l2= 51.86+ 12.5

l2 = 64.36 mm

Ans W= 1000N
= 25mm
C= = 0.6
G=84 × 103 N/mm2

Step 1) Mean diameter of spring coil


K= 1.31
Step 2) Maximum shear stress

420 =K = 1.31

d = 6.3mm

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From table take d = 6.401 or same value also considered
D=C d=5 = 32.005
Outer diameter of spring
D0= D+d=32.005 + 6.401= 38.406 mm

Step 3) number of turns of the coil

= 13.44=14

Step 4) for square and ground ends

n'= n+2 = 14+2 =16
Step 5) Free length
Lf= n'd + + 0.15 = 16 + + 0.15 = 131.2 mm
Step 6) Pitch of the coil

= = = 8.76 mm

c) A hollow transmission shaft having inside diameter 0.6 times outside diameter, is made up of plain
carbon steel 40C8 & having permissible shear stress equal to 65 MPa. A belt pulley, 1000 mm in
diameter is mounted on a shaft, which overhangs the left hand bearing by 250 mm. The belt are
vertical power transmit to the machine shaft below the pulley. The tension on tight & slack side of
belt are 3 kN& 1 kN respectively, while weight of pulley is 500 N. The angle of rap of the belt on
pulley is 180°. Calculate outside & inside diameter of shaft.

Ans Given data

d = 0.6 D
T 1= 3 N
T2= 1 N
Wt =500N

Diameter of the pulley, D=1000mm
K= d/D =0.6

Step 1) Find torque

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
T= (T1-T2)R = (3000-1000) = 1 106N.mm
Total weight on the pulley 02 Marks

Wt = T1 + T2 + W= 3000+1000+500= 4500 N
Step 2) Bending moment 02 Marks
M= Wt = 4500 = 1.125 106 N.mm
Step 3) Find equivalent twisting moment

Teq = = = 1.50 106 N.mm

Teq= d03 (1 - K4)

1.56 106= d 03 (1-0.64)
02 Marks
d0= 51.97 =55mm
di = 0.6 55 =33 mm

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4 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.

Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket
Calculator is permissible.
(7) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.


1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) Give composition of 45Cr20Si2.
b) Define creep
c) State two applications of Knuckle Joint
d) State any two examples where hollow shafts are used
e) Explain ‘‘bolts of uniform strength’’.
f) State two applications of torsion springs
g) Define ‘‘Basic Static Load Rating’’ of rolling contact bearings

2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a) Explain the term stress concentration and remedies to reduce
stress concentration with neat sketch (any four)
b) Discuss the design procedure of socket and spigot cotter joint.
c) Explain with neat sketch different types of sunk keys.
d) Explain self locking and overhauling property of screw.

22564 [2]
3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Explain construction of leaf spring with neat sketch.
b) Explain with neat sketch different types of radial ball bearings
c) Design mean diameter and number of turns of a helical
compression spring for a maximum load of 1000 N for a
deflection of 25 mm using the value of spring index 5. The
maximum permissible shear stress for spring wire is 420 MPa.
and modulus of rigidity is 84 KN/mm2
d) Explain selection of ball bearings using manufacturer's catlogue

4. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) A screw jack has to lift a load of 80 kN through a height
of 400 mm. The elastic strength of screw material in tension
and compression is 200 MPa and in shear 120 MPa. The material
for nut is phosphor bronze for which the elastic limit may be
taken as 100 MPa in tension 90 MPa in compression and 80
MPa in shear. The bearing pressure between nut and the screw
is not to exceed 18N/mm2. Design the screw and nut. Take
Factor of safety = 2.
b) Design a cast iron protective type flange coupling to transmit
15 KW at 900 rpm from an electric motor to compressor.
Use following permissible stress.
Shear stress for shaft, bolt and key = 40 Mpa
Crushing stress for bolt and key = 80 MPa
Shear stress for Cast Iron = 8 MPa
c) Compare the weight, strength and stiffness of a hollow shaft
of the same external diameter as that of solid shaft. The inside
diameter of the hollow shaft being half the external diameter.
Both the shafts have same material and length.
22564 [3]
5. Attempt any TWO of the following 12
a) Explain general considerations in machine design.
b) Define “factor of safety” and state the factors affecting on
selection of factor of safety for ductile and brittle material.
c) A mild steel bracket as shown in Fig. No. 1 is subjected to
a pull of 6000 N acting at 45º to its horizontal axis. The
bracket has a rectangular section whose depth is twice the
thickness. Find the cross sectional dimensions of the bracket, if
the permissible stress in the material of the bracket is limited
to 60 MPa.

Fig. No. 1

22564 [4]
6. Attempt any TWO of the following 12
a) A closely coiled helical spring is made of 10mm diameter
steel wire. The coil consists of 10 complete turns with a
mean diameter of 120 mm. The spring carries an axial pull of
200 N. Determine the shear stress induced in the spring
neglecting the effect of stress concentration. Determine also the
deflection of the spring, its stiftness and strain energy stored
by it if the modulus of rigidity of the spring material is 80

b) i) Define spring rate and spring stiffness

ii) A plate 100 mm wide and 10 mm thick is to be welded
to another plate by means of double parallel fillets.
The plates are subjected to a static load of 90 kN.
Find the length of weld if the permissible shear stress
of weld does not exceed 60 MPa.

c) A right angled bell crank lever has horizontal arm 500 mm

long and load of 5 kN acts vertically down ward through a
pin in forked end of this arm. At the end of 150 mm long
arm which is perpendicular to 500 mm long arm, a effort P
acts at right angles to the axis of 150 mm arm through a pin
into a forked end. The lever consists of forged steel material
and a pin at fulcrum.
i) Fulcrum pin and
ii) The lever.
Take following data for pin and lever material.
safe stress in tension = 80 N/mm2
safe stress in shear = 60 N/mm2
safe bearing pressure on pins = 10 N/mm2
Take rectangular cross section of the lever near fulcrum with
b = 3t, where t is thickness and b is depth of lever.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
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Model Answer

Subject Name: Elements of Machine Design Subject Code: 22564

Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in themodel answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may tryto assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given moreImportance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in thefigure. The
figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for anyequivalent
figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constantvalues
may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of somequestions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer
based on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent
8) As per the policy decision of Maharashtra State Government, teaching in English/Marathi and Bilingual
(English + Marathi) medium is introduced at first year of AICTE diploma Programme from academic year
2021-2022. Hence if the students in first year (first and second semesters) write answers in Marathi or
bilingual language (English +Marathi), the Examiner shall consider the same and assess the answer
based on matching of concepts with model answer.

Q. Marking
Q. Answer
No. Scheme
Que.1 Attempt any FIVE of the following 10 Marks

a) Give composition of 45Cr20Si2

Sol. Alloy Steel Containing 0.45% of carbon , 20% of chromium and 2% of silicon. 02 Mark

b) Define creep

Sol. When a machine component is subjected to constant stress (load) at high temperature
for a long period of time,it will undergo a slow and progressive permanent deformation 02 Mark
called creep.
c) State two application of Knuckle Joint

i. Tie rod of roof truss.

ii. Link of bicycle chain. 01 Mark
iii. Link of roller chain. for one
iv. Tension link in bridge structure. application
v. Tie rod of jib crane.
vi. Air braking arrangement of locomotive and track shifting mechanism of railway. Any two
vii. It is used in coupling trolley with railway. expected
viii. It is used in structure for suspension link.

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No. Scheme

d) State any two examples where hollow shafts are used

i. It is used in machine tool spindle.
Sol. 01 Mark
ii. Marine applications. for each
iii. Automobile. Any two
iv. Electric motor. expected

e) Explain “bolts of uniform strength”

A method of drillling an axial hole through the head of the bolt as far as the threaded
portion; such that the area of the shank became equal to the root area of the thread. By
achieving this the intensity of stress, that is stress in the shank portion and the threaded
portion is same.This gives the bolt of uniform strength.

02 Mark

d1= Diameter of hole
d₀ = Outer diameter of thread
dc = Core diameter of thread

f) State any two applications of torsion spring.

i. Clocks. 01 Mark
ii. Automobile. for each
iii. Door Hinges. Any two
iv. Spring balance. expected

g) Define “Basic Static Load Rating” of rolling contact bearings.

The basic static load rating is defined as the static radial load which correponds to a
permanent deformation of the ball and race at the most heavily stressed contact equal to 02 Mark
0.0001 times the ball diameter.

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No. Scheme

Q.2 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 Marks

a) Explain the term stress concentration and remedies to reduce stress concentration with
neat sketch (any four)
Sol. 1. During the design of any machine component, discontinuities in any machine part
are there due keyway, threaded grooves and steps are present on the component
which is functional requirement to perform their functions.
2. Such type of discontinuity alters the stress distribution in the vicinity of the
discontinuity and elementary stress equations no longer describe the state of stress
in the component.
02 Marks
3. The stresses induced in the neighbourhood of the discontinuity are much higher
than the stresses in the other part of the component.
4. This concentration of high stresses due to the discontinuities or abrupt change of
cross-section is called stress concentration.

5. remedies to reduce stress concentration are as follows:

i. Additional notches and holes in tension member like use of use of multiple notches
and drilling additional holes.
ii. Fillet radius,undercutting and notch for member in bending.
iii. Reduction of stress concentration in Threaded members.
iv. Change in cross-section should be gradual. 01 Mark
v. By improving surface finish

01 Mark

b) Discuss the design procedure of socket and spigot cotter joint.

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Q. Marking
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No. Scheme

01 Mark
for Fig &

Fig: Socket spigot cotter joint

Let, P = load carried by the rods
d = diameter of rod 01 Mark for figure
d1= outside diameter of socket
d2= inside diameter of socket/ diameter of spigot
d3= outside diameter of spigot collar
d4= outside diameter of socket collar
a = distance from the end of the slot to the end of the rod
b = mean width of cotter
c = thickness of socket collar
l = length of cotter
t = thickness of cotter
t1 = thickness of spigot collar
σt = permissible tensile stress for the rod material
σc = permissible crushing stress for the cotter material 1/2 Mark
τ = permissible shear stress for the cotter material
I) Design of Rod:
σt =𝑃 = P /(π÷4) find ‘d’
II) Design of Spigot:
i. Spigot failure in tension
σt = = P / *(π÷4) - .t] always take t = 2/4 find ‘d2’ & ‘t’ 1/2 Mark

ii. Spigot failure in crushing

σcrush = = P / (d2.t) Check σcrush and finalize d2& t

iii. Spigot failure in shear

τ = = P / 2 (d2.a) find ‘a’ 1/2 Mark

iv. Spigot collar failure in shear

τ = = P / (π d2.t1) find ‘t1’

v. Spigot collar failure in crushing 1/2 Mark

σcrush = = P / *(π÷4)( )] find ‘d3’

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No. Scheme
III) Design of Socket:

i) Socket failure in tension

σt = = P / *(π÷4) ( )] – [(d1 - d2) t] find ‘d1’

ii) Socket collar failure in crushing

1/2 Mark
σcrush = = P / [(d4 - d2) t] find ‘d4’

iii) Socket collar failure in shear 1/2 Mark

τ= = P / 2 [(d4 - d2) c] find ‘c’

IV) Design of Cotter:

τ= = P / 2 (b.t) find ‘b’

Length of Cotter L = 4.d

c) Explain with neat sketch different types of sunk keys.

Different types of sunk keys are as follows:

1. Rectangular sunk key.
2. Square sunk key.
01 Mark
3. Parallel sunk key.
4. Gib headed key.
5. Feather key.
6. Woodruff key.
1. Rectangular sunk key.

i. The various proportions of this key are: Mark
ii. Width of key = w =
iii. Thickness of key = t=
iv. Where,d = diameter of the shaft
v. The key has taper 1 in 100 on the top side only.

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Sol. 2. Square sunk key.

The only difference between a rectangular sunk key and square sunk key is that its
width and thickness are equal. 1/2 Mark

3. Parallel sunk key.

i. The parallel key may be of rectangular or square cross-section uniform in width and 1/2 Mark
thickness throught.
ii. It may be noted that parallel key is taperless and is used where pulley, gear or other
mating piece is required to slide along the shaft.

4. Gib headed key.

1/2 Mark

i. It is a rectangular key with a head on one end known as gib head.

ii. It is usually provided to facilitate the removal of key.

5. Feather key.

i. A key attached to one member of a pair and which permits relative axial 1/2 Mark
movement is known as feather key,
ii. It is a special type of parallel key which transmits a turning moment and also
permits axial moment,
iii. It is fastened either to a shaft or hub, the key being a sliding fit in the keyway of
the moving piece.

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No. Scheme
6. Woodruff key.

i. The woodruff key is an easily adjustable key.

ii. It is a piece from a cylindrical disc having segmental cross-section in front view. 1/2 Mark
This key is capable of tilting in a recess milled out in the shaft by a cutter having
the same curvature as the disc from which the key is made.
iii. This key is largely used in machine tool and automobile construction.

Explain self locking and overhauling property of screw.


Sol. Self Locking Screw

The effort required at the circumference of the screw to lower the load is given by equation,
P = W.tan (ø - α)

T = W.tan (ø - α). (dm/2)

02 Mark
In the above equation, if ø > α (i.e friction angle is greater than helix angle), the torque
required to lower the screw is positive i.e. some effort is required to lower the load, such a
screw is known as self locking.

Over-hauling Screw
The effort required at the circumference of the screw to lower the load is given by equation,
P = W.tan (ø - α)
02 Mark
T = W.tan (ø - α). (dm/2)

In the above equation, if ø < α (i.e friction angle is less than helix angle), the torque
required to lower the screw is negative i.e. load will start moving downward without the
application of any torque. Such condition is known as overhauling of screw.

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Q. Marking
Q. Answer
No. Scheme
Que.3 Attempt any THREE of the following 12 Marks

a) Explain construction of leaf spring with neat sketch



1 & 1/2

Construction of leaf spring :

Semi-elliptical leaf springs are widely used for suspension in light and heavy commercial
vehicle. In car these are used for rear suspension.
• The leaf springs are made of flat semi-elliptical plate.
• The advantage of leaf spring over helical spring is that the ends of the spring may be
guided along the definite path as it deflects to acts as a structural member in addition to
energy absorbing device. Explanation
• Thus, leaf spring carry lateral load, brake torque, driving thrust and shocks. :
• It consists of number of semi-elliptical plates called blade or leaves. 2 & 1/2
• The leaves are given initially curvature or camber so that they tend to straighten
under the load.
• The blades vary in length and are held together by a bolt passing through the center
acting as a beam of uniform strength.
• The spring is clamped to the axle housing by means of ‘U’ bolts.
• The longest leave is known as master leaves, has its end formed in the shape of an
eye through which the bolts are passed to secure the spring to its supports.
• The eyes are attached to shackle provided with bushing of anti-friction material such
as bronze or rubber. The other leaves are graduated leaves.
• To prevent digging in the adjacent leaves, the ends of graduated leaves are trimmed in
various forms.
• The master leaf has to withstand vertical bending load, side thrust and twisting
moment due to presence of stresses caused by these loads so it is usual to provide two
full length leaves and rest graduated leaves.
• Rebound clips are located at intermediate position in the length of the spring so that
graduated leaves also shear the stresses induced in the full-length leaves when the
spring rebound.
• Highly cambered spring provides a 50% suspension but they also increase tendency to
jaw (movement about vertical axis). Flat spring reduces tendency of the vehicle to dip
(pitching), when brake or accelerate suddenly.
• Generally rear spring are kept longer than the front spring. This causes them to vibrate
at different frequencies, which prevent excessive bounce.

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No. Scheme

b) Explain with neat sketch different types of radial Ball bearings.

Following are the various types of radial ball bearings:


1. Single row deep groove bearing. : During assembly of this bearing, the races are
offset and the maximum numbers of balls are placed between the races. The races are 1 Mark for
then centered and the balls are symmetrically located by the use of a retainer or each type
cage.The deep groove ball bearings are used due to their high load carrying capacity
and suitability for high running speeds. The load carrying capacity of a ball bearing is (Sketch &
related to the size and number of the balls. explanation)
2. Filling notch bearing. : These bearings have notches in the inner and outer races
which permit more balls to be inserted than in deep groove ball bearings. The notches
do not extend to the bottom of the race way and therefore the balls inserted through
the notches must be forced in position.

3. Angular contact bearing. These bearings have one side of the outer race cut away to
permit the insertion of more balls than in a deep groove bearing but without having a
notch cut into both races. This permits the bearing to carry a relatively large axial load
in one direction while also carrying a relatively large radial load. The angular contact
bearings are usually used in pairs so that thrust loads may be carried in either direction.

4. Double row bearing: These bearings may be made with radial or angular contact
between the balls and races. The double row bearing is appreciably narrower than two
single row bearings. The load capacity of such bearings is slightly less than twice that of
a single row bearing

5. Self-aligning bearing: These bearings permit shaft deflections within 2-3 degrees. It
may be noted that normal clearance in a ball bearing are too small to accommodate
any appreciable misalignment of the shaft relative to the housing. If the unit is
assembled with shaft misalignment present, then the bearing will be subjected to a
load that may be in excess of the design value and premature failure may occur.
Following are the two types of self-aligning bearings: (a) Externally self-aligning bearing,
and (b) Internally self-aligning bearing.

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Q. Marking
No. Answer Scheme
Design a helical compression spring for a maximum load of 1000 N for a deflection
of 25 mm using the value of spring index as 5. The maximum permissible shear
stress for spring wire is 420 MPa and modulus of rigidity is 84 kN/mm2.

Given : W = 1000 N ; δ = 25 mm ; C = D/d = 5 ; τ = 420 MPa = 420 N/mm2 ;

G = 84 kN/mm2 = 84 × 103 N/mm2

a) Considering Curvature effect :

1. Mean diameter of the spring coil

Let D = Mean diameter of the spring coil, and d = Diameter of the spring wire.

We know that Wahl’s stress factor,

Wahl’s factor K = = = 1.31

and maximum shear stress (τ),

Maximum shear stress, Ʈ = , 420 = 2 Mark

d = 16 677 / 420 = 39.7 or d = 6.3 mm
∴Mean diameter of the spring coil, D = C.d = 5 d = 5 × 6.3 = 31.5 mm Say 32 mm

2. Number of turns of the coils

Let n = Number of active turns of the coils.
We know that compression of the spring (δ),

δ= , 25 = = 1.86 n
n=25/1.86 = 13.44 ..Say 14 numbers of turns
Assuming square and grounded ends, total numbers of turns is given by, 2 Mark

n’=n+2=14+2=16 numbers of turns


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b) Without Considering Curvature effect :

1 Mean diameter of the spring coil

Let D = Mean diameter of the spring coil, and d = Diameter of the spring wire.

and maximum shear stress (τ),

2 Mark
Maximum shear stress, Ʈ = , 420 =
d 2 = 12732.39/ 420 = 30.31 or d = 5.5 mm say 6 mm
∴Mean diameter of the spring coil, D = C.d = 5 d = 5 × 6= 30 mm

2 Number of turns of the coils

Let n = Number of active turns of the coils.
We know that compression of the spring (δ),

δ= , 25 = = 1.98 n
n=25/1.86 = 12.62 ..Say 13 numbers of turns 2 Mark

d) Explain selection of ball bearing using manufacturer’s Catalogue.

Procedure for selection of bearing from manufacturer’s Catalogue.

The following procedure is followed in selecting the bearing from the
1) Calculate radial and axial forces and determine dia. of shaft.
2) Select proper type of bearing.
3) Start with extra light series for given diagram go by trial of error method.
4) Find value of basic static capacity (co) of selected bearing from catalogue. Correct
5) Calculate ratios Fa/VFr and Fa/Co. Explanation
6) Calculate values of radial and thrust factors.(X & Y) from catalogue. /steps
7) For given application find value of load factor Ka from catalogue. 4 Mark
8) Calculate equivalent dynamic load using relation. Pe = (XVFr + YFA) Ka.
9) Decide expected life of bearing considering application. Express life in
million revolutions L10.
10) Calculate required basic dynamic capacity for bearing by relation.
11) Check whether selected bearing has req. dynamic capacity, IF it not select the bearing

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of next series and repeat procedure from step-4.

Q. Sub Marking
No. Q. Answer Scheme

OR ( flow chart)


Flow Chart

4 Mark

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Que.4 Attempt any TWO of the following 12 Marks

A screw jack is to lift a load of 80 kN through a height of 400 mm. The elastic strength
of screw material in tension and compression is 200 MPa and in shear 120 MPa. The
material for nut is phosphor bronze for which the elastic limit may be taken as 100
MPa in tension, 90 MPa in compression and 80 MPa in shear. The bearing pressure
between the nut and the screw is not to exceed 18 N/mm2. Design and draw the
screw jack. Take FOS = 2
Solution. Given : W = 80 kN = 80 × 10 3 N ; H1 = 400 mm = 0.4 m ;
Sol. 2
σet = σec = 200 MPa = 200 N/mm ; τe = 120 MPa = 120 N/mm2 ;
σet(nut) = 100 MPa = 100 N/mm2 ; σec (nut) = 90 MPa = 90 N/mm2 ;
τe(nut) = 80 MPa = 80N/mm2 ; Pb = 18 N/mm2

1. Design of screw for spindle

Let dc = Core diameter of the screw. Since the screw is under compression,

∴Load (W)

Value dc

: 1 Mark
(dc )2 = 80 × 103 / 78.55 = 1018.5 or dc = 32 mm

For square threads of normal series, dimensions of the screw selected is

Core diameter, dc = 38 mm Ans
Nominal or outside diameter of spindle, do = 46 mm Ans.
Pitch of threads, P = 8 mm Ans.
Now let us check for principal stresses:
We know that the mean diameter of screw d = (do + dc) / 2 = ( 46+38 )/ 2 = 42 mm
And tan α = p / π d = 8 / π x 42 = 0.0606
Assuming coefficient of friction between screw and nut, μ = tan φ = 0.14
∴ Torque required to rotate the screw in the nut


1 Mark

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of No. of
Threads &
Height of
Nut :

1 Mark

Design of Nut :

of nut :

2 Mark

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Design a cast iron protective type flange coupling to transmit 15 KW at 900 rpm from
an electric motor to compressor.
use following permissible stress
shear stress for shaft ,bolt and key = 40 Mpa
crushing stress for Bolt and key= 80 Mpa
shear stress for cast iron = 8 Mpa.
Given : P = 15 kW = 15 × 103 W ; N = 900 r.p.m. ; τs = τb = τk = 40 MPa = 40 N/mm2 ;
σcb = σck = 80 MPa = 80 N/mm2 ; τc = 8 MPa = 8 N/mm2

The protective type flange coupling is designed as discussed below :

1) Design for shaft

First of all, let us find the diameter of the shaft (d). We know that the torque
transmitted by the shaft,
T = P x 60/2π N = (15 x 103 x 60)/ (2 π x900) =159.15 Nm = 159.15 x 103Nmm
Design of
T = π/16 x τ xd3 , 159.15 x 103 = π/16 x 40 xd3 , d3=20263,60 d=27.26 mm say 28 mm shaft :

2) Design of Hub: 2 Mark

hub Outside dia. of hub , D=2d =2x28=56mm

Length of Hub l= 1.5 d = 1.5 x 28 = 42 mm
The shear stress induced in the hub is given by

Design of
T = π/16 x τc x d3 x (1-k4 ) Where K = d/D = 0.5 Hub :
159.15 x 103 = π/16 x τc x56 3 x(1-0.54 ) τc =4.923 < 8 Mpa
2 Mark
Hence, Hub is safe against shear failure.

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3)Design of Flange:

Thickness of flange tf= 0.5 d = 0.5 x 28 = 14 mm

Thickness of Protective flange
Tp= 0.25 x d = 0.25 x 28 = 7 mm

Dia of Bolt circle:

D1 = 3 d = 3 x 28 = 84 mm Design of
Dia of Outer Falnge : flange:
D2 = 4d = 4 x 28 = 112 mm
2 Mark
Dia of flange recess D3 = 1.1 D = 1.1 X 56 = 61.6 mm
Direct stress induced in the flange at a junction with hub is
Tf = ( T/D/2) / (ΠxDxtf )
= 2T / (ΠxD2xtf ) = (2X 159.15 x 103 ) / (Π x 562 x 14 )
=2.3 N/mm2 < 8 N/mm2
Flange is safe against shear failure.

c) Compare the weight, strength and stiffness of a hollow shaft of the same external
diameter as that of solid shaft. Inside diameter of hollow shaft is half of the external
diameter. Both shafts have the same material & length.
Outside diameter of hollow shaft (do) = Diameter of solid shaft (d)
For same material: Density of solid = density of hollow shaft

LS =LH,di = inside diameter of hollow shaft = 0.75 do , =0.5

I )Comparison of weight:

We know that weight of a hollow shaft

WH= Cross sectional area x Length x Density

and Weight of the solid shaft

WS= Cross sectional area x Length x Density Comparison

of weight:
Since both the shafts have the same material and length, therefore by dividing
equation (i) by
equation(ii), we get

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As K= di/do

=1- (0.5)2 =0.75

WH=0.75 WS ………………….Ans Comparison

of strength:
II) Comparison of Strength: 2 Mark

Strength of hollow shaft TH =

Strength of Solid shaft Ts =

= ==

TH=0.93 TS ………………….. Ans

III) Comparison of Stiffness:

Stiffness of hollow shaft SH =

of stiffness:
2 Mark
Stiffness of Solid shaft Ss

= ==

SH=0.93 SS ……………… Ans

Que.5 Attempt any TWO of the following 12 Marks

a) Explain general considerations in Machine Design.

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Q. Sub Marking
No. Q. Answer Scheme
1. Type of load and stresses caused by the load.
The load, on a machine component, may act in several ways due to which the internal stresses
are set up. :
a) Compression- Applying forces to both ends
b) Tension- Forces applied in the opposite direction
c) Shear- Sliding forces that are applied in the opposite direction
d) Bending- Force off-centered
e) Torsional- Twisting force
f) Combination – Combination of any loads
2. Motion of the parts or kinematics of the machine.
The successful operation of any machine depends largely upon the simplest arrangement of
the parts which will give the motion required.
The motion of the parts may be:
a) Rectilinear motion which includes unidirectional and reciprocating motions.
b) Curvilinear motion which includes rotary, oscillatory, and simple harmonic.
c) Constant velocity
d) Constant or variable acceleration.
3. Selection of materials
The following factors should be considered while selecting the material: Any 6
a) Availability b) Cost c) Mechanical properties d) Manufacturing Considerations consideratio
4. Form and size of the parts: Form and size of the parts can decide manufacturing process
and cost of the product.
5. Frictional resistance and lubrication: There is always a loss of power due to frictional
resistance and it should be noted that the friction of starting is higher than that of running
friction. It is, therefore, essential that careful attention must be given to the matter of 1 Mark each
lubrication of all surfaces which move in contact with others, whether in rotating, sliding,
or rolling bearings.
6. Ergonomic Considerations: User friendly machine operations, ease of control, proper force
required to operate and safety for operating.
7. Aesthetic considerations: Considerations related to the beauty of the product to attract
the customer.
8. Standardization: Use of standard parts makes product economical for design and
maintenance with improved quality.
9. Safety of operation: Designer should always provide safety devices for the safety of the
10. Manufacturing capability: Best manufacturing processes can provide quality but adds to
the cost. Therefore appropriate manufacturing processes and available manufacturing set up
must be used to the best possible effect so that cost of manufacturing must be limited.
11. The number of components to be manufactured: Suitability of design for job production,
batch production and mass production.
12. Cost of manufacturing: The aim of the design engineer under all conditions should be to
reduce the manufacturing cost to the minimum with optimum quality.
13.Design for assembly: Designer must consider the ease of assembly and disassembly of the
product to be manufactured.

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Define factor of safety and state the factors affecting on selection of factor of safety
for ductile and brittle material.
Sol. Factor of Safety:
It isdefined as the ratio of failure stress to allowable or working stress. OR it is the ratio
of failure load to allowable or working load.
– Allowable stress for ductile material &

– Allowable stress for brittle material

Selection of factor of safety (fs) depends upon following factors- 1 Mark

i) Effect of failure: Time, finance, danger to human life decides the value of fs.
ii) Type of load : Static load– low fs, Dynamic load and Impact Load-high fs,
Any 5
iii) Degree of accuracy in force analysis: Accurate - low fs,
iv) Material of component: Homogeneous material or ductile low fs,
v) Reliability of component: fsincreases for higher reliability of component.
vi) Cost of component: Cost of component is directly proportional to value of factor
1 Mark
of safety. each
vii) Testing of machine element: Actual testing conditions known - low fs
viii) Service conditions: Operating conditions like temp, corrosion, humidity add to
value of factor of safety.
ix) Quality of Manufacture: High Mfg. quality leads to low fs
Selection of value of factor of safety is normally low for ductile materials and high for
brittle materials. It is essentially a compromise between the associated additional cost
and weight and the benefit of increased safety or/and reliability.


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P = 6000 N , Depth of cross section b= 2 t where t= thickness of cross section
Step I
Permissible stress
1 Mark

Step IICalculation of direct and bending stress

The stress is maximum at point A in the section XX. The point is subjected to
combined bending and direct tensile stresses. The force P is resolved into two
components – horizontal component 𝑃 and vertical component 𝑃
1 Mark
4242.64 N
𝑃 𝑃 = 4242.64 N

The bending moment at section XX is given by

=𝑃 𝑃 318198
+551543.2 1 Mark

= 869741.2 N-mm

( ) 1 Mark

The direct tensile stress due to horizontal component 𝑃 is given by

Step III Calculation of dimensions of cross section

The resultant tensile stress

1 Mark
by trial and error method thickness = 28.4 mm = 30 mm
depth b= 2t = 60 mm……………………..Ans. 1 Mark

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No. Q.
Que.6 Attempt any TWO of the following 12 Marks

a) Diameter of wire = d= 10 mm , number of turns = N= 10, D = 120 mm,

Axial Load P = 200 N, G = 80000 N/mm2 1 Mark

i) Shear stress ( ) induced in spring neglecting effect of stress


( ) ∴ ( ) 1.5Mark

ii) Deflection ( ) in the spring


= = = 34.56 mm

iii) Stiffness (k) of the spring

= = = 5.8 N/mm

iv) Strain energy stored (U) in the spring

= = = 3456 N-mm = 3.456 N-m

b) i) Stiffness / Spring rate 1.5

The stiffness of the spring (k) is defined as the force required to produce unit Mark
deflection. Therefore

where, 1.5
k = stiffness of the spring (N/mm)
P = axial spring force (N)
= axial deflection of the spring corresponding to the force P (mm)

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No. Q.
ii) Ans: Figure shows the weld arrangement

Given: P = 90 KN, permissible shear stress τ = 60 N/mm2,

size of the weld= plate thickness h= 10 mm 1Mark

Length of the weld ( l ) ,

Maximum load (P) that double parallel fillet weld can carry, is given by

P = 1.414 h.l.τ.

90×103= 1.414 ×10×l×60


Adding 12.5 mm of length for starting and stopping of the weld run, the length of the
weld is given by,
……………………………………………….Ans 1Mark


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No. Q.
Given: FB = 500 mm, FA= 150 mm, Load W= 5000 N

i) Effort applied P:

Take moments about fulcrum F, we have

W×500 = P ×150

And reaction at fulcrum pin F is given by 1Mark

√ √
ii) Design of fulcrum pin:

let d = diameter of fulcrum pin, l = length of the fulcrum pin and

let length of pin l=1.25 d
Considering bearing pressure at fulcrum pin

Checking fulcrum pin for shear failure,


Since shear stress is induced in fulcrum pin is less than given value 60 MPa, hence
fulcrum pin is safe in shear.
A brass bush of 3 mm thickness is pressed into boss of fulcrum as a bearing.

Diameter of hole in the lever = d + 2

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No. Q.
ii) Dimensions of lever:

Considering weakest section of failure at Y-Y

Let t = thickness of lever
b = width depth of lever at YY
and b= 3t
Maximum Bending Moment at Y-Y

2 Marks

Therefore depth of cross section b= 3 t =28

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4 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.
15 minutes extra for each hour

Instructions : (1) All Questions are compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket Calculator is permissible.
(7) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic Communication
devices are not permissible in Examination Hall.
(8) Use of steam tables, logarithmic, Mollier’s chart is permitted.


1. Attempt any FIVE of the following : 10

(a) Define Machine Design.

(b) State materials used for helical spring.

(c) List applications of cotter joint.

(d) State functions of key.

(e) Write applications of power screw.

(f) Define :

(i) Spring index

(ii) Spring stiffness

(g) Classify bearing.

[1 of 4] P.T.O.
22564 [2 of 4]
2. Attempt any THREE of the following : 12
(a) Explain steps involved in general design procedure.
(b) Draw neat sketch of knuckle joint & state its strength equation (any four).
(c) Prove that for a square key crushing stress is twice of shearing stress.
(d) State the strength equations of double parallel fillet weld and single transverse
fillet weld with neat sketches.

3. Attempt any THREE of the following : 12

(a) Sketch S-N curve & explain the term endurance limit.
(b) Two steel plates 10 cm wide & 1.25 cm thick are to be connected together by
double transverse fillet weld. For static & dynamic loading, take stress
concentration factor 1.5 and tensile stress as 7000 N/cm2. find the length of
(c) The spring of spring balance elongates by 150 mm, when subjected to load of
400 N. The spring index is 6. Take permissible shear stress for the spring
material as 540 N/mm2. Consider the effect of direct shear & wire curvature.
Take G = 8.4  104 N/mm2.
(d) State the following material specifications :
(i) FeF230
(ii) FG200
(iii) 35C8
(iv) 10C8510
(e) Write strength equations for design of screw spindle of toggle jack.

4. Attempt any TWO of the following : 12

(a) Define stress concentration. List any four methods to reduce it with neat
(b) Draw a neat sketch of turn buckle. Explain its design procedure.
(c) A shaft is required to transmit 1 MW power at 240 rpm. The shaft must not
twist more than 1 on a length of one metre. If the modulus of rigidity for the
material of the shaft is 80 kN/mm2, find diameter of shaft and shear stress
induced in it.
22564 [3 of 4]
5. Attempt any TWO of the following : 12
(a) Sketch protective type flange coupling & explain its design procedure.
(b) A vertical 2-start square threaded screw of 120 mm mean diameter and 24 mm
pitch, supports a vertical load of 20 kN. The axial thrust in screw is taken by
collar bearing of 300 mm outside and 150 mm inside diameter. Find the force
required at the end of the lever, which is 400 mm long in order to lift and
lower the load – coefficient of friction for screw & nut is 0.18 and for collar
bearing is 0.25.
(c) Write down the procedure for selection of bearing from manufacture’s
catalogue with suitable example.

6. Attempt any TWO of the following : 12

(a) (i) Explain with neat sketch bolt of uniform strength.
(ii) A cylinder head of steam engine is held in position by M20 bolts. The
effective diameter of cylinder is 350 mm and steam pressure is 0.75
N/mm2. If the bolts are not initially stressed, find the number of bolts
required. Take working stress for the bolt material 20 N/mm2.
(b) Design a closed coil helical spring for a service load ranging from 2207 N to
2698 N. The axial deflection of spring is 6 mm. Assume spring index as 5.
The permissible shear stress is 420 N/mm2 Modulus of rigidity 84  103
N/mm2. Neglect effect of stress concentration.
(c) Compare the weight, strength and stiffness of a hollow shaft of same external
diameter as that of solid shaft. The inside diameter of the hollow shaft is half
the external diameter. Both the shafts have the same material and length.

22564 [4 of 4]
4 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.

Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket
Calculator is permissible.
(7) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.
(8) Use of steam tables, logarithmic, Mollier’s chart is

1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) Explain term ‘Endurance Limit’.
b) State the significance of Wahl’s correction factor in Design
of spring.
c) List any four applications of Foot lever.
d) Classify Keys.
e) Draw Acme and V thread profile.
f) List different materials used for making springs.
g) Name any two bearing manufacturers.

22564 [2]
2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Explain in brief the general design procedure.
b) Explain design procedure of muff coupling.
c) Design an offset link for a load of 1000 N. Maximum
permissible stress in tension for link material is 60 N/mm2.
Assume b = 3t for rectangular cross section of the link.
Refer Fig. No. 1.

Fig. No. 1.

d) A bracket as shown in Fig. No. 2 is fixed to a vertical steel

column by means of four standard bolts. Determine the
diameter of the fixing bolts. Assume safe working stress of
70 MPa in tension and 50 MPa in shear.

Fig. No. 2.
22564 [3]
3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) State the meaning of following colour codes used in Aesthetic
considerations while designing a product
i) Red
ii) Green
iii) Orange
iv) Blue
b) Explain the term Self locking and overhauling of Screw.
c) Explain construction of leaf spring and state its applications.
d) Explain the term ‘Stress Concentration’. State its causes and
remedies with suitable example.
e) Write strength equations for designing symmetrically loaded
parallel and transverse weld with neat sketch.

4. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) State the necessity of ‘Ergonomic’ considerations while
designing product. Explain any four ergonomic consideration
in the designing of machine element.
b) Design a Knuckle joint to withstand 150 kN, the design stress
are 75 MPa, 60 MPa and 150 MPa in tension, shear and
compression respectively.
c) A hollow shaft is to be designed to transmit 600 kW at
110 rpm. The maximum torque being 20% greater than the
mean. The shear stress is not to exceed 63 MPa and angle
of twist in a length of 3 mts not to exceed 1.4 degree.
Find external diameter of the shaft if the internal diameter
to external diameter is 3/8. Take modulus of rigidity 84 GPa.

22564 [4]
5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12
a) A belt pulley is fastened to a 90 mm diameter shaft running
at 300 r.p.m. by means of a key 20 mm wide and 140 mm
long. Allowable stress for the shaft and key material are
40 N/mm2 in shear and 100 N/mm2 in crushing. Find the
power transmitted and the depth of the key required.
b) A screw jack is used to lift a load of 50 kN through a
maximum lift of 200 mm. The material used for a screw is
steel of allowable stresses in tension and compression as
100 N/mm2 and 50 N/mm2 respectively. The pitch of screw
is 8 mm. The nut is made of phosphor bronze with allowable
stresses as 50 N/mm2 and 45 N/mm2 in tension and crushing.
The allowable shear stress for nut material is 40 N/mrn2. The
allowable bearing pressure between nut and screw is not to
exceed 20 N/mm2. If the coefficient of friction between screw
and nut is 0.14, design the screw and nut.
c) Explain the selection process of deep groove ball bearing for
given application with manufacturer’s catalogue with suitable

6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) A double start square thread of power screw has nominal
diameter 100 mm pitch 12 mm is to used to raise the load
of 300 kN. The coefficient of friction at screw thread is 0.25
Neglect collar friction calculate Torque required.
b) A helical spring is made from a wire of 8 mm diameter and
has outside diameter 90 mm; if the permissible shear stress
is 350 N/mm2 and modulus of rigidity 84 kN/mm2, find the
axial load which the spring can carry and the deflection per
active turn.
i) Neglecting the effect of curvature
ii) Considering the effect of curvature
c) Design “C” clamp frame for a total clamping force of 20 kN.
The cross-section of the frame is rectangular and width to
thickness ratio is 2. The distance between the load line and
natural axis of rectangular cross section is 120 mm and the
gap between two faces is 180 mm. The frame is made of
cast steel for which maximum permissible tensile stress is
100 N/mm2.
4 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.

Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(5) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket
Calculator is permissible.
(6) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.


1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) Identify the material and it's composition.
i) X10 Cr18 Ni9 Mo4 Si2
ii) XT 72 W18 Cr4 V 1
b) Define the following terms of spring
i) Solid length
ii) Spring stiffness
c) List any four desirable properties of the shaft material.
d) Give the applications of turn buckle (any four).
e) Draw the symbolic representation of following types of weld.
i) Weld all around
ii) Single U-butt weld.
f) State the significance of "Wahl's factor."
g) State any four application of the rolling contact bearing.
22564 [2]
2. Attempt any THREE of the following. 12
a) Define Endurance limit and draw typical S.-N. curve for steel.
b) Design knuckle joint to transmit 150 KN. The design stresses
may be taken as 75 MPa in tension 60 MPa in shear and
150 MPa in compression
c) Compare Rigid and Flexible coupling on following points:
i) Alignment
ii) Shock and vibration
iii) Deflection
iv) Suitability
d) Find the length of the weld run for a plate of size 120 mm wide
and 15 mm thick to be welded by means of single transverse weld
and double parallel fillet weld when subjected to dynamic loading.
Take σ+ = 75 N/mm2 and τ = 60 N/mm2

3. Attempt any THREE of the following. 12

a) Write down the steps involved in a general design procedure in
any machine design.
b) A vertical two-start sq. threaded screw at 120 mm mean diameter
and 24 mm pitch supports a vertical load of 20 KN. The axial
thrust on the screw is taken by a collar bearing of 300 mm
outside dia. and 150 mm inside dia. Find the force required at the
end of the lever which is 400 mm long in order to lift and lower
the load. Co-efficient of friction for screw and nut is 0.18 and for
collar bearing is 0.25.
c) Note on following component with their application.
i) Leaf spring
ii) Helical compression spring
d) State four examples of ergonomics consideration in design of a
lathe machine.
e) Explain self locking and overhauling of screws.
22564 [3]
4. Attempt any TWO of the following. 12
a) What is stress concentration? Illustrate method of reducing stress
concentration with neat sketches.
b) Explain with the help of neat sketches three basic types of lever.
State one application of each type.
c) Determine the diameter of hollow shaft having inside diameter is
0.6 of outside diameter. The shaft is driven by 900 mm overhang
pulley. The weight of the pulley is 600 N. The overhung is 250
mm and tension in tight and slack side are 2900 N and 1000 N
respectively. Assume τs = 80 N/mm2

5. Attempt any TWO of the following. 12

a) Design a cast iron protective flang coupling to connect the
shaft in order to transmit 7.3 KW at 500 rpm.
i) Allowable shear stress for shaft, bolt and key = 42 N/mm2
ii) Allowable crushing stress for bolt and key = 82 N/mm2
iii) Allowable shear stress for C.I. flange = 8 N/mm2
b) A screw jack carries a load of 25 KN. If the co-efficient of
friction between screw and nut is 0.15. Design the screw
and nut. Neglect collar friction and column action.
Take σc = 42 N/mm2 and τ = 30 N/mm2 for screw and nut
and take τnut = 20 N/mm2. The permissible bearing pressure on the
nut is 14 N/mm2. (Use single start thread)
c) Discuss the procedure for selection of bearing from manufacturer's
catalogue with suitable example.

22564 [4]
6. Attempt any TWO of the following. 12
a) A bracket as shown in fig. (1) supports a load of 30 KN.
Determine the size of the bolt, if the maxm allowable tensile
stress in the bolt material is 60 MPa. The distances are
L1 = 80 mm, L2 = 250 mm and L3 = 500 mm.

Fig. No. 1

b) A helical valve spring is to be designed for an operating load

range of approximately 135 N. The deflection of the spring
for the load range is 7.5 mm. Assume the spring index is 10.
The permissible shear stress for the material of the
spring = 480 MPa and its modulus of rigidity = 80 KN/mm2.
Design the spring
4C - 1 + 0.615
Wahl's correction factor = 4C -4 C
Where C = Spring index.
22564 [5]
c) Explain following:
i) Effect of keyway on the strength of shaft.
ii) "Square key is equally strong in shearing and crushing" -

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