Form of Business Ownership
Form of Business Ownership
Form of Business Ownership
Form of Business Ownership
a) Sole Proprietorship
b) Partnership
c) Cooperative
d) Limited Company
Sole proprietorships
Need to register within 30 days starting from the date of starting business
The partners will bind the agreement through the partnership agreement.
Firm name
Names of all partners
Rights and responsibilities of partners
Type and place of business
Distribution of profit and loss
How to run a business
Sharing features
1. Limited partners
2. Sleeping partners
unlimited liability
not active in management
contribute capital only
3. Common partners
unlimited liability
entitled to manage business
4. Active partners
unlimited liability
active in management
paid salary
5. Nominal partners
unlimited liability
just use the name
Responsibilities of partners
3 Types of Sharing
Limited Company
2. Shareholders
shareholder rights:-
a) vote in the annual general meeting
b) give an opinion about the company's activities and finances
c) question the company's policy
d) vote/accept/reject other ALP proposals
e) vote to appoint ALP
Advantage Deficiencies
Big capital Limited share offer-max 50 people
Limited liability High tax burden-company tax
Company affairs are confidential Shares cannot be transferred at will
If someone buys shares in large quantities, the original shareholders bear the
risk of losing control of the company.
Advantage Deficiencies
Greater capital The company body process is complicated
The economy of large-scale enterprises High tax burden-company tax
Limited liability Separate owner and management
Eternal existence There is no secrecy
(a) School cooperative whose members are students and school staff
(b) Fisherman's cooperative whose members are fishermen
(c) Farmer's cooperative whose members are farmers
Characteristics of Cooperatives
Limited liability
1. Number of members
2. Member rights
Receive dividends