Biomaterials, Suturing, and Hemostasis
Biomaterials, Suturing, and Hemostasis
Biomaterials, Suturing, and Hemostasis
Suture plays an important role in wound repair by providing The flexibility of a suture is determined by its torsional stiffness
hemostasis and support for healing tissue. Tissues have different and diameter, which influence its handling and use. Flexible
requirements for suture support, depending on the type of tissue sutures are indicated for ligating vessels or performing continuous
and anticipated duration of healing. Some tissues need support suture patterns. Less flexible sutures (e.g., wire) cannot be used
for only a few days (e.g., muscle, subcutaneous tissue, skin), to ligate small bleeders. Nylon and surgical gut are relatively stiff
whereas others require weeks (fascia) or months (tendon) to compared with silk suture; braided polyester sutures have
heal. Individual patient variation further affects suture choice. intermediate stiffness.
Healing of wounds may be delayed by infection, obesity, malnutri-
tion, neoplasia, drugs (e.g., steroids), and collagen disorders. In Surface Characteristics and Coating
rapidly healing tissue, a suture that will lose its tensile strength The surface characteristics of a suture influence the ease with
at a similar rate that the tissue gains strength, and that will which it is pulled through tissue (i.e., the amount of friction or
be absorbed by the tissue so that no foreign material remains “drag”) and the amount of trauma caused. Rough sutures
in the wound, is ideal. Minimally invasive surgical techniques cause more injury than smooth sutures. Smooth surfaces are
(see Chapter 14) put additional demands on the performance particularly important in delicate tissues, such as the eye. However,
of surgical sutures. Not only must good knot security be sutures with smooth surfaces also require greater tension to
maintained, but also the surface lubricant must ensure ease of ensure good apposition of tissues, and have less knot security.
manipulation, minimal tissue drag, and good biocompatibility Braided materials have more drag than monofilament sutures.
with minimal inflammatory responses. Subjective preferences, Braided materials are often coated to reduce capillarity (see
such as familiarity with the material and availability, need later discussion), but this also provides a smooth surface. Teflon,
also be taken into consideration when choosing a suture silicone, wax, paraffin-wax, and calcium stearate are used for
material. coating sutures.
Suture Characteristics Capillarity
The ideal suture is easy to handle, reacts minimally in tissue, Capillarity is the process by which fluid and bacteria are carried
inhibits bacterial growth, holds securely when knotted, resists into the interstices of multifilament fibers. Because neutrophils
shrinking in tissue, absorbs with minimal reaction after the tissue and macrophages are too large to enter the interstices of the
has healed, and is noncapillary, nonallergenic, noncarcinogenic, fiber, infection may persist, particularly in nonabsorbable sutures.
and nonferromagnetic; however, such a material does not exist. All braided materials (e.g., polyglycolic acid, silk) have degrees
Therefore surgeons must choose a suture that most closely of capillarity, whereas monofilament sutures are considered
approximates the ideal for a given procedure and tissue to be noncapillary. Coating reduces the capillarity of some sutures,
sutured. A wide variety of suture and needle combinations are but regardless, capillary suture materials should not be used in
available. contaminated or infected sites.
Suture Size Knot Tensile Strength
The smallest diameter suture that will adequately secure wounded Knot tensile strength is measured by the force in pounds that
tissue should be used to minimize trauma as the suture is the suture strand can withstand before it breaks when knotted
passed through the tissue, and to reduce the amount of foreign (Box 8.1). Sutures should be as strong as the normal tissue through
material left in the wound. There is no advantage to using a which they are being placed; however, the tensile strength of the
suture that is stronger than the tissue to be sutured. The most suture should not greatly exceed the tensile strength of the tissue.
commonly used standard for suture size is the United States
Pharmacopeia (USP), which denotes dimensions from fine to Relative Knot Security
coarse (with diameters in inches) according to a numeric scale, Relative knot security is the holding capacity of a suture expressed
with 12-0 being the smallest and 7 the largest. The USP as a percentage of its tensile strength. The knot-holding capacity
uses different standards for surgical gut and other materials of a suture material is the strength required to untie or break a
Copyright 2019. Mosby.
(Table 8.1). The smaller the suture size, the less tensile strength defined knot by loading the part of the suture that forms the
it has. Stainless steel wire is sized according to the metric or USP loop; the suture material’s tensile strength is the strength required
scale or by the Brown and Sharpe (B and S) wire gauge (see to break an untied fiber with a force applied in the direction of
Table 8.1). its length (see Box 8.1).
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CHAPTER 8 Biomaterials, Suturing, and Hemostasis 60.e1
When choosing a suture material, the surgeon must be knowledge- knot security
able about the healing properties of the particular tissue, the tensile strength
wound healing capability of the patient, and the characteristics absorbable
of suitable suture materials (particularly tissue reactivity, tensile nonabsorbable
strength, knot security, and rate of absorption). The type of monofilament
suture to be used depends on the procedure being performed multifilament
and the tissue in which it will be placed. The suture material interrupted
chosen must retain its strength until the wound heals sufficiently. continuous
Other methods for hemostasis and tissue apposition include, cyanoacrylate
but are not limited to, energy-based devices and tissue adhesives energy-based hemostasis
(e.g., cyanoacrylates).
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CHAPTER 8 Biomaterials, Suturing, and Hemostasis 61
Specific Suturing Materials From Lai SY, Becker DG. Sutures and needles, e-medicine. Topic. 2004;38.
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62 PART ONE General Surgical Principles
Absorbable Non-
Monofilament absorbable materials. Polydioxanone (PDS comprised of glycolide and lactide. This suture is indicated for
II) and polyglyconate (Maxon) are classic monofilament sutures use in soft tissue approximation of the skin and mucosa, when
that retain their tensile strength longer than multifilament sutures, only 7 to 10 days of wound support is required, as it retains the
with complete absorption occurring in 6 months. Poliglecaprone majority of its tensile strength until approximately 5 days.
25 (Monocryl) and Glycomer 631 (Biosyn) are monofilament Complete absorption of Velosorb takes 40 to 50 days.
rapidly absorbable synthetic materials that are pliable, lack stiffness,
and have good handling characteristics. These sutures have good Nonabsorbable Suture Materials
initial tensile strength that deteriorates in 2 to 3 weeks following Organic nonabsorbable materials. Silk is the most common
implantation, and are completely absorbed by 120 days. organic nonabsorbable suture material used. It is a braided
Polyglytone 6211 (Caprosyn) is a relatively new, rapidly multifilament suture made by a special type of silkworm, and
absorbable monofilament suture. It is a synthetic polyester of is marketed as uncoated or coated. Silk has excellent handling
glycolide, caprolactone, trimethylene carbonate, and lactide. characteristics and is often used in cardiovascular procedures;
Absorption of this material is essentially complete in 56 days, however, it does not maintain significant tensile strength after
which is thought to lead to less wound complications and tissue 6 months and is therefore contraindicated for use in vascular
reactions. This suture retains up to 30% knot strength at 10 days grafts. It should also be avoided in contaminated sites; one silk
postimplantation and has excellent handling characteristics; suture may reduce the number of bacteria required to induce
however, its rapid absorption also limits its application. infection in a wound from 106 to 103.
Multifilament absorbable materials. Polyglycolic acid (Dexon) Synthetic nonabsorbable materials. Synthetic nonabsorbable
is braided from filaments extracted from glycolic acid and is available suture materials (see Table 8.2) are marketed as braided multifila-
in both coated and uncoated forms. Polyglactin 910 (Vicryl) is a ment threads (e.g., polyester or coated caprolactam) or monofila-
multifilament suture made of a copolymer of lactide and glycolide ment threads (e.g., polypropylene, polyamide, or polybutester).
with polyglactin 370. It is coated with calcium stearate, and its rate These sutures are typically strong and induce minimal tissue
of loss of tensile strength is similar to that of polyglycolic acid. reaction. Nonabsorbable suture materials with an inner core
Vicryl Rapide is a rapidly absorbed, synthetic braided suture that and an outer sheath (e.g., Supramid) should not be buried in
has an initial strength that is comparable to nylon and gut. However, tissue because it may predispose to infection and fistulation.
the tensile strength declines to 50% in 5 to 6 days, and it is completely The outer sheath frequently is broken, which allows bacteria to
absorbed in 42 days. This suture is indicated for superficial closure reside underneath it.
of mucosa, gingival closure, and periocular skin closure.
Polysorb sutures are composed of Lactomer glycolide/lactide
copolymer, which is a synthetic polyester composed of glycolide
and lactide (derived from glycolic and lactic acids). Polysorb NOTE Nylon cable ties are not recommended to be implanted in
the body (e.g., used to ligate ovarian pedicles), as toxic substances
maintains 80% of its tensile strength at 2 weeks and 30% at 3 are released during degradation, and may result in abscess or tumor
weeks, with absorption ranging from 56 to 70 days. Velosorb formation.
Fast sutures are composed of absorbable synthetic polyester
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CHAPTER 8 Biomaterials, Suturing, and Hemostasis 63
Metallic sutures. Stainless steel is the metallic suture most standard for judging knot security and tissue reaction to suture
commonly used and is available as a monofilament or multifila- materials.
ment twisted wire. Surgical steel is strong and inert with minimal Antimicrobial-coated sutures. Triclosan-impregnated suture
tissue reaction, but knot ends evoke an inflammatory reaction. is available in certain monofilament (PDS Plus, Monocryl Plus)
Stainless steel has a tendency to cut tissue and may fragment and multifilament (Vicryl Plus) absorbable sutures. These sutures
and migrate. It is stable in contaminated wounds and is the create an in vitro zone of inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus,
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64 PART ONE General Surgical Principles
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CHAPTER 8 Biomaterials, Suturing, and Hemostasis 65
Closed Straight
Swaged 1/4 5/8
body 3/8
FIG. 8.3 (A) Basic components of a needle. (B) Types of eyed needles. (C) Shapes and sizes of
needle bodies. (D) Detail of needle points.
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66 PART ONE General Surgical Principles
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