Free Man

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Chapter 1: The residence of true freedom……………………4
Chapter 2: From freedom to slavery……………………………7
 From slavery to freedom
Chapter 3: In pursuit for freedom………………………………..11
Chapter 4: how we were reconciled back to Christ…………14
Chapter 5: the bath of God………………………………………….22
Allow me to acknowledge my father and mother, Neddy
Shipopa and Maybe Moonga for their wonderful and great love
they have shown from the time I was born till this day. I don’t
take it lightly. I would like also to acknowledge my father in the
lord Prophet Prince Kazeze for his profound teaching he has
been giving me from the day we met till today.
Chapter 1
Freedom has a place in us. Whether we are ignorant of this fact
or not. Let me tell you a story;
There was once a certain woman who was so cruel and bitter.
With such aggressiveness the woman was jailed for committing
murder. She had ended her cruelty on her husband and the
only voice that came to her was jail.
While she was in prison for six months, they recognized that she
was pregnant. She gave birth while still in that location. And
when her male child had attained the age of 12, he wasn’t
familiar with the place. The environment felt as unfavorable to
him as the grave. He would hear tidings that there were people
that where out of prison living freely without being punished.
The young boy was now in pursuit for wisdom. There was an
old man in that place that would always sit and think explicitly
with great enthusiasm.
The boy approached the man and asked him a question that
was filled with desperation saying;
“What am I doing here?” he later added another question with
grief “What does it mean to be free and where does freedom
come from?”
The man smiled as he would hit his chest with his hand as he
continued smiling at the boy.
The boy went away thinking in his mind so conclusively that the
old man was mad with his wisdom. But because of the
unanswered questions that still were unattended by the man, the
boy chose to continue his pursuit of enlightenment.
As he went to the man for the second time, the man made a
profound statement that shock the boy’s thinking patterns. The
man said;
“When I was hitting my chest, I was making one thing clear to
you that you were not aware of; which is the source of true
freedom. True freedom comes from the heart.”
The statement kept on coming back to the boy with great
intense to be understood but made more sense to him as he
kept on thinking.
True freedom isn’t found anywhere else but in the heart. The
message was; can you find freedom while still in bondage?
There are people here on earth that are not in prison but they
are battling a hard bondage that the one in prison isn’t aware of.
This is proof that there are many ways bondage can be set on
people. Demons have kept many in bondage; defilement cases,
witchcraft, pornography, masturbation, terrorism, racism and
injustice. Is there hope we can attain freedom? How did i get
into bondage and what can I do to be free?
One major force that has made many suffer much affliction in
bondage is ignorance.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because thou
hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be
no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I
will also forget thy children”-Hosea 4:6
Knowledge is the key to freedom. But the greatest question you
should ask is “what knowledge?”
There is only one kind of knowledge that is trustworthy, which
is the knowledge of truth or true knowledge from God. Because
each time we say knowledge, there is knowledge that enslaves,
which the devil gives.
The other force that enslaves is sin. The Hebrew word for sin is
“harmatema” which means to miss the mark.
“The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life
through Christ Jesus our lord”-Romans 6:23
I bring good news to you, that we have free spirit called Christ
Jesus that washed sin. I assure you that Jesus has to be allowed
in your heart for freedom to be accomplished and if you are
born again but yet still sinning, it’s high time you continue
walking in him because he cleans sin.
Chapter 2
In the bible, the first time we come across freedom is when
Adam is given authority to be fruitful and multiply and replenish
the earth and subdue it. (Genesis 1:28). But before that there
was a self-made slave and the first to become a slave called the
“thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee
so; thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked
up and down in the midist of stones of fire, thou wast perfect in
thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was
found in thee.”(Ezekiel 28:14)
The devil, in the book of Ezekiel seems to have had a nice
biographical introduction until the last part of it became sour.
From freedom the devil rebelled against God. And that become
his eternal bondage as an evil spirit.
“…I beheld Satan as lighting fall from heaven” (Luke 10:18)
The man Adam was created to look after the garden that was
eastward of Eden. And because of the devil’s subtlety, the man
fell and all his freedom to live a happy and immortal was
diminished. Sickness and chaos began and life felt miserable for
Adam and Eve. Left a word
Many are born again, but still suffer addictions, pain,
heartbreaks, attacks and afflictions. Does that mean they were
not fully born again?
This question will be answered in this book.


Egypt, goodbye!
In a dramatic event called the exodus, the Israelites who had
been enslaved for over 400 years, had not only found a glimmer
of hope to their freedom but had encountered freedom they
had been crying for to the lord. They had been subjected to
work under brutal treatment. God heard their cries and sent
Moses to lead them out of slavery. After a series of plaques and
miracles that the lord wrought through his servant Moses-
pharaoh had no option, only that to let the Israelites go.
We are free!
As the children of Israel had been led by Moses from the land
of Egypt, they came near the red sea as the waters stood as if
echoing a sound of “trouble” and pharaohs call of from afar to
“re-enslave them” as Moses raised his staff on high, God’s
power was seen dividing the water. The Israelites passed
through the same pathway to the other shore and then the
waters closed, with a might sweep engulfing chariots of
pharaoh’s army, in a watery deep. Pharaoh’s army was lost in
tide as the Israelites escaped, with God as their guide and Moses
as their leader.
What a great and miraculous day that was to them as they
encountered God’s strength and mighty. The deliverance of the
children of Israel was enough evidence of God’s desire for man
to always be free from anything that limits him.
As Moshe Dayan said;
“Freedom is the oxygen of the soul”
Despite being independent from pharaoh’s cruelty, the children
of Israel protested to return (exodus 16:3)
One question you are asking right now is; what was wrong with
these people? Had they lost it?
Many people think deliverance and freedom are the same thing.
They aren’t the same. Though both are related, they are distinct
concepts and understanding them would offer great help to
Refers to the state of being free from oppression, restrictions
and external constraints. It is the ability to make choices, act
upon them and live life without undue interference.
Refers to the act of being set free from the oppressor. While
freedom is being set free from oppression. Imaging running
towards an egg that is rolling on a table almost about to hit the
ground and break and there you are saving it with your hands.
The running and jumping to hold it is called deliverance but the
state of the egg in your hands is called freedom.
You can be delivered but still remain unfree. You lost me right
there. Let’s look at this experiment.
The elephant and the rope experiment
The procedure to this experiment is short and yet profound.
The elephant when tied to a rope and a chair, it perceives that
as slavery and moves over a short range. As the rope is
shortened the movement of the elephant reduces, until the rope
is removed that the elephant moves with freedom.
Deliverance was certain but the elephant’s mental enslavement
limited it from the freedom it had. Therefore despite being
delivered the elephant was not free. This is how humans are,
they can experience deliverance and they conclude it is
Notice that, freedom begins in the mind. Though the Israelites
had been delivered from Egypt, they still had a slave mentality.
A slave mentality; is a mentality that blinds you from ever being
aware that you are in bondage. “Smoking is okay” “fornication is
okay” “masturbation is healthy” this all blinds the enslaved. It
blinds your consciousness.
This is what the Israelites would often say to Moses;
“….we wished the lord had killed us in Egypt, there we could at
least sit down and eat meat and as much as other food as we
wanted.” (Exodus 16:3, good news bible)
The will of God is that we are not afflicted in any way. God’s
plans for his people is prosperity in all areas of their lives and
when his plans and will is not known, foolishness reigns. The
major problem with the Israelites was not knowing how
powerful they were in God’s eyes. All they were aware of was
the food they left in Egypt under torture. What a slave
Chapter 3
From the fall of Adam, it has been human nature to run after
freedom. Countries fought for independence, and slave trade
was at its optimal.
The coming of Christ brought freedom. This is what Jesus said;
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you
free.”- John 8:32
Acquisition of the truth won’t make you free. It is knowing the
truth that makes one free. The knowledge of the truth is the
guarantee to freedom. But what is the truth?
This is the major question among many. But Jesus made
himself clear by saying;
“I am the way the truth, and the life….john 14:6
This is the only scripture that has the words of Jesus as the truth.
But who is Jesus?
The answer to this lies in the chapter of the book of john;
“In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and
the word was God”-John 1:1
The book of revelations backs it up in this manner;
“And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his
name is called the word of God”- revelation 19:13.
The knowledge of the truth is the only escape to freedom. To
neglect the truth is to ignore freedom.
“Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have
no knowledge….”-Isaiah 5:13
Friends, you can use the word of God to come out of any
bondage of your life. The key isn’t in having the word of God in
your house. It is in knowing what is inside of it.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because thou
hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be
no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I
will also forget thy children”-Hosea 4:6
The level of depth in God will determine the level of freedom
you will attain. The true test of freedom is knowledge.
When you have the Holy Spirit, you have the spirit of truth.
“Howbeit when he, the spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you
into all truth….”- John 16:13.
So stop wasting time. Invest in the knowledge of the truth. You
are the healer of your children. Your generation depends
heavily on you and your gift.
Knowledge is the only power to break anything that has been
holding you back. It’s in knowledge that great beings here on
earth are born.
Chapter 4

Jesus our lord and savior reconciled us back to God by his

powerful blood. His blood purchased us back to our father. His
blood spoke on our behalf, and guess what? It is still speaking.
Hebrews 12:24-“And Jesus the mediator of the new covenant,
and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than
that of Abel.”

When Jesus was crucified on the cross, not only did he die for
our sins but we died with him on the cross. You might say, “But
how? I wasn’t there that time.”
Well you are not far from the truth, as long as this blood you
have had been made pure by him, then it is what it should be
like; you were purified with him.
2 Corinthians 5:14-“For the love of Christ constraineth us;
because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all
Jesus while still on the earth accomplished two fold-works
which are;
1. Saved us from the penalty of sin.
2. Saved us from the power of sin.
Sin does not come from the outside it is within us; hence it is
fatal to us.
Temptations comes from the outside but sin dwells from the
inner chamber, if it was from the outside then it wouldn’t have
power over us.


 The old man is the sinful nature from our father Adam.
1 john 1:7-“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we
have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ
his son cleanseth us from all sin.”
The bible doesn’t say that the old man needs to be cleansed;
no, it says, “The blood of Christ his son cleanseth us from all
sin.” Not “the blood cleanseth the old man.”
When Jesus died it wasn’t a failure as some men speak thereof
but a substitution of the old man by Jesus. He took the place
that the old man had in us.
But to do this the old man had to be crucified with our savior.
Romans 6:6-“Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with
him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth
we should not serve sin.”
It is the old man that gave power to sin and this is the reason
Jesus is dying on the cross with the body of sin so that it would
not give power to sin.
The reason why people are struggling with sin is that they think
they can crucify the old man on themselves, well it doesn’t work
like that, you accept Jesus as your lord and personal savior and
then the old man dies.
Romans 6:11-“Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead
indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through jesus Christ our
If we begin to feel whether the old man is dead or not then it
will rule over us. It isn’t a matter of “feeling” or “touching” but
reckoning. The old man is crucified by reckoning not by
What then is to reckon?
To reckon is to exercise faith. This isn’t just thinking that the
old man is dead; no, it simply means to perform a substitution
between Christ and the old man.
If Jesus suffered then the old man also suffered
If Jesus was nailed on the cross then the old man was also
If Jesus died then the old man also had died
If Jesus was buried the old man too had been buried.
This is what Paul calls reckoning. Being unconscious of sin.

1 john 3:9-“Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin;

for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is
born of God.”
When you are born again, the seed of God is in your inside
that you cannot sin. What then is this seed?
Luke 8:11-“Now the parable is this; the seed is the word of
Okay the seed is the word of God, what is the word of God?
John 1:14-“And the word was made flesh…………”
The word in the above verse was talking about Jesus, most of us
know that fact. So Jesus is the word which is the seed of God in
us. This means accepting Christ in your life is planting a seed
that makes you not to sin because he stands for you.
If you sin as you would call it, to God its nothing because of
Christ. Why is it nothing?
1 john 2:1-“My little children, these things write I unto you, that
ye sin not, and if any man sin, we have an advocate with the
father, jesus Christ the righteous.”
Ahh! This means Jesus speaks for us?
Notice that this verse starts with, my little children. When this
part is always mentioned in the book by john; it referring to
those who were from receiving Christ as their lord and personal
1 peter 1:23-“Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of
incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for
The old man is corruptible but if you are born again, Jesus is
your incorruptible seed in you.
Then what will happen?
“Which liveth and abideth forever.” Not for few days; forever,
not for 100 years; forever, not for a millennium; forever. Wow
thank you Jesus.
You are the righteousness of God
2 corinthians 5:21 says, “For he hath made him to be sin for us,
who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of
God in him.”
Imagine God performing what may be called a nature-transplant.
He made Jesus to be sin for us, so that we could be made the
righteousness of God in him.
This is what made it possible for jesus to die a sinner’s death in
your place. The result is that you can now stand before God
without any sense of guilt, fear or sense of inferiority (Hebrews
10:19, Romans 5:1)
How can you say am righteous, if I sin daily?
The problem with you is that you carry this thought of “no is and
cant be righteous” which isnt true.
But you might hastly quote this verse to me which say;
“As it is written, there is none righteous,no not one.” (Romans
The problem with you again is that you don’t understand the
pretext and the context of what you are quoting to me. To make
the matters worse, that’s the only verse you might give me.
The verse before that say;
“……for we have before proved both jews and gentiles, that they
are under sin.” Verse 9
He wasn’t talking to us in that verse but to them that were under
the law.
Let me ask you a question, “if you know you can not live, why
are you breathing? If you know you can not be rich why are you
doing business or perhaps if you know you cant pass at school
why are you there?
The fact that you are looking is the fact that you believe you can
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his
righteousness…….” (matthew 6:33)
If the verse says “seek” that means you can find. And what are
we seeking? The kingdom of God and righteousness. If you
have accepted christ as your savior, guess what? You have found
his the kingdom of God (Holy Spirit) and his righteousness.
Getting back to the question;
How can you say am righteous, if I sin daily?
1 john 2:1-“My little children, these things write I unto you, that
ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the
father, jesus christ the righteous.”
Notice that the verse says “with the father” not “to the father”
this means each time you sin, the father is advocating for your
sin. Not christ presenting our sins to the father. It says “with”
not “to”.
You are justified
What does it mean to be justified? It means to be declared not
guilty. As far as God is concerned you are not guilty of any
offence. The bible says, “therefore being justified by faith, we
have peace with God through our lord jesus christ” (romans
5:1). You have been justified
Jesus took the punishment for your sins when he died on the
cross, though he was not guilty of any sin (1 peter 2:22). God is
no longer holding yor sins against you.
The bible says “To wit, that God was in christ, reconciling the
world unto himself, not inputing their traspasses unto them; and
hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation” (2
Corinthians 5:19)
You are santified
Lets imagine for one moment that you fell into a ditch, you got
very dirty and someone came along and rescued you- that is,
“got you out of the ditch”. The next thing you’d have do is to get
yourself all cleaned up. In the other words, “get the ditch out of
you”, and that takes time and effort.
1 corinthians 6:11 says “…but ye are washed, but yea are
santified, but ye are justified in the name of the lord Jesus, and
by the spirit of our lord.”
Sanctification is in two phases: first, God gets you out of the
ditch, that means you are born again and immediately, the bible
declares you santified; set apart from the world unto God. Then
you must get the ditch out of you by subjecting your mind to a
cleansing (renewal) process through the word of God (Romans
The renewal of your mind is a continously process. Your mind
was trained to think in one way: to see things physically before
believing. Now, by renewing your mind, you allow your mind to
see things God’s way. You re-train your mind to see things from
God’s perspective. Then you’ll speak God’s words, God’s ways
and get the results that he gets from his word.
You are delivered
“Giving thanks unto the father, which hath made us meet to be
partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: who hath
delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us
into the kingdom of his dear son” ( Colossians 1:12-13)
From the moment you gave your life to christ, you became a
member of God’s kingdom. In other words no demon hatched
out of hell can harm you. You are free from any covenant you
ever entered into, knowingly or unknowingly. You are free from
bad habits, sin, sickness or disease that ever held you bound.
Why? Because you have been delivered from the power of
The bible says that God has delivered you out of the control and
dominion of darkness and has translated you into his kingdom.
You never have to be afraid again. God is your shepherd and
his eyes of protection will always be upon you (Psam 23:1).
Then bible says: “if the son therefore shall make you free, ye
shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). God has delivered you into
his kingdom, which is where you are now. It is where you
belong. You have arleady been delivered from the power of
Chapter 5
This topic sounds a little bit deep, as many are drawn to a point
of asking this intense question saying “if God took a bath, what
were the bathing agents he used?”
Some may even go to extremes asking, “Did angels had pour
water in a big bucket for God to bath?”
The bath of God, in this book carries a divine meaning and not
a literal and limited meaning.
God was in his radius and circumference, surrounded by light
before creation. Everything was made by him and nothing that
you see here on earth came from anywhere else but him. He is
the author and finisher of everything. Look right and left, up
and down, above and under, in and out of everything and tell
me what never came from him. Definitely, everything came
from him.
The greatest question we have in today’s generation is; if the
earth was once in God, how can a physical thing live in a
spiritual world called God? Was the physical, in a spiritual form
before it became physical?
The bath of God was the emptying of God’s creation out of
himself in correction to time. When time was into play, creation
was solid and standing. But before time, God was in
Each time man links time with God, the concept of the
Godhead becomes more and more complicated to grasp and
comprehend the power of God. Atheists often ask this questions
“What was God doing before creation?”
This question implies man’s limitation in having a
comprehensive knowledge about the nature of the Godhead
before creation. As you transcend in the past, having questions
of what used to happen before creation, will result in an ending
pursuit of the answer to the question because billions and
quadrillions of time will pass without having the solution the
problem. You won’t get the slightest information of what God
used to do before creation with your mind. For you to tap into
the data bases of heaven in order to encode what our lord was
doing before creation, you have to be outside of time.
Apart from asking what God was doing in the beginning, atheists
often ask;
“Who created God?”
The reason such a question is asked by a mortal man, is all in
the reason of comparison. The atheist is trying to push a big
God in time, which is trying to push a tractor with one finger
that is not in motion. The God outside time happens to be
fused in time by that question. What atheist don’t consider is
that in eternity you are self-existent. The main reason we all
came from our parents is fundamentally because of time.
Genesis 1:1-“In the beginning God created the heaven and the
Notice that the bible doesn’t tell us what God used to make the
earth or water.
What was he doing before Genesis 1:1?
John 1:1-“In the beginning was the word, and the word was with
God, and the word was God.”
God was in his circumference, immeasurable, divine and great.
He was surrounded by light and that light was great. He was
aware of himself before the earth and that self-aware thought
was his ennonia. We find this word in;
Hebrews 4:12-“For the word of is quick, and powerful, and
sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing
asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is
the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
“And intents of the heart”, the word intent is the word
“ennonia”. a God thought of self-awareness. It is the ennonia
that makes you say, “God is in me”, it is an awareness of being.
When God was aware of himself as being a pure light without
corruption, he discovered that nothing was there to call him
God because he only had himself in three manifestation but the
same God.
His light was flowing out of himself as pure spring of water of
life. He looked at his image in the same light he produced and
saw his purity and this is his image;
Colossians 1:15-“Who is the image of the invisible God, the
firstborn of every creature.”
When light was coming out of God before everything stood, he
first saw his reflection in himself because Jesus is God and God
is Jesus. In other words God (Jesus) was a mirror of God.
I know you were not told about this but this is what I was told by
God needed to create spiritual being that would worship him.
But he needed to take off the visible character of himself at that
But before that he had to think, plan and devise creation before
it came into the physical.
He was invisible and everything he had created was invisible
because he was invisible. All that God had to do was to create
the things visible that would worship him.
All that before Genesis 1:1, God was imagining what he was to
create. He had already crucified Christ in his ennoia or his
divine thought which is also in us. This means you can know
what God was doing not by research but by the ennoia (God
thought of awareness).
He was the originator of imagination. In building there is
something called, “a building plan” The building plan is not the
house or building built but how the building or house will look
like after it has been built. The plan is the imaginative part of
building and not the building.
Before creation, God was imagining.
1. God
2. Incorruption
3. Truth
4. Eternity
5. Foreknowledge
Are what formed the five ford realm of his divinity or Godhead.


We are still on the question, when first did the almighty sow?. As
I was studying the book of john 3:16 I heard God coming as if
it were a man rushing to his Son who is about to fall into a ditch,
and as I could feel the force stoping my conclusive statement
that it was in john 3:16 when he had first sown. This is what he
said to me;
Everything that is on earth has certain traits and records of how I
created them and what I was doing before creating them.
Puzzled I was as I looked forward on how I could speak to
things on what he was doing before creation. He continued
Everything that happens during sexual intercoarse explains to
you how the begotten son came about and what was happening
in heaven before creation of heaven and earth.
Well I was yet again puzzled, then I realised that if sex is here
and was introduced by God then it should be for a purpose.
As I continued thinking he made his last statement saying;
Sexual intercourse was created to show people how successful I
had been and that it would help them replenish the
earth(Genesis 1:22).
I thought sex wasn’t mysterious enough to teach me what he
(God) was doing before creation. But when I remembered this
scripture I knew God is always great and powerful than power
from a hydro-station.
1 corinthian 3:19-‘‘For the wisdom of this world is foolishness
with God. For it is written, he taketh the wise in their own
Genesis 4:1-“And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived,
and bare cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.”
Please notice that when the prophet Moses was writing the book
of Genesis, he was using a dark speech knew to denote sexual
intercourse. But when the bible always says, lay with then that
was done in an immoral way.
1 Samuel 2:22-“Now Eli was very old, and heard all that his sons
did unto all israel; and how they lay with the women that
assembled at the door of the tabernacle of congregation.”
According to what God had spoken unto me, I concluded that
sex wasn’t mearnt for pleasure or funny but for replenishing and
always pointing us back to the fellowship of God.
What am about to show you is so deep that even angels may
appreciate a man who tells them their beginning. They have
been trying to know how they came about and here is how,
follow me.


Let me start it from this wise; if Jesus was begotten, how was it?
1 john 3:9-‘‘Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for
his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is
born of God.’’
For his seed, whose seed?
Notice that the seed in the verse is the seed of God and the word
seed in greek is “sperma” where you get the word sperm, so
literally it would have read as for the sperm of God remains in
him. What then is the sperm of God?
Luke 8:11-‘‘Now the parable is this: the seed is the word of
Let me summarise the parable; a sower went to sow seeds: and
some fell by the way and was trodden upon and the birds of the
air devoured it. Some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it sprung
up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture.and some fell
on thorns and the thorns sprung up with it.and others fell on
good grounds and sprung up and bare fruits an hundredfold.
The book of luke is saying the sperm(seed) of God is the word
of God. Then what is the word of God?
John 1:1-‘‘In the beginning was the word and the word was with
God and the word was God.’’
The word (jesus) was with God and the word (jesus) was God.
This means that jesus is the seed of God and is the same God.
When you see the word EL it means God, this is the reason why
most of the angels of God ends or starts with EL or EAL.
Micheal, gabriel,rapheal and uriel.
And the word aeon means a long period of time, a life and a
sphere. There are many aeons but the only aeon that doesn’t
end is called the God aeon or EL aeon. right now as you are
reading this book, you are in an aeon which ends and this is the
reason why people die.
When God was making time, ah you will say, What?
Genesis 1:1-‘‘In the beginning……’’
There was a time God was creating time and this is how he
formulated it; he extended eternity by his power to an extent
that time came in being in an aeon called aeon of man or
the reason why God doesn’t die is because of the EL aeon an
aeon lower but equal to eternity. In simple terms he was diluting
eternity until an aeon of man had been made.
If you where to add more water to a diluted drink, what you will
notice is that the sweetness of the drink will not be as sweet as
you desired.
God was in his circumference, great and a defination of divinity
was sustaining himself But he was not aware of himself and
when he had recognized himself by reason of his light that came
out of him, a thought had come into being, and this thought is
the Ennoia which means a self aware thought.
But he still had to be worshipped as he had not yet attained a
rulership title yet, because you are not a ruler if they is nothing
that you are rulling.
What he then did is to divide himself in three equal parts which
we now call the trinity. But how did he divide himself?
Simple,By his thoughts. He was creating and his word called
christ, so this means that jesus when coming out of God came
out with all creation. He pulled creation out of God and by this
he made. (I used the word pull for simplicity sake)
John 1:3-All things were made by him; and without him was not
anything made that was made.
Take not, the verse isn’t saying all things were created by him
but says all things were made by him. Making is formulating
and bring up something that has already existed but creation is
bringing something that has never existed.
In science, it has been proven that a man can not realise his
seeds (ejaculate) during intercourse if there nothing that excites
him sexually, its after the excitement that a man ejaculates.
Same aplied with God in heaven he had been motivated by the
creation he had formulated in his divine mind. Creation was
taking place in him not outside him, he was moving in himself
and having peace in everything he was making. It is this
excitement that enabled him to divide himself in three equal
parts called the trinity. I know you are lost right there but
Let me ask you a question; are you considered a father during
sexual intercourse?
Enphatically no!, because it is after the child is born when they
call you a father.
Psalms 110:1-The LORD said unto my lord, sit thou at my right
hand, unti I make thine enemies thy footstool.
This verse is showing us what had happened after christ came
out of God. How are you sure prophet that this was christ?
Matthew 22:41-“ while the pharisees were gathered
together,jesus asked them,saying, what think ye of christ?
Whose so is he? They say unto him, son of David. He saith
unto them, how then doth david in spirit call him lord saying,
the lord said unto my lord, sit thou on my right hand, till I make
thine enemies thy footstool? If David then call him Lord, how is
he his son? And no man was able to answer him a word, neither
durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions.”
Jesus in the verse above is saying that he and the father are one.
So God had no rulership or fatherhood title until he removed
christ out of him.
Let me say it in this way to ease tension your mind; he (God)
made himself a ruler by taking out something out of himself
(christ), not only was christ taken out of God but the heavens
and earth came out of him, this tells us that these by some
means limited him from becoming a ruler.
There is unity and communion in the circumference of the
Godhead, that for work to be done well he needs to divide
himself in three not because he cannot manage on himself but
as a message of how unified his kingdom is.
Physicality has for so long limited God. John 4:24- God is Spirit:
and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth.

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