Lessons 1-2-1
Lessons 1-2-1
Lessons 1-2-1
As your instructor, it is my responsibility to give you the necessary information you need to be successful in this course.
This includes providing you with a syllabus, complete with a calendar of due dates and assignments, and making sure
you have any other tools you will need throughout our time together. I am always available if you need assistance as
long as you communicate with me. Your expectations of me mirror my expectations of you. Please make sure you are
always respectful to your instructor (in any class) and your classmates by maintaining proper online decorum and
etiquette. If you do this, you will find that your behavior is reciprocated, and respect will be given to all at all times
throughout the term.
Our time together is extremely valuable. Both you and I have responsibilities and lives outside of this class. So it is
essential that you use class time productively. Our time together will also be used for building connections, having
open, honest discussions, and considerately questioning ideas. So creating and maintaining respect for each other is
The “A” paper meets the following standards in all areas and excels in one or more of them:
The paper proposes a complex main idea (thesis), displaying considerable depth of thought.
The pattern of organization is clear and consistent with the thesis and purpose.
Paragraphs are fully developed, with relevant and effective use of detail, explanations and transitions.
There is sustained variety of sentence style and structure.
The grammatical and punctuation errors are few.
There are few, if any, spelling errors.
The “B” (strong) paper meets the following standards in all areas:
As a whole, the paper proposes a thoughtful main idea, which, however, might be considered more predictable than
The pattern of organization is clear and consistent with the thesis and purpose.
With few exceptions, paragraphs are fully developed, with relevant and effective use of detail, explanations and
Sentences are clear, concise and correct, but do not demonstrate sophistication of style or structure.
Grammar, punctuation and spelling follow accepted conventions, with a few minor errors.
The “C” paper meets the following standards, with serious deficiency in one of the areas:
As a whole, the paper proposes an identifiable thesis, which, however, may be trivial, predictable, or too general, and
thus reflect shallowness of thought on the part of the writer.
A pattern of organization exists, but it is inconsistently or incompletely carried out.
Some paragraphs lack supporting detail or adequate explanations and contain sentences only loosely connected, lacking
Most sentences are grammatically correct, but are often excessively wordy or vague; structure and style are
There may be a few serious errors in grammar, punctuation, and occasional misspellings.
Grading system:
Class Standing 70%
Class Participation 20%
Presentations/Projects 30%
Written Outputs/Quizzes 20%
Major/Term Examinations 30%
TOTAL 100%
Have you imagined how the world would go without speech? If you will record your day-to-
day activities, which occupies much of your time? Are you aware that you are spending most
of your waking hours talking? Sometimes, you do not even realize its value.
For us, speech is well-worth careful study because we depend on it so heavily for
our communications with others. The development of human civilization owes it to a great
extent to man’s ability to share experiences, to exchange ideas, and to transmit knowledge from
one generation to another.
by E. Christian Buckner
I believe that of all human functions the gift of speech is the most miraculous.
I believe that, if speech were to stop, all civilized living would suddenly vanish.
I believe that the ability to articulate is essential to inner harmony, to emotional maturity, and to
mental balance. If all people could be completely articulate at all times, human relations might
improve to the point where there would be no more wars and no more jails, more stable homes
and more happy people.
I believe that speech is essential to the growth of the human personality and that it provides a way
for self-discovery and self-renewal. For many, it is a way of self-expression without brush or pen.
I believe that the act of speech is a total process, that when it reaches optimum effectiveness, the
whole man communicates. What one is, is always part of what one says.
I believe that there is no substitute for content in the speaking process. Material or intellectual
worth provides the essence of eloquence. Speech skills have their importance, but they no more
make speech than clothes make the man. The center of gravity in all speech communications is
thought and idea.
I believe that every student should develop a concern for truthful and responsible speech,
exhibiting sense –not non-sense, sincerity –not cleverness, forthrightness –not superficiality, and
should never be a party to plagiarized or dishonest work. I believe that speech has no absolutes,
that a completely perfect speech has not yet been made. I believe that speech offers a lifetime
challenge in which there is never a final summit of achievement beyond once cannot climb.
I believe that the individuality of the speaker is a valuable asset in the speaking process, and that
any person with normal intelligence, normal emotional balance, and normal speech mechanisms
has at his command the resources enabling him to make certain speeches that can be equalled by
no other person. Every student has the potential to speak superbly at some time.
Check your understanding of the inputs by answering the following questions.
1. Speech is a gift and is the most miraculous. Don’t you think so? Explain your view.
2. Do you believe the second paragraph? Support your answer.
3. How does the third paragraph affect you?
4. As presented in the reading selection, what is the value of speech?
5. What is meant by, “What one is, is always part of what one says.” Do you agree to this?
Support your stand.
6. What is eloquence? When is a speaker said to be eloquent?
7. Has there ever been a perfect speech? Why?
8. What is a speaker’s valuable asset according to the last paragraph?
4. Language is Systematic: Although language is symbolic, yet its symbols are arranged
in a particular system. All languages have their system of arrangements. Every
language is a system of systems. All languages have phonological and grammatical
systems, and within a system there are several sub-systems. For example, within the
grammatical system we have morphological and syntactic systems, and within these two
sub-systems we have systems such as those of plural, of mood, of aspect, of tense, etc.
5. Language is Vocal: Language is primarily made up of vocal sounds only produced by a
physiological articulatory mechanism in the human body. In the beginning, it appeared
as vocal sounds only. Writing came much later, as an intelligent attempt to represent
vocal sounds. Writing is only the graphic representation of the sounds of the language.
So the linguists say that speech is primary.
6. Language is Non-instinctive, Conventional: No language was created in a day out of
a mutually agreed upon formula by a group of humans. Language is the outcome of
evolution and convention. Each generation transmits this convention on to the next. Like
all human institutions languages also change and die, grow and expand. Every
language then is a convention in a community. It is non-instinctive because it is acquired
by human beings. Nobody gets a language in heritage; he acquires it because of his
innate ability.
7. Language is Productive and Creative : Language has creativity and productivity. The
structural elements of human language can be combined to produce new utterances,
which neither the speaker nor his hearers may ever have made or heard before any,
listener, yet which both sides understand without difficulty. Language changes according
to the needs of society.
8. Finally, language has other characteristics such as Duality referring to the two systems
of sound and meaning, Displacement which means the ability to talk across time and
space, Humanness which means that animals cannot acquire it, Universality which
refers to the equilibrium across humanity on linguistic
grounds, Competence and Performance which means that language is innate and
produced in society and furthermore, language is culturally transmitted. It is learnt by an
individual from his elders, and is transmitted from one generation to another. Thus
using J. Firth’s term, language is a ‘polysystematic’. It is also open to be studied from
multifaceted angles.
Speech is the communication or expression of thoughts in spoken words. It is the verbal
means of communicating or conveying meaning. More specifically, speech is the process
of shaping into words the sound of the voice and the energy of the breath by means of
speech organs. Thus, these terms are not identical but under the same process.
3. What is the role of language in communication? (5points)
4. What is meant by “We cannot not communicate”? Write your answer in the form of an
essay with a minimum of 200 words. (30points)
C. Metalinguistic Elements
This is the abstract element that takes place in the mind of the communicators – their
awareness of the component units of language – sound, words, phrases and
As to form, communication has five basic types:
1. Intrapersonal – the Latin prefix intra- means within or inside. Intrapersonal communication
then means talking to oneself. Some label it as self or inner talk, inner monologue, or inner
dialogue. Psychologists call it with other names such as self-verbalization or self-statement.
2. Interpersonal – the Latin prefix inter- means between, among, and together. An interactive
exchange takes place as interpersonal personal communication takes place. However, as it
occurs, a transaction does not necessarily take place since it can only be a simple interaction
such as greetings, getting to know a person, or ordinary conversations that happen between or
among people. It may be:
Dyadic – communication between two people. It may be face to face such as
ordinary conversations, dialogs, or interviews. Telephone conversation is also
Triadic – this communication is participated in by three people.
Small Group – here, more than three people communicate. This is the enlarged
type of communication usually done to solve problems. The committee, panel,
symposium, brainstorming, and small business meetings are good examples of
small group communication.
3. Public Communication – this involves communication between one and several other
people. This is the large group type of communication. A public speech is an example.
Primarily, it is a monologue one engages in rather than a dialog.
4. Mass Communication – this covers other forms of public communication. These are the
printed forms, radio, television, billboards, online resources, dramas, songs, digital and
conventional advertising, teleconferencing, telecommuting, and many others. The
tools/materials used are called mass media.
5. Organizational Communication – is communication in the organization. There are two
types of organizational structure:
(1) Formal and
(2) Informal
Formal structure allows communication to take place via designated channels of
message flow between positions in the organization. This may make use of four
approaches: (a) downward communication, (b) upward communication,
(c) horizontal communication, (d) crosswise communication.
a. Downward approach – is the type that flows from upper to lower positions.
b. Upward approach – message transmission is bottom-up in which subordinates
send communication to their superiors/bosses hearing their feedback on
organizational policies, issues related to their jobs, and the like.
c. Horizontal approach – is lateral approach as it takes place among people
belonging to the same level but coming from different departments or units to
facilitate performance of tasks through proper coordination.
d. Crosswise approach – is diagonal in nature as employees from different units or
departments working at various levels communicate with each other.
Informal structure comes from unofficial channels of message flow. Also known as
“grapevine”, messages coming from different levels of organization are transmitted.
1. Sender is the person who sends his ideas to another person. For example, if a
manager wants to inform his subordinates about the introduction of a new product,
he is the sender.
2. Message is the idea, feeling, suggestion, guidelines, orders or any content which is
intended to be communicated is message. For example, message is the introduction
of new product.
3. Encoding is the process of converting the idea, thinking or any other component of
message into symbols, words, actions, diagram etc. For example, message is
connected in words and actions.
4. Channel is the medium, passage or route through which encoded message is
passed by the sender to the receiver. There can be various forms of media-face to
face communication, letters, radio, television, e-mail etc. For example manager
inform about the introduction of a new product in a meeting through presentation.
5. Decoding means translating the encoded message into language understandable
by the receiver.
6. Receiver is the person to whom the message has been sent. For example,
subordinates are receivers.
7. Feedback is the response by the receiver. It marks the completion of the
communication process.
All seven elements must be present in any communication situation. Without any one
element, communication will not be effective.
A. Study the following items. Under which category of nonverbal communication does each of the
following items fall?
1. Grammar 6. Handshake
2. Gestures 7. Perfume
3. Distance 8. Pitch
4. Punctuality 9. Wedding ring
5. Speed 10. Shouting
C. Essay. Express your answer in the form of an essay with a minimum of 150 words. (20points)
“When does communication take place?”