Drafing Email Template

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You told me that …

You now wish to …

The legal issue here is whether or not …

Recent case law suggests that …

I look forward to hearing from you.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions

= Please do contact me should you have any questions on this.

Thank you for coming to see me this morning to discuss your problems with Burnet TV Supplies.

I am writing to summarise our discussion and to confirm your instructions.

The law is very clear on problems such as yours. If a reduction is offered dued to a defect in the product, this
defect must be pointed out at the time of purchase. As Mr. Burnett did not do this, you may claim either a full
refund (at the price you paid) or a replacement system. Please could you confirm which of the two options you
would prefer? I will then write to Mr. Burnett on your behalf. I am quite sure that he will see sense; he would have
little or no chance in a small claims court.

We write to advise that this matter has been referred to us. All further correspondence should be sent to the
above address.

Our client denied completely the version of events presents in your letter of 5th December 2008.

We can confirm that our clients requires a full refund for the price paid for the faulty laptop computer.

We look forward to receiving payment of $899 withtin 14 days, failing which we will take steps to issue
If you think you may be the victim of identify theft, you should place a fraud alert on your credit report as soon as
possible. You should then review your credit reports carefully.

According to Clause 3,

= Clause 3 says that

= Clause 3 states that

Regulation 17 deals with the entitlement of a commercial agent to an indemnity or compensation on termination
of the agency contract, stating that

Regulation 17 (2) goes on to state that

Regulation 17 (4) establishes a cap to the amount of the indemnity.

Regulation 17 (5) provides the possibility for the commercial agent to seek damages in addition to the indemnity.

Regulation 17 (6) deals with the circumstances in which this damage shall be deemed to arise.

Following our recent discussion, I understand that you would like to end the current agreement with your agents
in France, Spain and Portugal. This should be done as quickly and inexpensively as possible.

As I confirmed during our meeting,

Under current regulations,

They would be entitled to recover any resonable expenses incurred whilst performing their duties as agents.

I would suggest offering a compensation package based on the following terms:… These terms should be enough
to deter most agents from pursuing a more generous settlement.

If you think that there would be a reasonable chance of your agents accepting a lower sum, I would be very
pleased to discuss this with you further
Thank you for your letter of 29th February 2008. We cannot accept the allegations your client makes against Mr.
Tyler. With regard to the specific points you raise: 1 2 3

Should your client choose to pursue these allegations, Mr. Tyler will have no option but to file a counterclaim
against Ms. Loushe for recovery of damages arising from her sudden departure without notice.

Thank you for your phone call of 5 June 2008. As I outlined briefly during our conversation, I believe the
Panamanian foundation (hereafter the foundation) might be a suitable alternative asset protection mechanism. I
have now had the opportunity to research this more fully, and I am pleased to provide the following summart of
the foundation.

The foundation is largely based on Liechtensein’s Stiftung, as described in my letter of 2 June 2008.

I would be very pleased to provide you with further details should you be interested in setting up such an entity,
and look forward to receiving further instructions.

I have now had an opportunity to research the law on this point and I can provide you with the following advice.

To summarise the facts of the case…

The issue in this case is whether the…
The bylaws of the company state that …
The law in this jurisdiction requires …
The statutes give wide leeway …
It is possible that the court will take this into consideration and hold that …
The court might then hold that ….
Courts are usually reluctant to …
The facts in this case simply do not justify …
I therefore conclude that …
Weighing the above considerations carefully, I firmly believe that it would be a wise decision for your firm to form an LLP.

Please contact us if you have any questions about the matters here discussed, or any other issues.

Thank you for your email of 26th September, in which you request information concerning the two-tier corporate management
sysytem found in German-speaking countries.
I hope these remarks are of use to you.

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