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In this section, The American Statistician publishes articles and section, articles and notes should be useful to a substantial number
notes of interest to teachers of the first mathematical statistics of teachers of such a course or should have the potential for
course and of applied statistics courses. To be suitable for this fundamentally affecting the way in which the course is taught.
Two common methods of analyzing data from a two-group pretest- a special case of the analysis of covariance where the
posttest research design are (a) two-sample t test on the difference regression coefficient of the posttest on the pretest is
score between pretest and posttest and (b) repeated-measures/
assumed to equal unity. Neter and Wasserman (1974,
split-plot analysis of variance. The repeated-measures/split-plot
analysis subsumes the t test analysis, although the former requires
p. 717) and Cox (1958, pp. 55-56) point out that if the
more assumptions to be satisfied. A numerical example is given common slope is not near one the covariance analysis
to illustrate some of the equivalences of the two methods of analysis. probably will be better than the difference score
The investigator should choose the method of analysis based on the analysis. We note that when an experimental group is
research objective(s).
to be compared to a control group, it is often likely
KEY WORDS: Repeated-measures/split-plot analysis; t test; Pre- that inequality of slopes will prevail among groups, thus
test-posttest designs. violating an assumption of the analysis of covariance.
Bock (1975, Sec. 7.3) compares the interpretation of a
1. INTRODUCTION difference-score analysis and covariance analysis and
suggests guidelines regarding which analysis to use.
A common research design is the two-group pretest/ Still another method of analyzing this design is to
view the pretest and posttest as a repeated-measures/
posttest design with one dependent variable where
subjects are not matched and may or may not be split-plot design or as a profile of two measurements
randomly assigned to the two groups (Cook and Camp- for each subject. Repeated-measures/split-plot designs
bell 1979). When the two groups are not formed by are discussed in detail by Winer (1971) and Steel and
random assignment of subjects, a random sample from Torrie (1980), whereas both repeated measures and
each of the two groups is necessary. This design can profile analysis are discussed in Morrison (1976, Secs.
be extended to more than two groups; an example is 4.5, 4.6, and 5.6).
the comparison of several different treatments with This article illustrates some of the equivalences and
each other or with a control group in which each group differences between the difference score analysis and
approached from several viewpoints. If the dependent a two-group pretest/posttest design where subjects are
variable is measured on an interval or ratio scale, a not matched. Concluding remarks indicate how the re-
common analysis is to define a difference score for sults can be extended easily to more than two groups.
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1. Pre and Post Maximal Rate of Urea Synthesis /412 - 11 = 0
Level (mg urea N/hr/kg BW314) and Sample
/422- /21 = 0
Cell Means, by Group
Source of Variation df Sum of Squares Squares F Ratio
Between Subjects 20 (n - 1)
Groups 1 847.48 847.48 (MSG) 3.63 (MSG/MSE)
Subjects Within Groups 19 (n - 2) 4440.00 233.68 (MSE)
Within Groups 21 (n)
Pre/Post 1 317.69 317.69 (MSP) 8.86 (MSP/MSPE)
Groups x Pre/Post 1 407.41 407.4 (MSGP) 11.36 (MSGP/MSPE)
(Pre/Post) x Subjects 19 (n - 2) 681.21 35.85 (MSPE)
Within Groups
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a. = 3. a 8i. = aBJ3.j = 0,
where z40 "
af.j= a ,8ij, and so on. (3.2)
In the design under discussion, the repeated-measures
factor and the group factor are each at two levels. - v e ~~~Selective Shunt
30 -
The general analysis of variance also is indicated in E ~~~o--o Nonselective Shuntb
Table 2, where n is the total number of subjects.
Note that it is not necessary for each group to contain
the same number of subjects. Assuming the group
factor and the pre/post factor to be fixed effects, Winer Pre (Before Su rgery) Post (After Su rgery)
(1971) shows that the appropriate F tests are as indi-
cated in the F ratio column of Table 2.
Mean Pre and Post />aximal Rate of Urea Syn-
It is worth noting exactly what null hypotheses are thesis Level (MRUS) by Type of Surgery
tested in Table 2. The ratio MSG/MSE tests the null
hypothesis that there is no group main effect. This is defined for each subject, the population variance of
equivalent to testing whether the sum of the pretest and the difference scores is the same for both groups. This
posttest observations on each subject has the same allows pooling over groups to calculate SSPE:.
population mean in the two groups. The ratio MSP/MSpE
tests the null hypothesis that there is no prelpost main
effect and is equivalent to testing whether the popula- 4. DIFFERENCE-SCORE ANALYSIS
tion mean of the pretest observations is the same as
the population mean of the posttest observations. The Using model (3.1) and forming a difference score
ratio MSGP/MSPE tests the null hypothesis that there is dik for each subject k nested in group i yields
no interaction between the group main effect and the
dik = Xilk- Xi2k
pre/post main effect. This ratio also tests whether the
difference between pretest and posttest observations = (,31 - P2) + (Befor Sureir) + Poslk(i) (t Srk(r)
has the same population mean in both groups. This is
+ (Em(ilk) EM(i2k)) * (4 .1 )
the test many researchers are interested in when using
this research design, since they often wish to assess The term (MR,US - a,8i2) iS a parameter associated with
whether a treatment has had any effect upon an experi- group i and measures the "effect" of group i on the
mental group. Note that this F test has (1, n - 2) df, difference score dik. The null hypothesis to be tested
which will correspond to the t test with (n - 2) df, as is How pooli - ove12 = g p21 - cal22 or Ho: l1 - a12
discussed in the next section. = Ui821 - md822 = a. The difference scores in (4.1) can
Two assumptions are required to arrive at the F tests be viewed as a one-way classification model in which
indicated in Table 2 (Winer 1971). the error term is the sum of the following two terms:
1. The pretest and posttest population variance- (WIlk(i) - P2k(i)) and (Em(ilk) - Em(2k))
covariance matrices for each group are assumed
If we assume this error term and also homogeneous
variances for the two groups, an appropriate test sta-
2. The random effects Hk(i), PIjk(i), and Em(Ujk) from
tistic is the Student t test for two independent samples
the model in (3.1) are all independently and
with (n - 2) df.
normally distributed with mean zero and variances
the erortrmi the sum of the followin two poteteifrms:
( cH2, (TO I2. and OE2, respectively.
Assumption (1), equality of the variance-covariance Ifo weassmchi sberro term an tw-amlso homogeneousedt
matrices, implies two other results worth noting. First, vracesmfore the togroups m ans appropriate thest sta-
The following three results are useful computationally
the variation of subjects within the two groups is titcaisltheStden t tes for0 two indtepsuaendent samples
and can be verified easily with the example from
homogeneous. That is, if each subject's pretest and F etfrGop nTbe2with (n1,12) df.
posttest observations are added together, this sum has
the same population variance in both groups. This
allows pooling over groups to calculate SSE. Second,
the variation of the interaction of subject and the pre!
post factor is homogeneous for the two groups. That is,
if the difference score between pretest and posttest is
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2. If the difference between the pretest and the post- of the main effect time (pre vs. post) if the Groups x
test is formed for each subject and a two-sample pre/post interaction had been nonsignificant. That is,
t test is used to compare the group means of these the nonsignificant interaction would have indicated that
differences, then the calculated t = 3.371 and is the two groups did not differ significantly on their
the square root of the F test for Groups x (pre/post) MRUS difference scores. The pre/post main effect test
in Table 2 with (1,19) df. would then indicate whether the MRUS difference
3. If all 21 subjects are considered to be in one group, score in both groups was significantly different from
then the t statistic to test the null hypothesis that zero, that is, whether the treatment did or did not
the mean difference score is zero has 20 df and effect both groups.
equals 3.158. From Table 2, if we reanalyze the
within-subjects component by assuming that the
Group x (pre/post) interaction is zero and SSGP is 6. GENERALIZATION OF FINDINGS
pooled with SSPE, then the F test for the main
effect pre/post yields F = 9.97 with (1,20) df, If there are more than two groups, similar results
which equals the square of the preceding t statistic. can be obtained. The difference-score analysis would
no longer be performed by a t test but by an F test in
These results demonstrate that the various F tests in
a one-way analysis of variance. A further extension
the repeated-measures analysis of variance can be
can be made where the different groups being compared
obtained by using simple t tests on linear combinations
may be defined by several factors in a factorial design.
of the pre and post scores. It can be shown algebraically
However, there is no logical extension of this dis-
that interpretations (1), (2), and (3) of the F tests hold
cussion to more than two levels of the repeated-
in the particular research design discussed in this
measures factor since a simple difference score analysis
article, that is, a two-group pretest/posttest design. In
would no longer be appropriate.
fact, the numerical operations in (1) and (2) of summing
and differencing the pretest/posttest observations are
[Received July 1977. Revised June 1980.]
used by the latest version of the BMD P2V program in
calculating sums of squares in repeated-measures de-
signs (Dixon and Brown 1979). REFERENCES
Since the difference-score analysis is embedded in
the repeated-measures analysis, the repeated-measures Bock, R. Darrell (1975), Multiv'ariate Statistical Methods in?
Behavioral Research, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
analysis provides more information about the data at
Cook, Thomas D., and Campbell, Donald T. (1979), Quasi-
hand. Fewer assumptions, however, are required in the
Experimentation: Design and Analysis Issiues Jor Field Settings,
difference-score analysis. The difference-score analysis Chicago: Rand McNally.
assumes only homogeneous variances for the differ- Cox, D.R. (1958), Planning of Experiments, New York: John
ence scores and a normally distributed error term with Wiley & Sons.
Dixon, Wilfred J., and Brown, Morton B. (eds.) (1979), Biomedical
mean zero. It is easy to show that if the assumptions
Computer Programs P-Series, Berkeley: University of California
of the repeated-measures analysis are satisfied, then the Press.
assumptions of the difference-score analysis are also Morrison, Donald F. (1976), Multivariate Statistical Methods (2nd
met. However, the converse is not true. ed.), New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
In our experience, the researcher rarely is interested Neter, John, and Wasserman, William (1974), Applied Linear
Statistical Models, Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin.
in only the interaction test, that is, the difference-score
Rikkers, Layton F., Rudman, Daniel, Galambos, John T., Fulen-
analysis. Furthermore, simple effects are commonly of wider, J. Timothy, Milliken, William J., Kutner, Michael H.,
interest even in the no interaction effect experiments. Smith, Robert B., Salam, Atef A., Sones, Peter J., and Warren,
Therefore, we advocate the use of the repeated- W. Dean (1978), "A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Distal
measures/split-plot analysis in most instances. How- Spenorenal Shunt," Annals of Surgery, 188, 271-282.
Steel, Robert G.D., and Torrie, James H. (1980), Principles anld
ever, we urge the user to empirically validate the
Procediures of Statistics (2nd ed.), New York: McGraw-Hill
underlying assumptions. Book Co.
In the example discussed in Section 2, the researchers Winer, B.J. (1971), Statistical Principles in Experimental Design
would have been interested in assessing the significance (2nd ed.), New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
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