Act 31

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#include <iostream>


using namespace std;

struct Employee {

int empid;

string empfname;

string emplname;

double salary;

string dname;


void displayemp (Employee);

int main(){

Employee emp; //structure variable

//assigning values to the structure variable

cout << "Enter employee ID:";

cin >>emp.empid;

cout << " Enter employee first name:";

cin >>emp.empfname;

cout << " Enter employee last name:";

cin >>emp.emplname;

cout << " Enter employee salary:";

cin >>emp.salary;

cout << " Enter the department name:";

cin >>emp.dname;

displayemp(emp);//function calling with parameters

//displaying values

return 0;

void displayemp (Employee emp){

cout << " " << endl <<

" " << endl <<

"Employee ID :" << emp.empid << endl <<

" " << endl <<

"Employee full name is:" <<emp.empfname <<" "<<emp.emplname

<< endl <<

" " << endl <<

"Employee salary:" <<emp.salary << endl <<

" " << endl <<

"Employee department name:" <<emp.dname << endl;

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