Crystal of Juiblex 5 - Stick em Poke em Kick em Croak em

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Stick em’, poke em’, kick em’,

croak em’

The Crystal of Juiblex – Part 5

Introduction: This adventure is the 5th in a 6th part series taking

characters from level 1-4. After having found the thorny hermit,
Kaboodle, the players are begrudgingly tasked with collecting some
small idols from a ruins that has become inhabited by an Ettin. As
it turns out, the Ettin and his minions believe the idols to be of
significant value and have fortified the ruins in service to a long-
dead god.

An adventure for 4th level characters

by Nick Henning

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The Ettin of the names Yurk and Yak made glorious Elemental that was lazing about in the area. It
combat with a wyvern and through brute strength collapsed the vein on three of the diggers in order to
and luck was able to come out of the combat as the go back to taking its nap.
victor. In the combat Yurk’s eye had been ripped out Two of the four laborers who weren’t trapped run
and the poison coursing through Yurk and Yak sent back to town to get help while the other two start to
them on a week-long journey of hallucinations. At dig. They only got a passing glimpse of what
the end, the being Three-Eyed Croaker was born. happened and claim that “The earth itself rose up and
folded in on them!”
The Ettin now known as Three-Eyed Croaker turned When the players get there, the following skills will
to the ways of shamanhood and over the course of come in handy:
many years was able to amass a cluster of followers -Survival (DC 10) will verify that it was not a natural
that also believe in the Spirit of Gristle and Tusks (a collapse
twin boar-headed spirit, or so Three-Eyed Croaker -Nature (DC 15) will identify the tell-tale tracks of an
says). earth elemental (the trail left in the hillside is a dead
Three-Eye Croaker came to the ruins that was once -Athletics (DC 10) should be done several times to
the Citadel of Ankulak. Ankulak was a wealthy dwarf assist with the digging. If this roll is failed 3 times
wizard with a taste for the morbid that was cast out before passed 3 times, too much time passes and the
of his society for finally straying too far and miners suffocate unless something else is done
practicing the arts of necromancy. When the players have made an air tunnel to the
miners, there will be weak cries of excitement. The
Ankulak built an impressive citadel where he cranky Earth Elemental (MM, 124) will then burst out
planned to continue his studies. Ankulak’s of the hillside, having had enough of this perturbance.
excavation unearthed a wraith, Kelas, who took -Votes:Miners, 15 votes, favors Pog
great pleasure in driving Ankulak to madness as he
made his citadel more and more complex.
Eventually, Ankulak murdered his entire house staff Domestic Disturbance
and construction crew. Kelas then drained Ankulak
of his life and turned him into a specter. Madame Jehre will discreetly approach the players
and ask them for a favor. She knows they have been
Three-Eyed Croaker has discovered the specter but making things happen in town and she needs
is convinced that it is a manifestation of its protector something to happen as well. As it turns out, one of
spirit. He has decided to let the spirit wait until the Madame Jehre’s working girls was murdered the
day Three-Eyed Croaker is ready for the final previous evening. Madame Jehre suspects the
challenge of his spirit. boyfriend and want the players to find him and bring
him back to her. She makes it clear that she has
sinister intentions with him if asked and has no
Kamplinn qualms letting the players know that she is not a
woman to be crossed. In fact, she will play that up as a
It is certainly possible that the players will pass back way for the players to get in political favor in the
through Kamplinn as the journey to the citadel is town as Madame Jehre knows how to “Turn all the
several days North of Kaboodle’s hut. While it is right heads.”
slightly inefficient to travel back to Kamplinn first, Madame Jehre is a politician at heart so it should be
players may choose to do so for a variety of reasons. If made clear that she would like this exchange to be
they do not, then simply recycle any of these about getting in bed with each other, so to speak. If
sidequests for the future. they ask about monetary payment she will sigh and
offer 25 gold if they can return the boyfriend
Cave-in! The players should start by investigating the murder
scene, which will certainly seem like a crime of
A group of local laborers found a small ore mine that passion as the girl, Anastasia, was choked to death. A
they have been collecting from recently. simple medicine check will determine that was the
Unfortunately for them, they have disturbed an Earth cause of death but the deep smile cut on her neck is
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clearly the work of being choked with a necklace, the combat. If reduced to 40 or fewer HP, Hunaha will
which is nowhere to be found (Madame Jehre doesn’t try to escape, but with the guards in the streets and
remember any necklace). Anastasia was Madame the players they should be able to prevent her. If she
Jehre’s newest worker, having only been in Kamplinn gets out of eyesight she will shift into a different
for a few weeks. She was quiet and sad. The reality is human and a successful perception check (DC 10) will
that Anastasia made a deal with a fey-fiend a long be needed to notice that person is not a local.
time ago and has been traveling from town to town in -Votes: Jubilance folk, 5 votes, favor Yorick
hopes of never being found. This fey-fiend finally -Votes: Madame Jehre, 20 votes, favors Galen, hates
found Anastasia, killed her, and claimed the necklace. Pog
The players can find the boyfriend, Wikum, out
lumbering in the daytime, or playing knucklebones
with a pair of other laborers at night. Wikum is
currently angry at Anastastia because she missed the Adventure Hooks
tryst of the previous evening (when she was
murdered) and he thinks that she stood him up. He Campaign Arc
won’t believe they players about her murder, looking You shouldn’t need to hook this encounter since the
at his buddies and asking which one put the players players need to do this to get information out of
up to it. An intimidation (DC 10), persuasion (DC 12), Kaboodle. Kaboodle wants them to collect four
or deception (DC 14) check will be sufficient to get elemental idols. Each of them is about the size of a
him to start talking. When he realizes the truth he will flower vase and resembles a tiki head with various
be crushed. If the players mention the necklace he elements depending on the source of its power. He
will say that it was one he gave her as a gift and she will also be able to tell the players about the secret
only wore it when they were together. The necklace is entrance to avoid the sentries.
silver chain with a small silver crescent moon
(“because that’s when we would always meet and she
looked so beautiful”). The Mystery of Kelas
The murderer is a fey-fiend named Hunaha who is If this is a standalone adventure and you need a
currently staying at the Jubilance in the form of a separate hook it could be related to the mystery of
traveling half-elf bard. If the players are crafty and Kelas – a murderous general who ravaged this land
use spells such as Locate Object then allow them to be with a large band of bandits many years ago. A
creative in finding Hunaha, but if not, have one of scholar traced him to the mountainside where these
them happen to spot the necklace on Hunaha when ruins are – perhaps there is a clue? They should still
they are eating at Jubilance. If confronted directly, know the secret entrance.
Hunaha will have a story about where the necklace
came from and that she has traveled the world and
trades for jewelry all the time (Insight, DC 15). If it Idols of Elemental Binding
was said that it was from a dead girl she will say that Each of the idols found in this encounter is a minor
she traded for it from a laborer (Insight, DC 13). If the magical item crafted long ago that Ankulak collected
PCs are more deceptive and try to talk circles around before his obsession with necromancy. They were
Hunaha (Deception DC 12), get to know her indeed bound to old elemental spirits that no longer
(Persuasion, DC 12), or ask her to play her instrument draw any real power but the vestiges of their power
(Performance, DC 5) they can more quickly identify remains in these idols. A player attuned to one of
her as a liar. When caught, Hunaha will change form these idols has resistance to elemental attacks of
and engage in combat. If in the Jubilance, you should that type and may reroll 1s and 2s when making
have a local or two join the fray (and possibly be attacks of that elemental type. Despite having
killed?) and after several rounds some guards and magical properties, they do not detect for magic
Yorick should show up to help as well. For Hunaha, I (hence why they have not been taken).
used a modified stat block for the night hag (MM,
178). I remove all ethereal and spell casting abilities.
Then, in her attack round, not only does she use her
claw, but 5 magic missiles fire out at different non-
adjacent targets every round. This can cause a fair
amount of collateral damage, so play up the chaos of

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The Ankulak Ruins
1 & 2. Stairs and Landing

Travel From the treeline you can see a wide stone staircase
The trek to the citadel ruins is a two day journey leading up to a stone platform that juts out from the
(about 45 miles) northwest of Kamplinn. The players hillside. It is clear that this was intended to be a grandiose
can stop by Trylla’s house if they wish. You are entrance, but time has weather the stone and it looks more
welcome to include random encounters, but I prefer lie a dying giant rather than the architectural feat that it is.
to move quickly through this part. The woods here Atop the platform you can make out 5 figures. Goblins by
are sparse with high visibility and a blanket of dead stature, by with red skin and equipment befitting a noble
leafs on the ground. There are a number of entourage – hobgoblins.
disrepair that litter the forest. Early in the second
day the players can see the hills rising in the
The stairs leading up to the stone platform are 30
distance and by mid-afternoon they catch glimpses
feet wide and about 20 feet lateral and have been
of a citadel nestled into the hillside.
covered in oil to prevent any invaders rushing up the
steps. There is a clear path without oil up the far
Front Approach right side of the stairs. A DC 20 perception is
The citadel is built into a somewhat steep hill. Only a required to notice this, but if someone takes a bonus
fraction of the citadel pokes out of the hillside – the action to intentionally look, the DC is reduced to 15.
rest is nestled inside the hill itself. There are a set of When entering the oil slick, a DC 12 dexterity check
wide stairs that lead up to a stone platform which is is required or you fall prone. Even if the dexterity
connected to a closed stone structure that juts out check is made, the area is considered difficult terrain
from the hillside. Fortunately for the players, the and a check must be made at the beginning of any
nature of this area has pushed right up to the edge of round starting on the oil slick.
the citadel and so it is relatively easy to hide in the The players can also climb the stone platform, but it
tree line out of the sight of the sentries (see 1&2). is sheer so the climb DC is 15. The platform is 20 feet
Secret Approach The sentries here will attempt to take on the players
The citadel was not complete and the first treasure on their own but if one of the captains is slain and
seeker was an excellent digger but a terrible the other is damaged, he will attempt to flee and
lockpick. He dug a path from the hot springs that can warn others inside. The sentries are two hobgoblin
be found on the southern side of the hill directly into captains and 3 hobgoblins (MM, 186).
the fortress. The tunnel is covered up by rubble, but
if the players enter the hot springs and spend time
looking around, it will not be difficult to find the 3. Great Hall
rubble and spend an hour clearing out the tunnel.
A grand hall opens before, grandiose in both size and
design. The magnificent room is corrupted by the sight of
Walls The structure and the interior are all made of
goblins who begin screeching at one another and kicking a
well-crafted and worked stone unless noted
otherwise. A dwarf or a craftsman would notice big lump on the ground. The lump sits up, an ogre. As he
the impeccable quality of the work. gets to his feet, a long, protracted fart scatters the goblins
Doors Unless otherwise noted, the doors are all that were once standing in formation with him.
unlocked, as they have been picked and looted
through a long time ago. The doors are made of The ogre (MM, 237) and 8 goblins (MM, 166) are
stone as well and are immensely sturdy, nigh not in a negotiating mood, but the last few standing
unbreakable. goblins might turn into quivering piles begging for
which means that many cloth objects are in a state. mercy. One of the goblins has a Dagger of Venom
Light It is dark inside unless otherwise noted. The (DMG, 161) that he uses with glee in combat.
torches in the walls have rotted away. The hall was clearly designed to be a ballroom of
sorts. Some rusted suits of ornamental armor and

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rotted tapestries adorn the edges of the room. The and attack them in fear. If they react with kindness
goblin have 12 gold and 37 silver. and try to befriend the creature, it will tell them (in
broken Common) a little bit about the “Boss man”
going crazy “a long, long, long time ago” and killing
4. Dining Room all of the staff. If they are especially friendly (or
scary) (persuade DC 15, intimidation DC 15) he will
A large, rotted wooden table fills the space in this room, also tell them about his masters “favorite numbers”
surrounded by chairs in various states of disarray. The which are 27, 32, and 4. If the players continue the
skeletal remains of a chandelier lay shattered on the table search, they will find the secret door with an
center. A hearth with a mantle cluttered with knick-knacks investigation check DC 15.
sits against the wall. Fragments of class and metal litter
the floor. 7. Servant’s Workshop

At one time this may have been a fantastic workshop, but

There is nothing of interest in here. If players choose
it is currently a trash-laden room that has been ransacked
to do an investigation roll, have them make Wisdom
too many times. Old, rusty tools litter the floor along with
Saves (DC 8), or they accidentally cut themselves on
the splinters of chairs and tables.
something in the search process and take 1d4
damage. The Idol of Elemental Binding – Fire is
sitting amongst the knick-knacks on the hearth and A DC 12 Investigation roll finds a small safe beneath
is easily found in an investigate. A DC 20 investigate a pile of junk where the worktable used to be. The
finds the secret door by pressing in on a slightly safe’s combination is “27, 32, 4” or a DC 25 Dexterity
discolored stone. check to unlock. Inside are 4 rubies worth 100 gold
each, a diamond worth 250 gold, and a pair of vials
of red liquid (healing potions).
5. Kitchen
8. Servant’s Hall
The smell of long rotted food assaults your nostrils as the
door opens. Inside the dark room is a large stone cooking An old, dark, narrow hallway with the remains of a
island. A pair of stoves sit against the wall with large tapestry that is in such sorry state it no longer contains an
chimneys that run up the wall. Counters run along the image.
whole room. Rusted kitchen utensils adorn the
countertops and look to be scattered about with little What once was the servant’s portion of the citadel
regard. has been taken over by Three Eyed Crusher’s orcish
contingent. A fight in any section of these hallways
A gargoyle (MM, 140) who is loyal to Three-Eye will lead into a drawn out combat with more and
Croaker is sitting perched in the space between the more orcs joining the fray until they have all been
chimneys of the two stoves. Unless the players are exterminated. The players might manage to sneak in,
extremely cautious (Perception check, DC 18) he will but if they are overtly strategizing or paying no
get the drop on them and attempt to take out the attention to moving sneakily, they will almost
least armored individual first. certainly be heard by the orcs. The door leading into
the servant’s section is very thick – so the orcs will
6. Pantry not have heard the combat in area 3.
The secret door can be found with a DC 15
Shelves line the wall of this pantry, full of opened boxes investigate, hidden behind the tapestry. Since it is
and sacks that appear to be either empty or full of now just a shortcut, it could be fun to have a player
useless goods.
knocked into the secret door area if they are fighting
near it.
If the players make any noise in the hall, the orcs
There is a homunculus (MM,188) hiding amongst from rooms 9 and 10 come to investigate first. If the
the shelves. He has managed to hide in here for a players talk in Common then the orcs in 9 and 10
very long time. He used to serve the Master know the players are threats and come rushing out.
Craftsman. If the players find him, he will slash out One round after the fight starts, the orcs in 11 will

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join. Two rounds after the fight starts the orcs in If the players enter this encounter by coming from 7
rooms 13 will join, and three rounds later the orcs in instead of from 3, then the encounter is as listed in 8,
room 15 will enter the combat. (Note: the fight will but the timing of the rounds are flipped (for
feel more dynamic if the new orcs enter at new instance, someone that takes 1 round to enter the
initiatives, but that may be tedious to track.) fray instead takes 3 rounds and so on). A DC 15
investigate finds the secret door under the area of
9. Servant’s Quarters 1 the tapestry and a DC 20 investigate finds the secret
door to room 14 (give advantage if they have reason
These small quarters have a twin bed, chest, and cabinet. to be searching for that specific door, such as
[If the players were sneaky: There is an orc lying on the noticing the irregularly sized rooms).
bed reading a magazine]. There is a travel pack on the
floor that sticks out from the rest of the old furniture. 13. House Steward’s Quarters

The smell of incense pervades your nostrils as you enter

The magazine is in orcish and has images of various
this room. The perfumed smoke is coming from a small
kinds of axes. It is called Worx. The orc (MM, 246)
collection of brassware that sits atop an end table. These
that resided in these quarters is a grunt, but he did
manage to stash 11 electrum in his pack. quarters are moderate but comfortable. A well-sized bed
with a moldy mattress and a writer’s desk rest against the
10. Servant’s Quarters 2 corners of the room.

These small quarters contain a twin bed, a chest, and a The Orc Eye of Gruumsh (MM, 247) felt that he
cabinet with a number of hatchet marks in the boards. [If was destined to follow Tanya and encouraged her to
the players were sneaky: An orc is practicing through his join up with Three-Eyed Croaker as he interprets
axe against the cabinet]. Three-Eyed Croaker to be an unknowing servant of
Gruumsh. He carries a Spell Scroll of Cure Wounds
(level 1) that he forgets to use in the heat of battle.
The orc (MM, 246) in this room is practicing his
The Idol of Elemental Binding – Cold is in the
throwing axe. If the players enter the halls in 8 or 12
middle of his brassware collection. The brassware
and stop to listen, a rudimentary perception check
can be collected and sold for 5 gold.
will reveal the sound of repeated thunking every 10
seconds or so. 14. Hidey Hole
11. Servant’s Quarters 3
The stone opens into a small crawlspace. The air here is
stale, as if undisturbed for some time. In the room ahead is
These small quarters contain a twin bed, a chest, and a
a skeleton laying against the wall. [Assuming they
cabinet that has been smashed to pieces. [If the players
continue] you move forward in the crawlspace and are
were sneaky: An orc is napping on the bed].
able to stand up, but you feel claustrophobic. This tiny
room is clearly a hidden space, but whoever hid in here
The orc (MM, 246) in this room has a bloody pack ages ago never managed to get out.
inside his travel pack. Inside the pack are a number
of letters, some of which are addressed to laborers in
the town of Kamplinn. Some of the letters have been This crawlspace was something that was added as
opened and have been left crumpled up on the floor. Ankulak’s paranoia increased. Unfortunately for the
If the players return these letters to those laborers craftsman that knew about it and hid in here in the
(without opening them), then the gain 3 votes for slaughter – Ankulak had the exit barricaded and the
the election. The letters are messages from far-off craftsman suffered a long, agonizing death instead of
family members. a short one. The walls have messages on them in
dwarvish. The messages discuss Ankulak going out
12. Master Servant’s Hall of his mind and killing the staff. It ends with a
message to his daughter in faraway lands. There is a
sack of coins stashed in here that is clearly a very old
An old, dark, narrow hallway with the tattered remains of
minting, but still of equal value. There is 15 platinum
the top of a tapestry dangling 8 feet high on one wall.
in the pouch.

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15. Craftsman’s Quarters tasked with making sure that the Grick in 19 does
not come out to attack them. The half-ogre is a half-
This room is in complete disarray, as destroyed furniture hearted follower, only along with this crew for the
litters the room. The center of the room has a bedroll laid
opportunity of food and loot. He is pretty hard to
out with a pack beside it. [If the players were sneaky: A
intimidate, but he can be bribed to look the other
way for 10 gold. For 25 gold, he will give the players
plate-armored figure is kneeling on the ground,
a rough lay out of the complex and the enemies. For
meditating. As you enter the room her head snaps up. She
50 gold he will join with them in destroying the orcs,
deliberately stands and reaches for the axe by her side.
lizardmen, and goblins, but he is too scared to go
“You have met with Tanya, the Splitter of Heads, make
after Three-Eyed Croaker.
your peace with your god before you are unable to do so.”]
A DC 20 investigation check finds the secret opening
to 18.
The cranky Orog (MM, 247) here is the leader of
this orc contingent. Her name is Tanya, the Splitter 18. Crapierre
of Heads, and she makes sure to inform everyone as
such. She left her prior horde due to a This chilly room has a rectangular bench that rests against
“disagreement” with the leader that ended in his the wall on the far side of the room with a circular opening
death and her banishment. Her plate armor is about a foot wide. You can hear the sound of wind coming
blemished and not well cared for, but it can be easily up from the hole.
restored at a blacksmith’s for a price of 75 gold (if
not, it functions only as half-plate).
Ankulak despised filth and he used a magic to bore a
16. Changing Room 200 foot deep hole in order to create a very deep
toilet. A DC 20 investigation check finds the opening
from hall 17 that is just wide enough for a pair of
A series of pegs runs along the wall, hung with old, brittle
arms to reach through at about neck level.
leather aprons. Sets of boots, sandals, and other footware
litter the floor. This small connecting room is covered in 19. Unfinished Storage/Back Entrance
soot, splinters, and ash and was clearly used as a changing If entering from the back entrance:
room at one time.
Your tunnel exit is blocked by a number of wooden shapes.
One of the pairs of shoes is a Boots of Springing and Necrosis tickles your nostrils. You are able to shove them
Striding. The shoes have been overlooked by robbers out slightly and manage to squeeze yourself into a dark
as they appear quite common. A Detect Magic ability, room, where you are surrounded by boxes and barrels.
an Investigate DC 20, or an Arcana DC 15 (or 20, if The only way onward is to scramble over the boxes or to
you need to prompt passing arcanists for the roll) topple the boxes.
would be able to spot the cracked leather on the sole As you make your way over the boxes, you hear a thud.
and heels of the boots are actual arcane etchings. You glance over and a horrific creature is rearing up to
strike at you. The long body of some kind of snake-worm
17. Back Corridors
must be at least 7 feet long. Its mouth opens much in the
way a flower does to reveal a sharp bird beak.
A large humanoid with tannish skin sits uncomfortably on
a wooden chair at the vertex of this hall network. When
standing, you would guess he must be upwards of 9 feet If entering from the hallway:
tall and looks like he weighs well over 300 pounds. A
greataxe rests against the wall beside his chair and he is You open up the door to a dark room cluttered with boxes
muttering to himself as he picks at his fingernails with a and barrels. Many of the boxes appear to be opened and
dagger. (If the players loudly fought the Grick, he is instead torn through and the body of a half-eaten goblin lays on
at the ready and warily hails them, ready to run to 3 for the floor in the mess.
The players should make perception checks to see if
The half-ogre (Nature DC 12) is sitting in the center they act in the surprise round, but they have
part of the ‘H’ figure these halls make-up. He was advantage if they roughly know what they are

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looking for. The Grick (MM, 173) in here is hungry 22. Library
and will fight to the death. This fight should be very
constricted and while players can try to push past At one point in time, this may have been a grand library,
boxes and barrels it will require strength checks and but it currently is the sad husk of one. Tattered pages and
be quite noisy. books lay strewn about the room and shelves, which run
from the floor up to the ceiling about 20 feet above. As you
look up the shelves, they seem to build to a certain point at
20. Main Quarters Foyer
the top of the room, giving the impression of becoming
An ancient tapestry adorns one wall, aggressively slashed
to pieces. There are several doors leading out of the
hallway and both doors opposite of the tapestry are of an A History check of DC 15 could find a text on the
increased masonry, with ancient dwarven designs carved history of the Dwarven society Ankulak is from
into them. Painted on one of the doors is red dwarvish which would be worth 30 gold to a collector or
dialect. wealthy scholar. A History check of DC 20 might
reveal something of interest to the players on a
personal letter.
The dialect says “beware”, something written ages
ago by Ankulak as he descended into madness. The 23. Private Dining
tapestry is long destroyed.
The stench of lizards behind you, you can hear the sound
21. Lounge of pawing against the door. Something large is clearly
waiting behind and trying to get through.
The salty smell of fish wafts through the air as you push
the stone door open. Lizardmen sit in a circle around a pile
of burning furniture and books. They hop to their feet as Behind the door is an owlbear (MM, 249) who is
the door slides open, grabbing their spears and turtle shell
Three Eyed Croaker’s loyal pet. The creature has
very little loyalty to anyone else and in order to be
shields. A wizened shaman arises with a staff, clacking
left alone, Three Eyed Croaker left the beast in here
with trinkets and ornaments. She points a curved finger at
to keep his minions from annoying him. The creature
you and mutters one word in draconic.
is hungry and agitated and will attack anyone that it
can get into contact with.
The 3 lizard warriors (MM, 205) and the Lizard The room itself is pretty sparse. It was once a dining
Shaman (MM, 204) are one of Three Eyed Croakers’ room, but the chairs are in pieces and the table is
first followers and believe whole heartedly in his pushed up against the wall and tilted over.
cause. They will fight to the death. The lizard
shaman has a spell scroll of Fireball on her that she 24. Guest Quarters
will attempt to use in the first round of combat but
fail to do so. She will toss it aside in disgust. During A pile of beds, boxes, and barrels are all against the wall on
the encounter, the owlbear will hear the combat the left side of this room. Torn and destroyed art hangs
through the door and begin pawing at the stone door inside damage frames that adorn the walls.
to get through. If there is one lizardfolk remaining,
they may try to open the door to let the owlbear in
(which will happily attack anything, including the A decent perception check can spot a door on the
lizardfolk). other side of this pile of junk. If the players remove
the pile of junk they will certainly alert Three Eyed
Croaker in (27). A History check of DC 20 (advantage
if they are a dwarf) will reveal the family of Ankulak
and give some pieces of the introductory history of
this place.

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25. Main Crapierre 27. Master Bedroom

A small room is before you. Directly in front is a wooden Kneeling on the carpeted floor in a meditative pose is a
chest that covers the length of the room with a circular hulking, tan-skinned, two-headed creature. One nasty scar
hole cut into the top. To the left is a shattered mirror that covers the left side of its left head. Three eyes open and the
sits atop a basin of grimy water. creature rises to its feet, a staggering 10 feet humanoid
with old yet powerful muscles flexing against its skin. It
A cave fisher (Volo’s, 130) sits above the door and picks up a bloody cudgel adorned in etchings and it
attacks anything that comes in here. An investigate clatters as bones tied around the cudgel bump into each
DC 15 finds a secret compartment on the right side other.
of the toilet bench that has a pouch with 10 platinum
pieces (of ancient dwarven minting), a dagger, an The Master Bedroom has a large but moth-riddled
stone arcane focus carved in the shape of a gnarled canopy bed. Three-Eyed Croaker is a powerful
hand, and a map of the area that depicts a number of shaman and an ettin, so he should be quite a threat.
other citadels (but not Kamplinn!) He will use dispel magic if necessary, but his favorite
tactic is to charge in, attack, and use Thunderwave
26. Alchemy Lab (maybe even at higher levels). He has on his person
The Idol of Elemental Binding – Thunder. Three-
This room stands out from the remainder of the complex Eyed Croaker will engage with the players verbally
due to the relatively well maintained nature of the before combat in order to gauge their strength. He is
implements that cover the room. not suicidal, but he is proud and will fight to the
Pipets, glassware filled with liquids of various colors, death if a battle begins. He would much rather cow,
metallic tools, and all sorts of other alchemical tools adorn embarrass, and humiliate his opponents rather than
the many tables that run along the walls and down the kill them if he is to win this encounter. He will tell
center of this room. There are some shattered pieces of them what little he knows of this citadel and explain
glass that litter the floor of the room. As you glance about that a series of visions drove him to this place to find
you also notice what you think is a skeleton behind one of the idols of elemental binding and he is now waiting
the tables. for more directions. If the players are particularly
engaging or manage to talk circles around him he
would let slip that there are powerful undead in the
The alchemy lab was Ankulak’s prized treasure and room beyond that haunt this area and that his
as such he cast a magical trap that covers all the “otherworlder lieutenant” is trying to ascertain their
furniture and alchemical equipment of the room that nature in the dungeon.
gives a shock to any searching hands. The shock The door to the Dungeon is unlocked, while the door
deals 1d4 damage each round where someone is to the sanctum has a large padlock on it. There is a
touching the lab equipment or the table. key hidden in a drawer next to the bed (investigate
The skeleton is a poor soul that was killed by this DC 10).
attack a long time ago whose bones are simply
shoved to the side of the room.
A player can make an Arcana check to identify
finished potions that are not under the effects of the
enchantment trap (DC 15, 18, 20 for 1,2, 3 potions).
Alternatively, the Detect Magic spell can identify
those three as they are not covered in the some kind
of magic that the protective enchantment is. There is
a potion of climbing (DMG 187), a potion of
greater healing (DMG 187), and a potion of hill
giant strength (DMG 187).

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The Specter (MM, 279) of Ankulak watches vigil
over Kelas’ shrine. It fights until it dissipates at
which point it hisses the word “release…” The Idol
of Elemental Binding – Psychic is one of the
offerings that sits on the altars in addition to 75 gold
worth of jewelry and silverware. Anyone taking
something from the altars is harassed by nightmares
of Ankulak murdering his staff for the next two
weeks (every night they should make a Charisma
save DC 10 or gain a level of exhaustion).

29. Kelas’ Observatory

This room is about half the size of the previous one and is
not well adorned. There is a large glass that covers a hole
in the ceiling.

Before Ankulak was consumed by Kelas, he had him

construct this observatory as Kelas wanted to be
able to see the night sky. The glass is the first portion
of a magnifying glass and looking through it does
reveal a fuzzy image of the night sky.

30. Kelas’ Tomb

The architecture in this room does not match anything in

the rest of the complex – it is finely crafted but not by
dwarven hands (DC 15 history – ancient elvish
There is a two-step dais upon which rests a stone tomb
effigy. The construction is precise to the point that it must
be magical. The tomb depicts an elf dressed in an imposing
suit of plate mail. His right hand is on his breast while the
left arm hangs to the side.
28. Kelas’ Shrine
If the players disturb the tomb, the Wraith (MM,
You fumble the thick padlock and it drops to the ground 302) of Kelas rises out and demands to know who
with a sickening, flat thud. Compelled by some strange disturbs its slumber. It will taunt the players and will
force, you lean forward and push the door open. It slowly toy with their desires by offering them secrets or
slides open as a flood of cold air comes flowing out to greet power and then laughing in their faces. Kelas will not
you. Your feet step forward and your body follows. This leave his tomb in this state, but will fight to destroy
room is carved out of the mountain, but the walls are more
anything in here. If the players defeat Kelas and sack
raw – not crafted by fine dwarven masonry but instead
his tomb there is a skeleton in a suit of masterwork
elven platemail.
some frantic, unskilled labor. A shiver travels down your
spine as you glance at the altars that rest to the right and
left side of the room. Candles sit burning on them, but they
emit no heat. Jewelry, fine silverware, and bones & skulls
adorn the offering tables. There is a door across the room
and a ghostly dwarven figure steps through the door. “You
should not be here. You…do not…BELONG!”

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31. Dungeon

As you descend the stairs the stillness and quiet assaults

your senses. At the bottom of the stairs a circular stone-
walled room rests before you. A tall lanky figure is
standing at a podium with his back to you. Various pieces
of torture equipment lay about the room and a long dead
skeleton can be glanced through an oubliette by your feet.
The figure closes the book it was reading and calmly
states, “So Three-Eyed Croaker is dispatched then?” and
reaches for a greatsword resting by the podium. As he
turns around your impression of a human figure is twisted
as his yellow-green cracked and folded skin and lack of
nose suggests a creature not native to this plane.

The Gith Warrior (MM, 160), Dak, is doing research

on the Wraith Kelas and is reading from the torture
notes of Ankulak that serve as a diary. It is clear to
Dak or anyone who spends time with the diary that
Ankulak descended into madness as the whispers of
Kelas haunted him. Ankulak felt that his staff was out
to betray him and he began to torture some to
discover the conspiracy. Eventually, Ankulak
snapped and went on a killing spree, destroying his
entire staff. The final note indicates that he was
going to awaken the being that lay in the tomb
Dak can be talked out of a fight, but he begins ready
to fight them as he had great faith in Three Eyed
Croaker. Dak has no respect for the humanoids of
this plane, calling them weak and short sighted. If
the players can get past his jabs, they can certainly
walk away from this encounter without combat and
could even trade for the The Idol of Elemental
Binding – Poison. In addition, there is an alchemy
jug (DMG, 150) in this room that rests next to the
various torture implements on a table.

What’s Next?
The players need to have gathered 4 of the idols to
return to Kaboodle, who will happily take the 5th if
the players offer it up. In exchange, Kaboodle will
direct them towards the original ruins where the
Crystal of Juiblex resided and give them directions
on how to remove the Crystal from the plane.

Awarding Experience
The players should still be level 4 heading into the
final encounter series. You can award them 200
bonus XP each for completing this leg.

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