Group 4
Group 4
Group 4
1.Introduction 5
1.4 Re
search Questions 6
1.5 Sc
ope Of the Study 7
1.7 O
rganization Of the Paper 7
Chapter Two 8
2.Review Of Related Literature 8
2 1. Advertisement 8
2 2. Definition Of Advertising 8
2.3 Cla
ssification Of Advertising 9
2.4 Ad
vertising For Business and Professional Buyers 10
2.4 2. Personal Advertising 10
2 5. Roles Of Advertising 10
2.7 Eco
nomic, Social and Ethical Implication of Advertising 12
2.8 Attit
udes 12
2.8 3.
Understanding Consumer Attitude Toward Advertising 14
Chapter Three 18
3.1 Rese
arch Method 18
3.2 Rese
arch Design 18
3.3 Targ
et Population 18
3.4 Sam
pling Technique and Sampling Size 18
3.5 Data
Type and Source 19
3.6 Tim
e Frame and Budget Schedule 21
3.7 Refe
rence 22
The assessment of advertising on profitability at the commercial bank of Ethiopia
new land branch revealed a significant impact on financial performance. through
targeted marketing campaigns, the branch experienced a notable increase in customer
acquisition and retention rates. This resulted in a boost in overall revenue and a
positive impact on the branch’s bottom line.
Furthermore, the analysis indicated this strategic advertising efforts noy only attracted
new customers but also encouraged existing clients to engage more frequently with the
banks promoting specific products and services effectively, the branch was
able to capitalize on cross-selling opportunities and enhance its overall profitability.
Overall, the findings suggest that investing in tailored advertising strategies can yield
substantial benefits for the commercial bank of Ethiopia’s new land
leveraging marketing initiatives to reach and engage with the target audience
effectively, the branch was able to drive growth, increase market share, and ultimately
improve its financial performance
organization with other companies that do not advertise their sales and profits
might be attracted with other companies that do advertise a large number of
prospects at a low cost per person and allow the message repeat and improve
public image and it allow the company dramatization which captures customer
attention. Therefore, advertisement should give a great attention for their
objective budget, message and media use for their advertising to establish
successful and effective advertising. In Ethiopia the expansion of advertising is
a recent phenomenon. As a result, most of the people are live in the
rural area. By this case advertising is limited by television, newspaper,
magazine and radio.
It will possibly enable the researcher educated about the future work.
The study will provide direction to those who want to be early out
future study on the problem area of the organization in the future
The learn about some suggestion that also indicate the present problem.
The paper will once be categorized into five chapters. The first chapter
include background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the
study, and significance of the study. The second chapter deals with review of
related literature. The third chapter consists of research design and
methodology. The fourth chapter presents data analysis and interpretation.
And the last chapter contains summary, conclusion and recommendation of
the study. Finally, questionnaires and interview checklist are attached to the
Advertising is an incapable part of our everyday lives no matter where we
advertising are with us educating us to buy new product and service implies
us to stop some activities such as drug use and encouraging us to support
some worthy cause or political candidates. Advertising is an integral part of
our economic system and has a direct relationship with the manufacture
distribution marketing and sales of goods and services. Advertising is as old
colonization and commerce; it has always been necessary to bring buyer and
seller together (Russel and Lone)
10 | P a
It is designed to stimulate demand for general class or entire industry
selective. Demand advertising focus on creating demand for a specific
company’s brand most advertising tend for product and service is can
concerned with stimulating selective demand and emphasis reasons for
purchasing a particular brand.
11 | P a
The regulation of advertising
In relation to advertising it would be assumed that the advertisement
represents on expression of the advertiser’s self-interest and that
presumably that self-interest could be realized any if it were in line with the
self-interest of potential customer. Hence the marvelous harmony of self-
interest of the classical liberal market. To point of view the best regular for
advertising would be the natural source of market computation featuring
many deliberated and calculating companies’ employee and customer
(Williams F. Aren’s).
2.6. Ethics of advertising
A century ago, business ethics use much different from today. The same is
true of advertising the was very little concern for ethics practice before the
beginning of the 20th century by the 1930’s’ most of advertising ethical codes
had taken shape (Belch and Belch 2007). According to belch in modern
advertising the two operating ethical systems are;
12 | P a g
2.7. Economic, social and ethical implication of advertising
One of the most for criticism of advertising is that it does not promote the
societies wellbeing. The following are some of the criticisms against
advertising from social and ethical point of view;
13 | P a g
It is a leaned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable and
unfavorable manner with respect to a given object. This an attitude is the
way one thinks, feel and acts toward some aspect of his or her environment
such as retail store, television program and predict.
Ego defensive function: - people use and form attitude to depend their egos
and self
–images against threat and short comings. Any given attitudes can
perform multiple functions though one may predominate marketers need
to be aware of the function that relevant to their target market (ib id)
One special type of attitude than the marketing message itself the
attitude toward the advertisement is defined as predisposition to respond
in favorable and unfavorable manner to particular advertisement stimuli
during a particular expense occasion.
16 | P a g
the brand or with the environment in which the product is purchased or
used. consumer decision is frequently the result of a single problem.
There is various type for consumer decision process. As the consumer
moves from a very low level of involvement with the purchase to a high
level of involvement decision increasingly use. Before describing each
type of decision process, the concept of use process changes as using
involvement increase.
Social class
1st if the purchase is for high involvement product consumers are likely to
develop a high degree of product knowledge so that they can be
confident that the item the
18 | P a g
Secondary data: -The researcher will collect secondary data to know more
about the background as well as the history of achievement in the past
year to supplement and back up the evidence. Internet, organizations
magazines, previous researches, purchasing and selling documents of the
organization will be utilized.
20 | P a g
3.6. Time frame and budget schedule
No Activity
Proposal Writing
Data collection
of proposal
21 | P a g
Table; Budget schedule
2 Printing 30 _ 2 60
3 Pen 2 _ 20 40
5 Paper 30 _ 1.50 45
22 | P a g
3.7. Reference
Belch, (2007) advertising and promotion, Santiago
university, 17th edition.
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