Hexagon Flowers Bag - M22209 SSS v1668174712496

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Free Crochet Pattern

Hexagon Flowers Bag

Pattern #-
M22209 SSS

Lion Brand® Stitch Soak Scrub

©2022 Lion Brand Yarn Company, all rights reserved.

Pattern Number: M22209 SSS


About 14 in. (35.5 cm) wide x 13 in. (33 cm) tall

#099 Coconut Milk 5 balls
• LION BRAND® crochet hook size H-8 (5 mm)
• LION BRAND® stitch markers
• LION BRAND® large-eyed blunt needle

One Hexagon = about 4 1/2 in. (11.5 cm) across.

1. Bag is made from 15 Hexagons and 6 Half Hexagons sewn together following a Diagram.
2. Each Hexagon is worked in joined rnds with RS always facing you. Do not turn at beg of rnds.
3. Each Half Hexagon is worked back and forth in rows.
4. An edging is worked onto top edge of Bag.
5. Handle is worked separately and sewn to top of Bag.

HEXAGONS (make 15)

Ch 4; join with sl st in first ch to form a ring.
Rnd 1 (RS): Ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in ring, ch 2, (2 dc in ring, ch 2) 5 times; join with sl st in top of beg ch-3
– you will have 6 sets of 2 dc and 6 ch-2 sps in this rnd.
Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in same st as joining sl st, 2 dc in next dc, * ch 2, sk next ch-2 sp, 2 dc in each
of next 2 dc; rep from * 4 more times, ch 2, sk last ch-2 sp; join with sl st in top of beg ch-3 – 6 sets of 4 dc
and 6 ch-2 sps.
Rnd 3: Ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in same st as joining sl st, dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, * ch 2, sk next ch-2
sp, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * 4 more times, ch 2, sk last ch-2 sp; join with sl
st in top of beg ch-3 – 6 sets of 6 dc and 6 ch-2 sps.
Rnd 4: Ch 3 (counts as dc), sk same st as joining sl st, dc in next 5 dc, * ch 3, sc in next ch-2 sp, ch 3, dc in
next 6 dc; rep from * 4 more times, ch 3, sc in last ch-2 sp, ch 3; join with sl st in top of beg ch-3 – 6 sets of
6 dc, 6 sc, and 12 ch-3 sps.
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Copyright ©1998-2022 Lion Brand Yarn Company, all rights reserved. No pattern or other material may be reproduced -- mechanically,
electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying - without written permission of Lion Brand Yarn Company.
Pattern Number: M22209 SSS
Rnd 5: Sk same st as joining sl st, sl st in next dc, ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in next 3 dc, * sk next dc, (ch 3, sc
in next ch-3 sp) twice, ch 3, sk next dc, dc in next 4 dc; rep from * 4 more times, sk next dc, (ch 3, sc in next
ch-3 sp) twice, ch 3, sk last dc; join with sl st in top of beg ch-3 – 6 sets of 4 dc, 12 sc, and 18 ch-3 sps.
Rnd 6: Sk same st as joining sl st, sl st in next dc, ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in next dc, * sk next dc, (ch 3, sc in
next ch-3 sp) 3 times, ch 3, sk next dc, dc in next 2 dc; rep from * 4 more times, sk next dc, (ch 3, sc in next
ch-3 sp) 3 times, ch 3, sk last dc; join with sl st top of beg ch-3 – 6 sets of 2 dc, 18 sc, and 24 ch-3 sps.
Fasten off.


Ch 4; join with sl st in first ch to form a ring.
Row 1 (RS): Ch 4 (counts as dc, ch 1), 2 dc in ring, (ch 2, 2 dc in ring) twice, ch 1, dc in ring – 3 sets of 2 dc,
2 ch-1 sps, 2 ch-2 sps, and a dc at beg and end of this row.
Row 2 (WS): Ch 4 (counts as dc, ch 1), turn, sk first ch-1 sp, (2 dc in each of next 2 dc, ch 2, sk next ch-2 sp)
twice, 2 dc in each of next 2 dc, ch 1, dc in 3rd ch of beg ch-4 – 3 sets of 4 dc, 2 ch-1 sps, 2 ch-2 sps, and a
dc at beg and end of row.
Row 3: Ch 4 (counts as dc, ch 1), turn, sk first ch-1 sp, (2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, ch 2,
sk next ch-2 sp) twice, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, ch 1, dc in 3rd ch of beg ch-4 – 3 sets
of 6 dc, 2 ch-1 sps, 2 ch-2 sps, and a dc at beg and end of row
Row 4: Ch 4 (counts as dc, ch 1), turn, sk first ch-1 sp, (dc in next 6 dc, ch 3, sc in next ch-2 sp, ch 3) twice,
dc in next 6 dc, ch 1, dc in 3rd ch of beg ch-4 – 3 sets of 6 dc, 2 ch-1 sps, 4 ch-3 sps, 2 sc, and a dc at beg and
end of row.
Row 5: Ch 6 (counts as dc, ch 3), turn, sc in first ch-1 sp, ch 3, * sk next dc, dc in next 4 dc, sk next dc, (ch 3,
sc in next ch-3 sp) twice, ch 3; rep from * once more; sk next dc, dc in next 4 dc, sk next dc, ch 3, sc in last
ch-1 sp, ch 3, dc in 3rd ch of beg ch-4 – 3 sets of 4 dc, 10 ch-3 sps, 6 sc, and a dc at beg and end of row.
Row 6: Ch 3 (counts as ch-3 sp), sk first ch-3 sp, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, * sk next dc, dc in next 2 dc, sk next
dc, (ch 3, sc in next ch-3 sp) 3 times, ch 3; rep from * once more, sk next dc, dc in next 2 dc, sk next dc, ch
3, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-6 – 3 sets of 2 dc, 12 ch-3 sps, and 8 sc.
Fasten off.

Leaving a long beg tail for sewing, ch 12.
Row 1: Hdc in 3rd ch from hook (2 skipped ch do not count as a st) and in each ch across – 10 hdc.
Row 2: Ch 2 (does not count as a st), hdc in next st across.
Rep Row 2 until piece measures about 26 in. (66 cm) from beg.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.

For thousands of free patterns, visit our website www.LionBrand.com

To order visit our website www.lionbrand.com or call: (800) 258-YARN (9276) any time!
Copyright ©1998-2022 Lion Brand Yarn Company, all rights reserved. No pattern or other material may be reproduced -- mechanically,
electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying - without written permission of Lion Brand Yarn Company.
Pattern Number: M22209 SSS

Sew Hexagons and Half Hexagons together following Diagram.

Top Edging
Rnd 1 (RS): From RS, join yarn with sl st in end of Row 5 of any Half Hexagon along top edge of Bag, ch 1,
2 sc in end of same row, 2 sc in end of each of next 4 rows, 2 sc in center ring, 2 sc in end of each of next
5 rows; working along edge of next Half Hexagon and beg in end of Row 5, 2 sc in end of each of next 5
rows, 2 sc in center ring, 2 sc in end of next 5 rows; rep from * around; do not join, work in continuous rnds
(spiral) – 132 sc.
Place marker in last st made to indicate end of rnd. Move marker up as each rnd is completed.
Rnds 2-5: Sc in each st around.
Rnd 6: Sl st in each st around; join with sl st in first sl st.
Fasten off.
Sew ends of Handle to top corners of Bag.
Weave in yarn ends.

beg = begin(ning)
ch = chain
ch-sp(s) = chain space(s) previously made
dc = double crochet
hdc = half double crochet
rep = repeat
rnd(s) = round(s)
RS = right side
sc = single crochet
sk = skip
sl st = slip stitch
st(s) = stitch(es)
WS = wrong side

Every effort has been made to produce accurate and complete instructions. We cannot be responsible for
variance of individual knitters or crocheters, human error, or typographical mistakes.

©2022 Lion Brand Yarn Company, all rights reserved.

For thousands of free patterns, visit our website www.LionBrand.com

To order visit our website www.lionbrand.com or call: (800) 258-YARN (9276) any time!
Copyright ©1998-2022 Lion Brand Yarn Company, all rights reserved. No pattern or other material may be reproduced -- mechanically,
electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying - without written permission of Lion Brand Yarn Company.
Pattern Number: M22209 SSS

For thousands of free patterns, visit our website www.LionBrand.com

To order visit our website www.lionbrand.com or call: (800) 258-YARN (9276) any time!
Copyright ©1998-2022 Lion Brand Yarn Company, all rights reserved. No pattern or other material may be reproduced -- mechanically,
electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying - without written permission of Lion Brand Yarn Company.

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