The Great Redeemer
The Great Redeemer
The Great Redeemer
= 100
1. How I love the great Re deem er, Who is do ing so
2. He has pur chased my re demp tion, Rolled my bur den of
3. Glo ry be to Him for ev er! End less prais es to
much for me; With what joy I tell the sto ry Of the
sin a way, And is walk ing on be side me, Grow ing
Christ the Lamb! He has filled my life with sun shine, He has
love that makes men free. Till my earth ly life is end ed,
dear er day by day. That is why I sing His prais es,
made me what I am. Oh, that ev ery one would know Him,
I will send songs a bove, Then be side the crys tal sea
That is why joy is mine, That is why for ev er more
Oh, that all would a dore! Oh, that all would trust the love
Prais ing Je sus and His love.
More and more my soul shall be
On the ev er last ing shore I shall sing of love di vine.
Of the might y Friend a bove And be His for ev er more.
He is ev
He is ev erything to me, to me, He is ev ery thing to me,
erything to me, And
And ev ery thing shall al ways be; I will nev er
ev ery thing shall al ways be; I will nev er cease to
cease to raise A song of glad ness in His praise;
raise A song of glad ness in His praise; Here, and
Here, and in the world a bove, My soul shall sing of
in the world a bove, My soul shall sing of sav ing
sav ing love; Life and light and joy is He,
love; Life and light and joy is He, The
The prec ious Friend Who died for me.
prec ious Friend Who died for me.
Public Domain