Part-: Computer

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1. Computer : Introduction Ans. (b) : A computer monitor is also known by the
VDU (Visual Display Unit). A computer monitor is
an output device that displays information in pictorial
1. Which of the following is the time taken by the or text form. A monitor usually comprises a visual
CPU to access a location in memory? display, some circuitry, a casing, and a power supply.
(a) Memory formatting time The display device in modern monitors is typically a
(b) Instruction cycle thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD)
(c) Memory access time with LED backlighting having replaced cold-cathode
(d) CPU frequency fluorescent lamp (CCFL) backlighting.
RRB NTPC (Stage-II) –13/06/2022 (Shift-I) 6. Which of the following is NOT a part of the
hardware of a computer?
Ans. (a) : The amount of time it takes to move a (a) Monitor (b) Keyboard
character from the CPU or to the CPU from RAM is (c) CPU (d) Microsoft Office
known as the memory access time. RRB NTPC 23.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
2. The speed of a CPU can measured in ………
(a) Megahertz (MHz) (b) Bits per second (Bps) Ans. (d) : Hardware- The computer device which can
(c) Lux (d) Horsepower be touch by the physically means like Monitor,
RRB NTPC 15.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Keyboard, CPU etc are the hardware devices.
Software– Software, instructions that tell a computer
Ans. (a) : The clock speed measures the number of what to do like M.S. PowerPoint , MS Excel etc.
cycles CPU executes per second, measured in 7. Which of the following are the two components
Megahertz(MHz)and GHz (Gigahertz). of the CPU of a computer ?
3. Which of the following is NOT a type of (a) ALU and Bus
personal computer? (b) Control unit and ALU
(a) Desktop Computer (c) Control unit and Bus
(b) Mainframe Computer (d) Registers and Main memory
(c) Palmtop Computer RRB NTPC 03.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(d) Laptop Ans. (b) : CPU (Central Processing Unit) is called the
RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist brain of the computer. It performs all types of data
Ans. (b) : Mainframe Computer like as a big processing like operation and storage of data,
centralized machine that contains the large memory, intermediate results and instructions. It controls the
huge storage space, multiple high grade processor. It operation of all parts of the computer. CPU has three
is used in large scale organisation, scientific research components - (Control Unit, ALU (Arithmetic Logic
consumer statistics etc. For example IBM, Hitachi. Unit) Memory Or Storage Unit).
etc. Desktop, Computers, Palmtops and Laptops are  An Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is a digital circuit
personal computers. used to perform arithmetic and logic operations.
4. From the following options, identify the name  The control unit is a component of a computer's
of the user interface element that is found on Central Processing Unit that directs the operation of
desktops as a small blinking symbol or an the processor.
arrow.  Memory is basically a device that has the capacity
(a) Shortcut (b) Task-bar to store information.
(c) Icons (d) Cursor 8. The CPU is called the:
RRB NTPC 03.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (a) Lung of the computer
(b) Brain of the computer
Ans. (d) : In computer user interfaces, a cursor is an (c) Heart of the computer
indicator used to show the current position for user (d) Backbone of the computer
interaction on a computer monitor or other display
device that will respond to input from a text input or RRB NTPC 02.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
pointing device. The mouse cursor is also called a Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
pointer, owing to its resemblance in usage to a pointing 9. Which of the following is a component of
5. A computer monitor is also known by the Central Processing Unit?
name: (a) Memory (b) Mouse
(a) LED (b) VDU (c) Monitor (d) Keyboard
(c) CPU (d) CCTV RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 03.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.

RRB Science Planner Computer 1 YCT

10. What are the three constituents of CPU in a
computer? Ans. (d) : A peripheral device is an internal or
(a) Monitor, ALU, Memory external device that connects directly to a computer or
(b) Control Unit, ALU, Memory other digital devices but does not contribute to the
(c) Monitor, Memory, control unit computers primary function, such as computing. It
(d) Control Unit, ALU, Keyboard helps end users to access and to use the functionalities
RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist of the computer. There are 256 output ports in the
peripheral I/O.
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question. 17. How many output ports are there in peripheral
11. Which part of the computer is called its brain? I/O?
(a) ROM (b) Hard Disc (a) 512 (b) 264
(c) CPU (d) Monitor (c) 24 (d) 256
RRB NTPC 09.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
RRB NTPC Stage 1st 27.04.2016 (shift-1) 18. Which of the following is not a part of a
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. Personal Computer?
12. What is the full name of CPU in computer (a) CPU (b) USB
science? (c) RAM (d) ROM
(a) Core Programming Utility RRB NTPC 16.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(b) Central Processing Unit Ans. (b) : USB is not a part of Personal Computer.
(c) Circuit Path Unit USB stands Universal Serial Bus. USB is a common
(d) Control Programming Unit interface that enables communication between devices
RRB NTPC Stage 1st 04.04.2016 (Shift-1) and a host controller such as personal computer or
Ans. (b) See the explanation of above question. smartphone. CPU, RAM and ROM are the various
13. CPU consist of- parts of Personal Computer.
(a) Input, output and processing 19. Who is considered the father of computers?
(b) Control unit, primary storage and secondary (a) Charles Bachman (b) John Atanasoff
storage (c) Charles Babbage (d) Alan Turing
(c) Control unit, arithmatical logical unit and RRB NTPC 08.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
primary storage
Ans. (c) : A computer is a device for storing,
(d) Control unit, processing and primary storage
processing and retrieving data. The first electronic
RRB J.E.2014 (14.12.2014 Set-2 Red paper) computer was invented in the 20th Century, but
Ans.(c) See the explanation of above question. Computer of a different type existed later. Charles
14. A microphone converts Babbage is considered as the father of Computer.
(a) Mechanical energy into sound energy 20. Which of the following is NOT a computer
(b) Sound energy into mechanical energy component?
(c) Electrical energy into sound energy (a) ALU (b) CPU
(d) Sound energy into electrical energy (c) Memory (d) Paper
RRB NTPC 21.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 07.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) : Mechanical energy to Sound energy - Ans. (d) : ALU, CPU and Memory are the
Sitar Electric energy to sound energy - components
21. Which ofof computer whereas
these is not Paper characteristic?
a computer is different.
Loudspeaker Sound energy to electric energy - (a) Intelligence quotient (b) Data storage
15. Global weather forecasting is done by using.
(c) Accuracy (d) Speed
(a) Mini Computers (b) Hybrid Computers
RRB NTPC 05.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) Micro Computers (d) Super Computers
RRB NTPC 07.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist Ans. (a) : Features of computer that are speed, Data
storage of information, Accuracy (error - free work).
Ans. (d) : Global weather forecasting is done by using Fast retrieval of stored information. Ability to make
Super Computer. The CDC 6600 is generally quick decisions, versatality is repetition, Agility.
recognized as the first supercomputer, built in 1964 Uniformity of work, secrecy etc where as intelligence
by Seymour Cray. India's Ist supercomputer was quotients is not a characteristic of computer.
PARAM 8000, was developed by Prof. Vijay Bhatkar. 22. Which one of the following is not a hardware
16. What are the peripheral devices? component of a computer?
(a) Those that connect computer to the internet (a) Keyboard (b) Memory
(b) Those that help in calculation (c) Printer (d) Mouse
(c) These devices help in storing and analysing RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(d) These are internal or external device that Ans. (b) : All the physical components of computer
which can be seen or touched are known as hardware.
connect directly to a computer but do not
For example- Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Printer,
contribute to the computer's primary functions Motherboard etc. While virtual memory is not
RRB NTPC 23.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist hardware.

RRB Science Planner Computer 2 YCT

23. Which one of the following statements is
correct about a computer? Ans.(c) A serial port is an interface that allows a PC
(a) A computer is composed of only software to transmit or receive data one bit at a time. It is one
(b) A computer can organize all information on of the oldest types of interfaces and at one time was
its own commonly used to connect printers and external
(c) A computer is composed of only hardware 29. modems to a PC.
Computer can not work without -
(d) An electronic device that stores, retrieves and (a) Scanner (b) Internet
processes data (c) Mouse (d) C.P.U.
RRB NTPC 18.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist RRB NTPC Stage 1st 27.04.2016 (shift-2)
Ans.(d) Computer can not work without CPU, it is
Ans. (d) : A computer is a electronic machine that can the brain of computer. CPU stands for Central
store and process information. Most computers rely on a Processing Unit whose work is to process the central
binary system that uses two variables, 0 and 1, to 30. Which of the following do the computing in
complete tasks such as storing data, calculating personal computer?
algorithms and displaying information. Modern (a) CPU (b) RAM
computers can perform generic sets of operations (c) BIOS (d) Motherboard
24. Modern computers follow a set of instructions RRB NTPC Stage 1st 29.03.2016 (shift-3)
to perform any task. These instructions can be
better known as. Ans. (a) CPU computing in personal computer.
31. Which part of computer is known as nervous
(a) Commands (b) Programs centre?
(c) Language (d) Guidelines (a) Software (b) Hardware
RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (c) Control unit (d) Programs
Ans. (b) : Software comprises the entire set of RRB NTPC Stage 1st 18.04.2016 (shift-2)
programs, procedures, and routines associated with Ans.(c) Control unit is known as nervous system of
the operation of a computer system. A set of computer.
instruction that directs a computers hardware to 32. Any person known as “computer literate”. If
perform a task is called a program or software he is capable only-
25. Which of the following chemical element, (a) To run important applications
Tetravalent Metalloids, is used to make an (b) To make anti-virus softwares
integrated circuit (IC) chip used in computers? (c) To write programs
(a) Gold (b) Silver (d) To hack the computers
(c) Silicon (d) Copper RRB NTPC Stage 1st 19.01.2017 (Shift-2)
RRB NTPC Stage1st 30.04.2016 (Shift-1) Ans.(a) If any person can run important application
Ans.(c) An integrated circuit, commonly referred to then he/she will be known as computer literate.
as an IC, is a microscopic array of electronic circuits 33. Colour of Padlock in URL of any secure
and components that has been diffused or implanted website is-
(a) Yellow (b) Green
onto the surface of a single crystal, or chip, of (c) Blue (d) Red
semiconducting material such as silicon. It is called
an integrated circuit because the components, RRB NTPC Stage 1st 18.04.2016 (Shift-2)
circuits, and base material are all made together, or Ans.(b) Colour of Padlock in URL of any secure
integrated, out of a single piece of silicon, as website is green.
opposed to a discrete circuit in which the 34. Meaning of MIPS in computer dictionary is-
components are made separately from different (a) Marginal input storage
materials and assembled later. ICs range in (b) Million instruction per second
complexity from simple logic modules and (c) Micro information processing state
amplifiers to complete microcomputers containing (d) Memory image processing state
26. Integrated circuit chips used in computer RRB NTPC Stage 1st 18.04.2016 (Shift-2)
generally made of- Ans.(b) Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS) is a
(a) Lead (b) Silicon method of measuring the raw speed of a computer’s
(c) Chromium (d) Gold processor, but not the whole system. 1 MIPS is
RRB J.E.(14.12.2014,Green 1,000,000 instructions per second.
Paper) 35. Processor which do arithmetical and logical
processes known as-
Ans.(b) See the explanation of above question. (a) CPU (b) ALU
27. Which of the following is used for making
micro chips? (c) Microprocessor (d) RAM
RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-2) stage 1st
(a) Graphite (b) Polyvinyl
(c) Silicon (d) Bakelite
RRB NTPC 19.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage-Ist Ans.(b) An Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is a
combinational digital electronic circuit that
Ans.(c) See the explanation of above question. performs arithmetic and bitwise operations on
28. A serial port can do- integer binary numbers. This is in contrast to a
(a) Transfer information from hard drive only floating-point unit (FPU), which operates on
(b) Transfer information to hard drive only 36. What is the second name of computer chip?
(c) Both a and b (a) Microchip (b) Mother board
(d) None of these (c) CPU (d) Microprocessor
RRB NTPC Stage 1st 27.04.2016 (shift-2) RRB NTPC 28.03.2016 (Shift-2) stage 1st
RRB Science Planner Computer 3 YCT
42. Which of the following not known as
Ans.(a) The second name of computer chip is peripheral of computer?
microchip. (a) Mouse (b) Keyboard
37. What is the full name of BIOS?
(a) Binary interchange operation system (c) Printer (d) Hard drive
(b) Basic input output system RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-2) stage 1st
(c) Binary input operation symbol
(d) Basic interface oriented service Ans. (d) See the explanation of above question.
43. Which of the following is not related to the
RRB NTPC 29.03.2016 (Shift-3) stage 1st given group?
(a) Hard disk (b) Basin Buddy
Ans.(b) BIOS (Basic input-output system) is the
program which a personal computer's (c) CPU (d) Motherboard
microprocessor uses to get the computer system RRB GROUP D (12.12.2018) shift- 3
started after computer is turned on. It also manages Ans.(b) Hard disk, CPU and mother board are
data flow between the computer's operating system related to hardware of computer. Whereas basin
and attached devices such as the hard disk, video buddy is not related to computer.
44. Full name of VLSI is-
adapter, keyboard, mouse and printer. (a) Very large scale integration
38. What is the work of BIOS?
(a) To starting system hardware parts (b) Village level system integration
(b) To update the system (c) Virtual light system information
(c) To ensuring system performance (d) Very fide large system integration
(d) To protect crashing of system RRB NTPC 17.01.2017(Shift-3) stage 1st
RRB NTPC 30.03.2016 (Shift-1) stage 1 Ans.(a) Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) is the
Ans.(a) See the explanation of above question. process of creating an integrated circuit (IC) by
39. When we switch on the computer and combining thousands of transistors into a single
operation system download from hard disc to chip. VLSI began in the 1970s when complex
main memory, then process is called- semiconductor and communication technologies
(a) Booting (b) Fetching were being developed. The microprocessor is a
45. Which of the following is not computer
(c) Processing (d) Multi-processing hardware?
RRB NTPC 02.04.2016 (Shift-2) stage 1st (a) Printer (b) Compiler
(c) Mouse (d) Keyboard
Ans.(a) When we start our computer then there is an RRB NTPC 17.01.2017(Shift-3) stage 1st
operation which is performed automatically by the
computer which is also called as Booting. In Ans.(b) Compiler is not a part of computer hardware.
46. Operating system of any computer work as a
the Booting, system will check all the hardware and software interface between system user and
software those are installed or attached with the which of the following?
system and this will also load all the files those are (a) Hardware (b) Peripheral
needed for running a system. (c) Memory (d) Screen
40. CPU related devices which can access by RRB J.E.(14.12.2014,GREEN PAPER)
computer known as- Ans.(a) Operating system of any computer work as a
(a) Control units software interface between system user and hardware.
(b) Computer components 47. Which of the following is not true about
(c) Hardware backup?
(a) Exact copy of computer files
(d) Peripherals (b) It is part of the business continuity plan
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014,Yellow (c) PC does not require regular backup
paper) (d) Backups are more beneficial on off sight and
Ans.(d) A Peripheral device is defined as a
on sight
computer device, such as a keyboard or printer, that
RRB NTPC 19.04.2016 (Shift-1) stage 1st
is not part of the essential computer (i.e., the
memory and microprocessor). These auxiliary Ans.(b) A backup is a copy of important data
devices are intended to be connected to the that is stored on an alternative location, so it can be
41. Which of the following is not a peripheral recovered if deleted or it becomes corrupted.
device? It is designed to protect all of your important files
and pictures even the ones you save to an external
(a) Printer (b) Monitor hard drive.
(c) Motherboard (d) Keyboard 48. Data transmission speed is generally measured
RRB NTPC 03.04.2016 (Shift-3) stage 1st in which unit?
(a) Bits per second (b) Nanosecond
Ans.(c) Examples of peripheral devices include (c) Megahertz (d) Kilohertz
the keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, scanner, USB RRB SSE 21.12.2014
drive, webcam and headphones. Peripheral devices Ans.(a) In telecommunications, data transfer speed
connect to the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a is usually measured in bits per second. For example,
computer and provide the input, output and storage a typical low-speed connection to the Internet may
capabilities. A keyboard, scanner and webcam be
provide input to the computer. Among the given 33.6 kilobytes per second (Kbps). On Ethernet local
options, motherboard is not a peripheral device. area networks, data transfer can be as fast as 10
RRB Science Planner Computer 4 YCT
49. In a microprocessor, when interference in CPU 55. In a computer language ‘MHz’ is associated
then - with-
(a) Microprocessor stops execution of (a) Memory size (b) Computation speed
specification (c) None of the above (d) Processing speed
(b) Make the branches of subroutine accepting RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Green Paper)
the blockage
Ans.(d) In a computer language, MHz is associated
(c) Does not continue execution of specification
with the processing speed of the computer. If a
after accepting the blockage
microprocessor runs at 100 hz then its clock cycle
(d) Continue execution of specification after
‘0.01 sec’ = 10 milliseconds. If it runs on 100 MHz
accepting the blockage
then, its clock cycle 0.00000001 second = 10
RRB SSE (21.12.2014, Set-09, Yellow Paper) nanosecond.
Ans.(d) In a microprocessor, when interference in
CPU occurs then continue execution of specification 2. Development of Computer
occurs after accepting the blockage.
50. Which of the following is not a register of 56. , the first 'made in India' Petascale
computer? supercomputer that was deployed at IIT
(a) Accumulator (b) Stack pointer Roorkee in March 2022, has a supercomputing
(c) Program counter (d) Buffer capacity of 1.66 Petaflops.
RRB SSE (21.12.2014, Set-09, Yellow Paper) (a) PARAM Brahma (b) PARAM Ganga
Ans.(d) The data register is the type of computer (c) RARAM Shakti (d) RARAM Yukti
register that is used basically in microcomputers in RRB Group-D– 02/09/2022 (Shift-II)
order to store the information temporarily that has
been carried to or from any peripheral device. Ans. (b) : "PARAM Ganga" the first 'made in India'
Besides these, some other computer registers are Petascale super computer that was developed at IIT
flag register, stack control register, instruction Roorkee (Uttarakhand) in march 2022, has a
register, and program counter. Buffer is not a supercomputing capacity of 1.66 Petaflops.
51. Which of the following is useful disk for cold 57. What is the capacity of the recently
booting a personal computer? commissioned supercomputer Param Pravega
(a) A setup disk (b) System disk under the National Supercomputing Mission?
(c) Diagnostic disk (d) Program disk (a) 4.3 Petaflops (b) 1.3 Petaflops
RRB SSE (21.12.2014) (c) 2.3 Petaflops (d) 3.3 Petaflops
RRB NTPC (Stage-II) 14/06/2022 (Shift-I)
Ans.(b) The Cold Booting is that in which system
automatically starts when we are running the Ans. (d) : Param Pravega is a supercomputer installed
In afor cold booting
computer we useprocessing
minimum system disk.
time is – by Indian Institute of Science (IISC) Bengaluru. It has
(a) 16 bit (b) 32 bit been installed under the government's National
(c) 8 bit (d) 64 bit Supercomputing Mission, launched in 2015. It has a
RRB J.E.(14.12.2014,YELLOW PAPER) Supercomputing capacity of 3.3 petaflops.
Ans.(d) In a computer minimum processing time is 58. PARAM Siddhi refers to:
64 bit. (a) A nuclear reactor
53. ALU, CPU, I/O named instrument words (b) An Artificial Intelligence supercomputer
related to- (c) Industrial piercing
(a) Computers (d) Agricultural implements
(b) Environmental engineering
RRB NTPC 24.07.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(c) Diesel engine
(d) Engineering maping Ans. (b) : PARAM Siddhi is a High Performance
RRB J.E.(14.12.2014,Green Computing– Artificial Intelligence (HPC–AI)
paper) supercomputer developed by Department of Science
and Technology (DST), Ministry of Electronics and
Ans.(a) ALU, CPU, I/O named instrument words Information Technology under National
54.related to computer.
Computer follow a simple principal (GIGO), Supercomputing Mission (NSM) at centre for
which mean is- development of advanced computing. As of
(a) Garbage in Garbage out November 18, 2020 two supercomputers from India,
(b) Garbage input great output PARAM Siddhi– AI (63rd) and Mihir (146th) have
(c) Great input Great output made it to the top 500 list of the world's most
(d) Great instruction Great output
RRB SSE (21.12.2014) 59. Mac is a type of personal computer made by:
(a) Apple (b) Dell
Ans.(a) : GIGO is short form of (Garbage In (c) Acer (d) HP
Garbage Out). It is a program's inability to interpret
any received bad data, resulting in incorrect results RRB NTPC 21.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
or a crash.
For example, if a program tries to a accesses an
important section of memory, the Kernel does not
allow it. As a result, the program will crash.
RRB Science Planner Computer 5 YCT
Ans. (a) : Mac is a family of personal computers
designed, manufactured, and sold by Apple Inc.
Apple first introduced the Macintosh Portable
computer in 1984.

RRB Science Planner Computer 6 YCT

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